Vegan Gains enjoys lying about rape. 🤔️

09 January 2020 [link youtube]

Vegan Gains | Tofu Goddess | William Burkhardt | Durianrider | Norvegan | Freelee | Hannah Chloe. #vegandrama #vegangains #tofugoddess

Youtube Automatic Transcription

one of the mysteries of being a
middle-aged fully grown adult is witnessing the extent to which people are dishonest manipulative and sincere all at the same time you're about to hear Richard give a completely paradoxical defense of this guy William Burkhardt against allegations of rape he's here saying that this guy could not possibly have filmed women without their consent because he always exclusively and only uses a really big camera and this person also claims that he films sex without someone's consent that's another lie William films with a big DSLR camera and a tripod so that's impossible so the audience is invited to imagine that this guy William always exclusively and only uses a large heavy camera the large heavy camera you see on screen right now so paradoxically we have to ask Chief Richard if that's the only camera he ever uses how can this photograph exist because there's another camera or perhaps a cell phone being used to take this image of these two women half-naked holding his large heavy expensive camera this person also claims that he films sex without someone's consent that's another lie William films with a big DSLR camera and a tripod so that's impossible they know they're being filmed the fact that he sometimes uses a large heavy expensive camera on a tripod doesn't mean he always and only uses it he doesn't take a vow to only use this one camera and let's face it if you're not living in dire poverty in the 21st century you probably own many different devices with small cameras whether it's a telephone or a laptop computer there's no reason to think he'd be incapable of using a concealed camera hidden camera or eight let's keep it real no reason to think he wouldn't be capable of spontaneously whipping out his cellphone to film a sexual encounter that might be just as spontaneous as getting busy in a Burger King bathroom that's got busy and a Burger King bathroom here's a comment from Mark Gerber I don't know who this is it's just someone commenting on YouTube pity you didn't apply the same logic and burdens of proof when you accused Hurley of rape Richard where there were also many inconsistencies in the rape story no objective evidence supporting the rape and a lot of objective evidence supporting a released version of events hypocrite now he's actually a hypocrite for a completely different reason you may or may not until that vegan gains is one of the people who Crusades against virtue signaling Richard you were virtue signaling on this issue in the truest sense of the term you were making a signal of your virtue by showing off the fact that you quote-unquote stood up for Hannah Chloe look you clearly don't know who the hell I am durianrider raped a woman named Hannah Chloe and I made a series of videos supporting her unfortunately I did have to take those videos down after a few months because her rapist actually threatened me to get my channel deleted by falsely claiming these three videos so I did delete those videos but you can talk to Hannah Chloe and I supported her like I believed her when she claims she was raped by that guy durianrider now there's a lot more to say about Hannah Chloe and why it is that her claims were not credible or were actually discredited this is a quotation from Hannah Chloe the second sentence if you go to the top the second sentence explicitly says that she was not raped this is not in fact the only public statement she made expressly declaring the during writer never raped her that nothing improper happened quote I have only made one statement publicly since my video that statement said that I had not accused him of rape because he hadn't raped me which is not the same as saying that I had sex with him period close quote in the legal documents in the document sent to the authorities sorry I shouldn't you say legal document some of these are emails sent to the police emails sent to the embassy their communications with the authorities she's saying the same thing to them that she said to me which I assume is the truth she said during Ryder is complaining that I've accused him of rape and in reality I never made that accusation look real close at the text here on screen that's underlined in red her main point at this juncture is that she's offended that durianrider would dare to say that she called him a rapist in their original call for donations to support their court case and at that time both publicly and privately Hannah Chloe's only claim was of defamation okay defamation and basically the emotional impact of durianrider cyberbullying her saying mean things about her on the Internet how can you possibly stand up in court and see that you had a defamation complaint because you were offended that your rapist said that you called him a rapist and now you are calling him a rapist the basis of her complaint is first underlying he claims that I have called him a rapist okay she also says that she's offended that he says that they had adult consensual sex but there's no statement here look further down on the page from 1:30 1 to 2 minutes he