Jordan Peterson is a drug-addicted weight-loss guru, PERIOD.

25 February 2020 [link youtube]

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#floaters #quitdrugs #quiteverything

You want the link to Jordan B Peterson's channel? Fine, here it is:

If you're wondering about the female instagram model who shows up in the intro, don't ask, here's the link to her youtube channel:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

the conclusion that I've come to is that
we've all been looking at this Jordan Peterson phenomenon upside down and backwards the situation is not that he's a philosopher who just happened to have a weight loss diet that he's promoting okay the guy is an international sensation because he's skinny because millions of people around the world are really psychologically messed up about diet and weight loss there were middle-aged people who look at him and want to be like him and want to lose weight and it was precisely the weight loss that was his charisma that was his magnetism it never was his philosophy because let me tell you something I did a book review video on his terrible book to call his writing [ __ ] would be an insult to honest cow manure and the Internet is crowded with these untalented people like this woman I'm showing you on screen she can't speak well she has nothing to say there's nothing interesting about her content she has no message she doesn't have a pretty face she doesn't have an attractive figure the only thing she has going for her is that she's skinny is that she's thin and that drives millions of views on YouTube it drives millions of people on Instagram all right people have this desire this yearning to receive encouragement from skinny people whom they otherwise have something in common with whom they find relatable there are middle-aged men and women who are looking at Jordan Peterson and thinking oh I could look like that that's exactly what they're drawn to it's that they want to be like Jordan Peterson in the shallowest sense imaginable just because he's skinny well then then I lost seven pounds the next month then I lost seven pounds the next month I lost seven pounds every month for seven months like I'd throw away all my clothes I went back to the same weight that I was when I was 20 six and my psoriasis disappeared and I had floaters in my right eye and they cleared up people tend to imagine that compulsive liars are social outcasts and nothing could be further from the truth a typical compulsive liar like jordan peterson gathers a great deal of positive attention around himself or herself because what people tend to hate and fear are carefully contrived lies what they tend to despise are people who intentionally try to manipulate them people who lie to them with a very clear sense of purpose and the compulsive nature of compulsive lying is very much what you just heard Jordan Peterson doing he's sitting there he wants attention he wants approval he wants to be loved he just throws off one lie after another he doesn't think about what he's saying no and I had floaters in my right eye and they cleared up there are some underlying problems of character here he has a PhD in the sciences yet he utterly lacks scientific attitudes he sounds like someone who has never seen the Wikipedia article on what it means to quote/unquote have floaters in your eyes he seems like someone who just has none of the skepticism necessary in questioning whether or not it is possible for a 100% meat diet to cure this condition of the eyes it is completely impossible to cure floaters in your eyes by eating a 100% meat diet let's go further it is impossible to cure having floaters in your eyes by eating a vegan diet it is impossible to cure the condition known as having floaters in your eyes with any diet whatsoever whether it be starving yourself or whether it be eating 5,000 calories there is no diet possible on this earth that can cure or improve the condition known as having floaters in your eyes jordan peterson is not the first person to lie about this on the internet okay but i think we all know even just listening to that short clip that it's not the case that peterson did a bunch of research on this and he happened to read really biased papers or studies you can tell he is just saying anything to try to captivate the crowd he is not in a contrived and intentional way lying he is just lying all the time because he is a habitual liar he is lying out of neediness not out of some kind of sincere scientific conviction you know what the internet is full of people looking for answers and a health condition like having floaters in your eyes is a great example where people feel desperate for some kind of reassurance people feel desperate for some kind of positive suggestion they feel desperate for guidance they look for articles like this one that seem to promise them away that they can solve this problem themselves Oh what can I do to improve this condition through my diet now credit to the people that live strong calm although this sounds like it's gonna be another dishonest [ __ ] article what it actually does is inform you guess what as you get older the quality of the guck in the core of your eyeball degrades and that's why you've got floaters and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it okay if you live to be a hundred years old it's completely inevitable that the quality of your eyesight will degrade and that you will experience this condition floaters it is a daily reminder of the impermanence of human life on this earth you drink water you breathe air you eat food all of these things are gonna decompose and biodegrade and the water in your veins will return to the rain cycle and the air in your lungs will return to the atmosphere okay everything born must one day die for no it may seem there is nothing you can do to improve the condition known as floaters yeah the LIVESTRONG article here ends up by saying well you know maybe you can avoid coffee and try to relax and try to avoid you know blood vessel constriction and notice there at the end of the highlighted portion of text evidence is anecdotal guess what guys there is absolutely nothing you can do in your diet to improve the inevitable process of the vitreous liquid in the core of your eyeball decomposing as you get older if you quit coffee and it makes you feel better about it I'm happy for you if you drink twice as much coffee and it makes you feel better about it I'm happy for you but this is not a medical problem you can solve through diet it is definitely not a medical problem you can solve through eating the world's unhealthiest diet which happens to be Jordan Peterson's diet well then then I lost seven pounds the next month then I lost seven pounds the next month I lost seven pounds every month for seven months like I'd throw away all my clothes I think there is a subtle but important change that comes about you sort of admit to yourself look the problem with Jordan Peterson isn't that he's some kind of scientist who just happens to do this diet and weight loss stuff you know the probability or Demeter's isn't that he's some kind of respectable philosopher and academic it's not that he's some kind of respectable right-wing commentator on Canadian politics it's not that he's a respectable religious leader even on the conservative right no no no no the problem with Jordan Peterson is not that he's any of these respectable things and just happens to be a drug addict you have to evaluate him with an awareness that he is first and foremost a drug addicted weight-loss guru who lost the weight because he was addicted to benzodiazepines because he was addicted to popping pills he lost the weight and he attributed this weight loss just like so many diet gurus before to the diet that he and his daughter will sell you the 100% meat carnivore diet and you know he had all these other psychological and emotional problems and transformations all of his emotional extremities shall we say his reports of you know extreme changes in sleep you know he sometimes doesn't sleep for several days in a row he's a times claims his sleep problems been miraculously cured the crazy mood swings that you see even on camera the breaking down weeping of emails this is all the behavior of someone who is addicted to and dependent on a number of mind-altering drugs all of which at this point in 2020 he has already admitted to you can't sue me Jordan I'm quoting you you have listed the mind-altering drugs you've been taking for years and all we have to do in the public is admit to ourselves that your weight loss your social influence your popularity has been promoting the so-called miraculous emotional intellectual and physical effects of your own drug addiction as if those were the consequence of your diet and your philosophy and it never was a consequence of either one you're just another skinny drug addict trying to sell a new philosophy bound up in a paperback book and a [ __ ] diet that will literally kill people if they're stupid enough to follow it to the letter [Music]