Carnivore "Nutrition" and the Vegan Revolution: Diet and Self-Delusion.

17 March 2021 [link youtube]

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#veganism #vegan #vegans

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i'm not here to reach out to you know
the most weak-minded weak-willed people who are just not smart enough not strong enough not self-discipline enough to keep up a vegan diet okay conversely i'm not going to lie to you and say that a vegan diet is easy for most of us if we grew up in this culture it's not easy but if you are thinking of veganism as a movement as a political social ethical movement look back at the history of the world and you tell me who has suffered less there were people in ancient greece in ancient rome in ancient sparta who stood up and said slavery is wrong and they fought to the death to liberate the slaves and you know what they liberated some slaves they liberated particular slaves particular families of slaves particular communities of slaves but they utterly failed to challenge or overturn the institution of slavery the nature of the vegan revolution in this way at this stage in this century is not that we're going to liberate all humanity is not that we're going to liberate all animals it's that we are in small groups going to liberate ourselves my sling is editorial explicit material briefcase show live a stereo flow fill me the vast majority of health claims made by vegans are [ __ ] all of the claims made by anti-vegans and ex-vegans are [ __ ] the fact that one is [ __ ] does not mean the opposite is the opposite of [ __ ] quick parallelism for you here all the time on my youtube channel in discussions with people face to face i encourage them to quit video games so that they can have a more meaningful life grown men whatever whether you're 18 years old 20 years old 38 years old grown men playing video games i say ah you know what i think you should focus on having a more meaningful life quitting video games can be part and parcel of that and once in a while once in a while people write back to me or say back to me well you know it's possible to quit playing video games and then have a life that is just as meaningless or even worse than what your life was before playing video games and that's true it's possible it's unlikely but it's possible now by the same token if you eliminate eggs from your diet and you eliminate cheese from your diet those are two of the unhealthiest foods that are commonly consumed by human beings on planet earth it is possible you would replace eggs and cheese with some vegan food that is even unhealthier than eggs and cheese it's unlikely that's why most people just kind of advocate veganism in this vague way and they figure they assume you in the audience will figure it out having something in your diet that is predominantly just fat and salt is obviously going to be unhealthy for you whether it is vegan or non-vegan i admit eggs and cheese specifically are so extraordinarily unhealthy that it's hard to come up with something in a vegan diet that's even worse but yeah you could you could go from being a sober meat eater to being an alcoholic vegan and now because your diet is primarily whiskey and vodka vodka is vegan you know that nevertheless you're in a downward spiral in terms of it's possible it's possible and let's face it if you are just eating french fries deep fried potato potato chips whatever you want to put this you know they're terrible for your health the percentage of a french fry that you get at a mainstream fast food restaurant that's that's fat it's mind-blowing it's unbelievably unhealthy okay when people talk to me about these problems which is rare because they know i am not going to tell them what they want to hear but when people get in touch to me when people get in touch with me on the internet and talk to me about these problems right the main thing i emphasize is there is no magical difference between the problems you are having with a vegan diet and what problems you would be having if you were attempting the same things on a non-vegan meat inclusive dairy inclusive diet because on a molecular level fat is fat protein is protein carbs are carbs and believe it or not meat eaters have to deal with the same macronutrients okay meat eaters have some special disadvantages in their diet like cholesterol if you want to have a zero cholesterol diet it's pretty much got to be a vegan diet to my knowledge honey bee honey does not contain cholesterol so you could be a vegan who has honey i must be a non-vegan of that one and you know then you wouldn't have this issue cholesterol is a special disadvantage of a medium diet just struggling with having too much fat in your diet is a problem with meat eaters diet whereas as a vegan you you could in theory struggle with having not enough fat but if people write to me very rarely this happens people write to me and say that they were ethical vegans but they were struggling because they didn't have enough fat in their diet and then they eat chicken eggs and they feel that eating chicken eggs eggs miraculously solved all these problems what i have to say in reply is guess what there is nothing special about the fat found in chicken eggs there is nothing special about the protein found in chicken eggs now there is something special about the cholesterol but setting that aside for the moment if your problem was that your diet as a vegan didn't have enough fat or didn't have enough protein