continues to say that I have accused him of raping me and he uses that to ask the public if my subsequent behavior is what someone who had been raped would do okay but you're not making a case of this completely undermines your claim that you actually were raped and the lawyer would have to ask you well what did you suddenly have amnesia why is your story changing between the 10th and the 24th when you go to Thailand versus New Zealand versus Australia indeed in even the contrasting what she said to me what she said too freely what she said on YouTube there are so many contradictions and guys real quick here's another where she's saying exactly the same things that she said at the start of the case she's gone back to the same story she used way back when she started the fundraiser but this is January of 2017 and inexplicably she has even more M nisha than before she just says that she has videos and screenshots of hate speech blackmail and death threats well why why did rape or sexual assault disappear here Hanna guys this would never stand up in court simply put you have no case can you imagine a lawyer in the courtroom putting up an email like this on screen saying okay this is your follow up email after your meeting with members of the New Zealand embassy to Thailand I don't know if that was by Skype or what what kind of meeting this was okay gee you seem to have amnesia this is August 2016 you seem to have forgotten that you were sexually assaulted or raped the whole emphasis of this email is about you clearing your name that you never insinuated did he ever what is the basis of the defamation charge he said he had sex with you you're not denying that you've had consensual sex you are denying that he raped you we have legal documents and the lawyer just has to stand there and say well were you lying before were you lying after richard has no interest in this he writes back and says Hanna provided proof and she was clearly telling the truth hardly made up many lies including the audio recording of them having consensual sex mark burber writes back please point me to the so-called proof as I have watched or vegans propaganda piece in detail and besides weak testimony there's no evidence she was rape on the contrary there is a significant amount of evidence that her story was fabricated and admitted differently the sex was consensual handed commenting under her first video that she wasn't raped friendly emails from Haneda heartily shortly after their encounter there's a lot more than that I mean this guy's just trying to somewhere as it briefly and the YouTube video this links to is on Harley's channels but it actually contains many segments of myself talking in a kind of remix you have to believe me in Australia self you can ask awesome and this big lot really I wouldn't consider the close friends the moment or ever in racing yeah but you go take a hat off tool for them you know to freely is the queen of her Sates she's the queen of sites I'll show you some capris or six minutes because you're hearing down ah screaming if in doubt ask cause I'm stewing doubts ask Montana how come there's no police report at all I can understand like okay you know English isn't your first language maybe you have trouble articulating a few things but this explanation still doesn't make any sense for why you changed your word choice around so here's Richard finding fault and a relatively trivial matter of word choice from this eighteen-year-old girl on Instagram complaining about her horrible experience with this guy William well gee Richard that's certainly a contrast to have you completely dismiss not minor differences in word choice but Hannah Chloe expressly stating that she never was raped not just in public statements not just in emails sent to myself conversation show with myself and freely but she even states this in the emails she sent to the authority where she is not reporting that she was raped but where she wrote to the authorities stating explicitly that she never was raped that she was offended by the suggestion that this had anything to do with rape and where she complains that she did consent to have him sex but that she did not consent to be recorded whether that was an art audio recording or video recording we don't know but at the suggested possibility that hardly had a recording of this she complained I did not consent to that clearly indicating that she did consent to having sex and as I say here you are Richard trying to fabricate an excuse because of a difference in wording in this young woman's complaint between using the word rape using the word sexual assault well it's not a minor difference of wording in Hannah's case we have long the coherent written statements from her in which she's claiming there was no rape at all and then much much later we have her conveniently changing her mind and if you go through the timeline in fact she changes her mind back again Richard you are a person of absolutely zero integrity thank you for all of the public statements you've made on YouTube and also these insulting emails you sent me about the size of my penis I really do benefit the more people we have on the internet talking about the size of my penis advertising that that's that's great that really helps in my youtube channel man [Music]