Redefining Fascism: A Dangerous Step into Pseudo-History.

21 October 2018 [link youtube]

This video is anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi, but it is also offering a critique of misleading statements by leftists (in their characterization and critique of 20th century fascists and nazis).

In this video I mention having made "an earlier video" dealing with other aspects of this history (the importance of Italy and Syndicalism). That video is here: _"Understand Fascism to Oppose Fascism (vs. Jimmy Dore)."_

The video also briefly mentions an essay I'd written that includes some gruesome examples of anti-semitic violence from the (Communist) Soviet Union (Russia). That link is here:

Here are the links to the other sources alluded to and contrasted in the discussion.

Three Arrows: "Was Hitler a Socialist? - A Response to Steven Crowder and Others."

Steven Crowder: "Louder With Crowder".

The Amazing Atheist (T.J. Kirk)

The Amazing Atheist's video, in turn, is criticizing Ben Shapiro (who uses talking points similar to those offered by Steven Crowder and Dinesh D'Souza, but who is not directly addressed in this video).


This description is getting pretty long, but two more links:

(1) Yes, I have a Patreon page, where you can talk to me and support the creation of new content on the channel for $1 per month:

(2) You will also find this video on my "politics only" channel, (Active Research & Informed Opinion), here:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

steven crowder also does not know any of
the stuff and doesn't care steven crowder is just trying to troll you and you guys are taking the bait in an unsophisticated way but the fact that steven crowder says the nazi party were socialists and that he's a buffoon he makes an ass of himself in arguing this that doesn't mean that your role on the left is to have a knee-jerk reaction where you argue the opposite just because it's the opposite of what this idiot said hey guys two wrongs don't make a right I know that's I don't know a moral to put to a story that's so banal that grown-ups don't want to hear it in a sophisticated YouTube video we'll both sophisticated political philosophy but sometimes it's important you say that two wrongs do not make a right I've lately seen some really intellectually dishonest and from my perspective immoral videos from voices on the left that are out of convenience misrepresenting and lying about the history of fascism the far right and the Nazi Party and I know they are only telling these half-truths and lies because the opposition they're up against is even stupider and even more dishonest so this is thrown into relief most notably by a left-wing channel called three arrows attempting to take on the misinformation campaign represented by steven crowder and Dinesh D'Souza now steven crowder is a buffoon and there's a difference between being a buffoon and being stupid however stupid he may be he is acting stupid he's at he's basically playing a fictional character I mean to criticize the political views of Dinesh D'Souza this is like you know to criticize Bugs Bunny you know to what extent are you fencing with you know a cartoon as ridiculous and sure I mean someone like Dinesh D'Souza is a complete joke but what are you doing when you are an ostensibly respectable historian like three arrows and you are making claims and statements like this that are a mix of the misleading the intellectually dishonest and the totally untrue and I'm going to be a hundred percent honest and say that the idea to put this video out on the internet was first put in my mind by everyone's favorite lowbrow ranting pseudo intellectual the amazing atheist TJ Kirk and the amazing atheist is a very very influential thinker and pundit here on YouTube and anyone who's been on YouTube for about ten years you know knows him and knows his influence but we also know that he's toward the same end of the spectrum as a steven crowder in that he's mostly about having a kind of you know pugnacious and entertaining delivery and he puts very little time and effort into researching facts there have been a couple of exceptions of the years I remember when the Elliot Rodger case broke he actually took the time to read Elliot Rogers entire manifesto and to research and reporting on that which I appreciate it because it was a stark contrast what was going on in the mainstream press but if you think that guy sat down and did even five minutes of research before recently making statements about the history of the Nazi Party and fascism you got to be joking I don't think even checked a Wikipedia article so what is the bone of historical contention here and why does it matter so much well the issue is whether or not the right wing are using this in sincerely and invidiously of course they are of course someone like steven crowder is basically just being patrol the issue is to what extent was the Nazi Party of Germany actually socialist for those you who don't know the word Nazi is an abbreviation of National Socialist there are many errors made by the well-intentioned left-wing people sir some of them are errors and some of them are intentional manipulations but first and foremost I already talked about this aspect in earlier video what they're doing is deleting Italy from the history of European fascism the extent to which people in