Reckless Optimism (About the Future of the Vegan Movement) in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

08 May 2017 [link youtube]

Featuring Dexter Deveau:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

okay I'm walking down the block with
Dexter Dubrow formerly known as you change your channel name right yes sir some people might remember you back when you did a back when you did a podcast with me what was your channel club like the Lance Armstrong formerly known as Lance Armstrong he's now evolved into Dexter Dubrow using his legal name so it was just saying to Dexter here as we walk down the shining streets of chiang mai thailand avoiding the gangs of heavily armed vegans who are trying to kill me oh yeah there are you I thought the repeated warnings that would be stabbed if I ever set foot in Chiang Mai again not seem to have been much exaggerated but um you know I was just saying to him you do have a lot of negative experiences reaching out to other people on YouTube sometimes reaching its people just talking about the future of the movement where are we all going to be five years from now can we make something positive happen and sometimes in talking to people because like when I first got does view I think the first conversation ever had with you with long lines of well you know you kinda do have a bunch of videos to pay me could could something be done to improve the videos you have a factor book is attacked and Dexter agree he was the one guy in a million a lot of people will write back to your reply saying yeah well a lot of people will do the vegan Ava and pretend they didn't get the message how should be missing in this community it's already small enough I think it's important for people to be compliant and respectful well the least thing I could do I mean look I like to imagine that even with someone like vegan Ava even with someone who's trying to kind of make their fame or get attention by hating on me yeah I like to think on some level deep down inside we have something really profound in common which is that in the future we do not want to live in a society that's built on slaughtering millions of animals doctor you know like exactly what it is we're willing to do in the next five years try to achieve that goal you know then it goal may be achieve the next 500 years yeah but what we're going to do in the next five years about I don't know but I'd like to imagine even someone like that there's something really profound there's some kind of ethical kernel we have in common you reach out to someone say look I know you've made videos insulting the lying about my sex life and like the more to my family life and calling the scammer and a foster but come on you know isn't there something give it some way to build a bridge women fencing club that's all eight nine times out of ten it ends in disaster but Dexter it's a positive example of somebody where I reached out to him and he was a totally reasonable human being and I think look we're having dinner now in Chiang Mai I think that it's true but by strange twist of fate yeah we did it we did a podcast together a couple months ago yeah we had dinner together and Shane my but I'm saying to him look you know in next five years I don't have to be recklessly optimistic to think that he and I and a bunch of other well-intentioned vegans in Canada who may be met through YouTube who may be met through other forms of activism that we can make something really positive absolutely when you look at the people who started peda when you look at the people started PCRM when you look at people who started Mothers Against Drunk Driving any other successful movement civil yet justice civil society legal fund lobbying organization political view you look at them say what do you think they got that we ain't got five or ten people can put the money in the Hat put some time and effort together mix it don't you but we said are the ones that we sit on ourselves right on why shouldn't we be able to do it so yeah in some ways this is a short-term thing walking down the streets of Chiang Mai Thailand but the truth is I am NOT here on vacation I'm here for a court case business vegan business I'm on I'm in I'm in the court case because the futures we can move with you yeah yeah I mean I'm not here on vacation and even if you argue on vacation you are not here on permanent vacation both of us are looking ahead the next five years trying to make a pause difference and that is ultimately what makes all of the agony I go through on YouTube work that to make those connections and build a brighter future for ecology for animal rights doctor all right and here we end this video hopefully enough in McConnell the McDonald selfie exactly welcome to chain my Thailand hands up