Racism exists within veganism; racist vegans exist; discuss. (1 of 2) Cory McCarthy.

13 August 2016 [link youtube]

Cory McCarthy is a (racist, white-supremacist) vegan fitness instructor who provides advice on diet and exercise, here on youtube. This is part one of two, and there is no overlap between the two videos, so watch the sequel if you feel that this (relatively short) video fails to provide a full overview of his "weltanschauung".

Part 2 is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d157m8S3Xv8

Youtube Automatic Transcription

we're actually quarries here wearing a
Buddha t-shirt then I'm here reading Buddhism for dummies and we're both vegan so just so you know we're not just like we don't just like some bloodthirsty love killing inferior beings or something no America was founded by whites for whites the whole thing they've like you know people you know claiming that oh well then what are you doing in America because you know that wasn't your homeland etc Souter's are we conquered America we came we had the ability and we did it if the native population of a territory we went into was capable of defeating us we would have been defeated and we would have left you know it wouldn't have worked out very well but you know the only reason we were able to do it is because why why why we could within the digital vegan demi-monde accusations of racism are certainly a strange and puzzling thing in the not-too-distant past I defended unnatural vegan against accusations of racism that she not only heard she made her own videos responded those accusations bite size vegan at the same time was used to being a racist and responded those accusations although in my opinion they were not substantive they were not meaningful more recently I've had to address repeatedly the accusations of racism that were made against vegan cheetah and then I had to raise an eyebrow when vegan cheetah was referring to another youtuber another digital vegan activist as a white supremacist or shamova so it was a kind of accusation of racism against her even though I think it was entirely a joking one it wasn't a serious accusation but I still raise the question of you know is this appropriate of this coastline um to me one of the most pernicious aspects of that game that I've seen played out over the last two years kind of phony accusations of racism and phony witch hunts for the sake of political correctness is that people have ignored more substantive questions of racism and race relations shall we say and how those issues intersect with veganism the questions we ask ourselves as a nascent social movement in pursuit of animal rights ecology a vegan diet really the only caveat I have to state here before I let these guys state their own view of the world in their own words without my interrupting them and without my making sarcastic remarks or without my criticizing them because I think there's just no point in doing that the main caveat I have to state here is that this couple you're about to hear from they do not consider themselves racist they do actually define racism in their own terms and then they explain why from their own perspective there racist now with that having been said I think a very large percentage of people in the audience will will consider these views racist without any ambiguity they will consider them objectively racist apart from from subjective matters of opinion but of course from from different political perspectives these things are debatable on average thirty thousand white women in the United States are raped by black men and close to nil white right white men rape black women so it's a really a one-way street happening there which just goes to show that white women have been made far more vulnerable to assault as a result of blacks being allowed to try to integrate into a white country which is America America was founded by whites for whites and I believe that was actually written in the original Constitution I'm not sure exactly the which paperwork it was written in but it was specifically stated but it was a country for free white men of goods now that brings me to something else - sorry this is a complete aside but it's related the whole thing I've liked you know people you know claiming that oh well then what are you doing in America because you know that wasn't your homeland etc that is our we conquered America we came we had the ability and we did it the better man wins that's how it works and you know it's a solution what exactly it's like you know I'm you know why should anyone have to feel sorry for the fact that they came in and we were all on this planet the same amount of time we've all been on this planet the same amount of time it's not like you know white people have had some kind of like you know three or four or five or even more thousand-year head start but it looks like no but it just looks like you know do we look a pair of magicians or something you know and and you know it we we developed these you know complex societies these the great architecture the great artwork the great music the science and literature etc etc etc etc mentioned the wheel yeah meanwhile our counterparts in other countries were living in mud huts and carrying baskets on their head you know and in some places they still do this like that's how far they've come with the same amount of time on earth you know so why it was the reason we're not saying this because we hate them no we're not saying this because we want to kill them exactly for some reason a lot of people will assume I guess that's like some kind of Hitler Association or something ironically we're actually quarries here wearing a Buddha t-shirt then I'm here reading Buddhism for dummies and we're both vegan so just so you know we're not just like we don't just like some bloodthirsty love killing inferior beings or something no we just hate stupidity we hate people who with more facts you know we hate people who do twist things around you know it's just absurd this whole white guilt thing is absurd now I'm not advocating like I said I'm not advocating me go over to any of the country and wipe these people out now we have conquered in the past you know and that is because we came in and we were able to you know because we were technologically superior exactly well of being intellectual I mean if the if the native population of a territory we went into was capable of defeating us we would have been defeated and we would have left you know it wouldn't have worked out very well but you know the only reason we were able to do it is because why why why we tried yeah we had such things as boats and guns and they thought we were going to let me arrived in South America some places they call them the white Devils but uh ya know in a lot of places they thought we were God's when we stepped off the boats you know because I've never seen anyone do that we've never seen men wearing armor or having guns or you know anything remotely like that don't quote me on this that I think that uh that like only some only nations and only people in Europe and parts of Asia East Asia and and in parts of India had even crap even were able to craft out of like metals like you know in a many of these places they were still using [ __ ] sticks and rocks and Spears and maybe putting bone at the end of something for an arrow they hadn't even learned how to shape metal you know into you know advanced weaponry so of course we were gonna come in and conquer without