Sex for Fat People: Tkyosam vs. Reality.

12 April 2022 [link youtube]

The Ultimate Game is NO GAME. Yeah, I made an earlier video with that title, and if you want to hear the positive side of the message in today's video, that's the one to click on:

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

you you did uh you did say i love you to the waitress as soon as you sat down of course because i it's the truth edith huh hi what i need [Music] oh no you know i think the more that you learn about human psychology like they call projecting right when you have anger issues where you blame other people projecting it's like i see a lot of gaijin here they'll project [Music] [Music] but anyway yeah since i've moved to japan i've had sex with uh i wouldn't say like thousands of women but definitely um i've had a good good number good number a good healthy number that's always growing you know like i've dated some quite attractive women in the past you know i've always prided myself on dating quite attractive women you know it's like i've i'm not i'm not going to deny i have slept with some some lake trolls some some uh creatures that you could find in skyrim you know i but i've also slept with some amazingly beautiful people point is ladies if you're fat i'm sorry unless you see unless there's a guy who's like really really really really [ __ ] desperate and uh and he's one of those special few that has no [ __ ] no balls and he thinks that you're pretty because of your personality which hey they're around sometimes and you're totally for that but more than likely if you want to if you want to get a guy lose some weight a lot of weight take better care care of yourself you know [ __ ] hygiene wise uh you know just outlook wise and everything and i mean you got to start from square run one unfortunately ladies you guys are very very physically attracted creatures you got to make some changes in your life guys you get attention and you get people to like you immediately by being that outgoing extrovert i think there's a lot of things we can do to coerce the situation in our favor when we talk and that's a skill that you can learn just like dribbling a basketball and so that's the great thing about those books like david deangelo's double your dating oh my god that taught me so many good [ __ ] techniques the game in general taught me really great techniques you know i think the fact of the matter is just that uh you know well one i stopped making fat being my limited belief so it's like you know i stopped making that being the reason for all my failures you've got to stop thinking about how you're a piece of [ __ ] because you're fat okay you're never going to get anywhere or meet a chick that you really like because you're fat but one of the things you can do is stop [ __ ] thinking about how you're fat and disgusting people are people have tons of insecurities about themselves and trust me when a girl gets naked she's got way more [ __ ] baggage you're carrying a santa claus bag so hot fat santa claus pun intended she's carrying she's pulling two semi trucks behind her that's what she's doing so you know you got to remember that like anybody who you're [ __ ] probably has just as much if not more baggage than you and so while you as long as you play it cool and you're like hey i'm fat but you know whatever [ __ ] look at this dick you know okay maybe you can't do that unless you got a big dick but point is is that if you um if you're coming off like you're the [ __ ] and that you're like yeah i'm fat but like it's not gonna change overnight so like you know we doing this or what it's um you'll move forward a lot better point is ladies if you're fat i'm sorry unless you see unless there's a guy who's like really really really really [ __ ] desperate and uh and he's one of those special few that has no [ __ ] no balls and he thinks that you're pretty because of your personality which hey they're around sometimes then you're totally for that but more than likely if you want to if you want to get a guy lose some weight a lot of weight this one guy in the comment section i don't i do remember his name but i won't say it because i'm not going to give him any attention he was basically making all these assumptions about the kind of women that i've dated over the last couple years and well i mean i guess the whole time i've been in japan it's like this guy he was saying that i just [ __ ] a lot of women that have low standards and are into foreigners and because of that uh i get laid like i'm not gonna brag about my one night conquest here because i don't think there's anything to brag about i love it when i get comments like dude you know this guy is obviously still virgin oh man you know i'd like to see the women that he [ __ ] a bit they're not hot at all i just i love it because it's like you know all the times that i've ever heard anyone talk [ __ ] um about me there's only been one person who ever talks [ __ ] to my face and that's because a lot of [ __ ] talkers are [ __ ] man i mean i when i talk [ __ ] i have the mentality that listen the person who i'm talking [ __ ] about is five