Karaoke tonight (Chiang Mai, Thailand) (vegan / vegans / veganism)

03 June 2016 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys what's up this isn't
announcements so it's a temporary video I mean you know I apologize for the bad lighting tonight we're gonna do karaoke at a place called local Elvis tonight at 10 p.m. and when I say tonight I mean Saturday June 4th 2016 so this is an event I created in the sense that I you know put a message on the internet and sent invitations to other people and said hey do you want to karaoke like it's not an event that I'm hosting you know what I mean like I'm not in charge of it um it's not an event to support me or celebrate me it's just an event that I happen to propose to other vegans here and that I've invited people to who are my friends and that I've also just opened up to anyone who's interested now look some of you will be surprised that I'm saying this to doing this some people have written to me asking if I'm like living and hiding or some people been writing to me with the assumption that I'm living out and I'm not at all um you know I'm doing everything I normally would do I'm out in these streets as much as I normally would be I'm going to the gym and everything else you know the things that have actually prevented me from doing what I wanted to in Chiangmai are first of all the weather we've had both extreme heat and torrential rain well down poured rain and you know the streets here fill up with water they don't have proper drainage or sewage that would be a long rant to get into so you know the river the the road turns into a river and then it's like well I was gonna do this in that but now I can't walk I can't walk west or south on this road anymore so I've got a plan so you know the rain and the heat and the overall disintegration of the city of Chiang Mai itself has been preventing me from doing some things I might have enjoyed doing but no I mean I'm not living in hiding I haven't changed what I'm doing one way or the other I mean I've neither been avoiding other vegans nor have I been seeking them out and confronting them and look you know the other thing to remember is the vast majority people who are fans that during Ryder are reasonable people the vast majority of them are really used to his trolling and they look at it with a grain of so I haven't met a single person who took his allegations against me seriously you know some of them take it seriously in the fact that they feel deeply embarrassed like they feel very much discredited but they don't take it seriously sense of actually perceiving me in this way and like you know in terms of the threats of violence you know I offered to speak to during writer face-to-face you didn't want to do it I said look if you want to go toe-to-toe we can go in a boxing ring you didn't want to do it and neither he nor anyone else I haven't gotten one email from even one of his fans or followers saying they'd like to take me up on that square dance and I don't think any of them do you know cuz again I meet and talk to these people face to face the vast majority of them are not only normal human beings they're actually nice you know no surprise so what you'd expect they're nice people who like riding bicycles you know what like I've said I have a background I bunked into some of the other day and I talked to them I was like oh yeah I used to do long distance cycling in Thailand too and they asked me to quit how do I say this in Thai I told them some vocabulary in the Thai language you know they're normal people they're they're not out to get me they're not on a hunt and I mean even if they were like I've said here I don't live in fear so look tonight karaoke 10:00 p.m. Saturday night June 4th I've put the invite out it's no secret I'm not in hiding anyone who wants to meet me anyone who wants to meet a bunch of other vegans come and hang it's not a political statement it's not an anti durianrider event it's not anything like that uh you know am i inviting durianrider himself or freely herself no I don't think it'd be appropriate for them to show up to be honest with you because you know they also don't invite me to their events and they've turned down the offer to talk and you know I've now engaged with the ring writer we have talked by written messages back and forth and I've already made an apology video to freely which you request so you know it's kind of done but you know if you want to hang like I say local Elvis you can find that on Google Maps easily enough it's downtown you know going up for karaoke does not seem to be directly related to saving the planet but I mean God you know it's got to start somewhere as I recall you know petaa People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals the first meeting they ever had they had this event that was protesting against vivisection the treatment of apes at labs and that a group of people together in one room you know involved with this particular protest against this particular lab and somebody said look we've got so much talent here we've gotta exchange phone numbers and names and we got a you know we got to keep this going we got to build this into a more permanent organization of course they didn't have email back then right man it's got to start somewhere it's got to start with vegans actually loving each other it's got to start with mutual respect a mutual cooperation and sharing emails and sharing something more meaningful than makeup and weight loss tips is what I mean and I keep saying this the people who founded petaa are not geniuses the people who fed it bugged me the people who founded Greenpeace are not geniuses if anything those guys were morons in my opinion but they really got together and made something happen so you know like I keep saying I still got love for y'all you know and I meet all these people with open arms open mind open heart and you know yeah some people want to take a poke at me some people got a chip on their shoulder but man that ain't that ain't new that's something that's gonna change anybody who's doing anything real in their life doesn't matter if it's cambodia and human rights or gay rights you know anybody who's taking on any real issues you're gonna deal with that kind of confrontation those kinds of attitudes and it ain't something real in my life and you know for me uh it's worth it karaoke tonight let's make it worth it