Bonny Rebecca, or Brainy Rebecca? "The Backlash".

26 January 2019 [link youtube]

If you share this video with just five other people, you will save the lives of ten chickens, two pigs and half a cow, and that is a FACT,¹ proven by STATISTICS,¹ made up to take your MONEY.¹

And now, with absolutely zero sense of irony, I recommend that you donate $1 per month on Patreon:


SOURCES? Why would you want the links to the quoted sources? WHY? (1) Bonny Rebecca, WHAT I ATE TODAY - UPDATE | *Responding To Comments* (2) Henya Mania, How To Become Instafamous ft. Essena O'Neill & bonnyrebecca (3) Unnatural Vegan, Bonny Rebecca is no longer vegan (4) Bonny Rebecca, Why I'm no longer vegan...


¹ This is satire… but, sadly, there's quite a bit of vegan propaganda that comes close to this level of absurdity. Take a look at: "A Scam within Veganism: the "Effective Activism" paradigm." Link:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

who who in their right mind would say oh
but bonny Rebecca she's so beautiful it's okay like she's above the law like it doesn't matter that she eats fish and eats eggs and makes excuses for it that makes excuses that are incoherent and nonsensical and unethical and even the internally contradictory they really do not make sense but oh but she's good-looking so it's okay and I don't I haven't had one person write in and saying that they think she's she's intelligent I mean you know they call her bonny Rebecca they do not call her brainy Rebecca she and she chose the name you know she chose the name she called her channel that all right she didn't call it active research and informed Rebecca okay she she didn't go it's not her real name body okay so Melissa thought bonny was her first name you're okay so bonnie is an adjective can we can we agree on this no you're not aware of this God you people I try tomorrow Jesus Bonnie is Scottish English for beautiful or attractive Bonnie Prince Charlie it's used for men - ladies and gentlemen if you live in the greater Detroit area this this is as good as it gets this is as good as you can do dating dating girls from Detroit let me tell you okay Barney is an adjective that means beautiful it is stereotypical Scottish brogue but it's part of the mainstream right yeah that's what most people don't say it you sound folksy you sound a bit silly saying Bonnie but you still see it in so you didn't realize yeah that's why her whole web presence has been based on two things one her presentation of herself as attractive or beautiful which includes her vag like we've we've had we've already featured shots of her from Instagram with the vag out you know her for the boys she's selling what she came on cameras Ellen was the original freely package right which is one part ecology one vegan ethics in a healthy serving of vag I mean it's vag on camera so she's got it's been all about her aesthetics and her personal beauty right and then what you know what is she selling now like what is it now that she's abandoned that ethical and ecological message you know freely the nutcase freely doesn't have a lot to offer and you know obviously freely has lost her looks but freely still sincere in her at least a Rekha logical method message you know shout out to freely bonny Rebecca remained on Team durianrider even when durianrider turned against her and attacked her which she did just for views he did at one point when he was just trying to stir up controversy he started attacking when there was there was nothing going on it was just sometimes he just did drama for the sake of drama Oh body Rebecca how can you such a sweet young girl you know so she ate yourself with them and stuff like that and it just really frustrates me I just wanted to put this out here out there to help you guys understand why I pull Holi and freely and why I'm attending their event and why I hang out with them I think they're both awesome people but maybe I'm a little biased I don't know after all they all the reason that I'm vegan and they're the reason that I'm on YouTube and that's me is a huge huge thing yep she was yes and and she succeeded bonny Rebecca was the next freely she she monetized her body I'm again like look you know even someone like Kim Kardashian her life was a struggle I mean Kim Kardashian are even married and divorced repeatedly before she got famous and she made a pornographic sex tape and signed the paperwork to her place to to release it before she got them Kim Kardashian and years and years of hanging around and being like a minor person in the background of a photograph of Paris Hilton before she got famous and it's broadly agreed that Kim Kardashian was some kind of tremendous natural beauty including people who knew her before she had plastic surgery should o to Nick Cannon first of all I want to address Nick Cannon like I understand that used to date my wife you know you get an interview don't mention my wife even for her life was a struggle so me look I don't think beauty justifies any of it I mean let's not like I don't think being beautiful justifies leading a brainless immoral existence I don't think it justifies leading an unexamined life and you know obviously it doesn't justify eating fish and eggs and trying to monetize that I mean is that the lifestyle you're now trying to monetize and if so I mean to me like I mean all this stuff so these people please whether they're vegans or not they come out here and it's it's phony virtue what what do you what do you really got to sell quote-unquote ethical humane conditions yeah let's imagine ourselves in the position of these hands please stop misleading your followers you've done what you feel is best for your health and you were never vegan just stop making a joke of a justice movement for the victims