R-Rated Q&A: Ted Carr, Durianrider, Freelee, Charles Marlowe, etc.

20 October 2017 [link youtube]

Questions asked by "A Vegan Called Quest", you can find more of him here: https://www.younow.com/VeganCalledQuest

Youtube Automatic Transcription

testing one two three testing one t3i
doing man cool I'm coolin I just came back from a kind of fake-ass religious ritual for Confucius for Confucius Confucianism in front of the Statue of Confucius here and you know yeah one of the students invited me and actually one of the application I used to communicate with the student just stopped working on my phone which is kind of awkward but I think young I guess I'm gonna try to reinstall the app and see if that works sorry most boring part of the story but yeah you know I've got to admit all these ancient societies were built on animal sacrifice at these rituals and when you take the animal sacrifice out of it it's funny but there's just not that much left to the ritual it's like you know it's like bullfighting with a mechanical bull so pretty much all you got going on is putting flowers in front of the statue you know yeah it's a question man but this is actually the first time your Confucianism was really illegal under communism here and this is the first year on campus they've actually done a ritual in front of the statute of Confucius so this is part of the transition of China from communist culture to fake-ass kung-fu movie culture this is ongoing all around me and although all the girls were dressed up in you know fake historical outfits the same style people wear in kung-fu movies so that's that's the future China big fan of the idea event I guess look it's cool I'm flattered to be invited to this kind of thing and like you know in Chinese culture its kind of easy it's easier to cope with because everything is fake anyway so it's not like a problem like back when I was doing First Nations when I was doing Korean a giveaway native people Canada like sometimes I got invited to events religious events you know rituals they were doing and I said to them look if I'm there it's not a real ritual like you know if I'm there it'll be fake so it shouldn't come you know and they were really shocked at that because look my way of respecting your religion is by not you know pretending to participate when I'm you know when it's not my religion if it's gonna be real you know I shouldn't be there but yeah with this kind of thing it's totally fake anyway so there's no problem probably not what you want to talk to you about but yeah it's night that's why I'm wearing the suit I just came from that religious ritual yeah fair enough I'm not gonna chance to I hear your opinion on either recent banning of dirty rider on YouTube well that the poem is now it's a banning and it's a nun banning right so we only had a couple days a couple days of him being offline yeah he's back he's back up his channel his channel is back on again now she was only taking offline yeah his main channel yeah yeah is relisted so that does raise questions you know I mean during rider lives about a lot of things but he might be telling the truth about this about this issue in terms of his claim about how the channel got blocked in the first place in contrast an or vegans claim and nor vegan is certainly capable of lying I've seen him lie myself but uh yeah I mean you know obviously I thought it was a positive thing for for veganism and for YouTube to see the the rules applied in that case you know that the rules on YouTube are applied very unevenly and very unfairly and you know I'm an example that my video about Ted car got censored I had a video about Ted car that was that was taken offline for so-called bullying now was it was a harsh criticism of Ted car but I was really talking about the content of his philosophy you know what he says about diet and exercise and mostly about career and education job aspera you know he's into this philosophy of drop out of school and don't try hard and I'm into the philosophy of don't drop out of school try harder if you do drop out of school you got a tight try ten times harder you know what I mean nay I gotta try even harder because you know I got no education but you know so it was a you know critique along those lines that got taken down for bullying slash harassment it's like well okay if me criticizing criticizing Ted car on this stuff if that is pulling for harassment what about what durianrider does what about you know all these example what about what vegan cheetah did you know vegan treat is now kind of past tense to you know how can this possibly be the same set of rules for everyone yeah so that's it from YouTube's perspective for the vegan community for the future of eating as a movement course tremendous a positive thing if during Ryder got deleted who knows if we'll live to see that day at EDD cards ten cards from here I heard he's like a huge womanizing piece of [ __ ] dead car I think he only he says he only ejaculates a couple times a year so if you call that a womanizer I mean like that's that's what he claims and I don't know any men who boast about how few times they ejaculate per year so so what do you see how quickly he moved off that subject you see how quickly he wondered so that it's possible Ted car just eats a lot of [ __ ] that's possible then but otherwise he's getting less sex in a year than you get in a weekend so you know said that's you know if you think he's a womanizing piece of [ __ ] right that's not what I've heard and that's not what he says about himself so you know he's just like right now currently apparently enjoying the broadcast cool anyway so what what do you want oh sorry did you wanna say more about about the during writer thing there's not that much more to say if you guys don't know you know my court case is still ongoing so in the middle of December I go back to Chang line but I'm gonna have another day in court no idea if anything's gonna come of it and you know I mean I have I have very low expectations of the the Thai justice system at this point I'm not expecting a lot of justice out of the Thai justice system but if we got a little bit that that'd be nice and you know after that I'm going back to Canada so if there are more court hearings after I go back to Canada that'll be really tough for me it'll probably be impossible for me to ever come back to court again after this so if the piece is either dismissed or delayed if it doesn't wrap up