A Critique of John St Julien Baba Wanyama.

13 March 2019 [link youtube]

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

Johnson Julian wrote to me and it is
peculiar that he alternates in this comment between referring to himself in the third person now Freud himself in the first person quote this man built a charity from scratch that liberated thousands of children from child labor please give me this sign and God will come back to me with a sign to let me know if this is the way I should go for something for the children or not the reason I built this village for special needs children is because I had a dream about the concept didn't tell me exactly but off the back of that dream I interpreted during that day afterwards what was meant from that dream from God and that that is this simple truth of the mark of the beast the seal of God inside your forehead is the activation of your pineal gland you breached the seven seals of revelation and there the right hand of him was a book written inside sealed of the back with seven seals you passed through them seven energy centers you raised the Christ within you the mark of the beast on the forehead and on their hand those persons have shut down their connection to the seat of their soul that pineal gland and hand in mysticism means the hand of every beast in every man is symbolic of self-directed activities of the desires and of the mental qualities the Beast is the expression of the flesh consciousness via the flesh and the lower qualities of man those who have the seal of God inside their foreheads the 144,000 are the same number one plus four plus four plus it was his name it's a positive human consciousness this man built a charity from scratch that liberated thousands of children from child labor built a village for disabled children has a home for Street involves children a rescue for hundreds of dogs and employs hundreds of people that's all I'll continue judgment do you think the Pope can't say something similar do you think that at any point during the dark ages do you think that in the middle of the genocide carried out against the indigenous people of Mexico do you think the Catholic Church would lack a justification of this kind okay again would you accept this excuse from a Muslim would you expect accept this excuse from a Catholic in the Dark Ages would you accept this excuse from the Communist Party sorry how many thousands of children were liberated and raised as orphans by the Red Army in China it's a very interesting history no there's there's no justification this on the contrary it's urgent and critically important that people like myself and hopefully hopefully some of you people in the audience get motivated to scrutinize what charities do their short term and long term impacts despite this veil veil of sacredness that so many charities want to wrap themselves in John Saint Julian is the leader of a faith-based charity you may say that he is in his way the leader of a faith the leader of a new religion he is someone who shares his religious views here on YouTube and I was able to offer a very mild critique of the position he's now in just by juxtaposing some short clips of what his religious views are with his recent video lamenting the fact that some people refused to donate money to support his charity or they abruptly halt their donations to his charity because of his stated religious views so he is aware to whatever extent that he is at least eccentric or he is regarded warily by some of the people who would support his charity work or some people actually have support as charity work in the past but decided to stop when they found out what his faith-based convictions were John saw my video criticizing him he sent in a comment expressing his dissatisfaction I'll read you that comment and I'll read you the reply sent him by email this need not be the end of the conversation there are questions asked about John Central in particular that I would love to get the answers to and we may hear back from him anymore I'm gonna play you a short clip from video on his channel you may not understand immediately why it is I'm playing this clip in this context but in a philosophical sense the reason is this most of us live with a reassuring delusion that the dark ages were a brief and exceptional period in the development of life on earth we like to imagine that human beings have almost innately or biologically become more rational with the passage of time and that we could never return to the attitudes that shape the dark ages not just in Europe but obviously in India in Asia in the Muslim world and of course there's really no evidence for that not even if we're just people who as scholars go back and read ancient texts see the way people thought and the sentiments they had and so on as the centuries have gone by moreover we just lived through all of us we just lived through this episode of the rise and fall of Isis and the rise of Isis the Islamic state the Caliphate in the Muslim world that was a very brazen very direct attempt to return to the Dark Ages to return to a specific iteration of and philosophy of Islam that can be completely accurately summarised as the dark ages in every sense of the term the potential and even the propensity to return to a society based on pious ignorance it is with all of us still it's a part of human nature we have not overcome and that's ultimately why for myself there's a pressing need to sound a dire warning when someone like John Saint Julian is put in a position of power yes over the lives of a certain number of children when he's put in a position of power as an