Vegan Gains: No Apology, Channel Deleted.

31 August 2021 [link youtube]

Satire is not comedy. Banned in the USA, because you don't like what we have to say. @Vegan Gains @Jasmin Gains @That'll Learn Ya #VeganGains #Veganism #Vegans

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

yeah i've admitted to being associate
sociopath before and at least one of my videos and in the comment section i've admitted to it um on the vegan revolution podcast i've even said i'm a sociopath this is the voice of jasmine gaines and children outside this is nick from youtube english we have the moral high ground that is what i want you to know okay i want to be very clear with all of you it doesn't matter how many times i called richard the n-word on camera it doesn't matter that richard supported white supremacists on their channel even though those white supremacists not only wanted to kick all of the black people out of the united states but specifically said they would kick out richard it doesn't matter how many times richard had knives on camera guns on camera how many times he directly made threats of violence to people we have the moral high ground and you know why because it's art richard is an artist none of you appreciate his heart if richard films himself going to costco that is art and if you can appreciate it you shouldn't even be on the internet you don't understand the internet is not a place where two different people can have two different opinions and discuss it okay no no no no no no the internet is a place where richard is a great artist who stockpiles guns and ammunition and swords and you know those those knives that are like little flip knives and other stabbing implements in his apartment and makes threats about people and talks about his violent fantasies about wanting to kill people babies children whatever doesn't matter doesn't matter art art okay and if someone suggests to him that his time could be better spent reading a book instead of playing video games for three hours at a time that person is bad and evil and wrong and deserves all the insults and harassment and threats of violence and invitations to have you know some kind of boxing match i don't know i don't watch that stuff with richard whenever he's in the other room watching mma i just i just close the door and try to try to livestream try to think happy thoughts while i'm simulating myself shooting people in the head in iraq and afghanistan okay art art we have the moral high ground do you remember that time when one of the most successful youtube channels that there is grade a under a made a very mild and very funny criticism of richard that was also completely true and richard responded by uploading a video that was so vile so violent so vulgar and so inappropriate that it was almost immediately banned from youtube do you remember that well forget it because we have the moral high ground and it doesn't matter how wrong we are even if i'm wrong we're right now sign up to our patreon and give me your money because this youtube thing isn't working out anymore okay this isn't something people ask me about it's something people bluntly say to me all the time earlier today i was talking to a room of vegans 30 40 50 i didn't ask people older mature vegans and someone just said flatly i hate being in the same category so i've talked about that under other headaches we're like you know you guys heard me say we have this guy durianrider who's dragging the name of vegas into the march we have to see if that but i mean it's just you know it wasn't the main type of conversation but it came up sincerely the guy said at one point he said look couldn't we come up with a better definition of can't we come up with something so that people do not perceive me as being in the same category as vegan gains now i don't know other things i mean look we're partly talking about a real world phenomenon a political phenomenon a movement we are partly talking about an internet phenomenon right i i don't know if the comic book youtubers wake up that way they're like i just i just can't stand making content in the same category as those spider-man people can't the x-men people in this but i don't know if it runs that deep hello everybody i'm vegan gaines i'm sorry if my voice sounds unusual or if the movement of my lips is not really perfectly in sync with the words that i'm saying it's because i have a disease called canadian anyway i just wanted to update you all about what happened with youtube deleting my channel if there's one thing i know it's not my fault there's no way anyone could look at this list of community guidelines with concepts like harassment and think that i was the one violating them no no no no no no it's somebody else's fault that's what i have to explain to you and i don't really know if i should blame like the corporations or like the internet or like bad people in the audience but trust me trust me on this guys it's not my fault um i also want to say looking back at the five years of my life like that just went past there's nothing i regret no no it's not it's not like i had the opportunity of a lifetime handed to me for no particular reason and with not very much effort in my part and i just threw that away no no no no no no when i look back at the last i use my life i don't think hmm amount of time spent playing video games versus amount of time doing legitimate vegan activism versus amount of time doing like like filmmaking because like my career on youtube is being able no no no no no so in conclusion everything bad is somebody else's fault um on twitter i describe myself as having like an education channel did you see that did you see that when i complained when i made myself out to be the victim i said like i do like science education for vegan diets it's hilarious um yeah give me money bye did vegan gains win in a perfect world should he win should he have won would the world be a better place if vegan gains got to play the role of super victim and advocate for freedom of speech crying that youtube unfairly punished him when he is just an innocent science education channel and then at the same time he can turn around and claim that my channel which obviously has no claim to being of educational value whatsoever right that my channel is guilty of exactly the crime he was just accused of and i should be shut down and censored on that same basis this is the final email i sent to richard it's on my blog it was posted to my blog several days after i sent it to him when it seemed clear that he was not going to reply okay so we'll make a video proceeding with your statement that one you do not currently own real firearms because the police do not allow you to under the terms of your probation two correct me if i'm wrong but you have lied and you continue to lie in claiming that you do not own any real weapons you claim that all of your rep weapons are quote unquote fake and quote unquote toys because the knives assault batons swords etc are indeed real weapons you still want to own guns in the future as soon as you are allowed to do so legally is this correct do you want to clarify what your position on firearms ownership is do you believe that someone who has hallucinations of the kind you describe yourself including auditory hallucinations quote unquote hearing voices that are not there having a paranoid and aggressive reaction to strangers with the specific delusion that people are trying to kill you when they just say hello to you or shake hands with you etc do you think that sort of person should be allowed to own use and carry firearms if i describe that person to you as someone other than yourself would you agree with the statement quote the government is justified in doubting the responsibility to safely use firearms close quote do you think that the military will be willing to recruit or employ someone with this list of symptoms and to trust them to use guns responsibly in a high pressure situation would you not agree that someone who had your checklist of symptoms might be disqualified from owning or carrying firearms in at least some democratic countries richard when people write into me saying he should be on psychiatric medication i wrote back saying no he should just take a vow that he's not going to do any of these things again you say that you're a changed man what you're showing me is that you haven't changed you presented yourself as a victim of censorship you then become a hypocrite the moment it suits you quote unquote you're putting me and my wife in danger as if this were any more true of you than for example a bodybuilder claiming that his life is in danger if his apartment is searched for legal drugs because you've accused him of using illegal drugs richard you have just been morally grandstanding about the rights of free speech critique and satire and then the moment it's convenient for you you do everything in your power to quote unquote oppress someone else while continuing to play the victim card