[ASOIAF:] Season 5 (Book vs. Show)… will it get any worse?

16 July 2017 [link youtube]

Here's the playlist for all my Game of Thrones (& ASOIAF) videos, on this channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZEkgohG7k7oK5ShvyvAswb-3lSWjlQe6

A.S.O.I.A.F. = "A Song of Ice and Fire", i.e., the books of George R.R. Martin (G.R.R.M.), also known under the title "Game of Thrones", used by the T.V. adaptation to refer to the series as a whole.

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if you don't already know this channel
is not primarily or exclusively book game of thrones but I do have a playlist for the stack of Game of Thrones videos I have been into a Song of Ice and Fire for just over four years and this is my girlfriend who's been getting into a Song of Ice and Fire in the last four months she's read the Duncan egg novellas she started reading the main books and we just watched the first five seasons of the show we already did one video reflecting on seasons 1 to 4 yeah and now we're into season 5 I'm gonna kick this off with something at a left field I guess but you know toward the end of season 4 there's this bizarre scene that I think is is infamous among book readers where they sit down and talk about their mentally disabled cousin or when smashing the Beatles you remember that and to me that was really a sign of the decline and fall of the show just because thir matically I mean it has a point there's a philosophical point being made in that scene but that's the scene that doesn't happen in the books at all and it has nothing to do with the plot it doesn't contribute to the plot anyway and it also actually is not a theme that the books are interested in that was a theme you know that somatically and philosophically that was reflecting on the meaninglessness of life and why do we do anything this life some other book and some other movie and some other TV show could make that point but why here why now why was this put into season 4 and for me I mean symbolically that's kind of the point where the whole TV show goes off into the land of fanfiction and where I just feel the producers and directors and writers just stopped being really interested in the source material and we're in our conversations while we're watching the show it became just pointless for me to be keeping you updated with how things different from the books because it's just like well everything now is so different from the book what am I even gonna say say oh this is like fanfiction was the romance between Rob and the woman who treated wounds yeah the romance so what was it was it just the direction was Nassif that like what mm-hmm yeah and just how stupid it was of Rob to do that I guess you've told me in the book that he just never has this interaction with her yeah yeah completely ruins the relationship between the phrase and the Starks right and well yeah I mean in at a time when you know marriage is political it just seemed out of place yeah in the TV show also there seem to be kind of foreshadowing that led nowhere there it's suggested that there's something important about her family back in volantis it's suggested that there's something significant about her writing letters home to her parents then all that just disappears it's just snuffed out I mean that okay look overall with seasons 5 in season 6 which we're not in - that's a problem - I feel like I don't even want to what rewatch season says the officer I've said seen season 5 before we just saw it again together and this is a couple years later for me ok overall she just say season 5 was not as bad as I remembered it being I probably remembered it being so awful because I was being horrified at how how far it went on off-book you know how far how far it deviated from the books um but you know overcurrent problem is so now looking forward to season 6 or looking back at the plot of Robb Stark and his ill-fated lover and all this crap it gets a bit meaningless when you know that these storylines just get snuffed out when everybody dies you know whatever potential significance or meaning Robb Stark's loved life or the details of the relationship between the king and Margaery you know is be wedded wife you know like knowing that this all ends with just the you know characters being stubbed out like cigarettes adds to the sense of pointless hey mate oh great now I've just given a plausible reason for why they had that scene about smashing the Beatles I guess that is the philosophy of the of the showrunners as they're called as the as the director you know what what is the point of this show it's kind of like smashing beetles in the garden they know God what how do they stay motivated and the viewers are like Tyrion asking why God we just I really didn't think that we just unpacked the hidden meaning of the Smashing the Beatles scene yeah hmm all right so I mean you know this season in watching it again now it is true a lot of stuff happens like if you're gonna draw you know they do cram in a lot of passion a lot of important plot points and and what-have-you I overall I have to say it wasn't as bad as I felt it was the first time I watched it I've got to say I think one of the one of the fundamental things you have to accomplish in writing drama and directing drama and acting drama is simply giving the audience the feeling that these events matter that they're not pointless and