Comments closed on Youtube, open on Patreon & Discord.

06 February 2017 [link youtube]

"Why are comments disabled on this video?" If you want to make comments (where I will actually read them, and where you can interact with other people who support the channel), the place to do that is on Patreon:

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You may not know that I have several youtube channels, one of them is AR&IO (Active Research & Informed Opinion) found here:

Another is à-bas-le-ciel, found here:

And there is, in fact, a youtube channel that has my own legal name, Eisel Mazard:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

some aware that some people's favorite
thing to complain about is that the comment section is closed I've used YouTube now several different periods of had periods in the comment section was totally open and I wasn't monitoring at all I wasn't interacting with people I've had periods of time when the comment section was open and I was reading the comments as they popped up and really interacting with people and it had periods time when it was completely shut I couldn't make a digression here at a note look guys I want veganism to succeed as a movement and in as much as I no particular vegans on youtube via the internet or what have you I want vegans to succeed as individual human beings as well I don't hate these people not even when I have conflicts with them you know I said that recently too pal simian you know pal simian is a guy I've had conflicts with obviously we don't have much in common if we knew each other in real life I doubt we'd be good friends but nevertheless I don't want him to fail I want him to win he's a vegan his hearts in the right place and you know even on a personal level if I found out he was getting married to my sister I'd be happy for them I mean Palestinians a bit of an eccentric he's a bit of a weird guy but I don't care go ahead marry my sister no hope you guys are happy together I really don't you know I really don't have any you know emotional or personal grudge against these people um and you know I saw a comment the other day from vegan revolution also known as Josh Randall what up josh Josh was commenting it was interesting comment from him I sympathized even though I disagree Josh was commenting that YouTube had created a situation where the audience absolutely expects filmmakers to work for free for filmmakers to film edit and upload you know like polished works of art with no possible remuneration and what was interesting about this to me the part that rings true is he talked about the fact they're people in the audience who will actually hate you who will respond negatively if you openly talk about donations beautifully talk about you know patreon or Kickstarter or some other method of collecting donations to reward you for you know this filmmaking after the fact I mean it was interesting I was interesting because I mean josh is a background as a real filmmaker working in the film industry himself and he sees it from that perspective I think you know Aaron Janice she has a background in music and she really sees making videos similar to the kind of creative artist process in the in the music industry in the recording as a recording artist you know she thinks of it in a very different way again and you know there are people in the audience who think of you know a YouTube video as equivalent to putting a you know a tweet on Twitter or a status update on facebook and it can be there's nothing wrong with that perception you know YouTube can be a totally casual low effort you know it can be it can truly just be opening a door into your life to let other people see a glance of what you're doing in your apartment anyway some YouTube videos are pretty much exactly that they look like security camera footage no efforts made to entertain the audience nah fret so paid to educate the audience and so on the trouble is is easy to let your expectations slip it's easy to without noticing it slip from an expectation of oh I'm just going to do this for fun for a few minutes here and there to an expectation of I'm a filmmaker I should be getting paid for my work or a sense of resentment because again the resentment can be both ways the audience can resent the youtuber because they who are you to think you should get paid for this it's which is common and the other hand the the youtuber the person doing the broadcasting can look at the audience and resent them because from the youtubers perspective they're saying hey don't you realize how many hours a day I put into this and the number of hours can be significant it really can the filming and the editing and keeping up with the comments section spreading your message through other portals on social media when I first got started just the amount of time to take a video and post it on reddit I try to have a discussion on reddit to get people arrested posted on Facebook or other you know other websites like that that could add an hour you know you know when you're a new YouTube channel if you want to find your audience and help your audience find you that's exactly the kind of work you have to do not even promoting it just just having that conversation with people you know so that those who are interested in your video whatever might be about have a chance to find it and obviously by the way I mean if I'm doing a book review I at the time I spend I should read the book you know apart from talking about it on camera if you're actually doing content that requires research as it does you know for for vegan gains for example I know Richard puts in a lot of time into researching his videos apart from performing and editing them so there can be a lot of resentment and mismatched expectations both ways but I say again even though josh is a terrible human being and he's done so much to not just insult and defame me and really tried to hurt me an army and that stuff is still on the internet and people do google it people do have been hearing back just lately from people who googled my name and found defamation from people like durianrider and vegan revolution and it is a problem I mean unfortunately you know the risk I took in daring to come on YouTube and talk about vegan activism it's had a cost its had a negative impact in my life and that impact will never go away you know okay so with all that haven't been said why have I closed the comment section well in a lot of ways what it does is it disambiguate seeeeee the function of patreon as opposed to YouTube I've had these different periods on YouTube when I tried using different methods and I've got to tell you the period in which I was happiest for me as the person making the videos was the period in which i did get comments i did have interaction through patreon through people who pay one dollar a month which is almost nothing and then i did not have to deal with a comment section on youtube and if people emailed me outside of patreon you know you can email me for any reason but i would generally write back to them when they were send me email messages or facebook friend requests say no if you want to talk to me the way to do it is through patreon and that's for me as a creator saves a ton of time it just separates your life in the two halves we're okay YouTube is where i post content and then where I hear people interact with people you know where I can answer your questions if you have a question you know because very often I make a video in response to a question from a patreon supporter that's where you do it is on page ROM so guys moving ahead I've tried I've tried all the different combinations I've tried having a totally free form comment section tried having a controlled and edited comment section I have had no comment section at all I've done it all and I've got to tell you what works for me the best especially if every hour of the day is being counted is separating where I can say look if you want to comment the comment section is not on YouTube it's on Pedro