educator if you like without any of the controls that you'd have over a teacher over an educator in a democratic society without any of the qualifications so far as I know we'll come back to that later in in the video the broader and most profound question I want to raise here is going to be return to in a sequel video in a in a separate video from this one is the question of in the 21st century how we can have a society where a huge crucial part of the political landscape is taken up by rich people with no accountability to anyone but themselves and charities with no accountability to anyone except their wealthy donors where people can in effect make policy decisions with profound implications for orphans or poverty-stricken children yes but people make policy decisions that really have profound and important implications for the future of our society as a whole in a manner that has no public accountability no public democratic process where the only criterion the only question of whether or not you're qualified is whether or not you have the money or whether or not you have the charisma to get rich people to part with their money to support you and your dreams Kundalini is the transfer of that energy it's the electromagnetic energy which is constantly causing throughout your body which is represented as the seven chakras or the seven endocrine glands within your body of being the alchemical centers of the selected electromagnetic energy it's very straightforward scientific thing very straightforward scientific thing for people who bother to shut up their minds should of their opinions and actually read it now it doesn't mean that I'm saying sex is bad I nearly 34 my wife is 10 years younger than me she's very beautiful to me I have a son with her of course we expressed our love intimately but what I will say is that Freddie and I hover respectful rule with one another and she and I were most trying for asthma and my mental clarity tipped right off and I struggled a lot and it was purely because I was exerting myself secondly more than I normally would and they don't compute that as they get older they have less ability to restore that energy expenditure when it comes to sex they have less it's a fact and this the amount of orgasms that they have in a month should reflect that so I calculate for myself I know for myself at the moment I should have no more than two a month that's why I'm on now I'm 33 and that's happening to me but that's how I could feel it in my mental health and in my productivity no more than two a month but for other men I've spoken to who are healthy they're the same actually so I don't think it's part I don't think lines really playing a big impact in it but men who were conscious and understand these things I've spoken to they to feel that if they do any more than 2 sometimes 3 a month they feel much less energy and productivity in themselves does this seem harmless to you does this seem like a harmless white Christian eccentric who just happens to run a charity raises poverty-stricken children in Africa would you perceive it as equally harmless if this man had brown skin and wore a long white robe and was running a Muslim school check your own sense of Eurocentrism on this people what if this man were running a school really any other religion that was a little bit a little bit less familiar to you it may seem harmless but it's not for my generation in Canada the Canadian government really didn't want to know what was going on in faith-based schools schools controlled by mainstream religions like the Catholic Church the profs in church Judaism they really didn't want to know anything about it until the AIDS crisis hit and I remember a radio talk show people called in talked to the radio and one person called in and complained that their Catholic school the nuns instructed them to take a pin take a safety pin or a needle and put holes in the condom before using this is of course instead of the nuns maybe honestly expressing with their own ethical reservations about condoms this is a time in Canada this is 20th century my lifetime I'm not that old you know when sex education being in the hands of religious authorities had to be challenged had to be questioned on the one hand by the gay rights discourse and the other hand the urgency of getting out the message of hiv-aids etc to some extent concerns about teen pregnancy and the Government of Canada had to question they work they were not really inclined to do so separation of church and state something that we in Canada do not have enshrined in our Constitution and how it applies to this most difficult Authority issue of yes schools quote-unquote residential schools the raising of orphans so on and so forth that has raised a series of questions that I think in most countries not just Canada we still have not answered to this day sure John st. Julien is a dreamer dreams are dangerous I'm certain that John st. Julian thinks that he's giving these children a scientific education you've just had indication of what he thinks of as science you've just had an indication and you'll see this throughout his videos of how he is willing to take his own highly subjective experiences and project them out onto the world not merely as objectively real but as a standard for what's normal and as a standard for what ought to be now there's a separate question I have discussed in other videos in the past and I probably will discuss again it's very interesting to me how frequently people take their own sexual dysfunction and then try to present it as a virtue in this case as a kind of spiritual virtue or religious virtue