throughout this season I struggled with a sense of pointlessness yeah there are these Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles down in Dorne you know they're the four femme fatale and one of them has a spear and one of them has numchucks and one of them has a whip and you know they all fight information and they have theme music and stuff you know and mysteriously none of them ever get injured in a fight right like you know unlike unlike the brutality of other scenes yeah this stuff but above all is my problem isn't that it's corny or difficult to believe you know it's all those things and more but the sense of pointlessness the sense that it doesn't matter and I you know of course you could say that's the point it's talked with the pettiness of revenge or pointlessness of their own political ambitions but again unlike the smash the beetles that the pear the parable of smashing the beetles this is not a drama where the characters feel that their own lives are meaningless germs is the book and I think he was just an outline if you write an outline the script okay Arya Stark does not feel that her life is Direction that's less or aimless or meaningless even Brienne of Tarth who has a kinda aimless plot does not feel like her life is aimless or meaningless these are not characters who struggle with that you know Brienne of Tarth is ultra you know driven by her oath in her sense of duty and her since the meaning of life and what it means to be a good warrior or good night or whatever you know did she's this totally Purpose Driven character and you can go on down the list you know some of the characters have a few mo of misgivings where they sit there and think what is my life really but anyway but unlike maybe the bulk of American fiction this is this is not about people having a sense of enemy or aimlessness or purposes innocent life these are these are almost all characters of a very strong sense of direction and purpose and I think we we as viewers have to have the feeling that their decisions matter and their their feelings matter and their sufferings matter and if for me even daenerys targaryen dokey did a great example Daenerys Targaryen receiving Tyrion for the first time they kind of just have nothing to talk about there's kind of just nope they're just kind of pointless scenes it just feels pointless and she kind of approaches him for drinking too much like oh I need your advice when you can stop resisting just this kind of little like yeah if you know if these were negotiations between the Soviet Union in the United States in 1976 you know what I mean you want to see there's got to be something more meaningful there's got to be some sense of weight and consequences to all this and there really isn't I mean it really seems like the Narus is just passing the time between assassination attempts on her life you know you made a you made a list coming into this and what was what was on your mind coming out of this okay okay okay okay so the the bad the bad writing awards begin with Tyrians personal transformation at the brothel right so okay why is this bad right number one they're the actual words spoken in the scene but number two his personal transformation comes from nowhere and goes nowhere you know there were no consequences to that there is like there is a sense in which there is no transformation and he's just sitting there being self feeding and self-centered and none of that is in the book the book treats the morality of his sex life in a totally different way in the book he basically discovers to his horror how much different is living in a slave society as opposed to dealing with prostitutes in in a free society but you know imagine if they had written it instead so that they're already already came from somewhere so the minute he gets out of the box he's spitting and cursing and saying I'll never lay hands on another prostitute again where he feels hatred and self-loathing and he's on edge about it and then you could have a scene where he's for whatever reason like Very's takes him to a brothel and he's just on edge and you know he feels tempted and conflicted but he's saying no you know I can't I can't compromise this way ever ever again that would have been compelling drama it would have had wait and at least it would have come from somewhere even if it didn't you know go anywhere I do one suggestion off the top of my head but it's see I mean there's always room for good writing when I've a couple months ago you showed me one episode from season six weird Circe's blows up the room so I know what's going to happen so maybe this is influencing how I feel about it but just the transformation of Cersei it's kind of okay kind of yeah I don't know phony yeah and kind of pointless because we know what's gonna happen like this is just going to be fuel for her revenge so that's interesting so for her as someone who hasn't read the books hasn't read the books that far you felt that this was kind of a hollow transformation of Cersei I mean I guess what they should have done instead was to portray her as cynically trying to manipulate the system was trying to manipulate their religion which they don't that's true so that that's interested for her as just a TV show watcher she so I mean Cersei does say she had this dream and the gods appeared to her so you're reading that is I mean see it would have just taken a couple of