Erin Janus: New Truth, STILL Living a Lie.

17 May 2020 [link youtube]

Videos quoted: (1) "Christian Deconversion Testimony," Questioning The Narrative (by Erin Janus),

(2) Charity & Insanity: Erin Janus & John St Julien.

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on YouTube as in life nobody is under an
obligation to tell the truth and it's a peculiar thing because on YouTube what most of us are doing is kind of monetizing our autobiography we're finding out the economic value of our honesty and authenticity something that happens is born-again Christians that's what they do is they both born-again Christians are always crying yeah many tears there and the one thing that like I'll just share please that is that I am most grateful for emotionally is that I'm not always crying anymore like I'm not I'm not broken anymore it was like the narrative of Christianity he kept me in a perpetually broken disturbed state yes the type of person era Janice really is the awareness I'm burdened with can still be seen in some videos on our Channel some videos like 5 signs you're not on the right path and what to do about it videos like get out of the materialism trap now and yes yes y'all how to love yourself these videos show a side of Aaron Janice very different from the person she is pretending to be in her current portrayal of herself as a victim of evangelical Christianity what is very important for you to know about the Ponyo gland is that it is your hyper dimensional Stargate your spiritual antenna your third eye it is your communication link to higher dimension people who just refer to that kind of stuff is simply hallucinations I think that's a pretty ignorant claim people who have held the active pineal glands they are like antennas and they can receive symbols and signs and tap into other people's thoughts I mean it also ties into ESP extrasensory perception no I do not see this because I support evangelical Christianity I say this because very often here on YouTube I'm left with this strange sense of not knowing what I should do when I look at people putting on a performance on camera that's offensive Lee very emotionally honest and engaging and even full of regret and recrimination about life and sometimes there's weeping and sometimes there's laughter and I know it's fake he know this person is really misrepresenting who they are and what's going on and Erin Janis in portraying herself this way if you just were to contrast what she's saying now about her experience to even joke of Christianity to the one video she made where she's directly talking about seeing demons where she's directly talking about how the pineal gland in her brain is the magical doorway for her to communicate with other dimensions where she is talking about her insane beliefs that the government puts fluoride in the drinking water to prevent you from having these magical experiences with other dimensions okay if you were to watch that one video you would come to the reasonable conclusion this was a young woman who was wildly eccentric by any standards of what Christianity normally is what that term means one of the most important things to get fluoride out of your diet fluoride is magnetically attracted to the pineal glands sodium fluoride is not good for your teeth the lie is that it is good for your teeth and it's actually a toxic by-product totally attacks your pineal gland and basically shuts it down what fluoride does is not only it calcifies your pineal gland but it collects all the heavy metals in your body lead arsenic mercury aluminum the lowers very cute even if you talk about evangelical Christianity even if you talk about born-again Christianity and look ya'll I know I know the New Testament contains references to demons I know the New Testament contains references to supernatural things but if I were to complain to you that Buddhism had screwed up my life I'd have to add in a whole lot of footnotes explaining what kind of Buddhism I was involved in because Tibetan Buddhism is not the same as Japanese Buddhism and you know soon as I meet people and they told me their parents raise them to be Buddhists and you have the car sation and really it turns out their parents their religiosity there says the spirituality was much closer to hinduism and wasn't didn't have all that much to do with Buddhism and that's okay but the difference between what aaron janis believed and what she preached on the internet for many many years the difference between whatever Janice was involved in and evangelical Christianity is much much greater than the difference between Hinduism and Buddhism it's much much greater than the difference between say Tibetan Buddhism and Sri Lankan Buddhism I can't say it's night and day difference I mean you know yeah Christianity is still involves some stuff about demons and I'm you know heaven in helloweb but this is so far off the spectrum of what could be considered normal reasonable or seen 21st century Christianity that it does seem to me very insincere and very strange to hear Erin Janice complaining of this way and that's exactly what's gonna happen is when people start questioning the narrative they have in their head their conscious and their subconscious they're gonna find themselves D converting from this false culture and it's very rare that anybody goes into born-again Christianity unless they're really [ __ ] up yeah really screwed