Stupidity is Real: Moon and Rock, James Aspey, Gary Yourofsky, Paul Bashir, etc.

18 December 2018 [link youtube]

The video by "The Economist" (mentioned toward the end of the video) has now reached ca. 300,000 views, and is titled, "How could veganism change the world"


The video mentioned from CNN (approx. title, "Meat: a Neglected Source of Greenhouse Gas Emissions") was broadcast on television today (within the last 24 hours) and appears to not yet be uploaded to youtube.

You really want the link to the video in which "Moon and Rock" admit that they're no longer vegan? Really? You really wanna do this to yourself? Don't come back to me crying if you subject yourself to this, and later regret hearing it:

Title: "Something We Need to Share...."


Youtube Automatic Transcription

come to you with about three hours of
sleep intermittent sleep while airplanes boats buses and trains there on the table next to the best girl Melissa you see our current insanely healthy diet well you got their broccoli potatoes yams no oil yeah also spinach is present only in its absence and this is in fact a cup of oatmeal oatmeal co-op there's go all the way zero oil and zero soy no nothing in the same Li horribly healthy diet um and we'll see how that works for us look guys stupidity Israel I mean that's the main moral of the story here with moon and rock there's no kind of moral eager to put to it otherwise we live in an era of inverse meritocracy the stupidest people are promoted to positions at the pinnacle of fame and influence in the begin moving and that's one of the main reasons I want out I don't want to be a part of that I don't want to compete at the bottom of the pile while people like James ass be with his horribly mistranslated illiterate Chinese tattoo a Chinese tattoo that has an error in the word for an the Chinese equivalent award and Andy one of the most common words me Germany's will be easiest to write they managed to get wrong on Jesus B's chest and he walks around rocking that representing the vegan movement and everybody who speaks understands Chinese it sound looking at each other like um should we mention that this shirtless guy who confessed over ex drug addict who allegedly represents the movement has garbled illiterate broken Chinese written on his chest um people like James ass be at least our overt about what's wrong with them I would say the same of the Paul Bashir Polish openly tells you he's a former drug addict he has no education he has no intelligence he has no message he has nothing to offer Jesus he has been up front about that I mean I respect him for that I have laughed at him because it's hilarious but James asked me is openly said again and again he's not particularly intelligent he's not well educated he doesn't have anything to say since the same simple message again and again and again I just saw we didn't watch the whole thing how could we possibly he just did this talk show new vegan talk show do boo set up by Shawn Lee it's the same story it's the same narrative he's already told a hundred times he has nothing new to say he's not engaging with the issues and I mean people like moon and rock 48 thousand views so far on their coming out of the closet and clarified butter and subscribers why did they kill Socrates I mean the whole thing with Socrates with Socrates made people ask uncomfortable questions the challenged people's assumptions and from day one on this channel it's the role of this channel within veganism trans been to challenge the unquestioned assumptions people were living by so in the early days I was coming out with all the forward hitting videos pointing the finger at freely and during hire and saying hey these people are boasting that they're the most effective vegan activists in the world and they're not this isn't remotely effective vegan activism this is bad for the movement it's bad for you me and it's bad to the people who are following their advice dropping out of college dropping out of high school in some fight cases moving to Thailand being on permanent vacation and trying to make money out of their bodies and their appearance selling health and psychological advice on YouTube it was a crazy phenomena and I came out here and said no the some people still today only know me from that I was talking to somebody on Facebook that there is no my channel for years I was saying look do you know I also do aristotle well so to say like i also do like real philosophy and go politics and history of china and look like you know I'm not just the guy who said freelee's an idiot but I mean I really think it's natural that people hate me the same way people hated Socrates it's real easy to just remember Socrates as this stereotype of the respected philosopher he wasn't in his own time in his own society he was despised yeah and you know like Socrates I don't just take on the easy targets it's not just freely and moon in a rock it's also like Gary France aione and the Gary Yourofsky it's all the top Gary's but you know it's the people who are who are respected what you just mentioned po Bashir and so on it's a relatively intellectual you know overtly political organizers at the moment and all these things I mean you know stupidity really matters if you knew Tim shieff personally whether he was your friend or colleague if you don't know who Tim shieff is again a major influential leader in the movement mostly because he's good-looking partly because he happened to get on TV he got some mainstream me but I think that's also because he's going I mean he's a he's a male example of this he's a guy he not woman but it's mostly because people find Tim shieff attractive that he became a major influential figure in veganism for time for a couple of years right he wasn't vegan for that long sorry if Tim shieff was a friend of yours if he was your cousin if he was some guy who was gonna marry your sister I can understand you saying oh no no don't worry he's not that dumb it or doesn't matter but maybe he's done but don't worry about it don't think about it just put I just think the best of just hope for the best and you know he burns your nose now you know I mean stupid people do stupid things that have