Lies That Ruin Lives: Jordan Peterson, Meat & Depression.

22 May 2019 [link youtube]

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Jordan Peterson claims to be a scientist
he claims to be a man of science but the political ideology he presents to the world is really a dangerous mix of religion just straight-up bigotry and pseudoscience we have a bit of a sad lesson in seeing the ways in which the next generation then takes his pseudo-scientific attitudes and does something even more dangerous with them quote this is my mom after almost a year of meanly beef and some chicken she also rarely has lobster and really has butter paws if you don't know the situation here michaei leah peterson decided to get in shape and lose the baby weight after her pregnancy by eating a 100% meat diet she inspired her parents to also eat a 100% meat diet her husband to eat a 100% me diet and one I say a hundred percent meat I mean no green vegetables no bread no pasta just meat and I don't know if she is feeding her infant if she's feeding her own baby a hundred percent meat but she posts a lot of pictures the Internet of her feeding this small baby meat so whether or not it's a hundred percent I cannot yet say oh but but look at this she just observes that her mother had these problems and then here's the highlighted text in 2015 I realized it was probably celiac disease and she got rid of the rest of the little bits of gluten 200 you realize it was celiac disease does that sound like science to you does that sound like science to anyone is that how you think the world works that you just make up your mind that your mom has celiac disease or do you think that's something there'd be an empirically real verifiable falsifiable scientific process for feeling better after changing your diet is not a basis for concluding that you have celiac disease my grandfather had celiac disease and he probably died quite a bit younger than he should have for that reason partly because he compensated by eating quite a lot of red I'm up to 50% of people celiac disease or asymptomatic serological investigation alone is insufficient to make the diagnosis serological means blood tests in plain English genotype testing is useful but doesn't confirm the diagnosis definitive diagnosis requires gastroscopy and duodenum biopsy an empirical trial of a gluten-free diet has no role in the diagnosis of celiac disease you can see where this article comes from from the URL at the top of the screenshot gee that that alone sounds like science disrespect but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know truth I'm making an effort here not to sound like I'm giving a sermon but in this case it's hard because the purpose of this video is to question the noxious and dangerous ideology that Jordan Peterson has propounded to the whole world in ideologies that's very obviously had negative effects within his own family for his own wife and most tragically for his own daughter I don't want to sound like I'm giving a sermon but the fundamental problem with a lie is not that it's untrue the problem with lies is that they resemble the truth enough to influence human decisions human behavior human actions the fundamental danger of pseudoscience is not the extent to which it is unscientific it's not the extent to which it's non-scientific the problem with pseudoscience is the extent to which it resembles real science and influences human actions with tragic consequences for us all McKay Leah Peterson was raised by Jordan Peterson she was raised to believe that depression is something biologically real that exists in her body and that can be treated with a mad pill I used the word magic advisedly I see this with all due sympathy as someone who was raised by parents who had their own insane ideology who inculcated lies and half-truths into me but let's pause to imagine for one moment just how difficult it would be from achillea peterson just how difficult would be for some true believers in jordan Peterson's audience to now question and reject the cultic pseudo-scientific and debunked notions about depression that jordan Peterson still propels and popularizes how difficult it would be from achillea peterson to then question the idea that her depression was caused by eating bread and that it was cured by eating a 100% beef diet her belief her fad diet that she's propounding it is pseudoscience it is crazy it is insane but it's pseudoscience built on top of the pseudoscience that her father taught her from her earliest childhood onward half the time I spend with my clients who are depressed is often the two years long attempt to get them to tentatively try an antidepressant because they're so guilty that they're relying on an external crutch to sort out their lives that they can't even tolerate it but you know I say well look man what if you had diabetes you're not gonna take your insulin it's like try it for God's sake you'll know in a month and you just stop if it doesn't work if you look at the published trials you'll find that three out of four of them show a significant benefit of drug versus placebo if you look at the unpublished trials that shrinks 12% now we had the published trials the unpublished trials we put them all together we did the same kind of analysis that we did before and we get this nice healthy response on average to get being given the antidepressant drug and of an even bigger response i'm well SIBO now it's a placebo response not sasebo effect but we know that that counts for relatively little the the the spontaneous remission the natural history the placebo response is now accounted for eighty-two percent of the response to the active drug and the difference between drug and approval is less than two points on the Hamilton scale now the Hamilton scale can you can have scores ranging from zero to fifty three points you can get a six point difference just by changes in sleep patterns with no changes in any other symptom of depression that's a small difference and you don't have to take my word for it because there's an organization in England called the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence the acronym is nice and they're very nice organization what they do is to set treatment guidelines for the National Health Service and in revising their treatment guidelines they have established a criteria for clinical significance for saying that a drug is not only statistically but clinically better than a placebo and that's a three-point difference on the Hamilton depression scale or an effect size of 0.5 and as you see that comes nowhere close so we went back to our data and we look at looked at what drugs were the patients in these studies ah somewhere on tricyclics somewhere on assess our eyes somewhere on other antidepressants and we did em ILO inhibitors and things like that and we found there were some other drugs in there too there was some studies that were looking things like barbiturates and benzodiazepine and lithium for not for unipolar depression and thyroid medications for people without a thyroid disorder unipolar depressed patients and in case after case three-quarters of the response of the drug was duplicated by placebo it didn't matter whether was a try cyclic an SSRI some other antidepressant or even something that's not conventionally considered an antidepressant and there's yet another drug that we should take into account that I don't have up here and that is TNF T how many of you have heard of TNF t very few TNF teen is a drug that is has been approved by French regulators and it is marketed in France and a number of other countries as an antidepressant the most common antidepressants these days are SSRIs selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors TNF teen is an SSR II it's a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are eyes are supposed to do instead of inhibiting the reuptake so that there's more serotonin available in the synapses it's supposed to enhance reuptake so that there's less serotonin available in the synapses were there any truth to the serotonin theory of depression and I don't know a responsible researcher in the area that still contends there is it's only in marketing these they'll see that talked about were there any truth to that SSRIs art should not help people recover from depression it ought to make them depressed here's what it does in head-to-head trials against both SSRIs and imipramine and tricyclics so what do you call pills the effects of which are independent of their chemical composition and they should be taken with a grain of salt [Music]