Laugh or Cry, Not Gonna Lie: Veganism is a Disaster, Just Now.

09 November 2016 [link youtube]

Because the only thing worse than phony pessimism is phony optimism. ;-)

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys I pick this up with a
disclaimer commentary is not complaint I'm going to make some comments now in response to someone who wrote to me with a constructive suggestion about how I should change my content on YouTube understandable different people perceive me in different ways on a really deep level I do think my approach to this art form to YouTube my approach to what I do on the microphone it is influenced by rap music by hip-hop one of the elements of hip-hop one of its few redeeming characteristics I guess is that people very strongly feel in the culture that when you come in the microphone it has to reflect what's going on in your life right now um and you know that's an issue it's a limitation to the art form also some rappers say look I can't make rap music about being poor anymore because I'm not poor you know yeah I know my fans still really love my songs that recorded 20 years ago about being poor and hopeless and hating my parents and hating my teachers at school but that's not my life anymore now I'm wealthy and whatever and my music asked reflect what's going on my life so there's a push and pull between audience and artists that way a lot of the time the audience wants to hear the artists still rap about still perform a set a set of sentiments set of concerns that were very vivid and real for that artist when the artist was 16 years old but when the artist gets the 26 and 36 that's not what their life is about anymore it's not that perspective and it's not real now you know as simple as it sounds I would never come on this microphone and pretend to be happy when I'm not happy and like in a sense there's nothing wrong with that it's just a different genre from what I do I think if you're a bartender every day you got to go to work and stand behind the bar and poor someone a glass of beer and pretend to be happy when you're not happy back when I worked at starbucks I had to go to Starbucks every day and pretend to be happy you know what I mean to some extent you got up you gotta put on a smile on face if you were a dental hygienist whatever they're all those jobs but what i'm doing here is not phony in that way i am going to give it to you raw i'm going to keep it real and like for me it inconceivable I would I wouldn't it does not even occur to me neither when I'm working alone with the camera nor when I talk to people over skype and do you know interviews or conversations people it is inconceivable to me that I would come on and say wow you know vancouver british columbia just has the most supportive at wonderful vagin community and my experience with my fellow vegans on the west coast of Canada was just fabulous and you people are that best and i love you it does not enter my mind as a possibility you know what i mean all the time whether i'm talking alone in a monologue or dial other people to say i keep it realz is like yeah you know what yeah i met vegans face-to-face i was living in canada and it's all bad news is right and i got no hope and I am NOT looking forward to cooperating with any of them they're all hopeless and you know i mean the flip side of that is when i say i have hope for someone else when i say like hey you know what vegan gains he's a little bit kooky but i actually have hope i can cooperate with him in the future and get something done then it means something right i'm not saying hey everyone's fabulous think i'm worth everybody mod vegan if you hear the whole contact the whole podcast i did with mod vegan mod vegan also a little bit eccentric but i got hope and you know sure I'm positive about my vegan I think we can make something really great happen in Canada in the future sometime next 5 years I've no clue sure you know there are people there are specific people where I say hey I'm hopeful of God optimism we can get organized it can make something happen but it does not even enter into my mind as a possibility to be as phony as you would be going to work as a bartender or as a you know as a waitress in a coffee restaurant or that kind of thing it's a very spare art form what we do here on YouTube you know what I mean I've said it before said again I feel like honesty is the only currency we've got and if I'm not keeping it 100 what's the point man so I'm going to read this constructive suggestion i got from katie kaufman on youtube it's a public youtube comment so stated blow one of my videos Katie Kaufman says quote on many levels I can appreciate your mindset and the approach you take as you say to move toward a vegan world close quote that is actually what vegan mojo says it's not really my phrase vegan mojo is really the guy talks with moving towards of evil and end end of digression I continued quote however I simply cannot keep waiting through each videos constant pessimism to get to your intended message it is not helpful that this is the way you criticize the vegan movement try to offer more on your opinions in a less not this sense close quote so yeah I'm not mad not angry she's looking at it from a very different perspective which is fine um I'm guessing she doesn't listen to rap music where she me just listen to a very different genre with you in rap music let's let's be generous here she doesn't listen to DMX doesn't listen to little be whatever I was my camera gonna stay out of focus alright cool serious my reply I said uh you're wrong it is helpful and it is real these videos reflect what's going on in my life and what's going on in the movement as it is known to me this pause even you're talking about victoria bc vancouver bc talking about one part of canada maybe there's really positive stuff happening there I don't have any contact with it I don't know about it I talked to other vegans who are still in University some of them have pretty positive situations on their university campus where there's a vegan group they were having some vegan events the beacon activism that's really positive okay that's not my experience my experience on my campus with my campus group were very very very negative Jordan if you're watching this you know what I'm talking about oh I could say some things with my experience of vegan vegan activism on my online university campus um so you know I'm not gonna fake it I'm not going to come on here and talk about an imaginary political movement that doesn't exist in the real world I'm gonna talk about I'm gonna give it to you wrong I'm going to talk about what I know and what I experienced and how I feel and my current outlook and yeah that does include some optimism it's not all pessimism but it never enters my mind to be fake owning this stuff get but Americans in here so I've got to be honest about what's going on and movement as it is known to me important caveat I'm literally in court with another vegan who defamed me threatened to beat me up etc because I dared to criticize his diet book and his claims to having cured incurable diseases okay pause so you know I'm talking about their claim to cure schizophrenia claim to cure Crohn's disease etc from certain well-known guy named durianrider in court with you know there were other people who've you know what i want to say attacked me denounced me by saying by pointing out that what I'm doing in this in this situation is taking another vegan the court instead of taking me to court how do you think I feel about it how do you think that makes me feel about the movement I'm a human being to don't don't talk about me like I don't have a heart yeah I would much rather be in court with you know the cartoonish owner of a you know meatpacking corporations that make sure I would that's better I'd rather be fighting the good fight to advance veganism being in court with you know some caricature of the evil meatpacking industry that we're all morally opposed to right I didn't have that choice I'd have that option you know I didn't choose this you know I also feel bad about that and that's reflected in exactly this kind of context right um if I read a book that I agreed with or even that I respected enough to disagree with respectfully that's what you hear on my channel that's not the situation for me and that's not the situation for veganism as I know it the videos are bleak because my life is bleak and your opinion isn't even worth one dollar to me because you never join patreon you cheap such a [ __ ] having some fun there um but you know I mean the point I'm making here is basically I'm not pretending either way I'm not pretending to be disappointed I'm not pretending to be pissed off not pretending to be angry but I'm also not going to pretend to be delighted with the state of the movement when this is the state of the movement as I know it if your problem is as Katie complains that you can't wait through the pessimism of what I'm saying in these videos that all I got to say is my videos are not for you because I know that my videos give a lot of hope and courage to people who are dealing with the same frustrations with the same obstacles who are struggling against the same pessimism to try to make something positive happen despite all of the terrible unforgivable problems and insanity that's within the vegan movement today and if you want to be on some other channel that's going to pretend that you know everything is hunky-dory there everything's going great in the movement when it's not you know there are already a lot of channels do that they're up so that's it better I'm for worse I'm the guy who's going to give it to you or off