with this next day in court in December probably from my perspective that's the end of the case because of like through like with that well I mean you know you saw this kind of domino effect that started with me when I stood up to him and I was starting to ask hard questions that's even before he threatened me when I was asking hard questions about his diet advice for his exercise advice I was asking her questions about freelee's credentials before they got exposed that she had actually lied about her education and so on there were a lot of lies I mean everything including your straight-up lies about how many calories you can eat well it's you know if some of them were kind of boring lies of that but there was a lot of lies a lot of bullying there was a lot of lot of darkness in what was going on with them and they switched from you know early on in my critique of them I used to give them the the concession I used to say look they didn't ask to be in a leadership role they just came on camera I wanted to present their kooky lifestyle their eccentric lifestyle you know they used to be against using shampoo these to be against using toilets they tell you to pee in a bucket you can still find that stuff you searched for it they used to be against using soap they were against vaccines they were against modern medical science there was all this crazy crap but up to a certain point they were just a couple of eccentrics you know making money out of diet books but also you know presenting their lifestyle and I used to say look I can't criticize them too harshly because they don't claim to be leaders in the peak movement and then that switched that's what Mike my my criticism of got way more harsh and excoriating they started describing themselves as quote the most effective vegan act activists in the world and they started pushing lifestyle activism as the replacement for you know what peda does you know not just as competing with but as better that what else was was going on in the vegan scene so I started laying in and saying no it's not but you know we see you asked me am i SAS of the process what we've seen since I stood up to durianrider is a long slow process of people waking up and one of the early dramatic ones was vegan gains vegan gains went from being during writers friend and supporter to being as enemy you know for durianrider doesn't have anything in between like either your 100% his friend I never said his enemy but you know I like to give an example that vegan gains doesn't care much about politics he doesn't know much about politics but he cares a lot about health science so I remember just asking him asking Richard Richard how could you support this guy when he claimed to have cured Crohn's disease like just as an example Crohn's disease if you guys don't know is a very serious genuinely incurable disease and you got this guy Durham Ryder claiming cured that's exactly the sort of thing vegan gains hates and that he criticizes in other fitness youtubers you know like if you make fake claims about curing a disease it discredits veganism you know like there are a lot of bad impacts in that and you know Richard really had nothing to say you know so but in that same way whether your thing was health information or weight loss you know no matter which angle you came at it from you know work or street politics Street protests I mean a guy like Joey Karp strong that's really his whole life's blood is his street protest his public outreach but so there people came in from different angles each of them in the space of a year had to ask themselves why were they making excuses for durianrider and for sure me standing up to him my criticizing him and then ultimately my standing up to in court that that was kind of a pinprick in the balloon where after that the balloon just you know kept kept losing air and the more during Ryder defended himself the more lies he told the more obvious it was to everyone including people who are close personal friends feds people were intimate in his life you know they all had to face up to the extent to which this guy was a liar and a manipulator and a bully and in the end that kind of thing but you know in terms of the legal process so far the legal process hasn't done anything except given during Ryder another opportunity to tell a bunch of lies and then people saw that they were lives people learned they were lies because you know you know the court case was real I wasn't lying what everything and he was so it was just one more opportunity for people to kind of wake up and that's that's basically we've seen that the only other thing I'd say beyond that is you know fashions come and go within veganism you've been in this game for long enough to see different fashions come and go like West I would even say like DXE DX or DX e 1.0 when direct action ever was founded they had a kind of style that a different fashion of vegan acted and that changed you know but in the same way also we've just seen the end of that that fashion that style that period of durianrider and freely lifestyle activism we've seen that die across the board so yeah that's it though but but the core case itself otherwise it's been an opportunity for people to wake up people are gonna learn when they want to learn and know sooner and otherwise that doesn't say about it okay so I heard you say something but nor vegan but then just the audio signal broke up of the sense so what with scurvy if you can't get it across you can type it in switcher what we don't know is if that had any effect though right because durianrider is selling a different story about this being related to somehow freely posting spam in his account or something but if if Noor vegans story were true or if it mattered then why was his why was his channel reinstated with no changes just a couple days later right you know you know it's it's possible more vegan is telling the truth it's possible he thinks it's the truth but it's not sure like it's possible he had this meeting and then by coincidence the you know the the channel got briefly canceled but it wasn't really related to the meeting when I sent my legal documents to YouTube corporation they basically responded by saying they'd be willing to delete particular videos that named me like if I want to send them examples of videos and timestamps they would delete those videos but otherwise they weren't gonna do anything with during writer and that's contrary to my interest