terrible consequences stupidity is dangerous it really is and you know in politics every it's tinderbox yeah all this stuff can line up fodder all that can be burned down so easily people put so much faith and support and money behind Gary Yourofsky including petaa at one stage right so all this for big ROG but guess what he's actually an idiot I know he means well I know he has good intentions but he's so stupid that you know he said these ridiculous things about Palestinians and the Palestine integral and he never backs down on and he never apologizes and he decides the biggest and guess what all this support he put into back in this guy it's all burned down he burned down he immolated he destroyed not just his overworked build-up appears everyone else who contribute that why because he is an idiot he always was an idiot and I could see this about Gary Yourofsky the best thing about Gary rusty the thing that could respect the most is the extent to which he's honest about his own idiocy so there is a new video on Isaac's Channel ask yourself channel which is a very unusually low key video from Gary Yourofsky where he's sitting and talking about so he wasn't filmed by Isaac it's just posted on the chat Isaac wasn't there no no no no it's just something he gotta define every upload but he's sitting there in his down-to-earth way he's talking about how stupid he was and all the excuses he made up at certain points late for why he didn't become vegan sooner so back when he ate me music well I eat meat but I'm still an animal rights activist that he'd be first don't care about ecology and elephants whatever when the gun is being self-deprecating it's self-critical about his own stupidity you can kind of relate to it and again if he was marrying your sister or he's a co-worker's like it's real easy to get into that kind of supportive positive attitude of oh don't worry about it a little bit stupid no differently stupidity and ugliness if you know someone is brilliant but ugly overlooked their appearance their appearance doesn't matter it shouldn't matter don't care about it doesn't matter if you know someone is stupid you gotta watch them you gonna watch them like a fire that at any point can get out of control like a fire and a waste paper basket it can burn down your office real easily stupidity is dangerous its destructive and it's self-destructive it harms the people who are stupid and that's what Gary Yourofsky was he was a ticking time bomb anyone who looks back over the guy's record even his early career was completely obvious what a Menace he was he was a danger to the movement he was a danger to himself and others were lucky he didn't have a right punch in the face half of the mainstream journalist he did interviews with it was a disaster and again everyone he put energy into that so everyone tried to build up with Tim shieff you all look like idiots now everyone who tried to belittle curiosity all the ladies now what do you think is gonna happen with James and Carly if it hasn't happened already if you actually put your time and money into building a movement with with James ASPI or jeans and Carly where do you think it's gonna go what do you think you're gonna accomplish in this type of use best-case scenario you will come up with nothing the best-case scenario is that this dude just stays in a holding pattern with what he's got going on brain a no one as an Instagram activist right as of lifestyle items because the worst case scenario you can see this is what it is so look guys I mean it really does come down to judgments about intelligence and responsibility you tell me what's scarier being in a political situation where someone who is evil is in a position of authority or be in a situation where you're looking at an authority figure who's stupid I think stupidity is a lot scarier because it's a lot more unpredictable you never know what's gonna happen next and one of my experiences with this either my girlfriend seen this recently I have been interrogated and searched at airports like I'm really if you travel a lot you know what at various times they decide to cross examine you and having a customs agent who's mad at you or biased against you pressure or is a little bit evil he's way better than having customs agent who is so stupid that they can't understand the answers to your questions that can be judgment that's the scary situation being of all authority figures stupidity is more dangerous than bad intentions someone who's evil or has bad intentions you can still negotiate with you can still come to a compromise or a solution for you are the way forward and stupidity you can never win all right moon in rock no but you know I do believe veganism is for everybody in the same sense that being a nonsmoker is for everybody or being a teetotaler because sobriety is forever put it that way because I think it is for everybody I think it can be practiced every way but advocacy promoting veganism being a leader in the vegan movement being a voice for veganism is not free we have a knock at the door and you probably just heard there um but yet to meet to me that's pretty simple and straightforward you know by the same token not everyone not everyone can go into a prison and talk to the prison inmates that was sobriety and how to quit heroin and how to how to live your life without ever drinking alcohol some of those phony cigarettes are using wheat that's advocacy or that's activism that's intervention that the special type of person the special characteristics special property to do that as opposed to just being sober yourself I think I think that's what requires inelegance yeah usually have thought about just a vegan diet in general not like a specific vegan diet because in contrast when I've been learning about the mcdougal diet and especially like I've now listen to old Nina and audiobook it's like you know you do have to have a certain level of maintenance and just did some discipline and I don't want to get too abstract or this way with real world let's keep it real world here Gary Yourofsky gave lectures in high schools who could possibly be a worse representative of the innocent to go into high schools and represent this movement