Vs. Based Zeus: "FIND Your PASSION …RIGHT NOW!"

24 October 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

he says to his audience look the vast
majority of people end up mediocre they end up trapped in a life of mediocrity they don't like they don't want they feel they didn't choose that's what people end up trapped in you shouldn't end up trapped in and unfortunate in reality our societies that most people live boring lives they go through the motions work jobs they don't like dread Monday's look forward to the weekend and do nothing more than simply exist but then what he goes on to describe is the epitome of middle age mediocrity yeah it's a shitty mediocre life of resignation with a few comfortable distractions provided by hobbies can you even call them passions a bonus Yin now if you're in high school or even college it may sound like that life's really far off and you won't end up like that but the reality is most people do and you need to make sure you avoid it at all costs [Music] new yen we were just debating how real we were gonna keep it in this in this video I think on a scale of one to ten we're maybe gonna keep it about a seven I think we are not gonna keep it all the way real in this video this is a touchy subject man this is based pend versus based Zeus everybody else is like basedgod based sooo so I'm gonna be I'm gonna be based upon in this debate on the question of how do you find your passion so we just want to make sure we got the title of his video right and I notice I notice looking at the thumbnail here use these four steps to find your passion right now he's got you've got a hole on a rope he's got a blonde chick in string bikini bottom's no top yeah and I'm guessing it's maybe like a tire swing you see what I mean it's a string sorry it's a swing with only a single string a single string swing that's what that is so we're guessing your passion has something to do with right in that that that big tire hanging from the string warning this video is not gonna be obvious [ __ ] advice like just do as you love bro it's gonna be actual tips you can start using right now to put you closer to finding what you're passionate about oh I thought you'd say banging hose you know uh I mean I think the most fundamental and general problem I have here is that it promises to tell you about finding finding your passion and most of the video is actually but what to do once you've found it which is really a very different thing and I'm you know I'm not hating on that like obviously you can you can talk about both you can talk about about neither but even if we just keep it on that on that sexual level look you're with a middle-aged Jewish intellectual without with a big no you are pale what you want the camera to light you want me to do tinta just you already do hashtag no filter the only one you want me to give you a fake ass tan on the on the edit do a color filter don't half the screen or about have and then the shorter my sure it'll be a different color but that's okay look when when you you know we're looking at your life I don't think you started off thinking like if you did folders of ice you made a list of what you were looking for you want to be with the middle-aged Jewish intellectual with the big nose who'd studied Cambodia and First Nations like the things that attracted you to me like physically intellectual otherwise I don't think you could have made a list of them that what I even after you found out about me she found me on the net perform a family really do you have any idea how many guys there are with like overweight Hispanic women and if you ask them in high school or in college what are you looking for check they would have never said I'm looking to get with an overweight Hispanic woman why they met an overweight Hispanic woman who had some other redeeming qualities or something else in common there was something where they got on that wavelength and they fell in love with an overweight Hispanic woman you know was that you I do it in its specifically in this way it's about finding your passion well you may not believe me she is incredibly passionate about me this is not this is a lot of romance of convenience it's not like she just shrugged their shoulders well I guess I'll buy an airplane ticket to Hong China on the border with me just move him you know well settle for less you know no I mean this this is your dream relationship in a lot of ways people don't have to believe that but you didn't even know to dream at first right so like already I mean this is this is really the the deepest question the deepest problem raised for the video whether we talked about it sexually or in terms of Korea or in terms of hobbies or other passions or interests when I was in high school even when I was in college there's no way I could have gotten out a pen and paper and wrote down on a list I want to study Palli what is pally you can search my channel if you want that PA li poly is a language I'd never heard of it in high school for most of my first four years of university I'd never heard of it or something it was right at the end of my time of university when a lot of ways it was it was too late you know well what had I heard of heard of ancient Greek already too many white boys nation just keep me real I thought everything that needed to be done and already been done in ancient Greek there wasn't it wasn't like someone was gonna discover a new book by Aristotle wasn't a new book by Plato nobody had translated I wanted to be on the frontiers of new knowledge and I thought Owen pally I can do that so same thing Cambodia God interests me a Bodhi I've had a I've had a video here on YouTube talking about first time ever heard of Cambodia reading a comic book when I was maybe 11 years old so I don't know I know well that was I was a kid reading a combo how would I have put Cambodia on a list of things I'd be passionate about Cambodian as a language or the history or the politics or all the anthropological interests the things that how can you possibly put that on a lizard I recommend starting by writing down a list of at least 10 things should think you might be interested in want to try or things you've already done but never made the time to actually pursue fully now if you can't think of ten things start with 5 where 3 or even 1 1 is greater than 0 is the mentality you should be following here and