Veganism vs. Alt-Right Racism: Vegan Gains & Ask Yourself

12 October 2017 [link youtube]

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and this is where we start sounding like
racist and I mean for me having done the research I've done I'm just fine with being called a racist huh but no Yin this is the kind of video where I really wonder if I'm gonna manage to make it in less than 30 minutes deep depressing interesting topic really worth talking about really worth thinking about this is controversy at the moment and there the deeper broader issues that'll still be meaningful to look back on ten years from now the controversy of the moment is people like vegan gains Richard who is of Afro Canadian ancestry he's partly black he is his mother is apparently entirely white we've seen his mother on camera richard has been supporting Tara McCarthy's YouTube channel okay Tara and Cory McCarthy I could say in some sense he is supportive of them he is friendly towards them he gave them a very gracious interview in which he did not challenge them on any of their racist political positions okay and their political positions are a racist and you can see prior videos on this channel just search for the word McCarthy just go to the channel history search for the word McCarthy and you'll get a couple different videos where you get to see them their face and their voices on camera stating their racist political views I'm not slandering them to say that that is a completely reasonable summary of what their political position is and if you don't want to take my word for it if you want to watch the video my channel go to their website something like reality calls reality calls is the name they used to use for a channel now she's used to our McCarthy and they have they have a you click on a link at the top that says start here they spell out for you who as clearly as possible what their position is on the so-called white race at the future of the white race and so-called white genocide and their opposition to intermarriage between the races their political position they support the idea of exiling all non-white people from the United States of America if you do not describe that as race you must be using a very very peculiar definition of what racism is or what it can be what can be included in the category of racism yes oh oh I remember it was like don't make people make excuses on Cory's racism you'll notice intuitively I mean everyone's driven through a really crap Harry I'd be like oh why this already crap area and it's like oh it's it's made you by ethnics wonder why it's the kind of area is the area that me and a friend of mine jokingly say like when you go when you pass through these if you end up in one hold on to your wallet don't make excuses for people who make excuses yeah a very strange thing to say and it's like but it's so funny because the comment I'm making here is just completely rational it's like Cory is not a supremacist which is my honest belief I don't think he is a supremacist he just acknowledges racial differences yeah like we all feel and she would simply know but there are certain groups of people who have a higher crime rate who are [ __ ] up doing anything who can't turn up on time to places who are extremely unreliable and make mistakes all the time and expect to get bailed out for it and but yet we're told that to have this pattern recognition ability is to create a stereotype and creating stereotype is wrong and evil and you shouldn't do that he just acknowledges racial differences he doesn't believe one race is generally superior and these are all things that the guy has told me personally he just thinks there are suppressed truths about race that are worth being aware of in terms of how we organize society now I'm not advocating like I said I'm not advocating we go over to any of the country and wipe these people out now we have conquered in the past you know and that is because we came in and we were able to you know because we were technologically superior being intellectual I mean he just acknowledges racial differences he doesn't believe one race is generally superior being intellectual I mean he's putting it out here trying to make it look like I'm defending racism which you know I'm not a racist if you do not describe that as racist you must be using a very very peculiar definition of what racism is or what it can be what can be included in the category of racism and Corey does Corey does try to define the racism so narrowly that he can't be included as a racist I noticed that his girlfriend just much more openly says she doesn't care what people call her a racist which she is so thank you Tara that's gracious I'm glad you don't mind I'm glad I have your permission to call you a racist tarah you're a Rachel so look two of my recent videos stated contrasting facts or contrasting opinions contrasting perspectives on vegan gains on Richard about four videos ago have long videos 45 minutes long primarily talking about Gary Yourofsky but not exclusively it's 45 minutes so I covered much topics in that video I give Richard praise very specific praise I say that Richard vegan gains is the kind of guy who can carefully research a video about serious medical condition heart disease cancer or atherosclerosis and can present well research compelling facts about that disease in a way that's still entertaining and that's great and I think Richard does compare very positively to someone like Gary Yourofsky if I have to choose between Richard and Gary Yourofsky as leaders and veganism Richard is the better candidate by far was the better voice for the past present and future of this movement bit eccentric no shade belt so you know I did give him praise there that was completely sincere and I still stand by that praise so then a couple of videos later have a much shorter video where I'm mostly talking about this kid ask yourself and Cory McCarthy and terrible Karthi and the racism on