Vegan Gains: Depression, Hallucination, Deletion.

06 September 2021 [link youtube]

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#VeganGains #Cancelled #Commentary

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it's been a while since i've had
depression that's been this debilitating um one of the biggest issues i've struggled with my entire life was depression and some neuropsychiatric disorders it's really difficult uh especially with uh depression you it's it kind of becomes normal for you and you don't even realize like this just isn't a proper state of being like i just have a hard time [ __ ] moving getting out of bed thinking and i think the problem is my gut health and i think most people's depression is directly linked with their gut health i i guess it's time for a new sort of strategy of dealing with this i took the b12 because i was a little worried that i was b12 deficient because i am getting some psychotic symptoms which can happen from a b12 deficiency okay so just recently i had a really crazy trippy mushroom experience and it totally changed my whole outlook on life and just how i am and who i am as a person and uh yeah and that just got rid of my sociopathy uh i'm not a sociopath anymore uh i can actually feel for other people now uh when i see someone get hurt i can actually feel bad for them yeah just i don't have that intense hatred in me anymore and uh that's pretty amazing yeah that shroom experience just totally [ __ ] changed me how is that compassionate how is what they're doing compassionate how is saying not not shouldn't deserve to live i was saying i was saying that babies like vegan gains was a stomach baby to his effing blood and pull how is that how is that compassionate i thought his mushrooms would have chewed him of his effing hatred but the mushrooms did you crap on him because he's still a loser i've talked about this a lot on my channel i had really really severe depression since i was very young like around six years old i've had suicidal tendencies and i also struggled with uh hallucinations quite a bit i'd have hallucinations almost every day after i went vegan um the hallucinations almost completely went away i'd only have about one a week and i actually found out that caffeine triggered hallucinations and uh i did end up getting depressed recently like a few months ago from you know a bunch of life bull crap that was going on but you know i practiced all those things thinking positively making sure my diet was on point working out a lot now i feel pretty good right now after being a community this is why i hate about the vegan community or a vegan community come community because a bunch of tall ass followers who who go thankful make excuses well this is why the world i take vegan seriously shout out to the musician thomas allen he was the guy on the strings playing subtly in the background during that montage if you don't know somebody like richard one day soon you will if you know 10 people if you know 20 people one or two of them are gonna have the same psychological problem that richard has that stems in the fact that fundamentally we assign in our own mind's eye in our own imagination the relationship between cause and effect the difference between a beautiful flower and a weed it is up to you and i to decide you can cultivate a whole garden full of dandelions just decide the dandelions are the most beautiful of flowers or you can cultivate a garden full of roses and go around exterminating the dandelions telling yourself that they're an ugly weed that you have to do without richard experiences hallucination he experiences visual hallucination he experiences auditory hallucination meaning hearing voices that aren't really there and he also experiences classical textbook paranoid delusions meaning that he has the fear that people are out to get him he has the fear that people are trying to kill him and to use two examples he's given himself just when someone comes up and shakes his hand just when someone says hello and gives him a hug he's gripped with the fear that they are really trying to kill him now one important and interesting question i've raised about this in the past both publicly and privately like i've said this directly to richard back when he and i were speaking was richard if you knew someone else who had this list of symptoms would you want them to have the legal right to own and carry a firearm i have asked him in effect do you think that you should be a leader in a political movement do you think that you should be one of the most famous leaders in the vegan movement and i was asking my audience just the other day if you were going to step on board an airplane who would you want to be the pilot of that airplane the list of symptoms vegan gains has given you right now would or should disqualify him from being a pilot it should make you tremendously concerned to have your life in his hands but there's another problem here and if you don't have it your brother or sister or one of your 10 closest friends will have it as you go on in life and that is the struggle of human beings to assign a relationship of cause and effect between things in the outside materially real world and the inner unreal world of the imagination of the emotions of our so-called mental health problems richard is someone who throughout his life again and again has reached out