Why Are Comments Disabled on My Youtube Channel? Why Are No Comments Allowed?

21 February 2020 [link youtube]


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Youtube Automatic Transcription

one of the questions I get asked
obviously is why our comments disabled on this channel [Music] when you meet people are you going to judge them by their potential to do good in the future or are you going to judge them by who they are right now who they already are what they're already doing the most generous thing you can do with people it's to set aside the bad things they've done in the past to set aside the harm they're doing now and to look at them and relate to them in terms of their potential to do good in the future and on a case by case basis I think you need to meet people and look into their eyes and you need to make that decision for yourself there's no way you can make a blanket decision like this is how I'm gonna talk to Christians or this is a home gonna talk to white people who are into yoga and rock crystals and pseudoscience but who are also vegan you know it's again a huge gap they're very difficult for me to cooperate this people voted for means out of those people there's no way you can have a blanket decision this is how I'm gonna talk to people who are part of the scientific community or professional politicians engage with these ecological issues but who eat meat who are non vegan or this is how I'm gonna relate to people who are hunters but who really care about ecology and forest conservation people who hunt and eat meat but you care about some other things there is no way you can you can have a decision that applies to all them uniformly I think on a case-by-case basis you need to talk to people you need to listen to people look into their eyes if possible and you have to decide if you have it in you whether or not you have the generosity of spirit to treat them not as they are to treat them not as they deserve to be treated not to judge them based on their past conduct or their current conduct but to judge them based on their potential to do good in the future to make the world a better place because the people of this conference I think some of them have that potential even if there's scumbags even if they're engaged in every ridiculous excuse for organic meat happy meat for living a lifestyle that I find ethically unforgivable for living a life of self-selected obscurity of voluntary ignorant and excuse making for evil and cruelty self-indulgence and harm of the worst kind am I gonna put that aside and am I gonna try to do something positive with you yes or no it's a face-to-face human-to-human decision and for that reason I mean one of the questions I get asked obviously is why our comments disabled on this channel if you compare the amount of time you spend if you spend one hour making comments on the internet reading in a public forum whether it's reddit or on YouTube and it may be fifteen minutes here and there that adds up you may think oh I never spend an hour doing comments in the Internet use a stopwatch actually time yourself how much time you're spending talking to strangers to that kind of anonymous typewritten format whether it's on Facebook or YouTube or Twitter many of you watching this video you are wasting many hours a week but it's very likely you're spending more than one hour a week with that kind of typing communication with strangers I would challenge you to stop doing that take that one hour and instead deal with one person who has some potential by telephone by Skype or by face-to-face and as you do that again and again many times it'll lead nowhere you'll spend one set one hour talking to somebody and you'll decide either they don't have it in them to make some post happen or that you don't have it in you to make slim pause that in cooperation that's fine but I promise you taking that one hour to talk to one person on skype by telephone in person it's a much more meaningful way to seek out the basis for real activism then engaging in a hundred hours of anonymous faceless witty banter and comment sessions because that can lead nowhere and when you're doing it I urge you to keep to keep this concept of generosity of spirit in mind because you're not out here to prove that you're smarter than other people and the internet traps people that people lose sight of that they think they're out here to be the smartest or the prettiest or the most popular and you're not all of that is meaningless the only test that matters is whether or not you have the generosity of spirit to cooperate with other people and whether or not you can find the other people who really can cooperate with you [Music]