Onision, it's not about sex, it's about stupidity.

31 December 2019 [link youtube]


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#Onision #CoolGuyKai #ChrisHansen

Youtube Automatic Transcription

maybe I'm sucking your soul and you
don't realize it and once you escape me you'll feel like you have your soul back in case any of you in the audience have trouble with subtlety and nuance let's just open this video with a disclaimer I'm a really harsh critic of an Sen but I'm also a critic of the other critics I think there's a whole lot of criticism directed toward the guy these days that's ridiculous off-the-wall and in many cases just reflects the fact that the people who have jumped on the bandwagon to harshly condemn the guy now they weren't really following a story in the last 5 years so they're not really all that sure of what it is they're condemning and why so I'm gonna try to contribute my own slightly more nuanced than analytical paid for it I worked so hard on all of my videos and I deserve hundreds it's rare to hear from an adult man who will admit to you that he prefers the company of stupid women it's rare to speak to an adult man who will admit to you why it is that he feels more comfortable when romancing went intimately involved with women whom he feels confident are stupider than he is himself but it's not uncommon it's common but it's everywhere concealed as something shameful it's a pretty common and pretty damning pattern of human behavior those of you who have been following this Ian for a few years may have a sore spot in your memory for the video he made when he recorded himself doing an intelligence test taking an IQ test with two of the women he was romancing we now know two of the women who was trying to have a long-term triangular sexual relationship with or perhaps a long-term rectangular sexual relationship with he took an intelligence test with both Billy who was already dramatically younger than him and the even younger Sara all of them sitting around they recorded it as a YouTube video and you can see an se an absolutely gloating about his supposed intellectual superiority over these very young and I must say very silly very shallow very fat girls whom he'd brought into his life you know there are probably some 18 year olds and 19 year olds out there who are brilliant hard-working intellectuals but those are not the 18 year olds a Nisshin was pursuing those are not the 18 year olds that Kai was pursuing so Kai is also known as Lanie bot sometimes referred to as his husband sometimes as his wife but the two of them as a couple they were not pursuing the brightest and the most brilliant they were not pursuing young women who could challenge them intellectually now I had a friend once a guy named Charles we're not friends anymore but I had a friend once who was an adult man who admitted to me openly that he preferred much younger women much stupider women much more naive and jejune women because he felt that he was very immature himself he felt that he was very poorly educated himself and he really struggled to keep his head above water shall we say when he was in the company of older and better educated women so that guy Charles I knew him during a period of time when he was single and he had gone back to university he didn't finish his university degree but he was briefly in college classes and then dropped out and when he was at university he was meeting you know women his old women his own age and women older than himself who were much more sophisticated much better educated self-confident intelligent and he struggled with terrible feelings of inadequacy you know real intellectual inadequacy and I would even go so far as say moral inadequacy he felt like he was a bad person there was one situation where there's a woman he met and he didn't even talk to her he met her at a grocery store and then he was filming himself for YouTube in the parking lot sitting there and recrimination reflecting on his own sense inferiority there's this woman at this grocery store and he'd love to go and talk to her he'd love to flirt with her hit on her try to have relation with her but he just knows he knows just from looking at her that she's better educated than him she has a better career than he does she's more mature or she's more well educated now admittedly this particular guy Charles his diagnosis of the situation is not entirely wrong because he was an extremely immature person but the problem is he's the next step he's taking it's not just incorrect or wrong it's actually really immoral he's trying to preserve his own immaturity he's trying to preserve his own ignorance he's trying to shield himself from being challenged and stimulated to be a better person by only keeping the company of much younger women who are even more immature even more poorly educated than himself and you know there's more than one way to respond to this situation right you could recognize that for your age you're not well-read you're not well-traveled you're not cosmopolitan sophisticated whatever it is whatever the list is of intellectual and moral attributes you feel that you're lacking if you can recognize that you're lacking them and if you can recognize that you're attracted to and you admire and you respect people who really do have those attributes obviously you could challenge yourself to develop in that way you could challenge yourself to in effect become a better person become the kind of person you would Meyer and that you're attracted towards this habit that both anisia and Kai got into this cycle of seducing scandalously young women trying to pull them into their orbit get them to move into their house have them employed as part-time babysitters this pattern that has played out again and again I think that people have been kind of criticizing it in an overly shallow and simplistic way because they've failed to look at the extent to which it's really a defensive pattern of behavior so think about Kai Kai formerly known as Laney formerly known as female formerly known as the wife Vanessa why do you think kai is doing this people talk about this as if it's just because she's fascinated with sixteen year olds right as if as if like it's more intellectually or emotionally rewarding for her to have long conversations via Skype with someone who's tremendously immature inexperienced and hasn't even graduated from high school yet right no it's a defensive pattern of behavior kai Laney baud she feels stupid she feels weak she feels amoral and bad and poorly educated she feels like she's someone who has no real accomplishments in her life so she wants to surround herself with the company of people who are even weaker even stupider even more shallow that she is herself and this same thing the same pattern plays out with an S Ian it's just more tragic and more comical I mean an issue and uh someone who makes him feel bad about spending so many hours on dying and coloring his hair so he printed to his life teenagers who themselves spent a huge amount of time when their hair and makeup and they all sit around doing hair and makeup together an isiand doesn't want to feel like a bad person because he spends so many hours as a fully grown man playing video games he repeatedly said that his his main happy memory about their relationship with Billy Billy's the girl with blue dyed hair hair was sitting on the couch and playing video games with her that he felt he had a really meaningful connection to this woman because they they played a video game called Earth Defense Force together and he really hadn't related anyone else the way so you have to take that on board with all due gravity you have to you know be willing to witness the evidence that an isiand is someone so shallow that he describes the most meaningful relationships in his life in terms of the video games he played with those people right like it's not as if there's some greater depth to this guy that he's holding back it's not like there's there's a whole other person there that's worth knowing that isn't being isn't being shared with these young women with whom he shared his heart his soul his money his home with whom he raised his children and yeah of course with whom also he shared his bed so this is a sick sad pattern of behavior but it's ultimately a defensive pattern of behavior I don't think it's the case that anisia Nakai rapaciously want to go in and seduce the youngest women they possibly can I think they're both tremendously weak characters I think on some level they're aware of their own stupidity they're aware of their own lack of education their own lack of sophistication and they always want to shield themselves against that gnawing sense of self-doubt they want to insulate themselves against the castigating judgment of the outside world that they probably feel every time they happen to have casual conversation with someone is the same age that they are you know whether it's conversation with someone who's 24 years old or 33 years old or whatever you know whenever they happen to have a casual conversation with someone who's actually sophisticated actually well-educated actually ethical actually going out and making the world a better place and there was a politics and social justice whatever someone who actually has accomplishments actually has ambitions so again and again what it is they're looking for on Twitter on tumblr or you know on YouTube on their chat forums the women they're going out and recruiting it's not that they're the youngest of the young it's that they're the dumbest of the dumb because people like anisia and KY can only feel strong when they surround themselves with people who are weak they can only feel smart when they're seducing someone so stupid that they can lord their own sense of intellectual superiority [Music]