Vegetable Police is Vegan Again: He Never Apologized.

12 June 2019 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

so i've just been so exhausted like just
imagine running to the bathroom like 20 times a day with diarrhea painful bloody diarrhea where i'm thinking i'm gonna pass out on the toilet i'm just like holy and then i get up and i'm like okay initially when i first saw the blood i was thinking can i heal this on the carnivore diet so i just started eating meat like regular and it was just so painful i was like there's no way i can't no way i got the blood test back they are absolutely terrible we'll go through that so right now i'm no longer carnivore my monkey ass has been vegan for like 13 days or something [Music] dear father please send me more likes and followers and subscribers i'm not a holocaust denier i don't think it did happen i don't think there was gassing of jews for slaughter that was a made-up thing by the jews themselves apparently these concentration camps and i'm about to say some good things about the concentration camps i'm not a holocaust denier but the camps like they had theater they had music like they were well fed they were well taken care of and it was only till like the last little bit where germany was like in the war their country is breaking down the supply chain they couldn't get food into the camps and then yeah people were starving to death but it wasn't like they were put there and then starved intentionally it wasn't like that at all from what i gather i don't know i'm just watching youtube over here i am uploading so many videos from my subscribers i ask you for your help in this one thing it is the most important thing in my life obviously i've watched a bunch of youtube videos that doesn't make me very qualified on this matter because i could be being brainwashed by just another group of people first you have to ask yourself why did hitler take all the jews and put them in a concentration camp why would that happen i'm not a holocaust denier there's a couple different theories here but the main one which can't be denied is that the jewish people were taking over his country and they are pretty much in control of this entire planet i'm not a holocaust denier when you think of the illuminati and like the secret beings that control this earth we may or may not be talking about the jewish people i'm not a holocaust denier they are controlling everything if you just start researching what do the jews control it's like they control all the mainstream media they control hollywood they control the banks it's like they control this planet and hitler noticed this i'm not a holocaust denier he basically gathered all the jews put him in a concentration camp and he was like get out of our country he told them to leave they would not leave he gathered him up into a little camp like a summer camp like a summer camp i don't think there was gassing of jews for slaughter that was a made-up thing by the jews themselves i'm not a holocaust denier let's face it the jewish people they control the media you have to understand i have nothing against jewish people i'm not a holocaust denier please send me more likes and followers and subscribers it is the most important thing in my life the controversy of the moment is that a fool here on youtube was foolish enough to put on a t-shirt with a nazi swastika he actually tried to sell t-shirts with a nancy swastika made a series of anti-semitic holocaust denial and pro-adolf hitler statements now it is hilarious to me every time i've made a video of this kind that some people want to criticize my channel for daring to describe someone as a neo-nazi who makes statements in support of adolf hitler it's not a debate we're going to have people okay if you go to the search bar on this channel and you search for the word nazi you search for the word racism you're going to find some interesting earlier videos i made on those topics by the way shout out to vegan cheetah vegan cheetah uh recognized that i don't know many many months ago was already tackling these issues when nobody else was and it's very rare here in the vegan youtube demi monde for there to be any kind of positive reinforcement for positive content like that almost nobody recognizes hey somebody already made a quality video addressing this topic in the past you can check it out we more that behavior from everyone across the board and credit where it's due even when i see that behavior coming from someone like vegan cheetah so thanks to him for that you know the i think the first video i made under that heading though doesn't have nazi in the title was actually a response to a channel called a privileged vegan still an interesting video still worth seeing i'll give the link below here but you know i criticized also left-wing social justice warriors like a privileged vegan because i saw them making allegations of racism allegations of like white supremacism against people were had no substance making an allegation against unnatural vegan herself making an allegation against bite-sized emily making allegations of this kind where there was no meaningful racism white supremacism while at the same time they were ignoring important examples of vegans who were neo-nazis by this definition people who were making videos saying supportive things about adolf hitler so those issues have been discussed on this channel before um i like to address these problems in a way that will make this video right now still meaningful and interesting to watch if i come back and see it five years from now or ten years from now when the controversy of the day is forgotten uh i've suggested you guys that we should all look in the mirror before you type a comment on the internet before you make a statement verbally in writing whatever it may be would you say it in a cafe if you would not say this in a cafe why are you saying it on the internet now this is getting trickier and trickier in 2017 i think most people are no longer familiar with what it's like to talk about politics in a cafe they're only accustomed to talking about politics on the internet this has a corrosive effect this fool in the nazi t-shirt he said openly at one point in his video that he would not feel comfortable wearing the t-shirt he made and teacher he was trying to sell he would not feel comfortable wearing it in a cafe he wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it in public and he talked about the difficulties he would get into in having conversations with strangers uh if he did so so you know that's a clue even for someone this foolish on some level he is aware that what he's doing here on the internet is unacceptable and that he himself he doesn't expect it to be um acceptable in public and the internet is public it's actually much more public than a conversation in a cafe that may be