How Stupid is Vegan Gains on a Scale of 1 to 10?

03 January 2019 [link youtube]

The first five minutes are about racism. #spoilers

Youtube Automatic Transcription

i don't drink coffee except when i have
jet lag which is all the time this is uh master chef jet lag here inviting you to subscribe to my new channel uh cooking with jet lag it's gonna be great we're gonna do all kinds of uh vegan baking uh stir fries uh healthy oil free 100 oil free so look seriously inadequate kitchens across the world how to cook with note with no equipment right in every steak and airbnb is when you when you have jet lag but 100 oil free so i'm not going to lie to you i don't know like nina and randa's channel it's mostly going to be a bunch of excuses to mush up sweet potatoes and eat them with this okay so i don't want to mislead my audience master chef jet lag watch out for it 2019 this video is about vegan gains being stupid it is not about vegan gains being gay or bisexual but i want to ask i want to ask what if corey mccarthy was a hot chick instead of a hot dude okay i'm willing to concede cory mccarthy as attractive depends on your type but sure there's no doubt most of the attention he gets because of his body and proportions and even his face to some extent good good bone structure what i want to say the brain inside the bone structure cory mccarthy is racist he had a white supremacist website which is mysteriously now deleted his girlfriend had a white supremacist radio show and a book deal with a white supremacist publisher um it's not like reading between the lines that he was racist racism was his thing that's really the reason he was on the internet he put a lot of effort into it he's not someone who's just incidentally racist or in some situation of having an emotional breakdown however um the question would be if corey mccarthy were a really attractive female and let's say she was also doing uh exercise videos or health or weight loss or something there are a lot of people doing that you would ask why does richard keep making excuses for this female why does he keep backing her up when she is a bimbo when she is an airhead when she is so stupid and when she's even stupid about issues specific issues that richard finds fault with in others that he is a harsh critic of when other people state those issues so cory mccarthy he made a video recently about his views on religion about his experiences seeing demons with the demonic possession and angelic possession and group prayer and faith healing to call these these statements stupid seems like an insult to stupid people this guy is really really really stupid and he's not just stupid on one issue like racism it's not he can say well he's made such a contribution to the world intellectually under these other headings or well clearly richard respects him for these other reasons but he happens to be racist it's a shame no he's stupid about everything and he he's he's stupid about religion a particular issue within religion and atheism that we know richard he he would excoriate he would be incredibly harsh for this so why what's your soft spot for this guy is it is it that you have a crush on him for real how gay or how bisexual is vegan gains is richard is that really the factor here is that why this bromance has gone on for years of richard making excuses that cory mccarthy is quote unquote not racist if you define racism so narrowly that literally the leader of the kkk is no longer right like you define racism so narrowly so that it's only like when people have a compulsive psychiatric condition of hatred overwhelming them not when they have rationally stated political views that they want to expel all the blacks from north america let me say that was that was the main plank of the political platform of corey and tara mccarthy was to expel all blacks all people of african ancestry from north america from canada united states and they also wanted to expel all of the arabs all the middle eastern people and tara mccarthy was asked on camera would she apply this to richard would she applies to vegan gains because everyone in the audience knew that tara and corey they were friends with richard and richard had appeared on her her youtube channel in support of her youtube channel and her answer was yes and i took that clip and i sent it to richard back when we were quote-unquote friends or frenemies back when we communicated and i know he saw it because he replied back to me you know and his reply indicated that he'd just seen it was a bit stunned by it obviously so richard you knew this you knew that these people were not just racist racist in general but that they were racist against you and that their critique is not cultural you grew up with english as your first language in canada and it's not just political it's about race it's about dna and blood for them they are racist in the most explicit ways possible and you don't agree with them but you keep supporting them why is corey mccarthy that seductive is he that hot i can say the same thing to isaac to ask yourself do you just have a crush on this dude what is it because you don't agree with him about religion or politics under any other heading but you keep making these excuses so again there are other questions to ask here but look i've had male friends who were bisexual i'm really thinking of one guy in particular but i have had more than one and i have had female friends and girlfriends who were bisexual and one of the things about bisexuals especially if they're not necessarily repressed bisexuals well let's just say they're bisexuals who are not getting as much sex as they would want to have in life i really saw how the bisexuals i knew in my life would often be kind of swayed by attract yeah yeah you've seen this at that one party a female friend of mine is bisexual and i was pointing out like you know if you just look at the way she's moving around the room at this cocktail party and how she's influenced you she doesn't really behave the way heterosexual female does here you know where there's a kind of idealization and somehow the erotic impulse forms a basis for admiration and an intellectual connection that otherwise otherwise wouldn't be there so yeah i mean it's not obviously it's not that hard to relate i'm completely heterosexual it's not that hard for me to relate to and for sure there was one guy he really he was a male bisexual and he really became kind of an obsessive follower of mine and you know quoting me verbatim and so you know and i could see it wasn't the same as wasn't the same as just a male friend a heterosexual male friend who admired me it was this really weird thing of of having a crush and those things so it exists all right guys okay so back to the the fundamental title of this video which is not how gay is vegan