the 21st century ignore Italy in the 20th century and Italy is not the only country that gets ignored this way the history of Greece in the 20th century there are many parts of Europe or even within the white Western European world history is made out to only involve England France and Germany to a ridiculous extent I think any outsider like a Chinese person or Japanese person studying this history I think many outsiders would would would say this is a kind of racism isn't it is there something Northern Europeans have against Mediterranean Europeans where they feel like history only happens on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and part of the shores of the Mediterranean now if you go back a few centuries of course Italy is the most important country in the world and it's the the main focus of European history but in this period again whether it's through intellectual dishonesty or whether it's a sincere blind spot I don't think any of these people are actually racist against Italians don't get me wrong but the extent to which Italy has been deleted from their accounting and reconceptualization this history is astounding and you cannot understand the bizarre historical concoction of 20th century fascism of end of quote unquote National Socialism in Germany you cannot understand it without understanding what happened in Italy in the lead-up to World War one during World War one and in response to World War one and then the rise of fascism in Italy in the interwar years thereafter with the unique historical character of Mussolini all right so look obviously steven crowder also does not know any of the stuff and doesn't care steven crowder is just trying to troll you and you guys are taking the bait in an unsophisticated way but the fact that steven crowder says the Nazi Party were socialists and that he's a buffoon he makes an ass of himself in arguing this that doesn't mean that your role on the left is to have a knee-jerk reaction where you argue the opposite just because it's the opposite of what this idiot said now when you're looking at a totalitarian regime and you want to find evidence for what it was they represented it is very difficult to select evidence from a time when they will be giving an earnest account of what it is they represent or what does they pursue this is a problem with all totalitarian regimes left-wing or right-wing so I mean you know like or any other kind of salutary regime so I mean if you actually want to know what was Joseph Stalin trying to do to help the poor in the post-world War two ERA that's not something you can even easily get out of propaganda the research should be you know what was the government attempting to do and then he can look at what they actually did and what the outcomes weren't or to Sunday they failed but what I'm gonna throw up on screen here as an illustration I took this photograph in a museum in France recently a museum dealing with World War 2 and the Holocaust impacts these things this is a propaganda poster that was made by fascists for fascists this is how German fascism was presented to French fascists after Germany had conquered France and set up what is called the Vichy regime so this is a very revealing piece of historical evidence about the extent to which Nazism National Socialism still was a form of socialism however terrible however I don't know depraved and corrupt and awful and violent don't get me wrong I'm not saying anything positive about it um long after the night of the Long Knives long after Adolf Hitler had taken over power not just of one country but of a large part of Europe because again there's another excuse which again completely ignoring the history of Italy completely ignoring the history of the later period there's an excuse that says well there's this early period this is the approach three arrows has there's this early period before the night of the Long Knives when the word socialism is part of the name of the Nazi Party and it really matter but then very soon thereafter Adolf Hitler kills everyone who was criticizing him inside the the Nazi Party and then it's not socialist at all anymore really well this is long after you know the leadership of Adolf Hitler has become unquestioned and you know it's soaked in blood no one's allowed to question him that's why there's no questioning and this is his attempt to present his ideology to the the small percentage of people in France who might really support him among really favor him after he's conquered their country right the very difficult political case to make what do we read here contra de Guzman bourgeois por la solidarity you men against bourgeois egoism for human solidarity what what political party does that sound like to you who does it sound like they're trying to recruit or appeal to in that historical period this is propaganda but the propaganda itself is very telling contra the individual yzma poreless free community against individualism in favor of the spirit of communalism control the capitalism Internationale pour the corporate yzma from say against international capitalism against you get this the Nazi Party was anti-capitalist it was 80 capitalists from its inception it was 80 capitalists during the night of the Long Knives and it was anti-capitalist afterwards and that rhetoric and propaganda remains here when they're reaching out