please say this real briefly what is veganism okay I read the autobiography of a scholar in Myanmar and this scholar was part of the British Empire and he was a Christian missionary and he certainly remembered as one of the evil villains of history at that time the British Empire had a boa slavery and the American Empire had not he's out there literally in the jungle back then the jungle was really the jungle now who the days before the jungle was good now he's out there in the middle of the jungle and he gets a package from the southern United States somewhere like Georgia beautiful hand woven baskets and letter and oh you know we read about your work as a Christian missionary we want to show you we support you when we you know and from the middle of the jungle in Myanmar he scraped the money together and he shipped it back to Georgia with a letter saying I do not accept baskets created by slave labor okay that's what veganism is okay he's completely powerless to stop slavery it's completely symbolic it's standing up and saying I will not be a part of this I am going to exclude myself from this immoral and terrible thing you're not freeing a single slave you know you're not emancipating anyone you know and in this case you're not even sparing the slaves a day's work making these baskets you can't undo the baskets you can't if I have a leather coat in my in my closet I don't thank you I'm not gonna wear a secondhand leather coat I'm gonna stand up and say I refuse to be part of slavery I refuse to be part of this exploitation of animals and that's all it is it's a demonstration of my refusal now can it be more yes look at PCRM look at organizations that are going out and actually making a positive difference but for the most part it is just an ethical refusal to compromise with something you know to be wrong so yeah right but that's back when she was brainy Rebecca and now she's doing that was that was Season one Barney Rebecca okay you know come on we're due season 5 season 6 Oh I've written I've written to several other youtubers asking them to take on the critique of what unnatural vegan a disable this because it was shockingly stupid and awful unnatural vegan made every excuse possible for Bunny Rebecca but this excuse marathon was not good enough to satisfy old Bonnie old brainy so she writes back I know I am late to seeing this but I have to say it really frustrates me you know it's a little more passionate it really frustrates me because it seems like you didn't even watch my video I don't know why I said that I only listened to natural pass or quote unquote natural doctors yes that comment was a viral video I said at that stage I said that is at stage but I saw many normal doctors throughout this process and my last doctor I went to was a real doctor a gastroenterologist have a specialist he is the one that implemented this diet change I have tried to eat a low fiber vegan diet mock meats give me a lot of digestive pain whenever I have them and I obviously tried tofu do you really think that I haven't thought of that it's not just fiber like I said in my video legumes wheat and soy all seem to provoke my symptoms this process has been so incredibly long you really have no idea what we went through and how hard we tried to make this work on a big dance it was not a dermatologist that give him Ebonics it was a specialist and he did have a topical cream as well seriously moister czar your best solution okay on that we agree bunny brainy Rebecca trust me you can do a book review channel you can step it up Bonnie really I said I see a bright future for you as brainy Rebecca just rebrand you're not gonna do the vegan thing anymore we understand ah boy stirs are you bet moist is your best solution I agree the oyster thing it's a joke and I don't even know how many people there get the the portion was ridiculous so seriously boy stirs are your best illusion I like 812 times in that video unnatural vegan suggests oysters as if that it's the same fundamental problem with the fish and eggs thing okay so you you have this food allergy or whatever is here this health problem how does adding cholesterol to your diet I mean unless you really believe cholesterol is the cure for acne unless you really believe cholesterol is the cure for any it's insane all right I may have started on a high fruit low-fat diet but that changed a long time ago I have been eating a balanced vegan diet for a long time now lastly I don't know why you think you can diagnose people through a screen you aren't qualified nor is your place even if you were in terms of ethic apostrophe s ethics hilariously misspelled Barney Rebecca can't even spell ethics literally literally could not spell the word ethics okay in terms of ethics I said I'm okay with what I'm eating because at the end of the day I put my own health above fish that's really all I can say about that I am trying to only do what is necessary to you and I have tried to live as cruelty-free as possible in the rest of my life [Music] I'm so confused you say you are sensitive to salicylates pardon me my Latin is a bit rusty salicylates okay you say you were sensitive to salicylates but you are eating tomato sauce question mark makes no difference if it is an organic tomato etc it is still she also didn't cut up actual Tomatoes so I mean the point is she's been engaging and I think what could be fairly called baffle gab or it's just like saying enough to kind of keep the audience guessing and off off balance but like you know none of these excuses adoption look oh and if your problem is that you eat too many tomatoes well that sure is a reason to start killing and eating animals like what oh yeah that's gonna you know the cure for tomatoes is fish one doesn't really correlate