Durianrider: real insanity, fake cure, bad diet.

05 March 2016 [link youtube]

A few different sources are mentioned in the video, so I here provide links to them. Durianrider's own channel, of course, can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/user/durianriders/videos

The experience of the young woman who was formerly a model, and gained weight (but is now happy), etc., can be found on Durianrider's channel, here:


The reflections on the Thai Fruit Festival from the young man who had a long history of diagnosed eating disorders (anorexia and orthorexia, I believe) is found here:


Powsimian's experience is also mentioned. He deleted a number of videos that were recorded while he was in a mental-hospital of some kind (and they mentioned both his diagnosis, and the specific psychiatric medication he was taking at the time). He has since been released from in-patient care, and you can find his channel here:


Youtube Automatic Transcription

people who want to be victims done 28
the truth so this is a movement built by a guy durianrider who's a diagnosed anorexic I'll clinically been doggin of anorexia and I'm clinically recovered for months so I can speak with personal experience who you know in his words apparently he was you know receiving both medical benefits and government benefits because of a formally diagnosed case of anorexia he claimed during Ryder claims he's healed he's recovered from this disorder but on the other hand and I say this with all due sympathy for durianrider this is a guy we see sitting on the floor of his kitchen incoherently ranting that pharmacists and psychiatrists and therapists these are just people who are trying to give you drugs that will make you fat it doesn't sound credible so if you want to do something you gotta [ __ ] do it okay so it's not just that simple no no say I'm a [ __ ] drain bow mother [ __ ] victim can't and I don't want to take any responsibility rather pop pills from the mother [ __ ] quack toxic liver toxic pills and make me gain weight and hunger or a [ __ ] mushroom head pumpkin face or I feel like a [ __ ] psychotic I'd rather do that then take control of my thoughts take control of my diet a control I'm a daily exercise activity who are [ __ ] hang around with how I stand my posture what time I go to bed I don't take control that awesome of yourself in Todd a little whining [ __ ] mother [ __ ] [ __ ] it doesn't sound credible nobody coming to this movie for you outside somebody who hasn't been kind of gradually brainwashed by the familiar assumptions of veganism in 2016 would just look at this guy and think 1 he's not credible how can anyone take this guy seriously as he's sitting and ranting over here in clearly this way but - I don't see somebody who's recovered from his eating disorder I see on the contrary someone who is obsessively acting out a bunch of tropes that really reflect an ongoing eating disorder and a kind of ongoing identity crisis why does durian writer pretend that he's an expert about b12 pretend that he's a medical doctor when people talk to about hemoglobin what he actually says I mean he reads a book or at least reads pieces of a book like the you know the Minnesota starvation study from 1944 he reads this book and totally misunderstands the purpose of the experiment completely misunderstands and misrepresents you know the abstract of what the experiment was trying to prove what the findings were what the implications are fine he's not a scientist he's a self-described you know ex drug addict jock who turned his life around to some extent has become a diet guru okay fine so you don't do science so why does he obsessively you know try to get out the the needle and inject people with b12 why does he want to pretend that he's a medical doctor and pretend that he has expertise he doesn't have why is he you know obsessively ranting about you know helping people psychologically also when he himself has this profound distrust even paranoia for psychiatrists and therapists and no [ __ ] Sokka Sokka Rochester whatever so I said pill pusher drug pusher ever really ever ever helped me ever because there's more money in keeping people ill than helping them help themselves cure themselves naturally well during birth I don't think you're in a position to help people I see a guy who still needs a lot of help himself and a guy who is acting out in the strictest sense a serious mental disorder you know we got this [ __ ] crazy society where we're like no you can't do that have a [ __ ] pill don't medicate yourself you can't do a course you can't control his condition you're schizophrenic you bipolar you've got [ __ ] anxiety disorder I got nighttime anxiety with no that morning anxieties on a know that generalizing design isn't like a post you make stresses so that I go Group anxiety is when you go to [ __ ] gang bang eggs Iser you know these [ __ ] desert disorders do they [ __ ] to have different [ __ ] pills for injections and all this sort of crazy [ __ ] institutions if you can't control yourself some other [ __ ] will make it living controlling you now in terms of writers rant sitting on the floor of his kitchen it's also really sad to note that he is seeing verbatim what a young man called Paul Simeon used to say and take control of my thoughts take control of my diet taking trouble my daily exercise actually who are [ __ ] hang around with how I stand my posture pal Simeon would repeat this same line like a mantra or like a prayer about you know like you don't need any psychiatric care whatever mental disorder you're diagnosed with you know the medication and the therapy is just some kind of conspiracy to keep you down this kind of nonsense well you know what pal Simeon was was the you know truest disciple of durianrider he repeated this again and again I could tell back when I made a responsibility to him I thought pal Simeon was overcompensating for the fact that he was diagnosed with a serious mental disorder it was very sad when you know my guests proved to be right you know that story ends with pal Simeon actually being committed to a mental institution and being put on really heavy anti antes really heavy medications