to the people who would potentially support them so again steven crowder is a buffoon but on this issue was the Nazi Party Pro capitalist or anti-capitalist the fact that he's a buffoon does not mean that he's wrong about everything steven crowder still drinks water and breathes air you know broken watch is Right twice a day can't be wrong about everything people and he he does he probably does read a Wikipedia article once in a while you know whatever he's got to get material from somewhere to keep ranting on his totally phony insincere radio show um contra la condición proletarian por la justice social so against the condition of the proletarian meaning against the oppression of the proletarian that's what it really means here for for social justice still today what does that sound like to you just think about the vocabulary who even uses the word proletarian and social justice who do you think they're pitching to here again even if the propaganda is 100 percent insincere think about the ideological function of this document they're defining who they are and presenting this to people they want to recruit people that want to civilize them against egalitarianism for hierarchy now Joseph Stalin's regime and Mao Zedong's regime and frankly even the regimes in a you know little country like Laos or Cambodia or Cuba I think it's fair to say communism in the real world is against yellow terian ISM and for hierarchy I think they just wouldn't tell it to you straight this way so yeah there are differences there are very important differences between Nazi ISM and socialism or communism there are and if you go through this full list you're gonna see more of them including obviously the overt racism anti-semitism but hey have you taken five minutes to look into the history of racism and anti-semitism in the Soviet Union it'll give you nightmares homie I'm sorry if you haven't read about pogroms if you haven't read about massacres of Jewish people on the Soviet Union did you do a little bit of reading sometime and you're gonna find out that anti-semitism was not unique to Western Europe or Germany it wasn't unique to the far right wing in this period of history and there's a very real body count for that in the Soviet Union also and here you go again against democracy for authority for authoritarianism I think we could say that about communism and fascism equally they're both authoritarian anti-democratic regimes maybe the Nazi Party here was being a little bit more honest than forthcoming in their propaganda than the then the Communists were so guys the other kind of bottom line here I mean it's right I opened this with the light motif two wrongs don't make a right very true um there's a question of how many years you put into some of this anthems I saw recently a website from the infamous YouTube were a valiant valiant briefly rose to fame in prominence here on YouTube as a neo-nazi demagogue and she carried out crazy publicity stunts like baking a birthday cake for Adolf Hitler and her racist views and so on really over-the-top I saw recently just a couple of weeks ago a website she made reflecting on how her political views had changed what she represents today politically and what her feelings were about fascism and Nazism Nazism in the past and where she stands now and although most people would regard her as both crazy and stupid it's really interesting to say I'm sorry I can't share the link with you the websites been banned the website is gone um she just stuck with it she kept researching the history of the Nazi Party and fascism and far-right politics and she decided as she learned more and more facts she decided that she wasn't anti-semitic and that she wasn't particularly racist that she didn't support the genocide of or killing of any group of people that stated was stated on her website and she also found that the the form of Nazism that she supported was the form that existed before the night of the Long Knives and she started describing herself as a left-wing authoritarian she started identifying with this more socialist side of fascism now if totally surreal but quite interesting to read that that a human being went through this intellectual process of becoming an extremist you know obviously becoming a kind of public laughingstock in many ways and then figuring out gradually what it was that drew her to that extremism in the first place now a valiant is banned from Twitter or BAM YouTube that website got banned by whoever was well yet and so on and so forth so her voice is evidently being silenced in politics but it was striking to me in seeing her I'm again this is someone we all kind of presume to be to some extent insane it was striking to me that she seemed to really know a lot more of the history of what is fascism what was the Nazi Party how did it end up being this bizarre hybrid of socialist and frankly some left-wing features with right-wing authoritarianism fascism glorification of feudalism going back to Christian values yeah Christian nationalism as a way to put it how did these different elements come together in the crucible 20th century politics my impression was that a valiant as stupid and crazy as you may have been put years of research into this and ended up knowing more and being more honest about it than people like three arrows and the amazing atheist so shame on you [Music]