to the other so a lot of people made this comment on her video quote it still looks like she eats a ton of fiber if that was supposedly the problem it doesn't matter if you throw in a couple of eggs she's still eating so much fiber I'm just confused about how this supposedly worked so well over yeah right so same message is slightly different wording you want him to baby I got me yeah she was eating like it looked like a cup worth of almond butter avocado and those countries but you know that the amount of room a hen has is not the only factor or determining their quality of life right and that no matter how the hens live male chicks will be killed as they are seen as a useless by-product question mark I get that you think eggs are a necessary component of your diet and you want to get them as ethical as possible but don't miss inform your viewers by saying that there's nothing wrong with the product that's just not okay this isn't meant as hate but as constructive criticism yeah and she was miss informing the audience about eggs because she was saying like I know in the past I said eggs were bad for you because they have saturated fat and cholesterol but you know when I went to the doctors they actually said that my cholesterol was too low so look you know what if what if she just came home said you what if she just came and said you know what in the past I had a brain but now I don't anymore like so I'm changing my name from brainy Rebecca into Bonnie Rebecca you know there was never any point in the past where this woman was intelligent or shared anything of substance or meaning on the Internet never never we can't do a before-and-after where was like the good old days back when Bonnie Rebecca was doing collabs with Hania mania mama french toast is there wood tables I don't use my phone what you want to do [Music] that was garbage also right I mean she's always been a person of absolutely zero substance absolutely zero moral fiber absolute zero ethical integrity which in a bizarre way even includes my conflict with durianrider and all those things that went down in Chiangmai and everything that was wrong with durianrider and freely claiming that you could cure Crohn's disease and cure schizophrenia and all this insane claiming claiming that uh you know garlic is a neurotoxin just all that crap she never took a stand on anything she probably was one of the people stupid enough to stand there and agree that garlic is a neurotoxin and you know not even known to figure out of that so that's that's where right now but I mean that's why my earliest video on this said she never has been beautiful she never has been intelligent she never has that slim positive to contribute to the vegan movement so her leaving is just deleting something negative from the vegan moment she will be remembered for her absence I suppose so someone wrote in and commented they are not vegan themselves and that so therefore they are not trying to defend veganism at all and they continue I also understand that you had serious food related health problems I am not commenting to discuss this fact but I don't understand one thing how is having two eggs at lunch and some fish here and there going to fix your problems there's a non-vegan commenting someone who's not ethically unworthy if the food you had for dinner is okay with you why don't you have for lunch too I'm asking this because I believe that it really was difficult for you to give up veganism so confused how you can go from being ethical vegan to then talking about your eggs being quote-unquote really ethical and humane I just don't understand because there is no part of the egg industry that is ethical or humane I'm not judging your choice to go back to animal products that's a different story but like don't lie oh I see but like don't lie okay got it there were some comas missing there I just don't get how you can now go around believing things they're ethical when they definitely never have been and never will be ladies Gilman brainy Rebecca she should rebrand her whole Channel hey guys welcome to brainy Rebecca first of all freely I started watching freely when I just before I was vegan tim was kind of like you know trying to convince me or trying to just educate me on veganism and he showed me freelee's videos and straightaway I was like wow you mean I don't have to starve myself and I can look like her like of course that's like most people's reaction too which is why she's so effective because unfortunately people and they care about their aesthetics unfortunately unfortunately people and they care about their aesthetics couldn't research her way out of a paper bag and she can't research your way out of an acne breakout that's for God now sure man it's never gonna happen it's never gonna happen people stay stupid because they want to be stupid because they find it rewarding and they like the attention they enjoy their lust she could she's not disabled she could smarten up she could she could read Aristotle no no Aristotle's written in plain English she could learn ancient Greek I have no doubt sir I have reason to know ancient Greek is not that our language learn it's really not she could learn ancient Greek she could learn Latin don't don't know if she could do Chinese but look she could do almost anything if she set her mind to it she's not she's not setting her mind to it and that's the sense in which for a lot of these people stupidity living I examine life living a stupid life he is really even an ethical question it's a choice being stupid is a choice staying stupid is a choice and she's 26 years old guys I'm not into making excuses for 26 year old okay ethical eggs question mark what happens to the male chicken's question mark they get put into a machine