you could eat more fat and more protein within a vegan diet and you will get the same changes you will get the same results and just talk it through with me here what do you think under a microscope or in a laboratory is the difference or is the health advantage for you in getting the fat molecule from a dead animal as opposed to getting it from an avocado if you're talking about exactly the same quantity of fat now a lot of vegans make impassioned over-the-top arguments about the superiority of getting fat from a plant as opposed to an animal like a dietary nutritional superiority of platinum the dietary nutritional superiority of protein guys it's fractional you know there are advantages to a vegan diet but they're not miraculous they're not impressive i i said this a million years ago on my channel if you are on a university campus as i used to be used to going to classes regular university and you go and attend a session of the vegan club so university students are eating a vegan diet and then you instead go to uh the science club or the the cheerleaders for the sports team or uh i'm running out of ideas for clubs at the university my university wasn't very club intensive i have to admit oh yeah there was a club for people who are learning chinese there's a club for people doing different kinds of studies and different kinds of hobbies or whatever if you go and compare these different clubs of students it's just not the case that you walk into the room with the vegans and say wow you guys look amazingly healthy you look amazingly impressive compared to the other clubs no probably if you go to the the athletes club whether it's the football players or the cheerleaders like probably they're going to be a bit more physically impressive than the science club probably if you go to the the performing arts students club the kids who want to be movie stars they're probably going to be better looking and more fit for reasons that have nothing to do with the vegan diet but no if you show up and meet the vegans and meet the animal rights activists they look like normal people all right veganism is a normal diet it has the advantages and disadvantages of any other normal human diet the difference is ethical the difference is ecological the difference is your sense of personal responsibility and doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do now another huge ghost haunting this discourse is cultural because the production and consumption of food in every any given place at any given point of time is culturally conditioned i knew this [ __ ] for years on youtube who used to be vegan who used to be a vegan activist and now is not only a meat eater and a cardist but appeared on spheroge's channel if you don't know who that is don't look it up and i'm aware his name is not actually pronounced sphereage that's become his moniker here on the internet he went over and did an interview on sverge's channel slamming and condemning the vegan diet and attributing all of his problems in life's vegan diet and attributing the solutions to eating eggs and cheese right now not only do i know that everything this guy is saying is false deluded and self-serving because of the evidence that was on his youtube channel in the past right i also talked to him during the process because he came to me and asked for help and advice when he was struggling with a vegan diet and one of the things i had to come to again again is you know white people in the united states of america do not know how to cook beans and this is not just a problem for vegans this is a problem for meat eaters if you add fish and eggs and cheese to your diet like you you go from being vegan to endless things guess what if you eat out in a mexican restaurant anywhere in the united states america or canada you can have 6 to 12 hours of indigestion because of undercooked beans right the problem with beans is not that they're vegan the reason why they're hard to digest isn't even fiber if you take beans straight out of the can rinse them off and eat them there's the same amount of fiber as if you took those beans rinse them off put them in a pressure cooker and cook them for four hours at high temperature under pressure okay the fiber doesn't disappear the fiber doesn't evaporate in the air when the beans are thoroughly cooked they're easier to digest and guess what if you own a fast food restaurant in the united states of america you have a massive economic incentive to cook the beans as little as possible or not at all and that's what restaurants across the united states of america and canada do they serve people indigestible beans every day and guess what if you are a eater you will get indigestion from undercooked beans the same god damn way of vegan oil this particular guy has indigestion has digestive problems on his vegan diet which allegedly are cured by eating eggs and i talked this through with him at the time before he'd made up his mind that he was going to become not just ex vegan but anti-vegan right i said to him look if you have a problem caused by digesting beans eating eggs won't solve that problem but just just talk it through with me just let's just stay on the same page here right if you have indigestion caused by eating beans and then you eat the beans and eggs together at the same time you're still going to have that indigestion caused by beans now conversely if your problem is solved because you stopped eating beans and you started getting fat and protein from another