minutes away around the corner and he's gonna hear what i said and he you know the possibility of him confronting me is very real and i got to be prepared for that i know i haven't put out the like the the like you know pictures or whatever the women i've had sex with and i know there's some people that even like to say like they're like oh well sam posted a picture of this woman on instagram he's obviously having sex with her and i'm like dude like i didn't say nothing because a gentleman does not brag i'm not saying that i'll kick your ass because you know i'm fat and weak for a man but you know i'm just saying hey i'm ready to get my ass beat if need be you know out of all the experiences i've had with women um overall and i've i've had sex with many women from different countries uh you know [ __ ] chinese filipino korean japanese american scottish the list goes on and on i'm a connoisseur when it comes to vagina around the world and the fact of the matter is is that like a lot of women that i've dated one none of them have ever been with a foreigner before two none of them spoke english three i never met them at foreign places and a majority of them had no ever like they didn't have an interest in dating foreigners like all the women that i've dated up until this point except for maybe one i spoke only exclusively japanese too i'm not i wouldn't consider myself a player or somebody who who disrespects women look if i can get laid you can get laid too and i saw one comment being like yeah sam will even if he's [ __ ] chicks whatever he's not [ __ ] hot chicks he's probably getting sixes or sevens he's not [ __ ] supermodels and uh you know my only reply to that is like why are you angry like [Applause] [Music] sex will never make you happy some of you your mind is already racing ahead with the assumption that i implicitly mean one night stands shallow insipid meaningless relationships in contrast to some kind of hallowed long-term commitment an idealized marriage nope sex will never make you happy romance will never make you happy love will never make you happy it's all meaningless i once heard a conversation between jank wieger and his female co-host these are two of the anchors over at the young turks both people have been married for many years and they were sitting there ringing their hands with regret because it had been so long since they'd felt butterflies in their stomach since they'd felt nervousness and fear when flirting with someone in the first stages of initiating a new sexual relationship that for them as middle-aged married people right that was a fond memory from their youth and they were lamenting how long it had been since they had felt that way and then they sat there and kind of reassured themselves well oh no but you you've got to do the right thing you've got to stay committed you've got to stay married like you can't split up for this kind of fleeting pleasure guess what both are meaningless i read a study of um american paratroopers the guys who jump out of helicopters it's not worth telling the whole story now as to why i was reading this strange document but you know what the thrill of jumping out of a helicopter or jumping out of an airplane with a uh you know a parachute in your back it only lasts the first five six or seven times the first time you're terrified right and this has been studied like how many repetitions how much training do people need until they're really good they're really calm and until it's completely routine to jump out of an airplane to jump out of a helicopter all right at some point if it's the thrill that interests you the thrill is gone because the instinct you're talking about there is fear what people misperceive as happiness is fear what people think is thrilling about sex about love about romance is fear bread doesn't taste good if you're not hungry if you're ravenously hungry the lowest quality scrap of wonder bread factory made stale bread tastes amazing okay water if you're not thirsty seems to have no taste at all and when you're dying of thirst it's the most amazing sort of flavor these biologically rooted experiences that we call pleasure that we call romance that we call love that we call courage that we call heroism they're all meaningless they're all pointless and if you're one of the people in the audience who's on tko sam's side of things if you're someone who's enormously overweight or just struggling with being ugly and unappealing to the opposite sex you may now be sitting with your arms crossed furious at me and saying well it's easy for you to say a man who has jumped out of an airplane with a parachute on more than 100 times it's easy for him to say it's meaningless it's no big deal there's nothing to be afraid of but what a thrill it would be for you if you could step out the door of that airplane just once it's easy for me to say and that's why i'm saying it it's easy for me to say and i'm right and it's true and even if you never have the depth of experience that lets you feel the way i feel it's really important for you to know what i know so that you do not ruin your life in the way tko sam has