gay it's totally gay come on what do you think 10 out of 10 what do you think just come up the [ __ ] have you seen this channel of course you get what do you think what is there even any debate about this okay the question is how stupid is vegan gains on a scale of one to ten so this is kind of mind-blowingly stupid to me uh vegan gains writes in quote oh [ __ ] isaac has talked with people who you call racist i guess that makes him racist period great video isil so informative period subscribe period right so i reply you really seem to enjoy commenting on videos you haven't watched apparently just on the basis of the title richard this isn't even the first time you've done this today not on my time zone at least within the first minute or two of this video it's very clear that i'm reporting conclusions i drew by talking to isaac directly myself i'm not relying on indirectly reported speech i have directly discussed isaac's views on race and iq with him i've directly discussed his views of cory mccarthy specifically and a long list of issues in the history of politics colonialism economic and educational inequality etc so again guys just to say generally if a journalist tells you that he discussed with tony blair tony blair's views on the iraq war that is evidence if someone asked tony blair why did you start the iraq war when you did that is evidence people go to court including police officers and journalists and say yes i talked to him this is what he explained to me often without being able to quote it verbatim we had this conversation that is evidence my testimony my memory of discussing this with them is evidence and those conversations went on for hours i don't remember how many hours it adds up but like on this specific specific issue race and iq it was definitely more than 40 minutes and the first conversation was more than 40 minutes and we talked about it again later um you know i know his views on this i know what he has to say on this and my point is i know why people call him racist as i'm about to say it below here the rumors and allegations that he is racist are not baseless okay this is not an extreme or unreasonable statement all right i continue so this is me quoting myself as you'll see on screen quote the video refers to my repeated attempts to positively encourage him to state what his own views are in contrast to rumors and allegations of racism against them and this is partly because i know for a fact that these rumors and allegations are not baseless but have their basis in things he's said repeatedly but perhaps in support of views he no longer holds today here is an example of exactly what i said to him via facebook message and encouraging him to resolve the issue positively not by insulting his critics but instead by stating his own values or conclusions so i'm going to show you guys what that link leads to in just a second here me talking to isaac i only quote myself i don't quote isaac because i don't uh violate his privacy people send me private email only under extreme circumstances am i going to share private emails that are sent to me but i quote what i said to him not what he said to me in reply um likewise i just note me quoting vegan gains here these are public comments for everyone to see on my on my youtube channel uh so i'm not quoting private correspondence with vegan gains okay here is the super intelligent response from vegan gains here we go you know vegan nutritional science mastermind slash [ __ ] vegan gains replies quote you are so completely full of [ __ ] it's unreal i watch your video and you are making a clear implication that isaac is a racist because he has associated himself with people like jf and corey i also love how you link me to a blog article titled quote highlights of my latest attempt to convince ask yourself to be less racist yeah you're not calling anyone racist ass how how stupid do you have to be to get to this point in the conversation and to have watched my video and know my position on this and to think you're insulting me with the back-handed sarcastic statement yeah you're not calling anyone racist eyes on i am calling isaac raises do you think i'm unaware that i'm calling icebergs i talked to him i discussed with him his views on the history of colonialism uh scientific racism race and iq his justification why he supports cory mccarthy and sir corey mccarthy's form of white supremacism and to the extent that he does because by the way it is to a limited extent he doesn't he doesn't agree he doesn't agree with cory on everything i think everyone knows that uh you know what his position is on very controversial books like um the bell curve uh you know these specific claims for pseudo-scientific racism and so on basically what his opinion is about black people that's really the big issue here for some reason it's not about jews it's not about anti-semitism for some reason this whole conversation is mostly about vilifying black people it's about vilifying people just like you richard and it's it's about vilifying miscegenation white people and black people you specifically who's targeted by cory mccarthy and by this whole discourse that isaac himself with it's very peculiar situation that you're on the other side of this debate uh richard but you don't see what you don't want to see and this is a great example you don't see the very clear claim and what it is i'm saying and why here yeah i'm discussing the extent to which isaac is racist and i think i've done that in a really balanced and reasonably sympathetic manner you're about to see my sympathetic attempts to invite isaac to reconsider his position and to state positively what his position is instead of responding to allegations of racism by insulting and ridiculing the people who make the allegations lying about it and doing obviously hypocritical things like trying to redefine what racism is to exculpate himself and to exculpate his friends to defend people like cory mccarthy j.f garippi and uh jack green who are all not just racist overt racist extremists and of different kinds j.f garippi is a white supremacist cory mccarthy is the right white supremacist jack green is actually a nazi a and he openly supports adolf hitler not even some other school of racism specifically a a classical nazi okay all right i continue my quotation here yeah you're not calling anyone racist taizo why the hell would isaac or anyone else respond to your [ __ ] accusations as if people owe you some kind of response when you accuse them of being racist why don't you prove to us that you don't have a sexual attraction to animals isil can you make a video about how you thought of a sexual attraction animals just state what your own views are in contrast to rumors and allegations against you oh yeah right that's a great comparison so isaac