this way at least if you try one thing and you don't like it then you've successfully crossed off one potential passion and you're one step closer to finding what you actually like so this advice I think is really fundamentally wrong they're really putting the cart before the horse and when he gives you his example that soul is 10 things he gives I know he's half joking but he gives a list he says meat-based Zeus IRL [ __ ] a MILF build a nice body drag racing travel start a YouTube channel [ __ ] Victoria Secret model okay so why why would he be [ __ ] a Victoria Secret model why would you be passionate about that I think it's just because it's the most readily available information if you're growing up and presumably this is pitched to a male audience okay like I think the Victoria Secret model Kel I think it's given away for free people get it in the mail and [ __ ] I don't even think you buy I don't know I don't even think you buy it right it's advertising right so these are the most some of the most widely available images of women in the world you really think that's your type really really maybe you aren't going to know like if you're not super sexually experienced in your 20s I think a lot of guys won't know their type maybe the 25 or 26 you don't know maybe what you're into is is fat latina women I'm a treat last time I was in San Francisco I met some overweight latina women who are attractive as hell like I'm really not said like I've met gorgeous or with you know but that's not what you see in Victoria's Secret it's not what you see in the magazines it's mmm you see it once in a while on a rap video once though - what kind of rap music you're in you don't I mean but like that's and that's not even like a small minority of men who aren't over it's not at all you know what I mean so like you know this is this is a really obvious really down-to-earth example just about sex but in the okay travel travel so where you gonna go where you gonna go homie what do you what do you it's gonna be the same [ __ ] I know what mat-su Picchu what what have you seen on the cover of Time Life magazine like how would you even know where to go this is about what you're passionate about how would you discover a place that's really meaningful for you go you throw a dart at the map you know so what you've heard of the pyramids in Egypt is that meaningful for you is it something being meaningful in general what is what is travel gonna mean to you anybody can buy an airplane ticket homey but to have a passion to have a meaningful engaging with the place where you learn and you grow and like the other thing I set you right off the bat looking at this so me my gross 24 I'm 39 nobody wears the pants in the relationship it's good working out great you know but let's say you're year 24 if you made a list like this when you were just you know 18 18 is not that long ago for you I think today you'd look at that list and laugh right I mean on the other hand since she got with me like in terms of travel which is a shallow thing you come to China come to the edge of Myanmar we've gone to Thailand you gone to the South of France I can assure you I never would have gone to those places not you going back to Thailand a month to you know you've done this stuff and you have some kind of meaningful engagement with it yeah you would have never put that in a list when you were 18 years old it's meaningful to me right sure in many ways not just me not just because I met you're just you know like sure after coming here and being here it's this is probably the most interesting thing I've ever done - and you've got a connection and you're learning and growing and changing his person yeah at 18 making a list of 10 things no way no way you could have put that on there right no and you know I think I might have said you know travel to Europe I mean I add you can list all the continents if you keep it that big Europe Africa Asia me maybe fit in Antarctica in between you know like you know but this is this is a little vague but no I'd you you both couldn't have put Thailand on a list and you couldn't have put what was meaningful about it and like some of the things that are meaningful boat island are negative like just going there and thinking about poverty thinking about politics and democracy and dictatorship and yeah the hose on the curb man you're that never you say that cuz I mean I know at the time you were freaked out but I was like look I want you to see the reality like I don't want you I don't want to just take you to the [ __ ] zoo and see you know the animals behind bars like you know I want you to see some of the reality of what what modern Thailand is and what you know there's more than two sides to the coin but this side of the coin Wow no no I was just telling my sister-in-law about it about going to Thailand and it kind of changed my perspective on sex workers and just generally sex tourism right like you know you think about economics and politics and history is gonna change with the more kind of key studies you can work with yeah and like in just within the last couple of weeks we talk about politics difficult we talk about Iraq Iran we talk about various wars we're talking about history of European colonialism just different stuff comes up but like even then knowing hey you know what Thailand they're actually an example of a country that was never colonized by Europeans you know what they were never conquered by the British Empire the French a pirate sir they're actually a little bit different the way they answer identities things and just knowing like oh yeah I know what contrasting sailing most countries are homophobic as hell Thailand's a real contrast to that they've never been held before they're ridiculously accepting not just gays but transsexuals and you see that in the streets too and even for us were pro gay rights but it can be a bit shocking you know yeah you see that coming out the coming out the alleys actually coming out though there was that what that barbershop what the coming out the barbers have at you know it can be a little unexpected a little bit jarring but you realize whoa I come from a country where actually we don't think gays are in the closet but compared to Thailand it's not it's not noise in your face so you know just having access to those cultural contrasts what it's gonna mean for you but we aren't even