Vegan Pseudoscience: Humane Hancock Wants Your Money!

16 April 2020 [link youtube]

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#humanehancock #earthlinged #veganism

This video includes a short clip from my own earlier critique of Earthling Ed, found here:

The source quoted from Humane Hancock =

A few seconds appear quoted from this introduction to "Motivational Interviewing" =

Youtube Automatic Transcription

if you're looking for somewhere to start
I would say putting your hands in your trouser pockets is something to avoid it's a red flag don't do it I think it makes us come across as nervous and unenthusiastic about the topic instead try to use open and expressive hand gestures and I think you'll find that people are more interested in listening to what I say so during my musti's I received training in motivational interviewing now motivational interviewing is a constant file which has been shown to elicit behavior change and help resolve ambivalence if you take the first letter of each one of these skills exposed after your Wars the second skill is the skill of affirmations now affirmations are simply statements about anything positive that the counselor notices about the client and the last word is the location which refers to the idea that the best notions the best ideas about change come from the client motivational interviewing has widespread evidence of its efficacy particularly in treating addictions [Music] suppose someone told you that a fabulous new method of conducting an interview has been invented a new method of just talking to people face to face that miraculously helps them to overcome their addiction to hard drugs like heroin methamphetamine fentanyl opioids and then someone attaches on to this incredibly difficult to believe premise the claim that this same method can be used with miraculous results to meet complete strangers on the street meat eaters and convinced them to become vegan now I'm no expert but if motivational interviewing can help get people off crack then maybe it can help get people off cheese would you not be incredibly skeptical of the first claim the second claim and the connection between these two claims for then we live in a society where we are surrounded by hundreds of hard drug addicts at all time so if there really were an amazing method of getting them to quit drugs just by talking to them face to face I think we'd be seeing the effects of that by now the reasons to be skeptical that in and of itself but let's just say there are some studies showing that this new method of quote motivational interviewing close quote let's just say that there are some studies showing that it's more effective than 12-step meetings that it's more effective than Christian prayer groups or people converting to Islam let's just say there are some studies that for drug addicts and rehabilitation it turns out this form of motivational interviewing is by some percentile difference more effective than Freudian psychoanalysis that that may be true you may be able to demonstrate that do you not still be incredibly skeptical about the further leap of inference that you could take this method and apply it to meeting strangers on the street and convincing them to give up eating meat to become ethical vegans now we use affirmations in motivational interviewing to build a sense of self-confidence or a sense of self-efficacy for one thing the context in which those discussions will be taking place someone who is a drug addict and wants help let's just take that as a first note it's not the only scenario let's just say someone is a drug addict and reaches a point in their life when they decide they need help they want someone to help them quit drugs stop being a drug addict doesn't that seem to you a little bit fundamentally different from doesn't that seem to you not comparable to a complete stranger in a fur coat who's happy with their lives eating meat walking their dog wearing a fur coat every day being approached by a vegan in the street a complete stranger out of the blue says hey can I show you this YouTube video of what goes on in a slaughterhouse where your fur coat comes from where your breakfast came from mind if I enjoy don't you think there's something slightly different are you aware that the familiar cow is real doctor did you ask that permission of the coyote if you could kill it what about the animal why do you tell what it's none of your what about the Animoto is it the basis of viana when comparing someone who is for whatever reason come to a point their life when they recognize their drug their drug habits their drug addictions or a bad thing they want to get rid of and someone who hasn't had that realization at all about meat dairy for leather being confronted by vegan activists by the huge if or not considered option of becoming an ethical vegan taking responsibility for don't you think it'd be a little bit of a gap there where no matter how convincing the research be that your shitty interview method is better than a 12-step rehab method for helping drug addicts quit approaches with that conclusion would not be applicable to what we're doing in so cold vegan a leash poppy would you interest in taking a fire it's about your jacket because you may not be aware but uses dog fur on the trim so the trim comes from a coyote which comes from a species of dog and what happens they get caught these leg-hold traps and sometimes they're in there for about seven to two hours before the hunter comes to get them but a lot of these coyotes and mothers so what happens is their Cubs are left alone at home where they ever get killed by predators or they starve to death okay motivational interviewing has widespread evidence of its efficacy particularly in treating addictions now I'm no expert but if motivational interviewing can help get people off crack then maybe you can help get people off cheese how [ __ ] stupid is the audience to applaud and donate money to the people who are willing to tell these lies that's all I see this as I see the YouTuber humane Hancock as someone who is intentionally telling lies for money intentionally telling lies for clothes intentionally telling lies so that his youtube channel seems just like direct action everywhere back in the old days as if it's guided by the conclusions of social science research and it's not it's a scam period what you're doing humane Hancock is a scam