Unnatural Vegan IS LIVING A LIE.

01 November 2018 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

um so for those who don't know aisel of
alle co he made a video recently another video discussing his views on pet ownership and he mentions that the criticisms of his views that he has heard that they aren't worthy of a response including my video that i did talking about pet ownership which he calls beneath contempt and stupid honestly right now I regret even discussing this in this video because I do think my earlier videos on this subject raised a really important argument and I don't think I've seen even one person respond to the substance that argument in a way that's interesting or merits any further reply or comment on my point and of course for those of you know that includes unnatural vegan I mean obviously I appreciate that a natural vegan has shown me support in my recent dealing with threats of violence defamation with the ridiculous you know catastrophe that went down Chiangmai but no what she has to say about this topic there is not even one sentence of it that I think merits a serious intellectual introspection reflection or critique to me what just sentence up it is beneath contempt and it is in a word stupid [Music] a bonus yen in the same vein he also talks about Peter Singer in his video and he says that singer has never made any arguments that I though found you know compelling or inspiring or worthy of being taken seriously what Peter Singer has to say is so stupid is so totally beneath contempt that I see nothing in it that's worth talking about or replying to that is how I feel now honestly that's how I've always felt I don't know what set of circumstances led to him being celebrated in the mainstream media as a major voice he's not even really a voice for veganism but for vegetarianism of some sort I you know I'm sorry but I mean neither in his formal writing nor in his informal interviews have I ever heard like one sentence from that guy that I respect or that I find inspiring or that I can take seriously or even that I regard is really worthy of the kind of critique that I've offered to other people on this on this channel [Music] should have been just a private correspondence between him and me has now been made public it's a position that's made even more awkward by the fact that he has not granted me permission to share the email exchange in this video so in eyes ELLs a natural vegan hates me video he basically presents my response my email as me having hurt feelings because he disagreed with me and because he called you know my arguments stupid as many of you who commented on the video already guessed this was not my concern at all I have no problem with eyes all disagreeing with me you know I've disagreed with numerous points he's made in past videos he's disagreed with me on numerous stuff it's never been a problem because ultimately I saw his channel as as promoting a pragmatic approach to veganism which is very important to me and he also doesn't spew like anti science Shin anti-vaxxer crazy diets any of that kind of stuff I also have no problem with il calling my arguments stupid or beneath contempt there are plenty of asinine disturbing beliefs out there that we all feel the same way about and I don't think there's anything wrong with saying that argument is stupid beneath contempt whatever other adjectives you would like to use my issue is with isil's flippant dismissal of the argument you know he says in the video that he believes pet ownership is an important topic that he wants to discuss yet when others including myself tried to discuss it by sharing our own views he waves them away without explaining why [Music] [Music] it's unconstructive and it suggests to me that he's only interested in discussion when he thinks he can win you know in this case it seems he can't actually counter the argument and is just simply unwilling to admit that he was wrong from their prey as free water is scarce since water is often unavailable in selection quantities cats are able to conserve body water by concentrating their urine now when you give a cat a drivable diet they are not getting water from your food and their Uranus and in my opinion these cats often live their lives in a state of subclinical hydration brannad there is an ethical component to veganism for human we look at the destruction on the planet and we look at the end of suffering across the globe and we want to do something about that cats on the other hand their instinct isn't a factory farm by the way their instinct is to hunt and so by feeding a cat of the gibble you are placing your own human ethics overtop of cats and the other thing like I already said you know he did the same when commenting on Peter Singer but even worse so you know instead of one particular argument that Singer has made as all says that nothing Singer has ever said a suede him or inspired him you know everything he has to say regarding veganism and animal ethics is stupid so he is essentially painting an entire person's career and contribution to something very meaningful as meaningless without bothering to explain why this is concerning to me mostly because of what I think it says about the way that I sell views his viewers and his influence you know as I asked in the email did it not occur to you that people may take you at your word particularly those who like you enough to give you money remember this video originally was only for patrons people who give him money out of me on a monthly basis I go on to say you were growing a following here on YouTube please be aware of the potential power your words hold and act accordingly and if we encourage people to just trust us to just believe what we say is true that our argument is right end of story and that their argument is wrong end of story we run the risk of people treating anything we say as gospel we are basically encouraging people to do so and this has very real and very serious consequences I just watched a video that the vegan cheetah brought attention to where a man was convinced by durianrider to get a vasectomy he is now regretting it and he will have to pay thousands of dollars for a reversal if a reversal is even possible in his situation of course I'm not saying I sell is going to encourage people to undergo life-altering you know procedures or give up on higher education to pursue a YouTube career or any of the other crazy stuff that hardly promotes although you know given his misguided views on pet domestication and how supposedly easy it is for animals previously living in captivity to revert to their feral nature if released into the wild it's possible that somebody would believe this to be true and actually released you know their pet into the