MGTOW is Wrong (Reason 1 of 999).

10 February 2018 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys we don't have my usual
microphone because we're traveling we're living out of just a couple of backpacks at the moment going from hotel to hotel we didn't expect to be traveling this long were exhausted we're tired tonight but you know I really wanted to make a video about this for a while and I feel like if I don't do it tonight I won't ever get around to it this is one of many different reasons why I think the McDowell perspective is wrong but it's posed in a little bit of a moderate way and I know that some people viewing this video will be big tower supporters and I think they'll hear the concession the start of the video and we'll see if there's a bit of a point I did prep for this video I did research to this video I both looked into what you could find in terms of an official definition of McDowell you know said I'm not just basing my opinion on what some people say on the internet but is always in there we deal with that as vegans will some vegans say all right come on you know what's the definition of veganism and what's settled this movement was peripheral you know I checked out I guess the kind of official reddit or most most read reddit for that and just now you know I put this acronym so migt I was like mgt o/w I put that into YouTube and then I set the search criteria for the last 24 hours and there were about 300 videos uploaded with that acronym Wow and I think all of them were supporters not to tractors to that movement so it is currently a big woman and the the one concession I really want to make for these guys is I joked with you about this the other day but the joke the joke has teeth joke as a point you know I said one part of what's going on for these guys is the same thing you'll hear in the lyrics for many rap songs but but the particular example gave was bust a move but young MC it was a mainstream Radiohead song and you know we laughed about it I said to my girlfriend losses look have you ever actually listened to lyrics oh that's right so you go through it a lot of what the MiG tell men are complaining about a reference to women it's been in rap lyrics for 30 years it's probably country music for a hundred years you know what I mean on the level of a complaint of a heartbroken man or a man who feels a woman has ripped him off or left him broken or misled or spent his money it ain't new you know and on that level also it's not gonna disappear the difference is I mean I think in terms of rap artists pretty much all of them responded to that problem or challenge or heartbreak by just throwing themselves into seducing women even more you know what I mean like if you were unlucky at love go back at the gambling table and play to win you know whatever was you know I think most men respond to that sense of frustration or disappointment but wanting to rise to the challenge and do better or find a better woman or whatever it is what's different about big towel it's exactly that they try to sort of ossify this into a permanent position of political protest but even here I want to give one more concession when I was doing the research for this video one of the most mature statements I've ever seen from someone inside this movement it began by saying on the Internet look the vast majority of people who are in McDowell today will in the future settle down and be in normal relationships will get married and have kids I thought you know what and this apparently wasn't controversialist at what you know what that shows exactly the kind of maturity that I think most critics of this movement assume these guys lack you know like as if this were they used that they use term that talk about monasticism and celibacy and monk mode talking about it seeing in monk mode that's the language users of this movement um learning so much really it was like a couple months ago you you mentioned somebody on YouTube yeah you're involved with big town whatever you don't want to know yeah okay but I mean like living in celibacy is hard to justify in terms of just even like the Christian faith you guys may not have heard about this the wars between Catholicism and Protestantism but it doesn't even make sense for a Christian priest to be celibate that was debated and wars were fought over it etc the role of celibacy even within that kind of religion the role of celibacy within Buddhism if you're gonna be a Buddhist monk again pardon but why this city ology would would justify permanent celibacy it's interesting for me to see that some guys within it already see the cracks and that or see that as a phase of your life that you're that should use mine okay so that's all I can do for concessions and I think some people get the point that I'm not presenting this video from a state of total hostility but I see you know as as offensive and politically inapt as this movement may be because it is that's what most people know about it is just frankly what what can be called and and should be called misogyny of a lot of statements well a lot of people see that in rap music - wasn't don't hang yourself with a celibate robe that is true that's in there so guys if you don't know the song bust a move by young MC you shouldn't really listen to it it's what is it it's four minutes and 28 seconds well spent working one in this movement or any creative mode but look whether or not Rattlers are misogynist and whether or not this movement is primarily misogynist or incidentally misogynist regardless this is part of this is the soro of the human experience that's going to come up again and again the same way there have always been jazz songs and blues songs about heartbroken women part of this is response of heartbroken men the question is where do they go from there what I want to object to in this video specifically and it relates