talking about passions yet I mean like you know what that's the other thing that [ __ ] me up about this video right is okay he opens he opens with a strong suit he plays a strong card he says to his audience look the vast majority of people end up mediocre they end up trapped in a life of mediocrity they don't like they don't want they feel they didn't choose that's what people end up trapped in you shouldn't end up trapped in but then what he goes on to describe is the epitome of middle-age mediocrity yeah it's a shitty mediocre life of resignation with a few comfortable distractions provided by hobbies can you even call them passions is that even really your passion bro okay yeah you do boxing you meditate for 20 minutes can you really call look I mean you know I remember hearing a radio interview about a guy who was you know passionate about lawnmowers and he did have some kind of mental disability I'm sorry I forget which one but you know the guy was a little bit obsessive but weird and he was so into lawnmowers he could identify the manufacturer and the year of manufacturer from the sound of the lawnmower wrench you know they have different types of homes and stuff there's a YouTube channel from a guy you know I never looked at it even again I heard about it on Canadian radio he's passionate about elevators you know and he's devoted his life to literally he flies around the world visiting débora guys over this [ __ ] exists but look that was the most passionate I've ever seen somebody about elevators the mr. Rogers episode this [ __ ] exists but we're giving advice to young men who are trying to [ __ ] Victoria's Secret models yeah that that's not gonna work for you and it's not gonna work for the the ho on a rope you're chasing over I don't think so you know I don't think so drag racing travel you know look I mean you know different different different tricks for different chicks no question but I mean none of this there's no sense of doing something for other people there's no sense of doing something to make the world a better place or just a different place you know but even that's like okay drag racing drag racing is self-improvement like photography is self-improvement even that his question was pretty much that he said all progresses yes I don't see that as being true at all like you can progress in something and realize it's not what you actually want to do I think people do spend time like an effort into a hobby and then they realize a lot of time do we nice and I'm just not into it anymore oh the classic examples got to be men in sports right yeah I mean that's a fundamental but your point here this is really shallow terrible advice even if it's just for that reason that no not all progress is good progress some progress leaves you with terrible pangs of regret shadow over break over you for the rest of your life that's really worth knowing and really worth thing people you know but like all the dudes like so I'm originally from southern Ontario Canada all the dudes who did little league hockey you know did lower league hockey and a lot of those good dudes got on drugs a lot of the gone a lot of them got [ __ ] from girls in small town Ontario where they played the yeah yeah they're all there early sexual experiences were because they were in this minor league hockey [ __ ] going from town to town and probably listening to a lot of real bad country music you know stuff yeah vegan gains himself right he's got a skull injury he's got a knee injury he's seriously disabled for life Sir Richard vegan gains you know we know each other we're not close friends but still I'm just saying this isn't like a complete stranger you know but you know Richard he's a guy I think he's left with really seriously regrets including the impact ice hockey had on his own relationship with his father and his mom and his impact on his education in those years of his life but I mean sports is a huge one we're like yeah yeah you can make progress and then you look back on it I met a guy who did that with tennis where he went through the like League tennis and it was so he talked me through just how many hours per day was I met one guy who did that with major league baseball martial arts yeah at least at Lisa's martial arts you can punch a wall or something but most of the skills you build up with tennis are [ __ ] useless right when outside of a tennis arena do you use tennis I mean you know like martial arts has some app but sure no it's it's true it's true with people who devote a lot of time to martial arts but yeah I met one guy he actually worked with me at Starbucks so when I worked at Starbucks this guy was in the he was in the major league pitching things so he went to pitching camp he never played on a major league team but he lost years of his life throwing a ball as fast as possible as accurately as possible and now he works with me at Starbucks you know what I mean but nice nice to have you on the team champ that's not even that great of exercise for you like I don't see people like dude you know devoting their time to exercise fitness because they want to improve their health but you know playing God that makes it so much deeper already because when I was just talking with the sports all I was talking about was pursuing a passion making progress and then having regret but actually when you bring the question of self-improvement into it it gets way deeper away or to deal with right yeah but like okay I happen to know someone I used to be married to who got a PhD from Cambridge University and regrets it and is miserable about it now I think anyone would say oh gee getting a PhD in Cambridge from Cambridge University that's Suffolk prob that's personal progress self-improvement it's not like just learning you throw a baseball hundreds of times don't be doing baseball practice good its differential for improving other people's lives I I so I personally have known quite a few different people who got a PhD and deeply regretted it and wish they'd never done it and saw all the negative impacts in their life now you know sorry I mean the but but but that's deep even when there's personal progress even when and even when you get laid or you you know any any of these things will get you laid guys and you know [ __ ] any little slip there but you know any of these activities you know if you're excellent at them you know if it's