into the outside world and tried to assign a cause to his psychosis he has tried to assign a cause to his depression he has tried to assign a cause to his hallucinations and if he can just convince himself in his own imagination that he's found the cause then by eliminating it from his diet by eliminating it from his life he can convince himself that he's found the cure and tragically as we've seen again and again as he shuffled from one fad ideology to the next this just isn't true the first cure he stumbled upon that he's still committed to today for ethical reasons is veganism he tried to convince himself that his hallucinations his depression his mood swings all of his psychological abnormalities could be cured would be cured must be cured through the vegan diet why let me just ask you why would that work there's no known mechanism whereby the vegan diet would alleviate chronic hallucinations there's no reason why a vegan diet would alleviate paranoid delusions the fear that people are trying to kill you when they're not trying to go there's just no plausible scientific explanations but if there were this would be one of the greatest scientific discoveries of our time in fact i would go so far as to say richard if you really believe this you should undertake a double-blind placebo study even if there is just one subject what do i mean by double blind i mean you go for say two months eating meals and you don't know yourself whether they're vegan or not and then you go for two months eating meals that again appear the same you don't know during which period of time you're eating vegan and which paradigm you're eating non-vegan and then compare how your mental health outcomes really if it were really true that everything wrong with richard could be cured through a vegan diet that would be a remarkable discovery and we should try to pin down what the nobody believes that richard himself as hard as he tries can't convince himself of it or he can only believe it for a short period of time before his next depressive episode takes over before he has his next hallucinatory experience and these pretensions come crashing to the ground another interesting example of this pattern is almost as old as his belief that veganism cured the problem and thus therefore that is hallucinations and paranoia were caused by meat and that is depression was in some sense caused by me he tried to convince himself that uh caffeine was the root of the problem now caffeine is a potent mind-altering drug but you know i've seen richard unwittingly engage in a kind of double-blind placebo control truck because i have seen richard eat a whole bar of dark vegan chocolate on camera and you guys can look it up vegan chocolate contains a whole lot of caffeine compare how much you'd get eating 100 grams of dark vegan chocolate to having say a cup of coffee it's a significant amount of caffeine the difference between vegan and non-vegan chocolate is just that non-vegan chocolate is heavily diluted the amount of real chocolate the amount of caffeine is less because the amount of animal fat is more and other ingredients like that but bitter black vegan chocolate that's a stiff dose of caffeine and we've all seen him sitting and eating significant amounts of chocolate and having none of the symptoms that he attributes to caffeine again you could undertake very easily a uh double-blind placebo control trial you could put him through a period of time where he's drinking coffee and he himself doesn't know whether that's good he can alternate every couple of days you can see how that goes you could monitor him under laboratory conditions and establish or disestablish the hypothesis that caffeine has anything to do with his condition whatsoever now if you've been watching his channel you will have seen one crackpot theory after another and sometimes he is latched onto one personality after another goji man oh oh there's this youtuber goji man he's the answer to my prayers he's discovered the secret he's discovered the secret to alleviate my depression oh oh no no there's this medical doctor dr avi i can believe in him he's the cure he's explained to me the magic of ssris of prozac he's going from one phony cure to the next and guys let me tell you the real explanation is sitting here as obvious as the nose on my face what's wrong with richard regardless of its ultimate origin or cause is incurable and it's only made worse by his addiction to making excuses [Music] this series of hypothetical experiments seems too dangerous and too shocking to you let me just propose one more that has never occurred to richard richard could it be that your depression is either caused by or exacerbated by video game addiction why is it that among the myriad crackpot cures you convinced yourself to try among the various mind-altering drugs you've tried why is it that it never occurred to you once to get out of your comfort zone take your video game console and burn it quit video games if not for a month than forever get some sense of ambition some sense of direction in your life see to what extent that alleviates your depression makes it worse or at least helps to bring about what you were hoping magic mushrooms would do for you maybe would help you discover some kind of path to becoming a better person after vegan community this is why i hate about the vegan community [Music] [Music] [Music]