wild where would it would most assuredly die the effects of throwing intellectual honesty to the wind and giving in to cult mentality are unpredictable but almost always negative and the negative effects you know these negative effects of fandoms echo chambers cults whatever you want to call them it runs both ways you know the person encouraging such situations is also very likely going to be negatively affected by the results again we can look to Harley and even freely you know both of whom appear to have changed significantly since becoming popular on YouTube with their 30 bad you know relative for lifestyles I'm not suggesting that this is where eyes l and his channel are headed obviously I have no clue I'm simply stating that someone who sees no issue with painting and argument as stupid without explaining why [Music] who sees no issue with painting a person as uninspiring with nothing of value to say without explaining why and who sees no issue with providing incomplete information so that viewers are forced to have faith that what he's saying is true that such a person comes across to me as someone who isn't concerned about the potential for fanaticism and echo chambers the fact that I expressed this concern in my email and that he didn't even bother to address it in his video response that speaks volumes to me in addition this is not the only time that I saw has exhibited this type of behavior just one example I'm a member of the skeptic vegan discussion group on Facebook it's a closed group and someone a few weeks ago referenced a thread that isael had started about Buddhism and meditation like about a year ago so I checked it on and I saw he shares in the thread he shares a video that he made about the topic about meditation Buddhism a couple of people disagreed with his view and instead of countering their arguments as I'll insulted them and then Lexx the group I'm not sharing the thread with you because it is again a closed group and I also did not wish for me to share it with you however you can see it for yourself by asking to join the group and getting approved to join the group which I do actually recommend that you do because it is an awesome awesome vegan group as I already mentioned many have voiced the same concerns with regard to eyes ELLs dismissal of arguments it is kind of funny to me how so many people who did not see my email response managed to understand my few point completely and yet the one person who did see my email response completely missed the point and misrepresented me in his video and that's it that's why I no longer recommend a balla CEO a Buddhist Yin at this point I am probably just restating the obvious to let you know that every single thing a natural vegan says in the sequence of that argument is to some extent misleading in to some extent and outright lie most generally she claims again and again that I never on a know made videos with commentary or analysis on the two topics she's complaining about philosophy Peter singer and the ownership of domesticated pets feeding me to pets castrating pets declawing pets those types of issues now even if I didn't present any counter-argument or screenshots of videos that wouldn't make a lot of sense because why would she be angry at me and disagreeing with me if I had never said anything on those topics if the only statement I'd ever made was the short clip she she presents of my saying that her point of view is not worthy of debate is not worth responding to do you do you really think that what said do you think that's all she's respond to in that then I refuse to discuss their do you think she offered to disgust me she keeps implying that I somehow shut down or avoided a conversation with her do you think she offered to talk to me on skype to do a dialogue to do a report a podcast or a video of us debated you really has she ever done that once with anyone do you think she offered to do that with me on a topic like this that she was obviously you know bent out of shape mode is super fashion happened it's misleading on so many ways and so many levels obviously at that time I already had substantive videos stating what my views were about Peter Singer and about pet ownership and even within that video she quotes you could tell if you just watched that short clip where I'm contemptuously dismissing the views of the people at is worth you can tell i'm about to go on to say more about why i just scrape with them it's it what do you think then i just switched the topic and started talking about star wars and what do you think happens to the rest of that video but moreover i had uploaded right at that time she took quite a while to make that response video and she had emailed me repeatedly indicating that she wasn't just gonna respond to what i'd say she was going to demolish me she was gonna try to destroy him black in my character on youtube and how did she communicate this in these private emails that again nobody has seen except her she didn't just tell me that she was going to use this conversation from Facebook that she used that she alludes to us having this comfort my having dared to have a conversation in a facebook group about meditation me someone who has peer-reviewed articles who had more than 10 years of the scholar of Buddhism who learned the Pali language who lived in Southeast Asia of me someone who has meditated even in the company of famous Buddhist monks both in Asia and in the Western world I have all kinds of experience and depth of knowledge of that book learning and so on and that I would dare to to make these comments in a Facebook group this was going to be used to blacken my character how this blackens my character I mean you can see the way she presented it makes it sound like I'm a terrible person does that make me a terrible person Swasey again this line of criticism makes makes no sense she also sent me links to a first I forget about links or screenshots but comments in public chat groups of people saying I'm a piece of crap because of my scholarship on Buddhism now yes there are you know there are a chat groups that people saying to me but I wrote back to her saying look this is really unethical why would you defame me this way I have peer-reviewed you know publications on put his philosophy I'll send you the links or sent whatever I sent whether it links or screenshots or citations I said why don't you read at least one of my papers before going public and and demolishing me as some kind of phony and fraud in terms of what a scholarship this is not true at all this is not reasonable now of course she had no interest in doing that I'm guessing that what I wrote back to her there because I did write repeatedly um I wouldn't say they were long messages but they were quite