Jordan Peterson's 100% Meat Diet.

06 May 2018 [link youtube]

Beef, seasoned with anti-depressants.

Youtube Automatic Transcription

if you're new to the channel don't worry
you don't look at my face for very long or about to go straight to the primary source tape if you're a fan of Jordan Peterson you might be shocked at the title of this video thinking that you just recently saw him discussing his diet in terms of meat and greens but this development which is here explained to us by his daughter has apparently only come about in the last couple of months they decided to eliminate the greens and commit themselves to a 100% meat diet this is unsurprising I should say it's unsurprising that this has only been going on for last couple of months it's very surprising to hear that anyone would be so foolhardy as to commit to a diet that is based on a ribeye steak a foodstuff that is 73 percent fat at the best of times if you manage to get a butcher to cut it as long as possible for you um it's unsurprising that this only been gone for a few months in the family Peterson just in that the calamitous health consequences of the decisions they made have evidently not caught up with them yet in any case we'll cut at the tape here is Michaela Peterson explain to you how the family struggle with antidepressants has led them now to embrace a 100% mean tie a bonus Yin so so what I'm not up to date in this I'm actually only eating meat yeah that's kind of the face I was expecting and when you say only eating meat I mean water sparkling waters salt okay yes Italy its salt yeah um I mean 'if i was eating chicken before i'm not anymore and fish no no fish just beef I think beef makes me feel the best okay I know how strange it sounds but it's working there's there's a lot of good stuff in beef so if if you know between me and you if I were to to try this meat only solidly for a month you two insane benefits insane bit and I can like there's a website called meet heels calm okay and there are anecdotal reports of people going on the carnivore diet carnivore zero carb diet and there are crazy stories on there and there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of reports and there and normally I wouldn't believe something like that because it's so strange but I've experienced it and my dad has experienced it like his anxiety is gone and I couldn't get it under control with just eliminating while my elimination diet which was very strict yeah and he never cheated right and he's not he's not exercising like it's not something else it's not like some stressor in his life just lifted it's the diet mood-wise does that make you almost not anti Pharma but question that whole business of antidepressants no I know the antidepressants first of all if you tell anyone that their depression is gonna what go away if they only eat meat they're just that's the end of the conversation right no one is gonna dude he's just gonna get laughed out of the room let's like take the most ridiculous diet you can and say that's how to get rid of your depression it's really unfortunate because it really works for me it works for my dad works for my husband he's doing it okay I had severe depression okay there's thousands of people there anecdotal obviously but it's working for them but it's ridiculous sounding so am i anti Pharma like no because antidepressants helped me I am a little pissed off that when you go to medical school they don't teach you anything about nutrition or they tell you you know eat your whole grains I Makayla's blog it's like the food pyramids a lie yeah our kids still taught that food pyramid of hands at the bottom yeah yeah a few weeks ago i posted a video of jordan peterson in 2011 in which he talked about how he takes several antidepressants I take serotonin reuptake inhibitor which is SSRI yes it's like Prozac I don't take Prozac but it's similar to that and I also take a drug called wellbutrin doing that to you is actually a good thing because what's happening is your serotonin levels are going up and yours when your serotonin levels go up I mean it's ironic when you think about it isn't that a drug that's marketed as an antidepressant has a side effect of suicide to take the irony further now the FDA's new label warnings and the Canadian we'd like my books with ten years ago that these drugs produce anxiety insomnia over stimulation impulsivity aggressivity hostility and Oh general worsening of their condition fifteen years ago I warned the FDA and I warned the country and toxic psychiatry that antidepressants were causing a stimulant amphetamine like syndrome that was resulting in violence and murder in 1994 and talking back to prozac I warned the country and the FDA again this time with tons now scientific data on the same issues during that period of time I was asked to be and this is very relevant to deliberations the scientific investigator for all of the combined Prozac suits almost 200 of them so I got to look at all the sealed data that Eli Lilly Lilly didn't want anybody else to see so about twenty books later now and a few dozen scientific studies and innumerable innumerable product liability suits where I've looked at sealed data I've come to tell you that you're evaluating junk you're evaluating carefully edited expurgated data that I've seen and you haven't the whole idea behind prozac was that it would block the removal of serotonin from those active places in your brain called the synapses and that's supposed to mean you're going to puddle serotonin you're going to increase serotonin in the synapse well in fact and Lilly knew this knew this before the drug was approved the brain doesn't like to have the serotonin puddling in its synapses and the brain responds by stopping producing serotonin it responds by increasing its ability to remove serotonin it responds by becoming less sensitive to serotonin doing that to you is actually a good thing because what's happening is your serotonin levels are going up and yours when your serotonin levels go up then your musculature can relax you know don't tensed up and ready for the worst and being like that for like ten years is no joke and so I thought well when I took the serotonin reuptake inhibitor and I thought I will never stop taking this ever and you have not no no no several people had the need to say that he had quit taking antidepressants but the reason why I knew that is not true is because they all mentioned this other video called digesting depression in which he does not say he quit antidepressants but rather that he had been increasing his dosage throughout the years to the point that he started getting really bad side