[宗教與政治] Gods with a Lower-Case G (& Douglas MacArthur)
14 August 2014 [link youtube]
Douglas MacArthur was formally deified in Chinese Daoism [道教], an interesting footnote in history, reflecting the asymmetrical attitudes toward religion-as-politics in the modern West and East. The video is only 5 minutes long; why summarize?
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the history of religion in China in the 20th
exists if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. MacArthur. the book itself explains that while Douglas during his life, after he died he transformed he became a student of Daoism, he learned achieved immortality; he became a god with of revelations to the public here on earth poetry), on the night of November 12th, 1979. from beyond the grave here, he says, "A third will be the most devastating." changes that will take place in the world's of every 10 human beings to escape disaster." we there have, uh, a set of reflections that movies, many secular sources from the same in history, and it could not have been written or maybe thrilling for modern Europeans to is maybe a remarkable example), and see that the gods-with-a-lower-case-g continued, that was a military leader to be elevated to becoming antiquity, you had more of a dotted line between and the religious, and more of a dynamic tension with a very clear, dark line separating the g) from the era of monotheism, having one with a capital letter g. no convenient dividing line that way, between and negative assigned to it, and another category liberal, progressive, and a positive part western bias about Greco-Roman religion, [the and somehow linked to democracy (in ways that religion, while it remains open to the possibility a god, while it remains open to this kind visionary religious experience, new religious it remains open, there's also a much more in which all superstition exists, and one exists. plays out even in how tremendously violent Cambodian communism, trying to imitate Chinese and more violent than Soviet communism, although many different eras of history, we have this knowledge, being utterly transcendental, often political reality that's (of course) fleeting. ten years later or ten years earlier. preacher and of the crowd being preached to,
exists if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. MacArthur. the book itself explains that while Douglas during his life, after he died he transformed he became a student of Daoism, he learned achieved immortality; he became a god with of revelations to the public here on earth poetry), on the night of November 12th, 1979. from beyond the grave here, he says, "A third will be the most devastating." changes that will take place in the world's of every 10 human beings to escape disaster." we there have, uh, a set of reflections that movies, many secular sources from the same in history, and it could not have been written or maybe thrilling for modern Europeans to is maybe a remarkable example), and see that the gods-with-a-lower-case-g continued, that was a military leader to be elevated to becoming antiquity, you had more of a dotted line between and the religious, and more of a dynamic tension with a very clear, dark line separating the g) from the era of monotheism, having one with a capital letter g. no convenient dividing line that way, between and negative assigned to it, and another category liberal, progressive, and a positive part western bias about Greco-Roman religion, [the and somehow linked to democracy (in ways that religion, while it remains open to the possibility a god, while it remains open to this kind visionary religious experience, new religious it remains open, there's also a much more in which all superstition exists, and one exists. plays out even in how tremendously violent Cambodian communism, trying to imitate Chinese and more violent than Soviet communism, although many different eras of history, we have this knowledge, being utterly transcendental, often political reality that's (of course) fleeting. ten years later or ten years earlier. preacher and of the crowd being preached to,