to my own current experience well past experience also is the specific idea that committed relationships that monogamous relationships are a swindle or a scam for the man that the man is being conned and deceived that somehow all of Western society is on most like a conspiracy to take men's money and independence away from them and you know even I remember when I was single think it was certain time or life I often felt the opposite so right now we're checking into one hotel after another you know I can remember traveling in Thailand and Laos not a single and the hotel rooms would cost the same amount if you were alone or in a couple and you think this is such a waste of paying the same about tell them to be here alone and that could be here with my girlfriend you know what times nadigar or you know or it could be your with a girlfriend if I had to go for now and I'm between girlfriends or whatever I can remember thinking that at the time you know right now in this relationship I am paying the rent on the apartment for both of us so I'm paying a hundred percent it's not 50/50 it's not I'm paying a high percent right if I were single I would be paying exactly the same amount of rent for exactly the same apartment and living there alone now having microform illicit live with me I think it increases the cost of my water bill right no no no the water is included with the apartment so the electricity bill probably having her around I'll burn more electricity but I mean it really comes down to pennies so it's just funny like I can remember really thinking this was I was single and I think you know I remember reading a letter to the editor of the newspaper once complaining with us it was someone trying to book those package holidays or you know there's like a cruise ship and then a hotel in the Caribbean and they were saying it costs just as much if you're single as if you're a couple it's not fair for single people right I think that we're trying to start a class-action lawsuit or something like you don't know these guys are complaining that all society is a swindle kind of set up to to scam you if you commit to a relationship I think a lot of people look at those basic economic facts and feel the opposite that all of society is set up to reward you for being married instead of to reward you for being in a couple yeah it's access to yeah sure tax but it's to in effect cut your rent in half like if Melissa contributed nothing positive to my life we you know in a sense so what I've got to pay exactly the same amount of rent to live in exactly the same apartment anyway and I mean to actually both this hotel not all hotels but with this hotel I would pay exactly the same amount this hotel room and this way I can share it with somebody now if you're in a relationship it's very likely the woman in your life contributes a lot you know she isn't just dead weight in myriad ways and I don't have to get into that in this in this video but presumably you're getting something out of this relationship you know I think a lot of these guys and again this is after after doing some research what they feel deprived of is the freedom to pursue what they're really passionate about in life and I read one article again but one of these may tell guys and he was arguing he said look it's really important to remember what your passion on life it could be humanitarian work in Africa so you can see this that's an example that appeals to me it's not necessarily you having a fancy car or something it's it's whatever you're you're passionate about but it's funny I think just in dealing with these one or two planks their platform you see already the undoing of this philosophy and why it will end with most of these guys getting married and secondly down that because if they come to a crisis in their lives well for whatever reason they feel swindled by a woman they feel they've wasted their time and their money with a woman they feel they've been paying a woman's rent for no reason and then they come to this crisis where they say okay now they have to prioritize what they're really passionate about and it may be doing humanitarian work in Africa then the next thing they're going to discover as inevitably as a can of tomato sauce rolling down a staircase is that as soon as they're doing that they're meeting the women who share those passions with them or the women who want to support them in that pursuit of that passion and who can play a positive role in their lives sharing that apartment or sharing that at the arm that's I think the ultimate irony or the the silver lining in the in the crowd pardon me the silver lining in the cloud um so ultimately that whole philosophy I think becomes a farce you know I don't really I think most people look at this movement they feel a mixture of contempt and pity for the guys who really are true believers but there are some philosophies that I think do not need to be refuted because they contain within themselves entirely the seeds of their own refutation and this is one of them in the same way that I think rap music or blues music or jazz music that's just expressing this kind of disappointment and grief or what-have-you it doesn't need to be refuted you don't need to write a letter to the editor or what have you I think that that's the real emotional weight of this and all the rest of it the economic arguments and the kind of faux sociological anthropological arguments and the political values tacked onto it once these guys move past this crisis in their lives all of that is gonna fall apart and for that reason it's it's very fundamentally different from feminism it's not seeking political change it's seeking personal change and when they realized just how attainable that personal change is I'd like to think a lot of the hostility and over the top offensive antics will disappear from internet discourse