Kalel Went Back to Eating Meat: Response in Description.

19 November 2018 [link youtube]

I think there's a lot of dishonesty on Kalel's end, and that makes this "news" difficult to interpret. I've always found what she says about her university situation impossible to comprehend: various websites claim that she's been caught lying about her university education at specific times, but, in general, the whole thing just seems like a loosely improvised fabrication. In these circumstances, it's possible that she's being dishonest on several levels, and that she set this up with lies at several different stages: perhaps she knew in advance that she would "come out" as a meat eater, and therefore engaged in a series of disclosures (provoking and reacting to vegan disappointment with her, "in advance", so to speak).

In talking about Kalel, we're talking about someone obsessed with her outward appearance: I genuinely lost count of the number of cosmetic surgeries she's admitted to (i.e., I tried to keep a tally when she made that video summarizing her experience with plastic surgery).

Ask yourself this: if she'd spent a period of her life using heroin, cocaine or addicted to pain-killers, do you think she'd admit it? If she'd spent a period of her life using performance-enhancing drugs (either in an attempt to be leaner or more muscular or more curvy —there are drugs for all of those things, used by female fitness-models, etc.), do you think she'd admit it?

The scope for possibly-undisclosed health factors is, thus, near-infinite, when you're looking at a confession from someone with such a propensity to deceive.

I am somewhat psychologically burdened by my own negative experience(s) with universities, so her dishonesty on that one issue seems outstanding to me (whereas a woman lying about weight-loss is not really so surprising from my perspective).

But the underlying reality may really be 180 degrees the opposite of what's been presented today: maybe she just plotted a way to "come out" as a meat-eating bisexual (or even lesbian) and this story about her testosterone levels is the bizarre result of those machinations (and please note: she herself claimed that her testosterone levels were linked to her bisexuality/homosexuality, I don't subscribe to any such theory myself).

As improbable as that may sound, it is, in this scenario (of an unreliable witness), more likely than the theory that she has an obscure form of (non-PCOS) high testosterone health condition that "requires" her to eat red meat and chicken eggs as "treatment". IMHO.


For the record, the direct revelation that she's now eating red meat and chicken eggs is in Kalel's video (today) titled, "SO... APPARENTLY, I'M A MAN". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwhTsKA2rIY