fills up the whole internet with his statement so for like let's give it to one skip to one issue let's just give it to one issue to make this real simple so isaac has stated that he regards it as a scientific fact that black people and white people having children together that quote unquote miscegenation results in lower iq that's that's his position this is one example there are thousands of them and you're telling me it's it's completely unreasonable for people to to even have the rumor that this guy is racist this guy has come out and supported overt white supremacists i just named three of them people who are actively trying to organize and lead the white supremacist movement like jfk rippey jack green and corbin and there's just no basis for the rumor if those are the only two it was just the one point that this guy has gone on record at length and in depth supporting scientific racism on race and iq debates and yes he is influenced by other mainstream figures like sam harris he's influenced by people who sit on the fence and this stuff he's uh sir i'm not gonna go through a list of names there really is a kind of pseudo-intellectual demi-mon of white people with phds um you know trying to give seemingly respectable you know justifications for scientific racism i know i know he's influenced by this stuff i don't think he reads it i don't think he reads books ever i think it is 100 based on verbal interactions with people on discord while he's playing video games which is itself stupid nevertheless no these rumors exist for a real reason it's not comparable to someone making up an allegation against me that i have a sexual attraction to animals i find animals disgusting by the way richard that's why i don't own any of them unlike you who feeds raw meat to your dog you [ __ ] hypocrite yeah you who you who cleans the anus of your disabled rabbit this other horrible pet care crap you engage in people can make up the rumor that you're sexually fascinated with animals i don't live with them i don't wipe their bums i don't uh i don't make up excuses for killing other animals killing cows to feed them to my dogs i don't make any of the ethical compromises you make because you richard are a fake vegan and you're you're making money off the movement so you know clap clap clap anyway so here was my reply to that governor from vegan gains regarding quote so i'm quoting him back you are so completely full of [ __ ] that's unreal uh you are making a clear implication that isaac is racist because he associated himself with people jeff and corey i reply richard i know you think of yourself as highly intelligent you are not i opened this video by stating very clearly that my opinion on this matter is based on directly discussing the issue with isaac i have asked you richard your opinion about living in toronto i know what you think about it because we spoke directly back and forth i know isaac's opinion on a long list of racial policy issues already adam braided above because we talked about it directly and i heard his perspective and he heard mine no this argument does not rely on a link to cory mccarthy but his defense of cory mccarthy claiming his white supremacist program is quote unquote not racist is indeed further evidence and you know this you have directly seen the video yourself in which tara explains that she would exile you from canada because you are black i sent you that link myself and you replied to me after you watched it so the other question here is you know why didn't richard discuss this stuff with uh with isaac himself so you know one of the i'm saying here look the evidence is i thought i know isaac's position because i discussed it with him to someone saying you say i debated it with him or i challenged him on it i asked him why he believes these things and you know what his sources are what he's read or what he's influenced by so i know how about you richard and i i said that i'm sorry it wasn't on screen or i said they come and i can put up before the screenshot i said to him look i know this because i asked about it so when we disappeared what about you richard i think you know less than i do because you've never challenged isaac on this you've never cross-examined him on this so that's why i know when you don't my source information is not mysterious stated really clearly within the first two or three minutes of that that video okay and i said further uh richard is it really that difficult for you to perceive yourself how extremely stupid this kind of statement is quote yeah you're not going when anyone racist isil close quote richard the overt point of this video that everyone else seem to understand but not you is indeed to describe isaac as racist and to explain my experience and try to challenge his racism to try to get him to recognize and question his own ignorance and his own negative attitude on these questions but at this stage of the discussion you're quote unquote insulting me by saying yeah you're not calling anyone racist isil you've always been stupid richard but this is really quite astoundingly stupid as i said above there are rumors and allegations that isaac is racist quote and i know for a fact that these rumors and allegations are not baseless but have their basis in things he said repeatedly because i've heard them myself how is this difficult for you to understand okay guys i think this video has gone on long enough i'm going to put on screen here what i will pardon me also provide you a link to i did say to isaac directly you can make a positive effort on this i'll just put the screenshots up on screen here briefly and i won't read them out i said look you can take the time to not just insult and denigrate and distract from what your critics are saying when your critics are racist you can come out and make a positive statement what is it you believe in what is the future of democracy in canada what is the future of black people and immigration and uh arabs and jews and white people all living together in one multicultural society whatever your view is whatever it is now i have no reason to assume you still so i mean i it seems taking you a suspiciously long time to figure out just how racist cory mccarthy is but whatever you just it's a new year 2019 you deleted all your own videos why don't you come out and make a positive statement about what your views on race and culture and society are and then that would resolve this issue that would give you a positive basis to move forward and it would let you bury the uh bad karma from your recent past but dude the bad karma is out there links have already been shared quotes have already been shown this ain't something i'm making up to quote old dirty bastard this ain't something new that came out of nowhere masterchef jet lag i'm out vegan gains 10 out of 10.