much problem I'll say to be brief things here in case Corey and his girlfriend I should see this video I know I mean they've made videos about their their views of intelligence you know IQ tests and differences in levels of intelligence to be different ethnic groups and so on and so you know I have I have no idea at this point to what extent their anti-semitism might really make them hostile against me as I am a nihilistic atheist by belief but I am Jewish by blood and I've got to say growing up I never thought Judaism was going to be such a big deal in my life as its turned out to be I never thought that Judaism would be my primary public identity in the same way that you know someone who's black may be perceived first and foremost as black and only secondarily as Canadian it's ridiculous to me that in so many contexts my identity is perceived as first and foremost as Jewish as if this was really a tremendously important fact about me above and beyond all other facts such as the fact that I you know born and raised in Canada but it is anti-semitism is alive and well in 2016 and we may we may see some of that in the comments below this video I don't know but anyway if those guys see this video what I have to say to them is is the following that there is really no simple connection between the facts as you present them and the facts as you believe in them in the moral position that you're here advocating for now what I mean by that is even if I were to accept what you present as factually true and I do not I see a great many factual historical errors in and what you're presenting I think you guys yourselves know from the tone of what you say and from some of the Cabot's you haven't studied this history you haven't had a sincere interest in this in the history that you're drawing urines that's okay a lot of people on the internet state their opinions about history without doing a lot of research you have the right to do that and in a sense I've respect I respect your right to do that even if I disagree with you factually but setting that aside if we all were to pretend that your views were a hundred percent factually accurate there's actually a very narrow shaky and difficult bridge between those facts and the ethical conclusions you come to so for example you're Pro colonial pro genocide pro-slavery view of the history of North America which is what it is because we're talking about the enslavement a genocide of the indigenous peoples of Canada the United States etc I assume you guys feel the same way about the history of Brazil I don't know but it's the United States especially guys who understand even if your views your your justifications the facts you pull on even if all of that was factually valid what would that entail ethically for the situation we find ourselves in today in the year 2016 if what you were saying was true factually I really think you are not giving enough thought to how difficult it would be to connect those factual claims to the moral and ethical claims that you're making so if for example Scottish people really are superior to you know the indigenous people of Saskatchewan and you know it was predominantly Scottish people who colonized Saskatchewan and to a remarkable extent it was in Scotland that many of the fundamental breakthroughs of science took place so called Scottish enlightenment again what what you said you seem to have no sincere interest in the history of science or the history of colonialism or what have you but you know if you do okay if you actually believe in this if you believe in the ethnic superiority of Scottish people I don't I've lived in Scotland let me tell you you think Scottish people have borne a lot more intelligent than the rest of the human race try living in Scotland and and you know but anyway the Scottish enlightenment happens gone they have a unique history in terms their contribution to both the sciences and the history of British Empire okay what does that really mean now in the year 2016 what is the moral relationship between the Scottish people and the Cree people the Scottish people and the Egyptian the den a people if you're incredibly bleak view of the world as an unending process of you know pseudo pseudo Darwinian struggles between different ethnic groups if that if that really is your view of the world well what now in 2016 should be the relationship between Scottish people and you know the native people of Canada that they've conquered you know what now should be the relationship between yourself as a white person I don't know anything what's your ethnic background and black people who are the descendants of liberated slaves why do you take the moral position that you do even if we were to accept uncritically the facts as you present them which I don't but that's me I think you're not facing up that difficult a bridge to walk that is and I would invite you to challenge yourself to look at racism and the struggles between frankly rival nations that are linked to racism in a part of the world that you have no connection to where you really are detached where your ego is not involved so for example there's still a really terrible conflict in Cambodia and Vietnam over what's called the Khmer Krom so the Khmer Krom both under my spell with a k' obviously these are all foreign words but you know the racism between that divides Cambodia versus Vietnam is intense and they have a very long history of many many centuries of hating each other of struggling to dominate the same territory another ethnic group there that fought in the same war so to speak the Cham spelled CH a.m. uh uh you know I could say this about any example of of racism and you know rival empires and different groups trying to extinguish each other but you know if you were to study if you were to look at a case study like that instead of the United States of America where your ego isn't involved I wonder what conclusions you'd come to I wonder if you would really still support this incredibly bleak and from my perspective racist view of the world I wonder if you would actually come to the end of that study and either be strongly Pro Vietnamese or strongly Pro Cambodian or if you would put down the books at the end of a study of that nature and say do you know what this is really tragic actually it's not so much a matter of who's wrong and who's right it's it's deeply tragic that still today in 2016 this type of tribalism and a pejorative sense is driving you know one nation to use such horrible methods of coercion to try to force another nation to stop speaking its own language to assimilate to disappear to cease to exist them referring to the Khmer Krom it's horrible that so many millions of people have been killed for these reasons it's horrible that the politics of race and identity event these consequences for people who obviously have other problems in life like being bombed by the Americans and then reconstructing their societies in the aftermath of you know the American war there apart from just poverty disease malaria etc etc I do wonder if you challenge yourself to do research on any case study of in this sense where racism and imperialism and empire building overlap where you had no commitment to one side of the other or it didn't involve your race your history your past present future I wonder at the end of that study if you still feel the same way that you do braces on a scale of one to ten how racist you think it is about a four or five guacamole is on point