The Talented Mr. Pete Ripley. #VeganDrama #Vamous

14 February 2019 [link youtube]

None of you find this as hilarious as I do. You may think it's funny, but trust me… you haven't laughed as hard as I have!

LINKS: (1) Book Review | The Talented Mr. Ripley by unmanaged mischief =

(2) The Talented Mr Ripley Review by AnaïsReads =

(3) Vegan YouTuber Stole Entire Online Personality From Someone Else by Charles Marlowe- Cremedas =

(4) Do I Wish I Was Still With My Ex? by CandidMommy =

(5) Norvegan's two hour long video, "A Chat With Eisel's Father-In-Law"

Youtube Automatic Transcription

now he dropped some tea on the whole
divorce right because ISIL loves to talk about his daughter loves talking about his quote/unquote ex-wife well apparently this quote/unquote ex-wife that eyes will always be talking about is actually still his wife and that man the father-in-law is his wife's father this is what this man is according to the father-in-law you know he's a selfish narcissistic egotistical bastard basically lacking empathy is you know the opinion of this guy now what I thought was kind of funny about this interview is that Noor vegan you know he's the biggest [ __ ] narcissist there is because he can't even focus on the [ __ ] topic he would lead in with a good question and then just let it let it slide he wouldn't like go deeper into it and instead he would turn the conversation every [ __ ] time he would turn the conversation back around on him and his girl and the fact that his girl shacked up with Harley but anyways he you know just kept taking the conversation back to him and Hannah like I went to the video to hear about ISIL okay and I wanted to hear about isil's father-in-law and Nour vegan couldn't even like for five [ __ ] minutes stop talking about himself that the person that I married you know fell in love with married had kids with that person is thought like completely gone do I ever wish I was still with him short answer no not at all uh longer answer it's because of who he is now he's not the person that I fell in love with he's not the person I married that person's gone so no I don't wish I was still with him at all but I'm digressing again now the weirdest most strange thing about this video is this man the father-in-law this man's man yer isms and his inflections in his voice and in the way he phrases things it's really eerily eerily creepily resembles eyes'll now what does that mean that means that aisel I believe through a few years of interacting with this man based his online persona and all the mannerisms he exhibits on his father-in-law but this one was so interesting to me because it deals a lot with the idea of identity tom is extremely unsure of himself and is constantly trying to reimagine himself through traits that he finds he likes and others this is particularly significant when he meets Dickie and is very infatuated by Dickie he decides that he wants to become Dickie and this feeling comes to a head when Dickie walks in on Tom staring at himself in a mirror in Dickies clothing I love what this book at least the first half of this book is is exploring the relationship between Tom and Dickie and it's rather ambiguous the extent of both sides feelings towards each other and there is definitely an implication of something more romantic going on between them this is something that both the reader picks up on but also something that the characters around them pick up on and pass or the identity struggles at Tom faces I think is due to his homosexuality because it's definitely not something that he has come to terms with and it was something that was very much condemned at a time at which this was written okay now there's no way to really prove this but again if you've watched aisel and then you go to watch this man and you know that this man is older than eyes'll and this man probably had some sort of fatherly interaction with eyes'll being his father-in-law being the father of his what aisel claim is his ex-wife but is still his wife you gotta love the [ __ ] the celebrity vegan marriage drama you gotta love this [ __ ] I think after watching this interview I think ISIL based his entire personality and all the mannerisms and and just who he was gonna be his online persona he based on this man I mean it's clear as day once you watch it and just look at his mannerisms look at how he interacts on camera listen to his phrasing listen to the way he explains things it looks like aisel pretty much just copying it's a Eisen ripped him off ripped off his entire personality which leads one to wonder well what is isil's real personality nobody will know because he's a transient transnational rootless scumbag Dan Danton [Music]