John st. Julian is here giving you sex advice and he's a man who can barely manage to ejaculate twice a month without feeling and feeble and so on but he doesn't claim he doesn't humbly sit here and tell you that this reflects some kind of health problem he has oh no no he says that this is true and ought to be true for all men he takes himself as a standard as a norm and he starts speaking about this prescriptively and he starts speaking about it if you here the video as a whole all his videos cover much the same issue he starts speaking about it from the pulpit as a religious leader in his own right um it's dangerous and I think the danger would be easier for everyone to perceive if simply he was wearing a Muslims robes instead of a Christians rose right and there were real questions of what qualifies someone to be a teacher a caregiver in a position of authority over children in Canada ultimately someone had to make the decision no Catholic nuns can't teach sex education sex education requires some kind of formal credential and sciences some kind of background we need people teaching real medical facts to children teenagers etc we need to take this power away from the hands of the state we can't treat faith itself as a kind of super credential that waves away all of those concerns John st. Julien wrote to me and it is peculiar that he alternates in this comment between referring to himself in the third person and framed himself in the first person quote this man built a charity from scratch that liberated thousands of children from child labor built a village for disabled children has a home for Street involves children a rescue for hundreds of dogs and employs hundreds of people that's all I'll continue do you think the Pope can't say something similar do you think that at any point during the dark ages do you think that in the middle of the genocide carried out against the indigenous people of Mexico do you think the Catholic Church would lack a justification of this kind okay again you accept this excuse from a Muslim will you expect accept this excuse from a Catholic in the Dark Ages would you accept this excuse from the Communist Party sorry how many thousands of children were liberated and raised as orphans by the Red Army in China it's very interesting history no there's there's no justification this on the contrary it's urgent and critically important that people like myself and hopefully hopefully some of you people in the audience get motivated to scrutinize what charities do their short term and long term impacts despite this veil veil of sacredness that so many charities want to wrap themselves in quote my beliefs might not match your own but to say I control children's lives is pathetic and maybe a little desperate close quote okay John I I grew up in a colony of the British Empire okay it's called Canada you know I take it you're British googling around the internet was able to find very very little about your background we had something called the residential schools in Canada and that was the way the church controlled the lives of our indigenous people or Aboriginal people um there are many parallels to this history in the Soviet Union interestingly very similar residential schools were set up to forcibly assimilate a lot of Russia's indigenous ethnic minorities travel people's um and that was without belief in Christianity obviously that was belief in communism is a doctrine yes you know the authorities that shape actual a child's education especially in a residential school or orphanage situation yes you have tremendous control over the lives the children what they eat what they learn what they read what they do at their time what kind of job training they get of course it's it's a position of tremendous power and tremendous trust that's plays in your hands and you've really discussed this yourself on your own channel I was able to quote you where people question your leadership because of your highly eccentric religious views right so he continues where is your critique or are you just advertising your own closed mindedness here you're disgusting so there's a spelling error here with the word you're you're disgusting to try to put people off a charity with care workers who won best caregiver of the Year award just as your atheist again the word yours misspell so is atheists hmm this level of elocution also makes me wonder John about your role as an educator week man our organization speaks for itself with every governing body there is good luck waking up and getting somewhere liquid it's interesting you said that John I wrote back and said hi John I saw you response to my video I assumed you didn't look into my own background in humanitarian work research and humanitarian work and humanitarian work in practice before sending me this commentary I assume also that you're unaware of my work as a scholar of religion I have quite a robust background in both fields although none of it transpired in Africa I know that Buddhism is one of the religions you like to selectively quote from as some kind of spiritual authority let me tell you I'm one of very few Europeans who one actually learned pally the ancient scriptural language - who conducted original research and three who is willing to tell the truth about it this is to say dishonesty is more of a constraint on scholarship than raw ability in languages the positive person guys education has to mean something right John Saint Julian talks about Sanskrit texts did he ever learn to read Sanskrit John st. Julian is carrying out a ministry to people in Tanzania I really searched to find any evidence that