presented as a humanitarian cause guided by social science research donate now like share and subscribe share the link to this YouTube video now dead serious hell these are not the only circumstances in which people end up coming into an office for motivational interviewing all right other circumstances include being imprisoned them have you considered to what extent the comparative analysis of the outcomes of motivational interviewing is looking at people who are to a prison or a rehab facility basically on a court order because the police or a judge sentenced them to force them to work they've been put in a cage where they don't have a choice except to stop and reconsider their lives and in the series of steps that brought them up to Committee on crime and putting them in prison and then in that context they were engaging with a therapist in motivational interviewing and then in that context someone is presenting the arguments that motivational interviewing gets a slightly better outcome than the absolutely terrible debunked pseudoscience of 12-step groups not not all that impressive not all that amazing is it do you think we would have better results if our method of converting people to veganism was to first arrest them and put them in prison for eating meat and then in that context imitate motivational food maybe so maybe if that were the bizarre science fiction scenario we were discussing for so-called outreach maybe Humane Hancock would have a point how much alcohol do you drink a day is a close question that could be changed to what role does alcohol play in your life an open question don't you want to move to a safer place cause pretty much for a yes or no answer what are the advantages that you see in moving to a safer place is an open question that calls for more of a discussion and finally in my comment below is video what I invited people there needs to do was just a google motivational interviewing and find out what the [ __ ] it is because all it is is a flattering way of giving an interview it's just asking people open-ended questions and given them a lot of positive encouragement in the interview and frankly I think it's very unlikely that that would take any of the any of the extreme drug addicts I walk past on the street every day and I walk past at least 100 drug addicts on the street every day living where I live in Canada on a bad day it might be 300 okay we have battalions strength homeless drug addicts living on the streets here shuffling back and forth with I've sunk into their heads okay drug addiction problems a huge epidemic I find it very very difficult to believe reading the description of motivational interviewing that that's gonna work for any significant percentage of them but it will work for some because some were going to come into those interviews positively motivated to get clean anyway right and it's very easy to attribute to the method the positive outcomes when you get them and if you actually understand political science and social science research that's exactly we have to overcome with really solid quantitative methods okay why would motivate you what you're doing be effective for being an activism compared to Gary Yourofsky I'm the world's harshest critic of Gary Yourofsky search his name on my channel you're gonna find some videos really giving you analysis condemnation of what Gary Yourofsky I guess what Gary Yourofsky one of the most successful vegan activists of the last ten years what does his approach look like does it look anything like motivational interviewing does he give people these open-ended questions and all these bizarre forms of flattery and affirmation and what have you that's built into the motivation not at all his method does not resemble this advice whatsoever has he had some success yes with certain personality types some personality types respond positively to the get tough attitude of people saying hey this is your fault you take responsibility you step up you do better you know tough-talking abrasive approaches to sharing the information of veganism you can get results with it's not like I'm appealing to some kind of difficult to prove scientific fact here if you made a top 10 list of the most successful vegan activist in the last decade you might come to the humiliating conclusion that this method is so simple it's so stupid it can work for anyone some of the time I don't know how many people have become vegan because of James ass Pete I know that James SP is stupid I know that his method is stupid but I know the vegan message is a message so simple so important so easy to understand and so ethically powerful that even if a stupid person delivers that message in a stupid way it can get results what I want to do is critique the people who are making these inflated scientific claims on the internet that their method works and therefore you should donate money now as the budget for DXE direct action everywhere creeps over 1 million dollars a year as the budget for dr. Gregers YouTube channel exceeds 2 million dollars per year we have a whole lot of people wasting a whole lot of money on a whole lot of pseudo scientific [ __ ] when the state of the vegan movement itself is a joke why is it a joke well it depends very much on what you have to compare it to if what you want to compare it to is drug rehab drug rehab given to offenders in prison I just don't see how that could possibly be a meaningful comparison why don't you take a look at what gay rights managed to accomplish in the last 50 years and then ask yourself if veganism is going to be able to accomplish something like that in the next 50 years why don't you look at what Mothers Against Drunk Driving accomplished in the last 50 years then look ahead to the next few years why don't you look at examples of really successful civil society movements public education based movements even right why don't you look at the best of the best and then ask what lessons we can draw from that and those lessons are goddamned humiliating because the future of vegan is not and cannot be people seeing Gary Yourofsky on YouTube and donating him money people saying James ass pee and his half-naked girlfriend on YouTube and donating the money people see durianrider and free in donating the money and you know what you mean Hancock I put you in the same goddamn category you're just the next generation of [ __ ] artist you and Earthling head