extra lines for her to commiserate with her maester and for the maester say look tell them what they want to hear they'll let you out you know we'll do this as a cynical ploy will manipulate you know religious people are easily employed if you tell them exactly with here so they could have played it that way but I guess you're right that for someone who's just watching the TV show instead the feeling is that this is another kind of hollow transformation that comes anymore goes nowhere now another thing this may be kind of technical I mean I know they got a save on the budget but it's weird to me what they do I do sympathise overall I sympathize that that when you're taking a book and adapting it for the TV screen you've got to think about how to save in the budget if I were doing that adaptation I would eliminate the horses as often so just doing okay a plague killed all the horses just add a line then we don't have to film anymore with every time you have horses on camera you know you're burning through your budget um but you know they've eliminated Circe's other lovers for instance I don't know why they did that and so the confession so it's like okay so she just slept with this one guy you know the fact that she had other lovers is really significant in the book it's significant for her relationship to the religion and it's significant for a relationship to Jamie because Jamie in the book has never slept with anyone aside from Cersei and that was mentioned the show back when Jaime was tortured by by the Starks basically when he was a captive he actually says that explicitly he says well you know he's maybe committing a sin in one sense but another sense he's a he's a good person because he's kept his vows he's been true to just this one woman his whole life that's a big deal that's a big deal in the books that Jaime is true to his vows and Cersei is not even though their vows are pretty twisted up so why would you save on the budget by getting rid of four other lovers like doesn't cost you anything just have them in there I've got to mention you know they don't need to they don't you don't need to have nude scenes for each and every lover she's with but you don't have it acknowledge that she has she has a lovers that's that's definitely a big deal yeah oh and it was efforts with the wildlings there for nothing now yeah I guess that the Knights Watchers going to kill all the wildlings but okay okay what's going to happen but you see that's it for me on the second watching I felt like they really kind of justified that because again watching else the second time I was watching it more rapidly the first time I watched it I forget if I saw it actually when it came out or not but I so it's spread out over more more time yes we watch this all in just a couple of days I mean I felt that watching it more rapidly in a second time like this the case for Alistair Stark is actually pretty strong because you know as Stannis Baratheon says a good deed does not wash out the bad the wildlings as portrayed on the show or guilty of genocide they're a genocide alluding and pillaging and raping band of bandits for a better word why so what washes that out what what's the basis for the peace of the truce of the the cooperation I felt like even though they're down to 50 men the guys in the Nights Watch are within their rights they know this is not acceptable you know yeah even if they were you know if the if the if the wildlings were being offered some kind of banishment or something but no they're kind of being offered the suite of Steel the Nights Watch has to offer right but the people at the Nights Watch haven't seen the army of the Dead so I don't think they're fully understanding how much the wildlings having them help the army help saves the Nights Watch oh okay but there's a beautiful moral parallelism there cuz I mean the point is the futility of saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend Jon Snow can't just work with Ramsay Bolton because the army the desert they should but they can't yeah you're right so why did the Nights Watch have to work with the wildlings just because the army the desperate you know the enemy of my enemy is not my friend I mean I think throughout political science and political history that's always one of the great riddles you have to stare at World War two amazingly made the United States and Joseph Stalin and two allies and this had knock-on consequences for you know about 1 billion people for the next 50 years at all these amazing long-term consequences why well they ended up being outright against Hitler on-again off-again alliance it's a more complex history than most people know so you know yeah I just think you so in the TV show that's not really clear in the books the whole issue of Davos I think his fingers cut off you know it's very clear Stannis's moral position is the fact that you've done something good does not excuse you for something else that you've done we've got questions with that with morally ambivalent characters like like Tyrion and so on to the fact that you can help me now right yeah right sure yeah he betrayed Daenerys sure and his punishment is apparently that his body is being gradually turned into stone I mean I which is not in the book either by the way guys yeah what's like it's impossible to discuss this season in terms of difference did you book and show so I mentioned my girlfriend