source again this really has nothing to do with veganism or non-veganism it's not that there is some special molecule in the egg that would not be available from some other vegan source if what your body needs is protein what your body needs is fat what your body needs is carbohydrates calories and a list of minerals and vitamins and your body doesn't really care where those come from right your body doesn't react differently to protein that comes from a murdered animal or protein that comes from weight lifters vegan protein powder right you talk about a pro processed protein powder like pea protein powder sold in a tub i think you probably see some in the background for this video actually on the shelf back there you know what your body is going to take that and digest it and use it period okay and what i heard back from this guy it's no surprise that he eventually went ex-vegan was a whole lot of superstitious horseshit that he had pieced together from reddit you know this is like a little bird flying around and putting together a bird's nest of pseudoscience he's convinced himself that he can't use protein powder because that's going to cause liver and kidney damage where did he get that freely durianrider where do you get that notion the same time this guy is expecting to miraculously transform himself from being like a skinny fat 90 pounds to looking like a professional bodybuilder without using protein powder because he believes that protein powder is the devil all right now again if you put it under a microscope the protein you get from eating peas and the protein you get from taking a body builders p protein powder it's exactly the same molecule what someone has done in a factory is desiccated the peas they take the peas they remove the liquid they spin it out grind it down and sell you the protein powder right when your body eats protein powder from peas molecule by molecule there's no difference between that protein and the protein that would have been there if you ate several cans of peas what's the difference the difference is the amount of time you have to spend cooking the difference is the amount of time you have to spend cleaning up afterwards and the difference is the amount of time you have to spend digesting and if you lift weights heavy if you're going to the gym three hours a day the amount of time it's like if you want to be a bodybuilder you want to look like a movie star or whatever for men it's a ton of work it's a ton of pain it's a ton of suffering it's a ton of heavy lifting assuming you're not using steroids and i don't even think it's all that easy if you're using steroids kind of another story right molecule by molecule what do you think is the advantage of eating chicken eggs and cheese dead cow cheese over getting protein molecules out of a weight lifters powder when i talk to these people this particular guy or anyone they can never answer these questions they can never think of the world in terms of its constituent parts molecule by molecule they can only answer in terms of ideology in terms of frankly spiritual misconceptions about the world and it's a bitter irony that it's these same spiritual misconceptions that lead them into veganism that lead them out of veganism like oh they believed in mother earth and gaia and nature and having a natural diet and at one time they conceptualized that as a vegan diet and at that same time within the vegan diet they had a kind of you know anti-processed food hysteria of refusing to eat protein powder maybe refusing to eat processed sugar like refusing to process unnatural things and then the same fixation with so-called nature and the idea that they're going to heal their gut and heal their digestion by eating dead animal parts then draws them back into not just a carnivore diet but into joining the anti-vegan ex-vegan movement appearing on spherica's channel and to be fair to spheridge what his own philosophy is basically is a pro-nature philosophy he is in favor of nature red and tooth and fang not just in terms of killing animals but killing humans he's about getting back to the stone age now whether or not he actually lives that whether or not that's a coherent philosophy i'm not going to get into this video but he's saying that's what he represents and that's why his message is appealing to some vegans and obviously some ex-vegans who become anti-vegans okay now why do people go from being passionate advocates of veganism to denouncing veganism and claiming it's impossible and keep in mind some of these people some of these people talk to me okay right now i'm using no gym right now i'm back to doing 200 push-ups a day in my own room with no other access to weights no other actors exercise okay i am 42 years old i'm over 200 pounds i do push-ups with my feet elevated okay i am doing okay with minimum effort on a vegan diet and what these people are saying and what they're saying to me is that my results are impossible that it's impossible to digest protein on a vegan diet that it's impossible to get adequate protein that's possibly adequate fat then it's impossible to gain body weight to gain fat let alone muscle tissue on a vegan diet all right now i am living proof that not only can you gain muscle tissue in a vegan diet but you can gain body fat i've got to say i seem to be especially gifted at gaining body fat on a vegan diet that's that's a real humble brag for you okay i could eat nothing but carbs on a vegan diet and still gain body fat this is my