that camp and I say really in passing very very briefly that I'm shocked at what an idiot Richard has been in this affair which is also completely sincere and I completely stand by it now there's no real epistemological or ontological argument to be dealt with you when Richard sits down to make a video about a medical condition about any medical claim you know he researches the hell out of it he claims he spends at least 20 hours per video on that type of video whether it's about weight lifting weight loss fit or something like latest cancer research he is putting in more than 20 hours of horrid careful research and actually checking and contrasting multiple peer-reviewed sources do you think Richard did that in considering or evaluating or establishing the political position of Tara McCarthy before he appeared on her show no do you think Richard did that did that level of research before he decided to support or sympathize with Cory McCarthy whom I would consider a white supremacist and a racist no do you think Richard put that level of research into any of his recently adopted political positions that basically flirt with the alt-right I can remember a time Richard described himself as a socialist or something leaned toward socialism and within the last year we've seen him adopting more and more positions that are conservative shall we say and definitely flirting with the alt-right the far-right very most obviously in his interview his long interviewing kids with Tara McCarthy again I would say no I don't think that Richard has invested time in researching understanding any of his political positions in the same way he does his health science positions right I don't think he regards political science as a science that demands the same level of rigor that he invests in the medical sciences and to some extent I can say fair enough but I really represent political science within veganism I really am the kind of person who says hey can't we all answer to a higher standard of rigor when making claims whether it's claims about what is effective activism or claims about you know the contrast between different political approaches to lobbying government courting public opinion pursuing the future of veganism as a movement or if I'm sitting there looking at somebody like Tara McCarthy Cory McCarthy and so on and I'm asking Richard how can you possibly attach your name to this bandwagon these people openly oppose in in their terms they're they're terrified about them and reading off the front page of their website here they're terrible the quote-unquote white genocide they're terrified of so-called mongrel races emerging from white people interbreeding with black people you know Richard that's exactly your family Richard's mother we've seen on camera as white his father if so facto is black in many ways Richard these people openly espouse a political philosophy that demonizes you and that openly says they want to have political programs in place to exile you from Canada the United States to kick you out of the country now I guess to give credit to Tariq because again I did do some research here tarah insists that she wants to use only nonviolent methods when possible so she doesn't want to actually kill people to drive them out of Canada the United States now they also insist by a technical definition that they are not white supremacists they're just white exclusive ESTs now if you have a golf club if you have a Country Club if you'll play golf and play tennis and it's whites only it's white exclusive is there any arguments that that is not white supremacists I mean maybe if you go there and talk to the guy who works at the front door and say well look this this Country Club this go Club you only admit white people to play golf and play tennis here so what do you think white people are better than people it's possible he's gonna answer you oh no no no no we're all equal well perfectly equal in fact every ethnic group has their own wonderful gifts and you know unique cultural heritage beautiful however however his job as a doorman is to kick anyone out and not let anyone in who's not unless I guess they're working in the kitchen right there's no meaningful debate to be had in this context if you're talking about within the United States of America between this bizarre program that Corey and artha sorry Cory and Tara McCarthy represent they represent they call it themselves white nationalism that's what they say they represent okay there's no meaningful distinction drawn between that and white supremacism proper there's no meaningful definition of the word racism that would exclude these peoples non racist now does that mean that vegan gains Richard should not talk to them at all no you know I don't really think that that cold silence is necessarily the best way to treat these people I myself have engaged with Cory I've talked to him in the past I have videos here where I present Corey's perspective sound clips of him stating his opinions in favor of slavery genocide colonialism his shockingly racist opinions in his own terms where I don't misrepresent him at all and I have videos responding to him and inviting him to discuss this or reconsider it or what have you so I myself have engaged these people however I did so critically I did so in a way that made it very clear that I'm hostile to their fundamental assumptions about politics and the world and everyone understood that despite the fact that I'm a white male with a bald shaven head and it really would be pretty easy for people to mistakenly assume that I'm on the other side of that equation and I'm not Richard if he had given an interview dattara in which he was cross-examining her or really challenging her or really saying to her look this is over the line how can you believe in these things how can you support that would be very different I did listen to their entire discussion it was quite boring to me so I didn't pay attention to every minute of