Destiny: the Live-Streamer Who Lectures On Morality.

12 June 2019 [link youtube]

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like my overall impact on like animal
agriculture is gonna be like really really really small if I personally just become a vegan like maybe you're coming from you lying about being big yes but it's not it's not that small do you thing because you know you're a public figure yo you know hundreds of thousands of followers you have millions of yeah but whatever you're a pioneer of like church but it's not enough to offset a big ok it's not enough to offset like the like the huge loss that I would endure personally [ __ ] good a lot of good ass [ __ ] food that vegans can't eat and it's like a measurable loss and I'll be able to have that yeah you can still have food that tastes good as like meat no they're all subsidies they're really bad they're not good well we'll have you tried beyond me yep and the impossible burger and everything I sure have Andy Fossum hmm okay it's not guys nowhere near it's okay like if I just want like it whatever burger it's okay but it's nowhere near as good as I can actually juicy [ __ ] like burger and sirloin or whatever or it's not myself at all it's the same thing with like when we argue about legs said people should generally do what they can so people don't get hurt okay hold on okay this is why I was hesitant answer that question okay so when I say that people should generally do what they can to make it so people can hurt I'm gonna have to amend us hearing okay I know you can use kiss me like when I say generally what I mean is like within like a reasonable scope so for instance I don't think that people should donate every single dollar they have to save starving children in Africa I don't think that's reasonable okay or probably lastly sorry I was talking I don't think people should donate every single penny they have to like starving children in Africa okay even though that would generally probably be a good thing I don't think that's reasonable right because okay I agree okay so like for instance like I also am in favor of higher tax policy I'm not gonna donate more of my taxes of federal government just for memes cuz I don't think it'll accomplish any on its own same thing with like going like vegan I don't think that going vegan on its own is gonna necessarily like do any do enough to make up for like the large offset of personal losses right that's why I'm not gonna do it like I'll advocate for taking positions ethically and I'll say that for like animal agriculture and [ __ ] and environmental stuff we should vote against it but personally going vegan represents enough of a measurably bad change in my life that I'm not willing to do it just because I might influence people be able to go vegan okay so you address two issues the first one is practicality I agree we do the people who can are not able to like don't donate like every every cent of their dog like poor African children that's not a reasonable impractical take which is why going vegan is cheaper it's it's not expensive was like eating meat so you you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain it's better it's better for the environment it's healthier for you how do you can say I have nothing to lose me I'm gonna gain I like eating meat it like meals are a big part of my life yeah for a few short weeks the cattle feed on crops of native grasses then forage and water the essential raw materials of the beef production line so I still don't get way to disagree with it you you agreed that people should generally do what's practicable and reasonable so the people and I would argue that me giving up it's not a practical reasonable thing there is it's me not even made like me not eating me me not eating me not eating meat like you're just like you don't care about that like and I understand why you personally don't but like yes yes but you agreed you through example that people should can't donate money to Africa this is not practicable or reasonable why no no you know it's not that it's not practically reasonable it's that it represents like a huge personal harm to them and I don't think it accomplishes enough good yes for the personal are there's no huge personal harm there is though I really like eating meat that's a huge personal harder meat is not eating meat anymore really you really what if I like I really like making fun of trans and black people and and women Lee you can make the same argument against for that ok and if you were living a good no no no but the difference is that in a society that we have today right like these things are not things that are these are like hotly contested issues so like for instance I might make like the same argument like 500 years ago hold on one second I might make the argument like 500 years ago to be like if somebody said like oh well should I be pro or anti slavery or whatever and if some guy decides to be anti slavery it causes him to be ostracized from his whole family like everybody hates him he has no life he gets fired from his job blah blah blah blah blah like in those cases I would make the same argument right we're like be if being anti slavery carry with it like a massive personal cost whatever that was so much more than like just taking a more moral position alright I said yeah sure the moral and philosophical argument in this case is the least interesting part of the video you guys already know the question we have to ask is who has suffered less yeah you know what you might have historically lived in a country where debating slavery wasn't just a debate on the Internet it wasn't just a you know a GoFundMe page we had to click button and donate money to make something happen wasn't used to referendum you have to vote on if you wanted to abolish slavery in the United States for a certain generation the question was would you or would you not fight in a civil war and the willingness to fight in war is not the same as their willingness to kill somebody it's really easy to romanticize war in these ways a large number of people in war never really see combat or even if they're there at the battle they're not right on the Battlefront but war historically involved going hungry it involved a devastation of cities you know even in the Korean War one of the most common anecdotes was of people eating toothpaste so that a tube of toothpaste because they were starving to death you know provisions ran out they know the hardships of war very often have nothing to do with violence they're the indirect consequences of violence that because of violence elsewhere you have no water no food no electricity none of the comforts of home so yeah if you want to abolish slavery in many cases historically it involved something as extremist war even in countries where it wasn't accomplishment war where was accomplished through you know government policy from the top down normally very interesting history a very interesting struggle that involve tremendous personal sacrifice we have the people were going to amplify that test the philosophical side of this video it's so simple it doesn't even seem worth my while the bothers saying it this guy destiny I've spoken to him directly three times I think the first time I didn't even know who he was I was in a like a group conversation on disk or other people talking and I could sort of tell other people thought of him as famous or a big deal so then like you know I went and googled to figure out who he was in a sense I still don't know who he is I mean you know in the 21st century people are famous just for being famous I've never even heard it said that this guy is especially good at playing video games apparently he became internet personality by playing video games and what he's ended up doing is creating a discussion group discord on discord two scores the application he has a discussion group were a lot of kind of mainstream left people left of center people gathered inside politics I joined that discord server very briefly I joined in the discussions there because Caleb spoke highly of it Caleb as the YouTube channel Faraday speaks I thought okay I'll give it a chance and you know what while I think destiny himself is an imbecile he's just a person I've I've never seen him say anything intelligent I've never seen him do anything intelligent I've never seen any evidence that he does original research or anything else they make him worthless to do on that discord forum I think there are a lot of intelligent and sincere people there were a lot of people there are trying to learn new things and trying to challenge themselves I saw a lot of evidence of you know personal growth and sincere interaction of people there and I was kicked out I was banned I was permanently banned from that discord group nothing to do with veganism nothing to do with the politics someone of this four group was insisting they were really angry but if they were insisting there was no medical harm caused by using marijuana that's something I've talked about on this YouTube channel pastors like no there is very real scientific evidence that marijuana does cause brain damage causes other forms of Ascona and I suppose the person I was talking to was a moderator what have you but I was kicked out and for that reason and with no further explanation so my own interactions of this guy destiny or otherwise you know not that interesting to recall or reflect on the reality is in politics most of all or dealing with is highly emotive thinking it's motivated reasoning its reasoning that's not reasonable because people are only interested in offering a justification for their desires when the human mind is May servant to the bodies desires it's no better than any other bludgeoning instrument I mean really people like to disrespect my truth but the fact is that you know my name is I don't know