not video games if it's about helping other people or making the world a better place or anything like do you see anything about volunteering a soup kitchen like no no no is it possible that that's your passion like one and not something positive for other people but none of them are based on understanding either right yeah well I I knew a story of a guy this is a real historical story he was Hungarian and he started off with the idea that maybe the origin of the Hungarian people the Hungarian languages in Tibet a stupid idea he walked from Hungary to Tibet and he taught himself to baton and then that wasn't enough he taught himself Sanskrit he completely devoted his life to learn it and you know the description of how this guy lives he was a white guy from Hungary and of course he learned English also which was easy for him but it's not easy you know he learned all these languages he did all these scholarship and you know he worked at a particular library where one of the things he was known for was he would he would he would lock himself into the booth where he studied he would take the key and he would hand it through the bars the window had bars to the librarian and would say okay come back in 12 hours and he would he would he would pee in a pot you know so he had a debt yeah yeah doing those long hours on Sanskrit in Tibetan so there are guys mean this is this is Buddhist studies but he was a secular scholar he wasn't a Buddhist monk he was just a really devoted scholar there people were devoted to understanding and you can ask is this self-centered like I don't was he trying to make the world a better place was it about other people was that like you know in some cases being devoted to your own understanding your own knowledge it is it is self-centered I mean that has an extreme extreme example I think in a lot of ways it's not connected anything social or political or making any kinda change for anyone else but at least is devoted to the pursuit of excellence you know that pursuit of excellence in a field of understanding a field of learning you know I mean every field needs their experts if he was gonna be an expert in that field then just trying to think of some positive for just other people that would be studying you know he would be an important person the fundamental puzzle this video from basis is supposed to address is finding your passion when you don't know what it is the other three of the four points are really easy once you know what your passion is what do you do about it I don't think it's advice is that great but whatever that's really easy and that's really a separate like you know if you know you want to learn Sanskrit maybe you go to the library and you lock yourself in the [ __ ] cell and you pee in a bucket maybe that's like you know how far you want to take it what what methods you want to use to teach yourself Sanskrit that's that's a another question but how would you even know like so this kid grew up in Hungary he was so ignorant he thought Hungarian people originated in Tibet and he decided to walk there you know true story you know how but you know how do you get to that stage it cannot possibly be by making a list of ten things you want to do and I've seen before if you had a list of things you made when you were 18 you would look back at now at it now and laugh if I had a list of the things I was actually a pretty profound and morose 18 year old so 18 is too late I'd have to be like 16 or something yeah well would have been to middlin list at 16 because that 18 I was already like there is no list I'd rebel against the question at 18 a B I'd be to Moroso and dejected already just say like can't be self-destructive like yeah and in the more time you devote to them they can be totally self-destructive and you can be blood you can be snow blind how destructive they are and how you're wasting your life and losing your potential but even when they're not destructive you can regret them yeah you can be you can be left with a lifetime of regret yeah no look look we all grew a lot we all changed a lot in terms of horizon between age 18 and age 28 she ain't made 28 yet but you know I'd like to think that even today at age 39 it hurt me if I made a list of these things that I would look back on that and laugh 10 years later 20 years later you know if I look back on that at 59 I think wow you know so that's who I was then you know and this this is fundamentally the wrong answer to this question I feel okay this video is long enough already I think I could make like 3 more videos on this question though but really the advice about how to find your passion dude you have to start with a really profound acknowledgement that you don't know you don't even know what kind of women are your type yet you don't even know what your passion is in that case you may think it's this chick you see in the thumbnail with a basis video the hole on a rope because that's the most accessible beauty standard you you may think that's what you want and you may make terrible sacrifices to get it and you know I mean the intangible things are always more important you know having really having something in common with you know the person you love I mean you could love someone you got nothing in common with this story in the world you can love someone and have great sex and you got when you turn over in the morning there ain't a goddamn word you have to say to them you know what I mean that's it's so that's a slow burn tragedy man you right can ride that out and it's like how many years of your life you're gonna waste for you break up with this person I mean this is the whole range you know but sure you can be in a relationship someone who's conventionally attractive and you can't stand the sound of their voice you know you can't stand the fact that they voted for Donald Trump you know whatever you know I mean this there's so much more to this e but even on that shallowest level you know you're gonna find yourself attracted to people you ever thought you you you'd be attracted to and you're gonna find yourself falling in love with people you never thought you'd fall in love with and you're gonna find your passions whether it's in terms of research or career or humanitarian work or your interest or even within a [ __ ] category like travel it's gonna be things and topics you could not have possibly heard of yet a bonus Yin