it's because it's not in the book it's sorry it's in the book but not in the show at all there's also this very attractive blonde female character in the book who's just called Val Val the so called welding welding princess she's not a princess and she is a significant romantic interest for John they have a complex carefully written romance non romance they never kiss but you know there are a lot of significant silences in the air and each of them knows that they kind of could get married they're kind of an option for the other and they have some interesting dialogues why did you cut that like having a good-looking blonde on set is cheap having 50 horses on set is expensive you know what I mean it's why I understand that they need to budget but that to me was was a really bad call and in terms of him being killed for being a wildling lover well it's also significant it's not just past tense okay so you know he had some relationship in the woods there's this good-looking blonde in Castle black right now whom people say he's sleeping with you know where it's actually plausible they say and they you know they do kind of there's some kind of relationship between them right it also it also been easy to see it would been interesting to see what you did after he died if you had this blonde who was maybe in love there maybe just liked him you know weeping over the corpse of this blonde wildling weeping over the corpse of Jon Snow well that's that's worth filming you know that's television yeah yeah oh yeah the the plot with Littlefinger giving Sansa to Bolton yeah not really making sense it's right okay so I mean this thing Wiggin weary wash this and we wash them rapidly watched all these episodes in a small number of days I thought the show in the first two three seasons did a pretty good job of making it clear to you that up to a certain point Littlefinger's objective actually is to kill Ned Stark and get back together with Kalin it's subtle but it's there a little finger one way or another he still wants to sleep with Catelyn right up to you know he's doing the negotiations with Renly and you know there's a just say that's pretty clear then Catelyn dies and his objective instead becomes apparently to sleep with or marry Sansa and then at this point the plot just makes no sense and I mean spoilers I think was in the the episode you saw at the end of season six but he affirms there he is verbally says like his objective is to get with Sansa and we've had you know we've had a couple of different kisses between them and so on and you know it's like so it's explicitly declared that that's his objective and then he gives her up to marry Ramsay for what yeah you know it makes absolutely no sense there's there is no way to make it end so what there's this thing where you have characters on camera explaining that the plot Nick makes no sense but it we better yeah so we have two examples of this but it would be better to have a plot that I should make sense right so you have Littlefinger kind of openly reflecting with Sansa like hey this doesn't make sense but do it anyway like don't worry don't worry you'll have him wrapped around your little finger by the time Stannis shows up and kills you all like so so right so his actual plot as stated explicitly on the subtext when the text is if you seduce this guy things will go really well for you when Stannis shows up and kills him what the let that's a reason not to seduce him yeah seduce him so he dies happy like what sense does that plot make but we get this kind of dialogue reflect explaining to us how am i the plot makes no sense okay and Jaime Lannister right was traveling with his Bron Bron Bron is asking why are you why are you going why is this your mission yeah why why are you the ninja to go and break into Dorne right wrong breaks it all down for us why why don't you send an army why don't you send 50 guys why don't you send a guy like me instead of a guy like you well you have one hand and a famous face so all the reasons why that plot makes no sense or unpack for us by the writers thanks writers to do it but we're doing it anyway yeah like that right yeah yeah yeah daily right right so the one thing I give them at least the Dorn plot has some colour I was complaining all season so many of the scenes were black on black and they even have the the red woman who's supposed to be wearing red at all times it's so religion it's an article of faith that she wears red at all times she's wearing a long black dress so for people who aren't hyper in the show most I'm only the faces tell you where you are you'd cut from Castle black to Winterfell and they're both black on black on black black clothes black walls you know you can have wall hangings you have rugs you can have a you know you have a tapestry you have plants you do anything you want with color composition almost everywhere was black on black on black except Dorne so like the outdoor scenes you got with Jaime Lannister at least there was some color on screen because for most of this season it was kind of pathetic and you didn't even notice the costuming or anything else and that is a contrast if you remember back to when we had that ray of sunshine Joffrey Baratheon on camera Joffrey brought a lot of color both literally and figuratively you know joy he was a colorful character and he had colorful costumes and a lot of colorful action okay so