[Divorce] Return to 台東 (Taidong / Taitung, Taiwan)

08 March 2019 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

this is a somewhat bizarre and
unexpected moment in my life I'm back in Tai Dome and this behind me I guess you can't see it so well there this here this whole property going up several floors that is the house I moved into with my ex-wife and my daughter back when my daughter was still a tiny little baby in my arms so if you've seen my channel you've seen some the photographs of me with my daughter some of the old ones her as a small baby this was actually the street we all lived on together in tae dong eastern taiwan a small town a small street on a small town and i have a lot of a lot of memories obviously from five years ago and it was here that my ex-wife and I made the decision to split up or you could say in plain English that I decided to dump her we decided to break it off with her it's hard to be quite explicit enough I get I get emails complaining they say well you're always vague who dumped - it's like okay so you forced me to use the D word if we're using the D word it was indeed I dumped her and then after we broke off I was I was living here alone for a short and memorable period of my life learning Chinese and it was from here that I explored tae-jong I don't know I guess never thinking of return and now five years later I have returned I used to get complaints people asking why do you only film indoors sitting at your desk and we fly to all these fabulous places all around the world France China Thailand I don't remember where we've been and most of my travel is involuntary - it's not really saying I want to do with my time so I have to do so walking around this particular tale in Thai dong now I'm seeing the shops I bought furniture in when I was you know together with my newborn daughter my daughter is a small infant I'm seeing various kinds of memories uniquely linked to that time of my life in different ways what the hell was I gonna say in this manner I'm certain at a point all right so remember that was gonna say many of you will not realize that this town tae dong in Taiwan is where the genesis of my youtube channel took place so the small house we walk past and if only exterior of the very first videos on this channel were filmed with me sitting on the staircase between the ground floor and the upper floor of that tiny house so max wife and I rented that whole house and I've photographs too that I baby proofed the whole place I put these you know padded tiles on the floor so safe for the baby to crawl around you wash the hell out of the thousand the whole place set up and me and my wife break up and I'm there with no baby and all these baby toys and the whole house baby proofs is set up for a new baby this this surreal situation so the genesis of this YouTube channel and you know I made a decision at that time it's a beta so you look am I gonna be kind of loud and proud am I openly gonna say you know I'm divorced to have a kid this is my situation or you know am I gonna present myself as if I'm single and leave that story off I made all those decisions then and the very first videos in the channel a lot of them were about Buddhism some of them were filmed sitting at a table upstairs remember there's one about corruption in Buddhism Islam but this channel began with a weird mix of hope and hopelessness for a new and different life here in Taiwan Taiwan and five years later I'm back in some ways my life has changed and with Devon and that tiny baby that I held in my arms here literally walking the streets of Thai dong while buying furniture and bedclothes and all that stuff in first in the department that tiny baby is now six years old [Music]