Youtube Automatic Transcription

about us yen you guys know I keep it
real ously honest about a lot of things that vegans maybe do not like to be so honest about and you know one of them is that I'm not an expert about vegan health and although I really appreciate the contribution that people like vegan gains make vegan gains recently did another really really good video talking about just cholesterol and heart disease and cancer and health related issues like the veganism but I have absolutely no false confidence about the adequacy of my diet I just ate a meal that consisted of almost nothing but green vegetables in white rice and I can honestly say if I wasn't taking a vitamin pill I think it would be nutritionally inadequate I think I would be damaging my health so I'm wearing a lot of layers today because it's cold in here so this is an example I'm gonna mention I feel cold as hell right now and I asked other people at my school I asked the teachers I'd want to locker room like is it cold in here and I'm not asking to make small talk I'm I'm actually worried look hick it feels cold to me I actually don't know if my health is falling apart because my ridiculous they can tie it or if it's really cold in here I'm gonna zip this up now even though it looks weird like for real I live with that kind of you know uncertainty in my life um you know the whole vegan diet it's a little bit of an experiment the outcomes are a little bit unknowable so there I may I may look ridiculous but I'm cold I'm buttoning up because I actually feel cold alright uh um it's winter and could Ming um when I was in Canada before I came to to Asia this time I'll boost myself up in the seat of it camera angle here is not perfect you know when I was in Canada in the couple of months before coming to to China this time I had a lot of things to be unhappy about including just job applications you know I applied for a whole bunch of jobs I did a whole bunch of job interviews some of them real jobs some of them internships you know what I mean so job being used in it you know in a broad sense here a lot of things to be stressed out about a lot of things to be unhappy about and of course I still have my divorce you know situation with trying to visit my daughter etc so um I felt like crap I felt like crap for a couple of months then I switched brands of multivitamin and I felt fantastic it's so easy if you feel like garbage it's so easy to attribute that to the problems in your life like oh well I've just been applying for these jobs I've just been going through this stuff with my lawyer and my divorce I have all these reasons to be unhappy you know you have things you can attribute it to but I switched from one brand of multivitamin to another and this brand of multivitamins is a very very long list it includes all the really obscure vitamins like vitamin k2 it really it gets it gets into the vitamins that you know it some of them it should be impossible this has k-1 k-2 of course all the B vitamins of course b2 b3 b5 b6 b12 biotin copper manganese lutein you know beta-carotene of course this has selenium vanadium chromium I have no idea what my diet was deficient in during those couple of months I have no idea but I felt like crap and I attributed it to you know applying for jobs and other stress not you don't know and I mean it's so easy to front it's so easy to say oh no matter where you are you can have a 100% wonderful adequate vegan diet you can feel great and vibrant and healthy and be happy I don't know that I'm being honest with you I think if you live in California you can have a 100% adequate vibrant wonderful diet I think everyone in the Greater Los Angeles area can have a happy vibrant healthy you can diet I used to live in Saskatchewan Saskatchewan can holy [ __ ] it's difficult to have a vegan diet in Saskatchewan I talked to one person on the internet who was living in the Yukon here in the Yukon or Alaska I think it's hard as hell I'm in Kunming China right now it's a struggle eating food is a struggle I just had a big conflict with the director of this school day by day getting enough food in my life is a strong I don't know I think without this vitamin pill I think I'd be dead already yeah so anyway look I mean you know I don't know what what's the point of keeping it real what's the point of living a lie you know yeah exactly my whole life is a lie so I've got live comments going what I'm not gonna front and you know I've mentioned this before one of my supporters on patreon sent me a really honest email so I mean really honest message saying that she followed the instructions on the internet about feeding her dog a vegan diet and she was totally confident that her dog was gonna be happy and healthy and vibrant all this crap on a vegan diet and the dog's health was totally destroyed its skeleton [ __ ] collapsed dog has permanent skeletal damage the vet was amazed the vet he said he never seen anything like this in the world and she followed the advice given by petaa People for the Ethical Treatment and other websites about how to have a vegan dog guess what it's an experiment we you know I mean the whole realm of human health research involves gray areas involved unknown untested things in science I think when you get into dog health research how much you know how much you know horrid clinical evidence do we have about dogs on a vegan diet like these would be millions of dollars of research that can't possibly turn a profit who's you think the Purina Purina Dog fecal using the US government is sitting down saying look guys we need to make this a research priority I doubt it so you know it's really easy to to display a kind of false confidence about these things I'd much rather share my own sense of honest uncertainty you know I live with that uncertainty every day I live with that difficulty I live with that struggle and of course I mean it's meaningful to feed your dog vegan diet it's the right thing to do it's meaningful for me as a human being to live a vegan diet etc etc but the fact that I can show you a website with a professional athlete living in California and say look at this bodybuilder he's on a vegan diet he's totally healthy for one thing I don't know if he's healthy I don't really know that but I can look at a photograph of a vegan bodybuilder but for another thing I'm not living in California I'm not that bodybuilder I'm not taking steroids I'm not living his lifestyle currently here in China I don't have access to two protein powder and I wish I did you know so I'm just keeping it real my lunch today consisted of absolutely nothing but white rice and green vegetable I think if I wasn't taking this vitamin pill I like I have no pretensions that this is a healthy or adequate or complete diet but I do not want to compromise I refuse to eat bread that has powdered eggs in it I refuse to eat you know milk products in cookies or bread or anything else so you know that's it man that's all I have to say is the struggle is real about us Yin Xiu Qi says I miss you guys so much hi guys during the week it is one of my favorite things to do and I'm like oh my god oh [ __ ] okay again I'm not even gonna close up the video I'm not gonna imitate that I'm just gonna directly clip that piece of video and put a bonus yen