for you as someone who's basically new to the cult and culture of Game of Thrones I know this is like a ridiculous question was there anything really meaningful about this season that puts it above and beyond watching a season of friends or Seinfeld or The Simpsons well you know I mean that honestly because it's it's true in a sense a TV show like this doesn't have to be better than the Simpsons or something you know I can just be junk for TV but the reason why there is this fandom is the sense that this is a work of literature that means more than yeah it's supposed to mean more than you know just made for broadcast junk you know I guess maybe what we talked about just just a few minutes ago talking about no no I hadn't I hadn't thought about it the way you did with the Castle black and how the men killed Jon Snow I hadn't thought about that way so I said it is kind of meaningful that politically nothing like immediately comes to mind but maybe if I think about it well I thought I thought there was an interesting kind of breaking moment for you when the black dragon returned is deus ex my ex Matt you know comes back where you were just go falling and laughing at the screen you couldn't take the show seriously anymore you know what I mean now you know its inner I don't know I mean what does the show need to be taken seriously at all times you know could they think they're kind of questions about that how seriously can you take a show that at this point has magical poisons and magical dragons and you know all the stuff with poisons and antidotes is so ridiculous but you know I mean I say for me the problem is the sense of point and pointlessness when you feel it's about something meaningful when you feel there's a point that justifies you tolerating that the dragons and the faceless men and all this stuff yeah so I'm not the biggest fan okay look let's talk a little bit Arya's story line instead of a little bit marine about Daenerys I am NOT the biggest fan of aria storyline in the books and we talked about this little bit so Aria goes to train to become a secret super ninja and I remember a comment from another youtuber who said wow you know a few years ago this whole thing with the faceless men was really mysterious and like it ceased to be mysterious fast you think it stopped being interesting a long time ago you know when when they took away though the intrigue and the sense of you know but like in terms of a training montage or something I don't think this this works really well having her scrub dead bodies and have genuinely meaningless dialogues about what does it mean to be nobody like this you know this is what they're taking up taking up screen time with I felt the only strength of that in the book of arias storyline was actually the kind of sketch you got of Bravo society of the middle class in Braavos and the different you really got a sense of Braavos as a city and the rich and the poor and again frankly a lot of emphasis on the middle class the traders and the insurance brokers and the shippers and the people who are part of the theater and what have you you got a sense of Braavos and actually if you being honest with yourself Arya's time in Braavos is the happiest and most colorful time' for a short life and i think there's a lot of indications the book that that's true and here everything is bleak everything is black everything is depressing and you know and it's completely philosophically bankrupt you know there's there's nothing interesting about this religion of this cold enemy okay look again I think the showrunners they maybe don't know what the author's critique of religion is or why he's doing this I think in the book the author really takes the time to show you that the men behind the masks are human all too human one of them he runs the local theater there are several theaters in the city that we find out out about they do have different kind of day jobs and ultimately we do see them sitting around kind of know better than the Mafia dealing with these contracts to take people's lives their religious motivated assassins but they're still assassins working for money you know so there there is a pretty heavy critique of religion there that when you take away the the gilded exterior when you just look past the surface these are ordinary guys doing ordinary jobs there's nothing glamorous or okay I was gonna say there's nothing Supernatural about it even though the religion has supernatural powers it's still this kind of human all too human critique of religion and this show I mean there's nothing like that there is it's just really pointless and and also look but let's mention so the actual idea of it being the many-faced God not in the faceless God for the many-faced God it is a critique of all religion were explicitly shown and told they have the statues from kind of every religion in the world there including amusingly some statues and religions on other planets that are in the authors of their writing because also science fiction author but anyway uh so you know this idea that all religion is just based on a fear of death and that the gods are store our fables that you tell children to help them rationalize the fear of death that also is a very heavy critique of religion and self explanatory in a sense but well yeah what you get like one line or something yeah one line from the man that was able to bring somebody