I don't want to be in a situation where people can't see both sides of the story you know what I mean like it's not in my interest legally or professionally or morally to delete the evidence of what the problem is you know like if there are only videos on my channel complaining about the problem but people can't go and see durianrider denouncing me this way then it's you know then it's then it's it's hard to make progress in that situation so I didn't I didn't go further with that but that is generally YouTube's attitude towards this is that these problems only exist in particular videos that contain identifiable information and that's why durianrider always uses stupid nicknames for people so that he can harass and bully and announce people and skate the line of YouTube because it's it's not using your legal name no I heard you was going to but I haven't seen it yet so somebody did tell me that I mean obviously I could I could see it in the next couple of hours but you know because I heard he was going to that I took a look at his video on durian writers legacy and I mean Charles Charles Marlow formerly known as we can cheetah I just feel I mean he's it's he's on empty he just had nothing to say you know like I could do a video right now on that topic on Terry miters legacy or my legacy on any topic I could do a video unscripted no prep that's better than his material I really feel I mean like in a sense his material was garbage before booming YouTube YouTube is like rap music you gotta have something to say and then there's the question of whether or not you say it well you know that's that's the real question and like I mean rap music it just heard the new album from Action Bronson you know which I thought was his tear was terrible I think it's his worst worst project of all time or worst project in many years but like rabble from Action Bronson some of the songs have a decent beat but it's like fundamentally if this is just a rap song about how happy you are to own an expensive car it's going nowhere you know so I'm just saying like you know with YouTube this is a really spare medium the rap music also is a spare spare medium you know it's not like I can distract you with special effects or a great plot or anything you know when you come on camera you've got to have something to say and I've got to say that's the most fundamental you know flaw and Charles's formula he's coming on camera and he has nothing to say and not even about something is easy to talk about as like during Ryder and his legacy it's not like you got to do research to talk a good game about that you know I think I think he really got on the wrong road as soon as he stopped keeping it real he made a transition at one point from reporting the news to inventing the news you know I noticed exactly when it was I mean I saw I was in contact in that day and then from there on it was a moral downward spiral and you know to what extent does he even know who he is anymore or who he's supposed to be to what extent is he portraying a fictional character and to what extent is the artistry ality based on the private email of had with him yes he does seem to be insane you know I'm just being honest with you you know honestly like to give you an example so you know I have a job here in China like you know I live on a university campus in China where I teach classes University and that's really obvious but when I was back here teaching in China he sent me an email where he was like in like seriously not jokingly saying to me that he knew for a fact I was still in Chiang Mai like I was still like in hiding in Thailand like causing drama or causing conflict of [ __ ] like dude so I I'm now a 39 year old man in a in a gray suit for real like I'm not a high school student you know you think I'm living and hiding in Thailand just to cause drama really like yeah there's so much wrong there but this is obviously a trivial example but the extent to which he's kind of making things up in his own mind and playing games and losing touch with reality mmm from my perspective as someone who's known him for a relatively long time and of you know talked to him privately as well as publicly yeah I'd say I'd say insanity is part of the is part of the problem and like don't forget like so look so quest you know YouTube hasn't destroyed your life yet but this guy this guy dropped out of college for YouTube there's another great example is a youtuber called Caitlin shoemaker dropped out of her MA program you know once you're in that deep once you believe that this is gonna pay your rent you know you drop out real damage those are real consequences to live with nobody did it to him you know he did it to himself but sure if he wasn't crazy to begin with that sense of his own failure of his own squandered potential he dude had Talent dude could sing dude could play guitar dude was charming and at one point he was loved I can remember when he was loved not hated I can remember when everyone supported him when everyone just wanted him to get better whenever we just wanted to recover from his drug addiction was nothing but positive support and you know he's got nobody to blame but himself sure I mean sorry different story in each case mmm but you know I've been in this game long enough the different people go through different phases in their lives like some people stop talking you just cuz they have a new boyfriend or new girlfriend some people stop talking you because they have a new job one person I'm friends with stop talking to me because he or she got a new religion convert to new religion and you know in some cases I don't hear why they disappeared or I only find out years later or something but now I mean my doors open to all those people basically you know and I do I mean I do still talk to Richard but you know Richard Knight vegan gains we don't have that much in common so you know like I'm happy to talk to him but you know I don't play video games I'm not into the same stuff he's into so it's not you know but obviously someone you know is more positive than negative for the future the movement I noticed he just had another video whipping out a gun and pointing the gun threatening to shoot people in the head you know there's some aspects of his act I don't support it don't sympathize with you know what you're not so but still nevertheless you know but no I I just say you know I say this for myself you know so critically - I think this is true