Easy Money? The Inside Story on James Aspey in Panama.

07 February 2021 [link youtube]

She was there: you can get the inside story from someone who was in the room as these things happened. Here's the link to her youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MaggieSargent/videos

#JamesAspey #Vegan #Veganism

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Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey here's where we're gonna here's
where we're talking hey my good buddy my uber good buddy uber with the capital u my uber good buddy james aspie and i are working on a project he may be here for a couple of weeks and we're gonna chill and shop shop talk we're working with a green energy company started by shell backed by tesla and warren buffett its green energy meets vegan compassion what did james aspie do with the donations what donations am i even talking about the other day i put up a post selling my van i said guys i'm selling my van i urgently need money i said if you've ever thought about donating to me now would be the time yo what's cracking everybody hey it's dawn so i'm here with my homie randy yeah whatever we go yo so randy is the chart man i have no idea what all this stuff means but randy's very good at this if anyone um watched my video yesterday and decided to buy into ewt they would have made twenty percent of the more in their investment which is gonna be a thing of the past there's going to be a long time to look back and people are going to be like i can't believe i got it at ten dollars yeah i'm just telling you i mean thing no this isn't financial advice it's not financial advice but yeah and uh and honestly yes for sure there's gonna be some business stuff but realistically we need like a [ __ ] five-minute video it'd be cool to take some pictures and like i said just because we're not stressed about money in any way shape or form whatsoever just come hang out with us let's go [ __ ] i flew to panama at the request of randy at the very aggressive convincing request of this guy randy that i had never met before it's basically very enthusiastically asked to come film a bigger than big abundant huge big awesome project where everyone's going to get rich by the end of february and told if you hang with our core group you're never going to have to worry about money again from now until the end of time so i'm a struggling vegan filmmaker in puerto rico working on a documentary about puerto rican poets my life is kind of going along and i wasn't really wanting to pick up and and take on a new project but the project i'm working on wasn't paying very well and i'm getting low on money so i was like okay you know tell me about the project randy like should i go do i want to be working for this couple i'm just kind of going into it like cool okay it's going to be a trip to to panama i've never been there before i'll get to like hang out with an activist and his wife and i'm sure she's really cool randy didn't seem all that bad although i didn't ever go to his facebook and look at actual posts and pictures other than a quick like scan i don't like to go to people's facebook page and if they and look at like the things they post and make a judgment on who i think they are because i understand for my own self i don't want people doing that to me so i'm gonna take you back to the beginning because i you know there's a lot going on in this story and i don't want to leave out any of the nuances like the fact that i'm here hired for this job because i'm a cute girl that randy had a crush on okay i mean it's just like and if he's going to be tooling around panama with his man crush james and his wife he needs a prop to not just be a third wheel and then he starts like kind of sharing too much um then we're just talking he says everyone went to bed and i have a crazy sex drive going to waste this got a little bit like creepy and i'm like part of these creepy messages i'm kind of like flirting with him right now and then i said and then he had revealed to me around this time that he was getting back in his ex or something and i was like i don't chat with guys with girlfriends but once that's worked out in your life let me know and then we just lose touch six months later so december 20th this is six months later he says hey maggie so the other day i had a massive blowout i was off to the airport i reached out she and the fact is she flew to another country and i and started a life and we got kittens and then december 22nd he says well crazy [ __ ] blocked you but she is gone so apparently like i got blocked by the girlfriend two days later he's back again and then again on january 18th hey here's where we're gonna here's where we're talking hey my good buddy my uber good buddy uber with the capital u my uber good buddy james aspie and i are working on a project he may be here for a couple of weeks and we're gonna chill and shop shop talk we're working with a green energy company started by shell backed by tesla and warren buffett it's green energy meets vegan compassion oh green energy meets vegan compassion it sounds really good it's huge with like 10 e's i'm his fund manager and we're killing it it's pretty badass i'm into this at this point some of you guys are probably rolling your eyes at me and like why is she kind of excited about this but like i don't know anything that's going on with the aspies i don't even know anything about randy i knew the weirdness with his girlfriend but like now he's talking now he's like providing something oh we're gonna do a video job with james aspie like he's like semi-famous in vegan circles and it's green energy it sounded like progressive and new and then i said like what you want me to do and then he starts talking about this vegan prince billionaire we have a meeting to line up a beautiful partnership james turned him vegan and we talked green energy james had him frothing at the mouth to help let's just stand putting faith in the cosmos for divine time planning divine path in helping change the world and if you all if you like it here don't rush back i'm walking in a bounce in my step so much abundance ah this is an interesting one are you ready for this he sends me a screenshot 229 250 u.s dollars at 9.84 ewt okay he says good buffer to start with lol plus plus plus your vid my video may double that alone ah okay so now we know that the mission is to make a video that goes out to james followers about energy web get them to buy in get that number to go hiking up and then once you go up you can diversify unless like volatile up and down tokens or you can cash out