Freelee is a qualified, certified nutrition expert… OR MAYBE NOT.

10 September 2019 [link youtube]

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

so I have to have certification in
nutrition so advanced advanced simulation from the Australian Institute of Fitness okay a lot of people who saw that clip just picked up on the tension in what frailer was saying and they started to suspect that she was lying I got in touch with the institution she alluded to I didn't ask about freely or her specific record I just presented myself as a possible student and asked for the details of the program and yeah as you get into the details it becomes evident pretty quickly that she could not possibly have been a student let alone a graduate there The Sydney Morning Herald did the same thing I did old-fashioned fact-checking earlier this year she told the Today program she had received a certificate in nutrition from the Australian Institute of Fitness period a claim the organisation refutes period I can confirm that she has definitely not studied with the Institute now the other thing that sort of makes this disturbing if you just glance back at the clip I already played for you it's not just freely lying once it's freely lying twice because in the bottom right corner of the screen that's her watching and commenting on her earlier performance on the TV program so if she made a mistake or if she wanted to address her own lie or misrepresentation she had the opportunity right there years and years later Jezebel same researcher talked to me from Jezebel the same journalist you can hear the interview who I gave to Jezebel on this channel the audio recordings of that were uploaded here as YouTube videos terrible journalists terrible interview but I managed to say a few interesting things that interview despite the fact that the journalist herself was as dumb as a barrel full of thumbtacks rollin down a staircase em anyway though she proudly claims years of experience coaching thousands of girls as their true education freely does claim some minor and nutrition credentials and aggressively defends them that's that's interesting she doesn't do that on YouTube I guess she just aggressively defends them when this journalist is talking to her according to freely quote some trolls on the Internet close quote have tried to discredit her nutritional background referring to an article in The Sydney Morning Herald that fact checked her claim of having attended the australian institute of fitness i I don't know why the word article is underlined oh I guess it's a link you can click on that and get there okay that makes sense all right this was a simple error she said due to the volume of Institutes with similar names in Australia I was at Fitness Institute of Australia so maybe I said Australian Institute of fitness or something but it's very easy to confuse them freely does appear to have attained fitness certificates from various fit nation courses I don't even know what this acronym is supposed to be some kind of course although she says she couldn't find her nutrition training certificate let's be very clear having credentials in nutrition as a nutritionist is something completely different from being certified to be a personal trainer at a gym doing exercise you know exercise training or coaching having a coaching certificate the science of nutrition you know in bowls involves things like good old-fashioned organic chemistry and exam none of us would enjoy studying for the least of our own freely anyway we continue here I didn't hear back from the Institute where she says she studied Dietetics 16 years ago but she warned me in an otherwise friendly and obliging email back and forth quote I was definitely enrolled so please do not portray like I lied about this or the course as with enough digging around it would be found and that will look bad on your behalf if I am forced to make a video right okay so sixteen years ago she may be enrolled in a course that she dropped out of and didn't complete and maybe she has certification as a trainer and maybe she didn't lie she just didn't remember the name of the Institute and maybe she still doesn't remember the name of the Institute and maybe she just can't find her certificate yeah okay I'm convinced how about how about you guys how about you so I have conventional certification in nutrition but I don't use that training at all anymore because it's so heavily funded by the meat and dairy industry that the information is just incorrect certification do you have freely so I have to have certification in nutrition so advanced advanced somewhere Asian from the Australian Institute of fitness okay so the thing is though I don't use this at all because it is so heavily funded by the meat and dairy industry [Music]