back to life after what was going to see the man who trains her to fight with a sword sílvio Pharrell her sword instructor he gets just a couple lines about that but doesn't you were thinking actually the man who comes back from the dead and just says there is no afterlife there's just there's just darkness and so on yeah yeah so in a show that is so much about religion no I was thinking about the the man that said who actually does the bringing back to life Oh processes that he for so long did not believe in religion he thought it was a story to tell yes but yeah also also that right yeah there's nothing after that's just blackness I mean I think again I've made a whole separate video about this I have a playlist of Game of Thrones videos even if religion has magical superpowers it's still just a fable to make you that's the all this point is putting you in the world even if they can literally raise the dead it's still even if they can literally make magical shadow demons that kill your enemies it's still a it's still a swindle and it's still killing you you know it's still destroying you you know yeah and I mean I guess you know we don't we don't get any fill up philosophizing about it of course and we don't get any sense that Stannis's men lose faith in Him because he sacrificed his own daughter there was never any attention paid to the religious tension within Stannis's army which is again a major critique of religion you know right right yeah it's just they just literally have someone's stand there and tell Stannis like the men took the horses and left like that's it so you don't get a sense of it being religious or that you know like the majority of Stannis has fought followers don't actually dig human sacrifice so what have you you know we live in China this has been filmed in Hong Yoon and shine on the China Myanmar reporter and you know some of the earliest examples we have of Chinese writing when you look at the history of the writing system are these sacrificial tablets tablets concerning human sacrifice and and that kind of ritual and they're really sad they're really pathetic to read and you're they often say they're kind of written in very broken sentences you have to fill in the gaps through my so obviously I don't I'm not I'm not a scholar of ancient Chinese when you're reading you know academic articles explaining them and they say things like you know ancestors because they're sacrificing their ancestors are in effect gods in this in this religion and if the ancestors please send son you know we will kill one and it will it gives like the rank we're killing a Duke or something you know we're giving a human sacrifice of a high ranking male in order to get more sunlight apparently it would presumably meaning better crops these really pathetic you know reflections of people living in you know darkest ignorance and engaging in human sacrifice just with you know pathetic fears and hopes and obviously fear of starvation and what-have-you so anyway I mean I just said that is kind of a deep topic in itself yeah kind of a missed opportunity for the show to do anything with that right yeah we just see how devastated his way is because she commits suicide right at the very you know at the crucial moment where the daughter is being lit on fire you know she she has a change of heart yeah she doesn't want her daughter to be sacrificed but yeah well when she was a true believer right so but anyway but as I say I mean we don't really even get kind of one line of dialogue reflecting on that so again kind of a missed opportunity and you don't you don't in the next season either in case you think it's gonna be really a fter Stannis is dead because Santa is killed in this season already so no we don't get some kind of undead medic meditation on those issues anyway I mean we can wrap it up there I mean I had a few more things we were gonna talk also just about marine yeah the whole season it just seemed like more action not meaning you know yeah they packed in a lot of action a lot of fight scenes a lot of battles yeah yeah I mean in the books each chapters written from a different point of view and if you're reading Daenerys chapters on marine you get the sense that this is a teenage girl because she is still a teenager in the books who doesn't know what's going on who doesn't understand politics who doesn't understand war or armies and is making terrible decisions which she herself doesn't perceive as bad and you know she's haunted by all kinds of different oblah she's haunted by her own sexuality she's haunted by the memory of a big prophecy she was given this great line remember your remember who you really are whatever that means that she's kind of you know skulking around and she feels like she's playing a role she's dressing up in this other cultures clothing and then we have a contrast between her point of view and Barristan Selmy point of view so Barristan Selmy on the show is not a major character and they kill him off in the book he's a much more important character and even though Barristan Selmy is self-doubting like in his chapters or it's from his point of view he sort of grumbles about how he's an old man he's getting too old for this she's a great trope in American cinema right like every cop movie I'm getting too old yeah yeah you know his knees are starting to hurt and you know but as soon as we see it from Barristan Selmy