and they get ground up alive sorry not ethical the ethical part with laying hens it's not just how much space they have the main problem is genetics around 80% of four to six year old hens develop cancer because of the reproductive system the representative system can't take laying that many eggs I don't care about what crazy diets anyone follows for the sake of quote unquote health and I usually don't judge omnivores because veganism is a restrictive diet after all and does not realistic to expect everyone to strive for perfection however all caps and that is a big however eating fish three to four times a week is super unsustainable environmentally speaking except for beef fish might be ecologically the most reckless choice of food here here yeah the difference between knowing and caring she knows all this we all know that she knows this and she don't care you still pay for mail checks to be ground up alive and for spent hens to be sent to the slaughter I know that you know that but you're trying to convince yourself of the humane myth that is marketed to you how convenient exclamation point positive comments matter to you uh she says this all the time but within writing and on camera positive comments matter to you and you consider them but when someone doesn't agree with you then you don't care what their opinion is Bonnie once you're a vegan for the animals you will or be able to eat animals again it's literally as simple as that that's what people are trying to say when they tell you that you were plant-based and not vegan period it's true period I'm not saying it in a mean way I'm saying it because no matter what once you see what they go through once you see what the animals go through you cannot cook them and eat them if you are able to do that now that means you were not vegan you were plant-based it's it's true they said oh she's made a big deal out of sort of thinking at home thank you all for your positive cars you know I've never never thanked the audience to the positivity what would be the point Oh guys I really I really thrive on flattery who wants to see that it's a very strange thing I mean you know like musicians come out and bow and thank the audience you know different art forms at different conventions but I mean you know you know do you ever see a newspaper article open with well thank you guys for writing in and sharing on your positivity that really means a lot to me okay so this week talking about you know corruption inside the Trump administration it's a really strange slippery trivialization okay my brother is a vegan doctor I made him watch your video exclamation point I'm a psychologist in vegan this okay so here's here's a more conciliatory one this is your life journey and only your opinion should matter to you only you can change your mind listen to your subconscious mind do what makes you happy even if others are telling you what's wrong sure you can still be a healthy vegan with your health issues which is interesting because I'm going through something very similar but only you can control yourself keep that spark in your eyes love so that's it you're you're good-looking so you're above good and evil I guess but you know mice's a broader problem I don't think you can say that you're vegan if you don't believe other people also ought to be vegan okay how can you support any ethical position if you actually think universally that for everyone only their own opinion should matter like not facts not social laws and norms like not the impacts on other people not the impacts in the environment not the consequence like it's actually a really dark philosophical position this this was in Plato dialogue of Socrates versus Thrasymachus but I mean this is this has been debated since ancient times and yeah it's always been pretty pretty laughably simple debate since the age of ten no there are things there are things that matter other than your own opinion I would hate to tell Bonnie the truth about the fish industry but someone has to I did competitive fishing for a number of years before going vegan there's no nice way to put it but when a fish is caught via a hook it fights for a reason that is because it is in pain fish can feel fear I've caught enough fish to know what fear looks like many fish on commercial boats are unethically killed usually by asphyxiation and half the time they're not killed properly when people attempt to do it using a knife or an itchy spike then you have to talk about the amount of plastic then ends up the ocean from nets etc etc if you think fish is the ethical meat I don't know what to tell you but at some point in your long and storied history of being an advocate for veganism you missed the memo ethical meet contradiction in terms is it a bad thing to have high standards is it really a bad thing we're doing a series of videos here talking about jealousy and Melissa said to me I referred to a a female friend of mine as some really attractive and Melissa was momentarily furious and said to me you say Barney Rebecca is ugly you say this will attract this you must be gorgeous and she wants okay so there you go is it is it bad is it bad to have to have high standards um is it virtuous to have to have low standards you know obviously this comes up a lot more on the intellectual than the physical seer but you know like what I look back in my life would I be a better person if I were easily impressed easily impressed by human beauty easily impressed like okay what if when I first read Karl Marx the Communist Manifesto what if I was just blown away I wasn't it was not an impressive but whatever when I first read the Bible if I was just blown away when I first read the Koran I do not think it's a redeeming quality for human beings to be easily impressed