Vegan Job Offer: University-Level Teaching in Dehong, China.

04 March 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey guys what's up I'm here to let you
know about a job opportunity in the same small city in southwestern China where I currently live myself is the beautiful fascinating part of the world and I'm very happy new about someone or possibly two people to try to take up this opportunity I wouldn't say that about chain my time and I wouldn't say that about any of the major cities in Taiwan sometimes a terrible place to live with you in so many ways if you're highly motivated those can be rewarding places to live and work but I live in the capital of the Hong Eun and China fascinating beautiful part of the world we grow mangoes on the street literally jack fruit trees everywhere it's a beautiful setting it's also genuinely unpretentiously multicultural you have an opportunity here to learn Chinese as a language but also work on a language like Burmese lotion tie any of the adjacent mainstream languages and there are also several indigenous ethnic minority languages and if you know what to look for you actually see a lot of signs of that real cultural diversity within the city you do have to look carefully we have the gene pool we have the arch on we have the the dye themselves at the Hong die the quite a variety of cultures here all living together on the edge of Southeast Asia if you were to stay here and work here and what you want to do is tourism then you're in a great location to either explore all of China as tourists or to head down to Myanmar Thailand Laos Cambodia explore Southeast Asia from here it's a great location in so many ways we have a saying in Chinese especially used herein you name the mountains are high and the Emperor is far away the mountain can be breathtakingly beautiful but transport by bus is some of it takes a lot longer than you think it will so just getting from here to Jing Hong I think it's a 20 hour bus trip maybe 24 so you'll probably fly by airplane and not by bus because these are almost impassable mountains of course you can you can even go from here to Tibet where the mountains get steeper and steeper as you go right with all that haven't been said what I've seen this video is of at the boss I've met the head of the department hiring for this job it's actually a university department of medical sciences so all the students would be studying to become doctors nurses that sort of thing and the curriculum you'd be teaching I think you would be for the most part making up your own curriculum that's what I do you know I think you would be working with the fact that these students are all motivated to learn vocabulary linked to medical sciences so you can imagine what that is as a teacher maybe you're going to do a whole lesson on overdosing on aspirin now you're going to teach them the word dose the verb overdose and we're going to talk about those issues and I think if you can do that if you can create a lesson plan that appeals to their common interests then you can have highly motivated highly professional students however they are medical science students they're not English literature students so you can think about that a little bit this job will be open theory to anyone with a bachelor's degree I am NOT a recruiter I am not making any money out of this I'm doing this as a midst of doing this out of the goodness of my heart after meeting with the head of the department I've read the contract I visited the apartment that you'd be provided for free if you want to of course you can write your own apartment off campus but you you are provided with an apartment for free by the employer I'm aware of all those details so I think I'm in a very good position to talk through with somebody who might be interested in this job the advantages and disadvantages of the type of work it actually does pay more than the job I've got I work at a different University in the same city however it is also more work so maybe someone on patreon maybe someone knows me to youtube will get in touch the fringe benefit here is if you don't already speak Chinese that's fine you don't need to speak Chinese for this job I can talk to the details of that now that would work the University says they provide you with an assistant and then maybe that assistant can help you both with practical things in daily life they can go with you and translate in Chinese when you're first getting your mobile phone to work here and that kind of thing dealing with some of those technical deals when you first go to the police station to register that your resident here and that kind of thing so they say they provided assistant maybe that assistant can also help you in the classroom to some extent for something like explaining an assignment or individual eating and exam it is real university level instruction however the challenge is considerable and obviously this much rewarding if you either want to learn Chinese of the language or some other Asian language have already listed them or if you have some kind of special interest in Asia however I am a vegan and I'm reaching out to other vegans this way and obviously the other advantages you already know someone he's gotten used to living here for several months someone who was vegan someone who could talk you through the job and someone who can provide you with orientation to some extent once you get here so if you're the rest of the job hit me up I also have to mention they had said repeatedly but what they really wanted to have two foreign English professors in the University long-term so if you were a husband and wife couple or a boyfriend/girlfriend couple or what have you I think it is possible you could talk to them I don't know if they wanted that in the very first semester but it's certainly possible they could hire two people in tandem running the game so I'm also interesting this because currently i'm the only vegan i know human dehong china it would be great if I could have one or two more vegan living in a safe city would be a China you know goes through the same struggles hey we'd have to start of a vegan community in this obscure of a beautiful part of China give me up