effects and he cut the dosage in half probably going back to some earlier dose I stopped eating pork in high school because I felt bad about the pigs pigs yeah so I stopped eating pork in high school okay so strictly beef now please check out michaelis instagram great stories if you're looking for some sweet beef recipes but so on a breakfast or do you do three meals a day eat three meals a day okay so I'm looking at your Instagram and you're cooking up a steak for breakfast so what what does your what what kind of does your daily intake of meat look like so i ribeye is what I'd like generally like the best which I'm pretty sure most people like the best mm-hm so and it's really fast in the morning so I'll fry one of those in the morning and then I could just eat ribeye all the time but it's expensive so we have ribs hamburger roasts and I make jerky on Saturday so that I have like something easy to grab right all the time yeah so no I'm not Angi Pharma because well hell if I hadn't been on all that medication keeping me you know half alive I wouldn't have been able to come to the conclusion that diet would help like the outer all was a godsend for keeping me awake that being said if I you know if diet had been made me more looked into originally I wouldn't have to had to go on a medication right but no I'm not anti depressant anti anti depressants and antidepressant they didn't help you did help me a lot so awesome I had this original elimination diet and it was pretty much greens sweet potatoes apples pears and meat and coconut oil like apple cider vinegar it was very limited but it was still like well very well-rounded compared to just eating meat and I was doing really well on that and then I got pregnant and something changed and it's stopped working as well so I was still doing better than I was pre diet but I wasn't at that like my depression is gone like it was and it took me almost a year to figure out what was going on because that diet has been working and then you know step away from that for a bit so I had put dad on this diet which was the same you know sweet potatoes greens meat that's about it mm-hmm and he lost a whole bunch of weight lost like 50 pounds in the first year and he's been trying to run a healthy okay pounds yeah I have people being like that's not healthy but yeah he's bad he's like out of normal weight exactly but it was just fast and it was I guess it was kind of scary for us too because it was fast so he lost a whole bunch of weight he stopt napping he had some psoriasis that cleared up and his I would say his depression lessened but it didn't go away and the anxiety didn't go away fully okay for some reason it just didn't go away fully for him it helped but not like it helped my mood so anyway we'll leave that be so then this diet stopped working for me and I started cutting out more more and more things and I was eating more and more meat because I knew I don't know how I knew okay can't be allergic to chicken I don't know yeah so then in like frustration in December I googled like allergic to everything which is something I had googled multiple times before and I came across this lady who'd been diagnosed with Lyme disease like 20 years ago and the only thing she was eating was meat and she could control her Lyme disease by only eating meat and the reason I hadn't tried that before was because I thought it was gonna die of scurvy like in the first month right so I just I didn't try it but um I saw her that she had only been eating meat for like 18 years and she was fine yeah 18 years and then I thought okay screw it like I'm not I just got a taste of what not having depression was like I'm not going back into it right if I hadn't had the taste like it would have been okay I guess but like I knew what that was like so I needed it anyway I so I stopped eating everything other than meat December December ok 2016 December no or sorry 2017 2017 December okay so this is fairly fairly fresh okay it's one thing to judge somebody on their hobbies on their passing interests on casual statements they may make on the Internet discourse such as the kind you and I are engaged in right now and it's another thing to judge them on the basis of their own area of expertise George and Peterson's incompetence on all things connected to antidepressants is shocking given that this is supposedly his own area of greatest expertise one of the first things I ever heard of Jordan Peterson's mouth was a statement from him about communism the history of communism something I have considerable expertise in and I found it appallingly ignorant fatuous self-indulgent I mean if it were written in a high school essay I might not find fault with it but given the pretensions he has the political leader just seemed to me rather shoddy and stupid his contribution on the topic um and certainly LLL inform however I did sort of set that aside I was aware well this is me passing judgment on him when he doesn't really have any claim to be an expert in communism or anything to do with politics at all really his area of expertise should be precisely on these matters that we see him running roughshod over he should precisely be a skeptical and well-informed person on the bizarre history of marketing mixed with pseudoscience that led millions of people to believe that ss RR - pardon me SSRI drugs antidepressants such as prozac were addressing a chemical imbalance in the brain - say that's been debunked is an understatement the whole intellectual history of the claim has been published examined from every angle within the branch of what's now called critical psychiatry and to see him clinging to these sort of Mythology from the 1990s about these drugs because of his personal emotional connection to them shows just have unreliable he is in all other provinces frankly of politics and philosophy and we see this here in the way in which he allowed his own daughter to lead him step by step through heavier and heavier antidepressant use and then a struggle to try to wean himself off of antidepressants through an utterly pseudo-scientific elimination diet that finally ended up with him to my knowledge at present attempting to eat a 100% carnivore meat-based diet his appraisal of his understanding of antidepressants is pseudo-scientific and simply stupid to begin with his understanding of human nutrition is stupid for those of you who really look up to this man philosophically or politically i urge you consider the very real possibility that he has similarly flawed judgment when he is working outside his own area of expertise when he's speaking outside his own area of credit right [Music] evolution