John st. Julian had learned any African language a Bantu language Swahili John st. Julian is apparently providing English language education in a country that made the decision to abolish English language education it just recently in the year 2015 it was a really momentous political decision for Tanzania they decided that really what they need for their future is to try to get a high level of proficiency and literacy in Swahili as the unifying language John why not with any of these things you you present yourself as an expert on ancient sacred texts you didn't learn Greek to read the Bible you didn't learn Hebrew or Aramaic either of course um he didn't learn Sanskrit he didn't learn poly you didn't learn classical Chinese or anything else and now here you are in Africa you're not learning an African language like Swahili either by all means write back and correct me wrong again you don't know my background it's a direct contrast on all these things when I lived in terabyte of Southeast Asia I learned the ancient scriptural language of the region and then I also studied modern living languages in the countries where I was doing humanitarian work modern languages like Cambodian and Lotion today my main language of scholarship is instead Chinese what I learned about humanitarian work even at the University of Toronto was valuable what I learned in Laos and Cambodia also was valuable just pause here guys I took courses on this stuff give one example look again the value of education has to mean something I remember looking at a case study of a humanitarian project that went disastrously wrong and you look at a step by step how people with the best intentions send up destroying this poverty-stricken village and of course a lot of the case studies were less dramatic than that even in the classroom in University in Toronto I was learning things that are really valuable containing really valuable warnings for someone in a position of authority like Johnson Julian John I don't know if you have any training or education like that I've searched I haven't found it these are elements that would prepare someone in your position to be deserving of the trust Authority and responsibility that has been placed in your hands of course down to earth scientific secular attitudes would help knowing the local language if you're gonna be a religious authority knowing the ancient language actually being a scholar or having scholarly attitudes worth that language they're just making things up off the top of your head based on your dreams and fasting and visionary experiences that might reassure people too if some of your authority is gonna be based on religion um but sure as cynical as I may be about the state of modern Western academia I think anyone can recognize that even the formal education I had in how the charity sector works how nonprofits work NGOs work government intervention in humanitarian crises that must be of some value greater than zero precisely to someone in in Johnson Julian's position so I continue here I have not seen a CV of yours in terms of what scholarship education credentials or background you might have i have googled looking for one please let me know if there's something available perhaps you have more of an education and religion humanitarian work education etc that i have assumed or imagined based on your youtube videos in my case you'll find out a great deal about my background both in humanitarian work and input a scholarship from my youtube videos my channel is playlists for all the above and i have a name it's easy to google iyslah's are who chose you john who elected you to whom are you accountable the sad fact is that we live in a world where power has been placed in your hands by money alone and the video i quoted of you showed you facing up to the one and only form of accountability you've got and that is accountability to your donors and you yourself have noticed your religious views are so eccentric are so worrying that some of your donors are standing up and saying no more it is not difficult for me to imagine the ideal resume for someone to do the job that you have appointed yourself to John and obviously being fluent in Swahili would be on there you think you know this too right maybe Swahili and a couple other languages I think you know the type of academic background that would help someone your position I think you know even what kind of scriptural background would make your claims about religion credible or would at least provide you with the basis to start generating credible opinions about the history of religion and you have none of that John what you have is the same thing I have a YouTube channel where you ask for donations and once you've got those donations you don't answer to anyone at all except your dreams your hallucinations your conscience and your idea of God and that makes you every bit as dangerous as a crazy Muslim preacher as a crazy Hindu preacher as any other religious authority figure that you're predominantly white Western Christian audience might be inclined to regard with a little bit more scrutiny with a little bit more skepticism before putting this kind of awesome responsibility in their hands responsibility for the lives of a certain number of children yes but power that will in some ways shape the future of Tanzania sure that I'll have knock-on effects none of us can fully realize just as in the history of Canada putting so much power in the hands of the Catholic Church and the Anglican Church in our history of education he had had knock-on effects that were all still dealing with to this day then at that time [Music]