When Cenk Uygur Lies, IT STILL COUNTS AS A LIE.

27 February 2020 [link youtube]

And yes, this could also be titled, "When BERNIE SANDERS LIES, it still counts as a lie"! #questioneverything #economics #propaganda

If you're looking for the link mentioned around the eleven minute mark, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZD1rN6aDvs

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

take a look at the small numbers on the
right-hand side of this chart I can zoom in for you there between 2018 and present that number has been hovering between 4% and 6% right now if you've been listening to left-wing news media like Jake we're on The Young Turks if you've been listening to campaign speeches and debates from Bernie Sanders you will have the preconceived notion that this statistic you're looking at right now the rate of wage growth in the United States is at a crisis level that it's so low and that it's been so low for so long that this is a unique crisis this is a special problem the United States of America has and that other countries don't have or they they don't have the same problem right and I've never once seen jenk Uighur on The Young Turks I've never once seen him make this argument or make this claim but presenting this number or presenting this chart and then comparing it to the charts from other countries so you can see this in perspective right what what is the average person supposed to think when they see this chart is four percent a good number is six percent you know is this is this you know consistent with that dire warning Bernie Sanders is giving us again and again that the strange propaganda claim that the new radicalism of Bernie Sanders is justified because of a lack of wage growth in the United States of America this is Canada this is Canada by comparison if you think that five and a half percent wage growth is terrible what what do you think about the economy of Canada do you see the numbers on the right-hand side Canada you're lucky to be above 3% right in the last several years you've long periods of time there where it's way way below 3% okay and you're basically never above 4% oh wow hmm now wage growth the United States seems quite hopeful seems quite powerful seems quite strong now now already we start question where where did this idea come from that America's problem is wait for oh oh here's here's Germany all we ever hear about in the news is how Germany has this fantastically powerful fantastically successful economy and it does all we hear about is how German car manufacturers are way more successful than American car manufacturers and they are we hear about how the German high tech industry from the pharmaceutical industry to the chemical industry even they make many of the components that go into mobile phones they make expensive microphones all kinds of great equipment well we hear nothing but good things about the the German car we hear all the time the Germany is the powerhouse of the European Union economy look at the numbers on the right-hand side of the chart wage growth in Germany lucky you're lucky to reach 2% oh now let's look back at the United States rate of wage growth and you people have convinced yourselves because you're dishonest carpetbagging liars like Jake weaker and Bernie Sanders lying you mother's day after day after day you've convinced yourself that America's unique problem America's economic disadvantage in the world is low wage growth if you believe that if you believe the United States is in a crisis right now because of lack of wage growth in the last 20 years then what what do you think about Germany what do you think about Canada are they on the brink of a socialist revolution is Germany is the German economy just falling apart because of lack of wage growth where they're lucky to reach 2% [Music] Japan this is Japan look at the numbers in the right hand side Japan one of the most vibrant economies in the world one of the most impressive education systems in the world fabulous high tech industry fabulous exports fabulous car industry the whole gamut Japan has one of the most successful Cosma and you know you know the really messed up part there's an argument very few you'd be willing to hear it and I think nobody of my audience would be willing to make there's an argument you can present that one of the strengths Japan has is that they've actually managed to have low wage growth right that they haven't had wages going up and up for all these years that may be part of the reason why unemployment in Japan is practically zero all the time they have such low unemployment and they have such a vibrant economy they have such a great such great export oriented industries despite competing with China they have to compete with China and Malaysia and Indonesia and Vietnam they're still delivery you know what if you think the problem in the United States is lack of wage growth why don't you look at Japan where this number its lucky to be above zero all right over of 2012 the present Japan wage growth hovering around zero now I have to put in a footnote here Japan does not measure wage growth by the same metric the United States does wage growth doesn't have a standardized measure the same way gross domestic product does it's not like there's one simple mathematical formula and all these countries are doing it the same way they're not however it's broad brushstrokes what I'm saying here is true and claims made about wage growth that are now a major plank of left-wing propaganda used by Bernie Sanders and used by I don't think those guys they even I don't think they even think about what is the argument like what's the basis for this and what are their driving towards this has become a mainstay of propaganda repeated day after day after day and I hear people echoing it back to me unquestionably and we can explode it just a quick google search and look at some charge Oh Financial Times us wage growth stable at three point one percent and if you've been paying attention you know three point one percent is not a low number not for Canada not for Germany not for Japan and in fact hmm the whole continent of Africa this isn't one country so weighted average for the whole continent of Africa year 2000 of 2009 does that look like a problem in terms of wage growth oh the Middle East 2000 to 2008 does that look like a crisis does that look like it would cause political instability due to lack of wage growth now let's look again let's look again at that American and German chart for wage growth let's ask ourselves whether or not the rate of wage growth the United States is really problem whether or not the way to bridge growth in in Germany is a problem alright I have people sending me excuses for Bernie Sanders and they're well-intentioned they're people saying things like well you know or any Sanders isn't a researcher I mean like you know Bernie Sanders can't be expected to really do research about these things Bernie Sanders can't be expected to have a skeptical mind about things he found out about decades ago and that he's been repeating again and again he can't be expected to question whether or not his own beliefs and conclusions and propaganda message is really true well one thing you're putting your expectations of Bernie Sanders shockingly low because this is already one problem but then the other question is what what's your excuse for genk weaker right when I look at Jack Uighur I feel the exact opposite way about them as most of the people in my audience and most people on his audience I think most people on the internet who watch this stuff they really appreciate Jenk leaders contribution to journalism the entertainment and political commentary provides but they regard his political career as it's kind of a joke it's kind of a distraction I feel the other way around about it I think Chang qui ger has an incredibly important message to deliver about corruption what he calls money in politics I think he has an incredibly important political platform not just in standing for office an election now but also in he's created various foundations really targeting this issue really trying to communicate to the public all of your problems left-wing and right-wing in the Unites States America are linked to the fundamental problem that you have cash-and-carry government that people pay for influence that you know the private sector can buy outcomes can buy policy decisions that you really fundamentally need to change much more in American politics much more than just campaign finance reforms you need to you need to challenge the assumptions on which the whole system I think that's a fundamentally brilliant important fulsome political message that Jake Weger you know as a politician yeah he seems to be at the beginning of his career as a politician at the end I support him on that a hundred percent unfortunately as a journalist I think he has absolutely no credibility whatsoever I think he's someone who comes on camera and has none of the self discipline and none of the self doubt and none of the skepticism and none of the intellectual rigour and none of the honesty necessary to do this job this job I'm basically doing for you right now for free I'm getting paid like five dollars a month at this point by Google but I still have the artist I still have the rigor to just do this little bit of a google search to just question a piece of propaganda that I have heard repeated out of Jake wheeler both again and again and again on an almost daily basis for years Schank weaker is the same guy who will come on camera and deadpan serious lie to you about the Central Park five and and the most fundamental lie is that he'll pretend he knows what he's talking about when he never once read the police reports he never once read the court decisions he never once read the interviews and the confessions with rooms he never did the 15 minutes of research that I did on and you know what at some point we have to stop holding our political leaders to such abysmally low standards it's not enough to say Bernie Sanders is better than Donald Trump we have to move forward to saying either Bernie Sanders is right or he's wrong either Bernie Sanders knows what he's talking about or he does not either something is truth or fiction and if you're dealing with fiction you tell me are these lies well-intentioned or is there some other agenda [Music]