and this diet and the ethics and the ecology think area up ski move it in rock mood and rock are even worse people like this on youtube or even worse representatives and I know it's a very different form of activism very different platform mood and rock are not literally going to high schools I think high school students are clicking on this and watching this on YouTube and so but this is my point I don't want to talk about this in the abstract real world who represents this movement these people choose themselves people like freely people like your hub see people like muna rock and they become leaders in a totally universe meritocracy what's the main characteristic that's rewarding these people telling their audience something they already want to hear and we all know the vegan message is not what people already want to hear so it may be an error SATs concoction of yoga mat spirituality and mother earth ideologies all this crap and they're not the only ones we know some other channels like them on where it says really we are self-invented you know pseudo religion whatever it is that the link that brings people in right and whatever it was about Gary Yourofsky and so on the people that people found in Finland but it's the worst people it is the worst veganism and you know what the good news is veganism is making progress despite vegans the movement sucks the movement has been a failure in the last five years but guess what we saw sitting in the airport today we're sitting in Dallas Texas Airport and there's like a 15-minute special on CNN that was today within the last 24 hours you've been in airports all day we're doing this with three hours of sleep CNN presenting perfectly the case for white veganism is an inevitable ethical requirement given current ecological and ethical considerations and they were doing a better job than Gary Yourofsky and of course a better job than moon in rock or a these people that's CNN and I said you at the time I said look despite the fact that the movement is falling apart despite the fact that the movement is garbage we're still winning but the truth of this message is so important so self-evident then CNN is speaking wrong with it just a couple days ago maybe about a week ago of The Economist so The Economist is a magazine but they also now have a website and YouTube channel The Economist put up an argument for veganism maybe it was two weeks ago sorry but quite recently I don't know if you bothered to see that it was boring for me he's already know this stuff but it was exactly the arguments about scaling up alternatives to meat and you know as you as they increase in scale environmental impacts efficiency water use for the book but the conclusion was really clear again basically what is your what is your excuse for not being beaten in the CNN piece they asked one of the advocates so I think he was a scientist working on a lab grown meat so faith meat subsidies they asked him are you vegan if he admitted on camera no I know I should be like I know I ought to be but I'm not and the whole thing was framed in that way was they given these so this is the reality is that the vegan message is so important and so timely and so salient that the people who might be our enemies or doing a better job promoting it than the P who are ostensibly our friends scumbags like moon and rock whose whole concept of life is just self-indulgence is just their own momentary happiness and their sensation of fulfillment and CT CT and spiritual attainment that they can apparently get out of eating clarified butter you know ghee or eggs or organ to be vegan might be a leader in the vegan movement yeah but once a month we watch some vegan on YouTube and I say to you look Melissa if you if you're lacking confidence in your own YouTube channel look at what garbage this is and how much you have to offer compared to these people okay for the same reasons I quit Buddhism Buddhism I quit because of the people if there was nobody I could work with who's nobody I could do research with there is nobody out to do humanitarian work with nobody make a difference with politically cooperatively I'm not going to be a one-man religion because it was a move it I'm not going to be a one-man Street Pro to protest I'm not gonna stand there on the street alone I'm not gonna be a woman political woman I put five years into this I have nobody to work with there's nobody we're meeting up with right now in Paris France or what have you there is there were there is no list of opportunities and on the contrary would have dealt with is the implacable hostility and fear of idiots like over here and like durianrider and all these people nobody's looking for talent nobody's leading it already no reason is a positive the people roots and positive are CNN The Economist of course PCRM de straight up medical science people including dr. McDougall those are the people doing something positive and everybody else last five years it's only gotten worse and you know the real fundamental reason what people like moon and rock are quitting ultimately comes back to Oprah Oprah Winfrey was a huge force in creating all of this junk pseudoscience spirituality and Oprah Winfrey for over words we created the mania for Venus my thing 2012/2013 was a big breaking point and for the first time people were coming on youtube and learning about veganism and see slaughterers footage and that period of a lid of initial optimism excitement is now ending so people like moon and rock I don't know in their millions they were all going to leave the movement then you guys are gonna be sitting around wondering hey what have I got left and guess what you ain't got me because most of the quality people we're gonna pack up and find some other cause that we can contribute to so I spent the last five years working on human rights in Cambodia but I spent the last five years working on Korean and juillet both of us I can be in a better position I'd have something to work with way better than what I've got now what I've got now is nothing set the bowl full of yams and broccoli okay guys get me up on patreon sending an email if you want to don't act like it started find me see me when you see me [Music]