which he named at the time and durianrider is still saying this same crap don't you have any sympathy for the people who are your followers followers in the truest sense of the word people are following your terrible advice and where it's having horrible consequences for their lives you gotta say look [ __ ] you gotta have the [ __ ] out every single time I do that it was just like whew see you later in the English language in Western culture we tend to think of sympathy as if it were something like purity as if it were a characteristic that people either have or that they lack or like purity we tend to think about you know sympathy and compassion as something you can lose you know oh after I came back from the war I'd lost my my capacity to feel sympathy I'd lost my compassion for the world this is very misleading the real importance of sympathy in my opinion and I'm sorry to say this is there opinion I think sympathy the real significance of it in our lives is actually as a mode of analysis it's a way of understanding other people and other things if you were gonna work as a weight loss coach as a you know nutritionist as a dietary coach I really think one of the most important characteristics for you to have is sympathy is to be able to sit down and sympathize the person you're talking to about why they haven't lost weight why they gained weight their reasons for emotional eating or compulsive eating or whatever it is even if those people are gonna be dishonest with you you know I mean this this may sound like a strange comparison it's one of them to think about lately if you're gonna work as an ESL teacher you're gonna teach English as a second language you would actually need to have a fundamental sympathy for your students including the bad students you have to be able to understand their excuses for why they're not learning English learning English how why they're not doing their homework you have to understand what motivates them and what fails to motivate them and a lot of that may not be expressed to you directly they're not gonna sit down and they're not going to do the analysis for you but sympathy can be the start of a real understanding and again even if someone is overweight and 90% of their reasons that they're stating to you are excuses I think it's crucially important the other sympathy not to have a hostile attitude that works that not to discard whether say oh this is just an excuse therefore I'm not gonna listen to it no no no to say okay these are your excuses and I'm gonna listen sympathetically so that I can understand what works for you so I can figure out what works for you I put on a lot of weight since I went vegan and and there was yeah I've been vegan for about a year and a half now you gotta say look hunt you gotta have the [ __ ] I know reciprocal with this idea of sympathy I'm presenting here is that a lack of sympathy doesn't just mean you being a jerk you can be a jerk for all kinds of reasons like you happen to be in a rush that day all kinds of reasons people being a jerk but what I'm pointing out here about sympathy is that a lack of sympathy leads to a Lant lack of understanding a lack of perceiving what the problem or issue is even when it's right in front of your face I have two examples of this connected to durianrider you know there is one young woman and she used to be a professional model and she was very slim you know it's both slim of body and slim of face because what they want for that photogenic look and wants her cheekbones to stand out and what-have-you she came durianrider and she tells her story to him and what she's actually saying the content of what she has to tell him is that his diet doesn't work and he completely ignores the negative feedback and of course he ignored the negative feedback when it was really stated very clearly to him by people like unnatural vegan and others who said no durianrider your diet does not work it resulted in weight gain not weight loss for me and here's why I put on a lot of weight there been times where I kind of questions straight-up questions you know question Karen what does your woman actually is saying them face to face is I used to be thin I used to be a professional model but on your diet I gained weight I couldn't lose it and I had really bad acne but here's the silver lining in the cloud I just gave up and decided that what was important in life was being happy and that I don't care if I'm fat now anyone could preach the message that what's important is being happy and it doesn't matter if you're fat I could come on here and preach that message but that is not what durian writers diet is about durianrider is selling diet books he is selling diet and weight loss advice and if anyone on earth should not be satisfied with this girl's explanation that you know she was trying to lose weight that she came on to this you know specific diet hoping to recapture and sustain the the figure she had as a model and that it has failed for her it should be durian writer he should sympathize with that and recognize something is wrong here something naught is not working now that young woman she's she's an effect promoted by during writers Channel she's being held up as a positive example because he's ignoring all the negative evidence so to him oh wow great here's another person who's happy with my diet she's not happy she didn't okay even if she's happy for philosophical reasons even if she's hit a turning point in her life where she doesn't care what she looks like anymore the diet did not get the results she was pursuing the diet did not get the results it was promising scientifically due to adaptive thermogenesis and glycogen stores and the usual excuse durianrider and freely supporters it will oh well that's only short-term oh it's only for a couple of years this screwed up this young woman's life why I mean there's no sympathy for that I mean she's a young woman she didn't want to gain weight she wanted to lose weight she didn't want a her face covered with acne she had real serious negative side effects from this diet which is supposed to vote B it's supposed to be about being healthy and athletic and beautiful if you're coming