witnessed by three or four people right but i i definitely think our generation is living through a collapse of the consciousness of what it means to be a public intellectual what it means to be an intellectual engaged in political and social issues just just to be concerned just to be compassionate just to be awake and alive and engaged with the problems around us in the world and willing to talk about them uh in an open-minded and open-hearted way the very simple point i was making in my earlier video on this uh of course i mean it's obvious that from we can lose sight of it all this behavior is just motivated by an unending quest for more viewers more subscribers more fame more attention and most of the people playing this game do not distinguish between positive attention and negative attention they're happy with any attention they can get now this fool in the nazi t-shirt how else would he have gotten on vegan cheetah's channel how else would he have gotten on a natural vegan's channel how else would he have gotten the level of attention that he's gotten now we've created an ecosystem here within the digital vegan demi monde where negative behavior to put it that way is rewarded okay i can even see this in my own channel i'm self-critical about this people i really am and positive content useful content content that's substantive is not rewarded at all okay now this is i'm talking about this because this is actually something we can change uh if you go to my channel and you put in the search bar nazi you'll get to see the videos that have addressed some other vegan neo-nazi situations if you search for racism you get some other videos on that you know what else though you can put in the word book just the word book in the search bar and you're going to see a bunch of really interesting really useful book reviews why do i say they're interesting usual they're interesting and useful for you if you're already vegan if you're already part of the vegan movement or you're a vegan who one day aspires to be part of a real movement right because most of us most of us are here on the internet because in real life we have our day jobs and we're not part of a movement maybe we aspire to be but we're not right uh book review half earth by edwardo wilson a book about ecology i'll give you a vegan perspective on that rules for radicals a book about organizing political dissent and activism my book review on that uh just two weeks ago i uploaded a book review motivational methods for vegan advocacy by casey taft okay an important book in the movement i give it a very harsh review but still entertaining and interesting and stimulating i think you should watch i had two videos discussing zoopolis a non-vegan political theory of animal rights an important book in the literature and i have a video up that's over an hour long which is myself and modvegan sitting down discussing back and forth the latest publication by gary francione uh so that's a major important and recent book i think that's 2015 or 2016 but recently published book on you know what the future of vegan activism and advocacy should be okay these videos i'm putting that content on the internet and i might as well be flushing it down the toilet okay it goes up on my channel and it sits there inert there's no reaction there's no cycle to it right garbage like this guy is creating has a huge cycle there are response videos and reactions and this creates again it creates attention whether it's positive attention or negative attention or both guys we could change this you know other channels could see my book reviews and they can criticize me they can disagree with my book review they can read the book themselves they can present their own perspective on it you know again you can disagree with me you can disagree with the book or you can agree with me or agree with the book and that would create a virtuous cycle of substantive meaningful content gaining impetus within the vegan dimming wand and that's totally lacking and by contrast whether it's so-called drama just say like slander gossip and innuendo does get recycled instead of a virtuous cycle it's a vicious cycle right um the more you know extreme and offensive and just negative and and insane a video is the more likely it is to go through this cycle and i mean i know someone like a natural vegan obviously has good intentions in addressing this but i think she's also aware she's part of the problem right so great you're making somebody famous for being a [ __ ] neonate um you know that larger channels are cycling and recycling garbage of this kind and they are not ever giving impetus to giving another life to giving responses even in the form of criticism positive and substantive content now again i mean i don't see this as an either or okay you can look at a channel i'm not hating on her but you know you can look at a channel that's mostly fluff like supreme banana so supreme banana does videos about the food she ate at mcdonald's the food she ate at wendy's being a vegan and going to these fast food restaurants being a vegan and trying to cook some kind of crazy pancake recipe okay whatever i don't hate it it's fine all you people who have bigger channels whether you do pancakes or mcdonald's whatever you know what the fact that you make fluff doesn't mean you only have to make fluff you can reach out to and recognize substantive comment content from somebody like me from somebody like modvegan you can just say that you appreciate it you can promote it and i've been doing that on my channel from day one there are some very small channels that found their whole audience because of me because i promoted them i recognized they were they were doing something of substance you can create a virtuous cycle of positive content being recycled and responded to and reacted to and criticized and debated in a positive constructive and meaningful way and one of the reasons why it's so important to do that is that currently the only content that gets picked up and recycled that way is this kind of crazy nazi [ __ ] and everyone knows it so that's why there's this cleavage it's the simplest moral standard would i say this in a cafe would i do this in a cafe would i do this in public no but the type of conduct the type of political discourse that is acceptable in the cafe people know that's not going to lead to notoriety that's not going to lead to the much coveted microfame that people are trying to build for themselves here on youtube and again we can change we can change we can choose to recognize that something is substantive and worth discussing and discuss it for that reason not because it's the most outrageous thing not because it's the most offensive thing but because it's worth discussing either because it is interesting in itself or because it is really meaningful for the future at the moment