Stupidity: Marxism, Maoism, Charles Manson.

04 August 2021 [link youtube]

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in the year 2021 more and more political
organizations are uploading zoom meetings to their youtube channel so what used to be hidden behind closed doors is now visible for the whole world to see anybody can just go to the youtube channel of a communist group and watch their meetings you can hear what the people have to say you don't have to actually join the organization like you had to in the 1960s or you don't actually have to get involved to know what it is that they're telling their members you don't have to do spying or surveillance they're just conducting surveillance on themselves and sharing it with the whole world so last week i was watching one of these live streams of a meeting of a communist organization in canada and as i was editing i was probably critiquing and analyzing the footage more than they actually did uh and in this process i i got a little bit emotional i was just thinking to myself this is stupid this is dangerous and it could lead to disaster it could lead to really disastrous results and i was having basically flashbacks of having read what i read in tombstone last year tombstone is a book about communism in china the great famine in china that happened from 1958 to 1962. you're not going to find youtube videos from communist china from that time you can read this book and familiarize yourself with what happened in communist china and as i was watching these videos as i was watching the meeting of the communist organizers and also the people being recruited through youtube i wanted to shout at them and say haven't you read this you know haven't you learned what happened in communist regimes around the world but even if i did tell them the facts the problem isn't about the facts the problem isn't about telling them what actually happened the problem is that even if i told them what happened they would respond in a stupid way what do i mean when i say that they'd respond in a stupid way what do i mean by having a stupid attitude when you're confronted with facts my uncle at 75 years old after years and years of eating meat dairy eggs had a heart attack and he nearly died i lived with him for that whole year and i tried to tell him you should go vegan the one diet that will prevent you from having another heart attack is the vegan diet he didn't want to hear it when we talked about eggs he said you can read any study any study will show you that eggs are healthy for you another study will show you that eggs are bad for you it's just there's no real answer and you just gotta live with it you just gotta do what you feel this is the problem people will be confronted with facts and they will completely disregard them and just go on living how they've lived and they don't connect it to any ideology in particular they just think this is how i live this is what my life is and in the same way the true believers in communism when you confront them with the facts of what happened in communist china they don't connect it to an ideology they say well it will be different this time this revolution it'll be different because we'll have better leadership they think that they can't blame the ideology they have to blame the leaders they have to blame something else anything other than their belief system we are all products of the society that we grew up in we're all products of the ideologies that we were raised with by our parents what our school teachers taught us and at a certain stage children go through a process of questioning what they see they question the beliefs that they're trying to be indoctrinated into and depending on who raises you you might either have this natural curiosity this natural questioning and skepticism uh nurtured you might be lucky enough to have been raised in a household where if you ask a question your parents would say i don't know let me look that up i'll look it up in the encyclopedia today it's easier than ever to search on google or if you were from a time where it wasn't so easy to do that if you lived in a household where your parents never read books if they never went to the library you might more likely grow up in a household where if you ask a question you don't really get an answer and you're basically told stop asking these questions stifling curiosity and stopping people from being skeptical is a bad way to raise children it's a bad way to create a society it's a way to create a society where a lot of people can end up in bad situations because they're too afraid to ask questions they're too afraid to say what's on their mind because they've been scolded for asking questions they've been scolded for pointing out these very obvious failures in the society that they're being raised in stupidity is made more dangerous when people are afraid to question it when i was reading this book i thought to myself these people they must have known that the commands that were handed down from the higher up positions were stupid they must have thought to themselves this isn't how you make iron this isn't how you grow corn but they were too afraid to question the stupid commands that were handed down to them the result was the deaths of millions of people this wasn't just some minor mix-up due to human stupidity this was a huge disaster caused by human stupidity if you watch old footage of some of the people who joined the cult of charles manson you'll find that if you observe their characteristics if you observe their behavior their speech patterns something was a little bit off of these people and it's not just that they were evil people that they were horrible people to their core or something i think a lot of what we mistake as human evil is the result of human stupidity it was 10 am california time september 5th 1975. then president gerald ford had just left his hotel and was walking across the street to the state capitol ready to address the legislature and i actually said to myself