up I mean that's it like I was saying earlier because this is such a restrictive guilt driven fear-based cult it is a cult and that's something that's really hard for people to face cults don't have to be on secluded islands they don't have to be in you know buildings that you go to every every day yeah a cult is really um the exact definition of a cult I can pull it up right now is when I see someone like kal-el cop : complaining about going back to university it's a little strange when I know she never went back to University when I see Anissa Joma making a video talking about how passionate she is to be going back to university she didn't complete her universe degree the first time and she's enrolling going back now it's a little strange because you're one short google search away from finding that she never went back to university and these are very emotive engaging performances of people talking about what going back to university means to them and the performance of Aaron Janis about what evangelical Christianity met her is very emotive also and none of us really wants to sit in judgment over that distinction between what's real and what's fake I think in an interesting way culturally this is even reflected in our legal and constitutional traditions why is it that the Constitution can of the Constitution United States the Constitution of Portugal if you look through the constitutional legal traditions of the modern Western world you will find there's this strange implicit reluctance to write a law saying thou shalt not lie that it's not even that we have the liberty or freedom to lie guaranty to us at ease because do does not seem positively it's just something more a whole society illegal aversion take a step back and says no no we don't want to take people into court and force them to be honest we don't want to get involved in sitting in judgment over what's true and what's false and again whether that's in a job application or even in a corporation providing services to people there's this reluctance to enforce honesty and then as a result we all have to sit back with this strange sense of detachment you know let the buyer beware let the viewer beware that the most sincere and soul-searching examinations of one's own life mean to all these people on YouTube engaged in this weird sense of like autobiographical striptease like oh you you thought you knew who I really was now I'm gonna take a piece off now you see something else about me it's weird but that's what a lot of youtubers are doing it's a kind of striptease where you reveal your character you reveal who you really are but each step of revealing something seems to conceal something else I've said this before I'll say it again don't do this job if you can't keep it all the way real here on YouTube there are no special effects there is no script there are no plot twists I really feel like honesty is the only currency we've got I feel like YouTube can be something very positive for the audience they can be something very positive for the performer if and only if you can really adhere to this requirement of keeping it all the way real I would totally encourage Aaron Janis to come on camera and talk sincerely about what her experience with religion has been her conversion and D conversion but I'm left in this very strange position not just because I can remember when she had that YouTube video up talking about demons and other dimensions and all her crazy religious beliefs I could remember the amendment she made to that video where she had a whole wall of text she had it all takes updating it with her later religious beliefs what she believed after oh no now I look at the demons this way and Tara with Emma and yes for several years Aaron Janis is someone I had personal private person to person conversations with and I'm I'm someone who spoke to her enough over several years to see the really crazy incoherencies and inconsistencies in her statement other people have written into me since I started talking with us on YouTube saying yeah they were someone tried to work with her for years it's not even really lie is you're talking to her and it seems like she's not even aware of what the truth is she makes you one promise and then three months later or six months later or a year later she's saying something completely different and when you're talking you or you never really feel sure that you know what's real well guess what if you can be honest enough YouTube can really help you out in a way that's sitting down and talking to a therapist never could never will alright you can come on YouTube you can talk about your feelings you talk about your problems and you know who gets to see the video three months later or six months later not you the most important audience for your YouTube videos is you the greatest help and the greatest benefit YouTube is going to bring it to your life is the opportunity to reflect on what you said and why how you felt about it and that goes out to even someone as deeply dishonest as kal-el Cullen or Anissa Joma I don't know what would mean to her if she now sat down and watched that YouTube video she's talking about going back to university how much it mattered she never went back to university maybe those people also can find some shred of personal integrity and can improve just by looking back on their own video recorded history of earning a living by telling lies