forceful saying look put yourself in my position what if you had done years of work as a scholar and then a youtuber defamed and announced you in this way the way she had told me she was going to so she let me know in advance and it was long enough in advance that I made his ever called to substantive videos directly speaking on the topics she's complaining I hadn't said anything about and of course I had talked about those in earlier videos including the Q&A videos up to that time which is what sparked this initial controversy Minh I've just shown you a whole bunch of screenshots these are not issues that would hold my tongue on so this is the first step of her misleading you is the fundamental complaint she has against me that I'm an ethical is allegedly that I just came on camera and said you know feeding dead cows to cats is a bad idea castrating your dog's a bad idea and Peter singers philosophy is lousy well if I had said that so what I mean is that really so shocking if but of course as you guys know that is not all I've said I've spoken at great length and I've prided you know provided reasoning and citations and sources and and talk these things through now again you guys probably have time to read it so just go really quickly I had a brief quotation about what my view is on Peter Singer most of you who are under the age of 50 will not even know the name Peter Singer he's not that big a deal anymore but he was a big deal decades ago now I quoted from Gary Fran Sione's website quote Peter Singer does not think that it is necessarily a problem that we use nonhumans for human purposes because he does not regard the killing of animals as necessarily immoral he doesn't necessarily regard the eating of meat as immoral he makes excuses for eating meat during calomel consider etc and so does a natural vegan according to Singer animals with the exception of non-human great apes and perhaps a few other species are not self-aware and do not really care that we use them but only about how we use them this lead singer to say that it may be morally acceptable to be conscientious omnivores if we are careful to eat only animals who've been raised and killed in a humane manner okay so why would it be surprising or shocking that she has this clip of me out of context seeing that I complete I have nothing but contempt for the philosophy Peter Singer why would that be surprising if you can quote me saying that or Gary Francia nay saying that or Ingrid Newkirk or any other vegan why would it be surprising why would this be somebody to block them I don't even feel this is criticism you're right you're damn right I've come out loud and proud and clear and said my philosophy and Peter singers philosophy are totally incompatible but the argument she pins on to this is that I am somehow a dangerous cult leader I'm Inga engaging in the cult mentality in a manner similar to during writer I edited down that part of a bit of Shaolin for quite some length about how during writers started off being okay and then drifted into being a dangerous cult leader then I'm somehow in an echo chamber appealing for people to believe what I have to say on faith and that I'm a dangerous and terrible person in the same ways as during writer and freely white because I'm actually vegan because I openly say that making excuses for for happy meat for humane slaughter for the eating of meat and keeping of animals in in captivity and so on on Peter singers mother that that really doesn't impress me and again because you took that clip out of context and then claim that I've never before or since explain explained at length my position on on Peter Singer I not only have explained it I invited someone under my channel who was Pro Peter Singer and we debated it or discuss it you know on camera um she very rapidly folded her cards and basically admitted that she 90% doesn't agree with what Peter says in any of these issues likewise within the last two years you know I've seen unnatural vegan have to dial back her support for Peter Singer and I've had videos discussing that that she's kind of in a hypocritical way said that she somehow never really knew what it was Peter Singer supported back when she supported him so passionately now look um obviously her argument against me is so incoherent that it is based on emotion and that's the part of the story I can sympathize with obviously she was someone who had such a strong emotional attachment to either the philosophy of Peter Singer were the justifications and excuses she has for castrating animals feeding a pet cat meat you know keeping you know or pet cats on obviously she has so much emotional attachment to one or the other of these issues or both that she responded in a way that was completely based on emotion I note that at this time that she made this video she was pregnant and her pregnancy was still secret so you know she probably was in a tough spot emotionally in a bunch of different ways I didn't know she was pregnant at this point nor did much of anyone else um whatever bizarre um you know autobiographical circumstances we're you know created this emotional breakdown in her end all I can say is I've come out here on YouTube and I've about substantive issues that really matter to vegans in a substantive way and how dare you how dare you say that I'm the leader of a dangerous echo chamber or cult how dare you say I'm engaging in the cult mentality how dare you blacken my character on these vague insinuations about something I said about meditation how dare you you dragged my name through the mud in the most dishonest way imaginable with circular and incoherent reasoning when all I said was yeah killing a cow to feed it to your cat is just as morally bad as killing a cow to feed it to your son or daughter or husband or wife I don't see a difference hashtag speciesism when I said yeah you know what this Peter singer guy not really vegan which is the same thing Gary France aione and every single abolitionist vegan every single real vegan has always said in contrast to Swayze alright so you think I stuck my neck out on some dangerous issues here not really I didn't do anything too bold or provocative but you can see just how easily Swayze gets provoked and that's because Swayze deep down aside is living a lie she is what we would simply call a fake vegan Swayze you're a parasite on this movement just give it up change your name to unnatural semi plant-based lying hypocrite do us all a favor and I'm so happy for you that you're feeding your children and paying your rent and paying your mortgage off of the backs of the vegan movement but I really prefer that you did it without defaming me if anyone in this situation is carpel during Ryder it's not me honey it's you Avaris Yin