on my channel and I'm gonna give you boring advice about how to spend ten years of your life studying obscure languages reading books and getting university diploma that won't lead to any employment that's different advice if you want to come on and you want to talk about being fat and happy that's a different YouTube channel right hey there's no excuse for this yeah I think this really has had significant negative effects in our life and it's not short term you can click from the link below their video to get to her Instagram page and see what she looks like now the diet never worked out for her I mean morally ethically I think it's superior to be vegan than eat meat but this is not a simple panacea for obesity not at all at least of all is the high carb low fat diet a panacea and this woman held up as a positive example really is a negative example can you can click through to her her Instagram page and see what she looks like today I'm not here to tell you she's ugly my opinion wouldn't matter anyway I personally am not attracted to skinny teenagers and I'm really thankful for that fact there are guys in this world who spend their whole lives being attracted to skinny teenagers and I think they're miserable I mean I think if you're if you're a grown man and that's the body type you're chasing after or that's the the mental type the psychological type where you're really wants to be with people who are very naive and Zhijun you want to be around young women I think you're doomed I think you're going to be miserable your whole life but hey luck of the draw it's not my problem I got other problems look at these books back here I got other problems but that ain't one of them the point isn't whether or not I think she's beautiful or whether I think she should lose weight she thinks she should lose weight she got on this diet to get the results that durianrider and Frehley promised and instead look what she gets and look what durian writers attitude is when he's confronted with a negative example sad stuff cuz I had success and I want that again I loved it I wouldn't say I don't have success any more but it's a different it's different I've got happiness now I don't really care the second example I wanted to raise at the other end of the spectrum there's a young man I'm not gonna put in clips from his video I'm gonna provide the link to his video so you can read the description of this below there will be a link to his video he's called plant powered activists now he's a he's a vegan here in Canada the same part of Canada I live in I think he's within 500 kilometers of me or something I've never met him face to face we've never really talked he is open about the fact or at least he's being open now about the fact that he has a history of being diagnosed with anorexia in orthorexia he says that history goes back to age 13 and he has been struggling with chronic being chronically underweight and I have seen that in some of his past videos and and photos he was advertising himself for doing Skype coaching for giving like health advice and weight loss coaching to others and he would have photographs himself where he looked gaunt and unhealthy now this is me I'm giving people the benefit out I didn't at that time I didn't see those frozen think oh gee this guy is a serious eating disorder he had just gotten back from Thailand and I thought boy maybe this guy got a really serious tropical illness in Thailand because it's funny he really looks sick he looked unhealthy and you know this is the stuff he's preaching so I thought boy maybe he picked up intestinal parasites or one of the other serious illnesses that causes you know catastrophic weight loss we got plenty of them in Southeast Asia Thailand Cambodia Laos you can get some you can get some memorable diseases the side effects of which include loss of body fat uh but this guy you know met freelee and durianrider gave talks himself at the Thai fruit festival and every day like a true disciple was going up and down joys to tap on his bicycle and he was horrendously underweight and obviously having all the exhibiting all the characteristics of somebody with this obsessive disorder related to diet exercise thinness etc if anyone on earth should have been able to recognize that and respond to that sympathetically it should have been durianrider and instead you can hear you know this guy's own perspective it takes a few minutes to get through it but what are you saying is when he was at the Thai fruit Festival all that he encountered were to use during my term Anna enablers anorexia nailers people are telling him Wow you look so great you're so lean this is so fabulous you're getting real people who regarded his mental illness and its symptoms as positive and virtuous things so thank you God you [ __ ] can you just got to be a hard [ __ ] you just gotta harden the [ __ ] up stop blaming your parents stop blaming anything else and just get it [ __ ] done don't you have any sympathy for the people who are your followers followers in the truest sense of the word people are following your terrible advice and where it's having horrible consequences for their lives not just gaining weight or having acne yeah you know it's a problem not just in the case of the other guy sinking deeper and deeper into a diagnosed eating disorder and becoming chronically underweight and even more obsessed with weight loss anorexic me that guy it's sad but being involved the typhoon vessel is he said himself it was psychologically unhealthy for him it was mentally and emotionally and it had negative physical consequences for him also these things are bad but also this this you know hysterical persecution complex about getting help from a therapist or medical professor someone who has real expertise in a real education of any kind durianrider you've been confronted with examples including Palestinian very recently of this having terrible negative consequences for the people who worship you and the people who respect you so you know where is the sympathy in that there seems to be no capacity to understand what's going wrong for one's fellow man and I think this kind of understanding starts with sympathy