it it's keeping real but I don't remember any such confident for even half a second in that whole interview instead I think it was clear to everyone that vegan gains was cozying up to the alt-right and he was giving a more than gracious very flattering interview to Tara McCarthy despite what we have to assume is a pretty deep ethical rift between them now you know is the explanation that vegan gains is an idiot I don't think so I think the explanation is the contrasts have already mentioned between the level of effort and energy and focus that he puts into researching and talking about medical science health health science fitness etc and the lack of focus the lack of rigor the lack of seriousness with which he has been indulging in we politics he's been playing politics like a dilettante whereas you know he plays within the arena of medical science weightlifting and fitness like a pro I doubt he'd even dispute that you know and look keeping other a lot of people feel that way a lot of people feel that politics is a hobby it's something that you for fun it's only due to the relax whereas their real work their real job what they really care about take seriously is is something else again it's not necessarily insincere it's not necessarily manipulative but very often I do see people who simply fail to treat politics with the seriousness that it deserves and in this case the outcome is frankly I think people like Richard people like thinking Gaines people like ask yourself they have made fools of themselves it's unbelievable to me that ask yourself I I don't think he's especially intelligent how did he put himself in the position of arguing that Cory McCarthy is not a racist look at the front page of coy McCarthy's website click on the start here tab lead the way he describes his own political position and this kid ask yourself I'm again one of the light motifs have come back to again again there's a difference between being rational and being reasonable maybe you can come up with some arguments where you define the word racist so narrowly that you feel you're in the right to to make this claim maybe you can define white supremacist so precisely that this guy doesn't fall into it okay and maybe you get on an ego trip because you feel that is eminently rational and logical but is it reasonable it's a bit of a better a better pill to swallow when you realize that people are born with a genetic cap on that IQ yeah you know some people who are born they're never going to have an IQ high of an 85 whatever you give them treat them like a prince and they wouldn't think about that is that is that so you know you were I know you can't help being born under in a specific country with a specific you know a specific race or a specific IQ or whatever you know but the thing is like let's say you're born with an 85 IQ just like somebody who's born with a 2-inch dick that's like I'm sorry you got the shin of a stick I mean what you can't really do anything about it but you know just make the best of what you got I guess but you know to go around saying that everyone is equal when there are inherent differences um even amongst you know whites there are inherent differences you know again anyone who just does this bare minimum level of fact-checking looking at the front page of 40 McCarthy's website clicking through reading a little bit of the text there or someone who watches the videos I have in my own channel where we're hearing it straight from his own mouth we get to hear his own mood his own anger you know even when he's claiming that he's not a racist because he doesn't feel hatred what he has to say and the way he says it is genuinely hateful that seething hatred comes across in the camera and you know the total lack of any sincere humanitarian motive on their part and whenever they make these concessions about how supposedly they respect other nationalities also you're not trying to help the Navajo you're not trying to help the Cree or the agility Mohawks if you actually cared about genocide if you actually cared about endangered and disappearing nationalities and languages and cultures everything about your web presence would be dramatically different instead what we see is this smokescreen of a kind of phony egalitarian nationalism as if they regard the Navajo or the Israelis and how would Israeli nationalism you know as if they regard all of these claims nationalism is equal a smokescreen behind which there is an ideology that is they say it's you know way meaningfully different from white supremacism in the same sense that a whites-only golf club or a country club can't claim to be anything other than white supremacist just by the nature of its exclusivity right so so the guys I kind of imagined this to be more of an upbeat video because the broader and deeper question is whenever you work in a given field of study and you look around and feel like well is everyone here an idiot or is it just me one of the most important factors to remember is that all of us have finite time finite attention finite attention to detail for that way we could only invest ourselves so much in caring about the details of any given topic I use examples of this all the time I say look I don't know about everything I did research on Cambodia I did research on Haiti at one time in my life I've never done research on the history of Jamaica from the little bits and pieces of red I'm sure it's fascinating political history Jamaica you know any of these case studies you know but in general when people step outside of their area of expertise like Richard stepping outside of Health Sciences and fitness to take on these very thorny very difficult issues in the alt-right politics I guess I don't need any other term when they do so both with a much much lower level of rigor and to be blunt when they do so with a sense of self-righteousness it's a very very bad combination and even quite brilliant people end up looking like it is the new Yin