point of view everything's crystal clear then no kamae no who's on what side embarrassed in some he does do some detective work in effect but he figures out what the political situation is and he makes the right calls then we have this contrast between the world as she saw it and the world is Harrison Sami sees it and we live in a world where teenage bimbos you know become coming to power whether it's Joffrey I mean Joffrey is male we but he's a teenage bimbo he's kind of in her head he doesn't you know he's just an idiot and a psychopath or it's Daenerys or what-have-you it's actually not Barristan Selmy it's only to the extent to which Barristan Selmy can charm and influence Daenerys that he can have any any influence in the world now okay look there's a lot more to it than that this is one kind of shallow comment I'd say I mean I think everyone picks up on this if you read it during the time it was published it's very obvious that george RR martin is reflecting on issues from America's war in Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of one's hood and to some extent indirectly America's experience in in Vietnam to some extent also even the British experience in Ireland with the Irish troubles is in there so there's a lot of that to to chew on in Mereen and I think the TV show gives you absolutely none of that I think I don't think you get any set I mean there's no there's no critique of george w bush that you can pull out of the show and there really could be I mean there you know there really could be it wouldn't be hard I'm you know she's imposing her idea of freedom on this foreign culture that doesn't really want it and then within that the only people who want it as in France in 1789 really want to chop off heads they say won't live if you're gonna give us our freedom that means you take away the freedom of the slave masters and that means pretty much in most cases cutting off their heads you know this is a war for all for all and instead she literally puts on the clothing of the slave masters and sits in the throne of the slave masters and is reestablishing they're their traditional rule and her marriage to that guy is a much bigger deal in the book too because he's really he's really becoming their King again so they're reestablishing so massive so yeah I don't know somehow they managed to just drain the life the intellectual energy and I mean even the kind of to my mind a very obvious political meaning of that and look on the in the books to the material book torture is meaningful Daenerys starts off you know wanting to abolish slavery and not believing in torture and she goes on to be someone who relies on torture to get information herself and making all these exceptions and kinda sorta bringing back slavery like she allows slavery to be traded to the dogs she's trying to make peace with these neighboring slave holding kingdoms so yeah she sells out her own principles in a bunch of ways but the use of torture and the way it's reported in the books is much different the show on the show we just get some glib mentions where you know her her lover Dario Dario de Haris and Dario is just like oh how do you know that Dario because I questioned him you know and it's kind of alluded to in this joking way that he tortures people and gets information well it's no joke I mean it's a big heavy issue in the books and it was a yeah and it's a big heavy issue in the decades in which these books were written in public the United States his use of torture and it yielding dubious information you know Iraq and don't don't quote me on that Google check Google I forget it feels it feels like 15 years but yeah yeah yeah it's been it's been an absurdly long time yeah the gaps between between the books coming on but this is very much been written during during that span of American history with those being the issues on his mind and and Vietnam or being the formative political issue those youth okay so my final decent fight is not as bad as I remembered it being but Wow to call it a kind of missed opportunity and it's a whole bunch of missed opportunities all right babes sorry I you see I've exhausted my girlfriend this is why I have to come on YouTube and talk about it because obviously my capacity to talk about Game of Thrones far always hurts I don't know you're warmed up now for season seven right the new season is coming out in just a couple of days but you know you know how it ends it ends with a bang and a whimper that was the final episode oh yeah yeah yeah where they blow up the blow of the church and thus wipe out all of these storylines pretty much all that become a compliment oh yeah high hopes for the next season you won't know that what what do you what do you think you're gonna get it in the in the next season in season seven I don't know no bigger dragons bigger body count more horses and fewer I guess I guess that's what its gonna be is zombie battle action we have no idea what the books are now over I mean I'm sorry the book there's no more book so we can't do book to show comparisons anymore the last episode of this season pretty much catches you up with the only material that's that's based in the books so you know you're out here with it a ladder room without a safety net no idea but yeah I guess all of us who love the books are just kind of wincing like I hope this isn't absolutely awful on that note tune in next week