are you going to use this gun that's on your leg i said let's just go and see ford had his hands out and was waving and had just come from breakfast with the businessmen and he looked like cardboard to me but at the same time i had ejected the bullet in my apartment and i used the gun as it was the chamber was empty but secret service agents found four bullets in the clip fromm claimed she was given the gun for protection and when ford came to town she used it to take a stand on the environment i said it's he was only two blocks away i said i gotta go and talk to him and then i thought that's foolish he's not gonna stop and talk to you people have already shown you can lay blood in front of them and they're not you know they don't think anything of it so i said maybe i'll take the gun and i thought i have to do this this is the time i was unprepared didn't i didn't it occur to you of course no in prison no i didn't if i had planned to be in prison i would have gone to state prison in california do you have any regrets for that day no no i don't i feel it was fate lynette frum met charles manson on the street when she was just 18. that was 20 years ago oh i definitely went after him when i saw that he wasn't pushing and that he had spirit and that he understood me i went to this day fromm insists manson is innocent she says during the tate la bianca murder she was at the spawn ranch with other family members she doesn't recall where manson was but claims he didn't kill anyone you've got it stuck in your brain that i murdered somebody what do you want to call me a murderer for i've never killed anyone i don't need to kill anyone i think it i have it here maybe i should have killed 4 500 people then i would have felt better than when i felt like i really offered society something at manson's trial fraum kept a vigil outside the courthouse with other family members she was asked how all the publicity affected her a lot of pushing a lot of pushing for something that people want you know and we got it you know but um they can't grab at it you know they just have to be patient and care and and it's it's in everybody if you watch old footage of some of the people who joined the cult of charles manson you'll find that if you observe their characteristics if you observe their behavior their speech patterns something was a little bit off of these people and it's not just that they were evil people that they were horrible people to their core or something i think a lot of what we mistake as human evil is the result of human stupidity uh and some people they can't help it today i think a lot of the people that joined that cult would have been diagnosed with some kind of mental disability some kind of learning disability that made them more vulnerable to joining a cult like this it's not easy to be a moral person it's not easy to be an ethical person it takes a certain amount of intelligence to question the beliefs that we're raised with and to come to your own conclusions about how to live a moral virtuous life the stories that we tell our children the movies that we show to our children give them a sense that there are good people in this world and there are evil people in this world but it doesn't give them a sense of the fact that reason and human intelligence play a huge role in human morality the people who joined the cult of charles manson you might have grown up and gone to school with students just like that students that if you look back on it today you wonder where they ended up now and where are they going to end up in the future because we know from a young age there is an inequality in people's intelligence being raised in a judeo-christian culture what i was told when i was growing up is that if somebody is more stupid than you don't be mean to them and don't bully them for being stupider than you but what i think wasn't taught to me is that it's not necessarily about bullying it's trying to teach somebody and there's a certain amount where you have to teach somebody you have to make them realize that what they're saying is stupid for them to grow past it to to get past that certain level of intelligence move beyond it and learn and become a better person become a smarter person intelligence is not just fixed it's something that you can build on it's something that you can continue growing as you get older it's not polite to point out stupidity it's polite to conceal stupidity even more polite is to pretend that you don't notice somebody's stupidity it's polite but it's dangerous if you don't point out a stupid idea if you don't point out somebody's stupidity they could go on to do something really dangerous not only for them but for our entire society being raised in a judeo-christian culture sometimes politeness is seen as the utmost in virtue but would you rather be perceived as somebody who was polite and didn't point out somebody's stupidity and didn't respect that person enough to tell them that some of their ideas were really stupid and potentially harmful and dangerous or would you rather be seen as somebody who was impolite but actually prevented somebody from doing something dangerous or prevented them from continuing believing in stupid ideas that could harm themselves and harm others inside that communist organization zoom meanings everyone was being very polite and in this way it minimizes the danger of the ideology that they're discussing in cults in religions in political movements that resemble cults or religions people can be really polite to you they can be really encouraging and this is what draws people in but this politeness conceals the stupidity behind their ideology the danger behind their beliefs today from is not ready to leave prison she says confinement is not easy to describe to those who haven't been there i think it's unnecessary i don't know why you have you locked up when i could be of value but until policy changes for air and trees water land wildlife until like ccc camps bring the kids to the land uh i'll be here [Music]