of a lot of people are on the tube you know I'm looking to replace you know a lost family I'm looking to replace what my family failed to provide me with what high school and university all failed to provide me with I should have come out of high school with a circle of friends that last for life I should have come out of university with a circle friends the last wife I didn't you know I don't have that and I'm looking for quality people just to be a part of my life in whatever way they can you know I mean like I'm not I don't need a lot from peer but yeah and that's why you know it does bother me like to give an example Jake Eames when I was last in in Chiangmai well no sorry not last so a couple times ago over a year ago when I was in Chiang Mai so I've been I've been back to Chiang Mai since then but well when I was in Chiang Mai - having the face of Dermer there was this guy there Jake Eames you know and I don't know why he disappeared I assume it's because he tried to buckle down and work on his job care more about his job as education and that's just my assumption but sometimes you know people disappear and it's like whoa you know I thought we were going to be colleagues in the movement I thought would really be organizing and instigating stuff for veganism and now you've ghosted so sure I'm disappointed that way but normally there there are reasons and very often they're positive reasons very often it is new girlfriend new job you know they got something better to do then come on YouTube and talk about their feelings maybe this will happen to you one day you know you know it's art it's an online friendship because you don't really know you know sure look I agree and I mean you can have the same problem in real life too knowing people face-to-face and not really knowing them but I mean look you know stupidity is real insanity is real and there's no doubt in veganism you deal with more than your fair share of people who are either stupid or insane or both you know that's real and you know I mean I've spent time in elite institutions I was at you know Cambridge and Oxford University in England because my ex-wife was getting her PhD there and I presented some papers I presented some research and went to some events and conferences you know at those elite universities the average level of intelligence of the people with PhDs I'd say was lower than like my fellow high school students when I was in high school and the percentage of them that's that are insane is higher than you I felt by school 30,000 at school let you look around a classroom and a PhD program a lot of people are stupid a lot of people are crazy so I can't I can't front on it too much yeah and veganism sometimes it burns me that I got to deal with so many people who are insane or stupid or a combination of the two but like let me tell you the ph.d program and anthropology at Cambridge a bunch of [ __ ] idiots and crackpots like you know what this is you know this is my experience when you're in elite situations and you think wow very few people here are like mentally competent and have their act together and that's been my experience in life in a lot of different fields so I can't hate on vegans too much but I can advise my fellow vegans you got to protect yourself you got to think about that you know every everybody you're dealing with in this in this scene in this game they can be really pernicious they can be really crazy they can literally create fake nude photographs of you and post them on the Internet just to get attention like you know like yeah like this is this I know I know like this is the stuff that goes on and it's like you know I am NOT I am NOT Kanye West like I'm not really famous enough to justify this kind of behavior but yeah that's that's what goes on so a couple senses there I couldn't hear do you want to say again or type sorry what about your sunshine are you a fan of him uh no and he hates my guts actually so yeah I made a video ages ago called use soap you idiots and I think the subtitle is why I hate vegans still a great video but about soap so maybe you've heard of the you know bacterial theory of disease it's more than just a theory at this point you know the existence of bacteria and its relationship to human illness is now much much better proven than the theory of evolution of the theory that the earth is spherical rather than flat and so on this is a well proven theory but Jonas sunshine is in the tiny minority of people who do not believe that washing your hands with soap is in any way related to disease and I pushed him on this I said so you do not believe if you go to a surgeon do you expect the surgeon to wash the the scalpel with soap but do you believe that you know if you believe you can get sick from a dirty knife figures the surgery do you expect surgeons to wash their heads and watch the surgical intimates see yeah he's he's a crackpot on that side and he he was sending me links to these really you know horribly disproven just not credible you know doctors who don't believe in soap and don't believe in the existence of bacteria and these same people you know don't believe that hiv/aids exists they believe it was a conspiracy made up by the government this kind of crap unbelievable nonsense so you know I didn't even like argue with him I remember he sent me this link and I just googled the the resume of the the doctor or the medical expert who exposed the sores the division I was just sitting there reading out to him the history of this you know the best source he had supporting his point of view and he went nuts so yeah I mean that's that's a test in general in life you know the fragility of your own views the fragility of your beliefs the fragility of your position have you want to put it but you know if you can't if you can't take if you can't you know give and take a discussion that way if you freak out when someone just says okay well let's look at your sources let's look at why you believe that you know it's a sign you really need to reevaluate you know what your position is or what your assumptions are but yeah it's it's pretty it's pretty sad so no and usually I look bottom line is he is he crazy or is he saying is he brilliant or is he stupid I could ask you a much simpler question is he gonna do anything positive for the vegan movement in the next five years my answer is no so therefore you know I write him out for that reason either could be so positive or you're not