this is my great talent life what these people are saying to me is that what i take for granted as normal seven days a week not not any great accomplishment i'm you know my priorities in life i want to study chinese i want to study french i have a stack of books about politics i want to read i'm writing a book of my own i want to get my book published i'm going through a divorce i have a youtube channel there are so many things in my life that are a higher priority than lifting weight to the gym or even doing my 200 push-ups a day right and there's a right now we're in the middle of a global pandemic there are reasons to be stuck inside your house and not doing normal kinds of things precise i'm not trying to be a bikini model out here freely enduring writer used to say their their main claim is to be that you can effortlessly have a great body on a vegan diet okay i'm going to tell you something if you were a middle-aged man you could effortlessly have the same kind of mediocre results i have because what i'm doing right now it's pretty close to zero effort and these people are writing into me claiming that it is a scientific certainty after their [ __ ] anecdotal experience that it's just impossible to gain body weight on a vegan diet fat or or protein these people came oh they were just wasting weight they were just withering away they were just losing weight they just couldn't digest anything on a vegan diet all right and they write to me asking for advice what advice am i supposed to [ __ ] give you all right we have this saying in english wishful thinking it's very clear what we mean by wishful thinking the problem with that phrase is it only concerns positive aspirations positive desires pardon me we don't have a term for the equivalent of wishful thinking when what you're fixated on is negative or self-sabotaging right these people put themselves in a mindset where they are looking to justify their own indigestion they are looking to justify their own struggles their own difficulties with the vegan diet they're looking to reify this as if it's a law of physics as if there's an insuperable obstacle that requires them to give up their ethical and ecological commitment to veganism and to instead embrace killing animals so they can get quote unquote adequate fat and protein in their diets right and it's very telling to me that they are not even willing to try they're not even going to try as an experiment eliminating the eggs eliminating the cheese from their diet and getting the same macros getting the same ratios of macronutrients getting more fat and more protein in their diet from vegan sources from vegan means see how that goes right they are much more willing to believe oh well you know i looked at reddit and i searched around read it and there were all these other people saying that they were allergic to soy and saying that they couldn't digest beans so i thought that must be my problem really really this dude i'm thinking of who went to who went to sphyrij's channel and announced veganism he said that he saw three different doctors in real life and had blood tests and all the doctors said there was nothing wrong with him was that he made up all these explanations of mine not just the soy allergy thing oh well i've convinced myself that it's a problem with my stomach acid that my stomach acid is too low so i can't digest these things and the reason for a stomach acid being low is like the absence of eggs in his diet right yeah and then chicken eggs solve this problem i start talking him through what the actual symptoms are of having low stomach acid because when you actually have that condition there's a whole list of symptoms that he doesn't have mysteriously just like the soy allergy these are symptoms you don't have that don't match your case at all and guess what when the doctors did those blood tests on you here are the nutrient deficiencies that would show up because then we're not talking about something being deficient in your diet the point is even if you are eating eating certain nutrients they will not be digested properly because you don't have the stomach acid to do it oh gee what do you know i just objectively and rationally proved that your theory justifying why you quit the vegan diet and went back to eating meat and eggs and cheese is complete [ __ ] that it's actually impossible that it cannot be true and she i just affirmed that when those doctors said there is nothing wrong with you physically they were telling the truth and you didn't want to believe your doctors and you didn't want to believe me you wanted to fly around the internet like a little bird picking out you know branches here and there to put together a bird's nest of excuses to go back to eating meat so why is it so what is the real problem here all right the problem is not physiological the problem is not your digestion the problem is not that you have an allergy the problem is you stupidity is real there are a lot of stupid selfish people on the internet sharing their crazy theories to justify completely self-indulgent short-term decisions they're making and these people find each other they find others who make the excuses that they want to make for themselves and what they engage in is parallel to wishful thinking but i mean an example of wishful thinking is just convincing yourself that if you move to los angeles and rent an apartment you're going to become a movie star or a famous singer all you got to do is go there you know that's wishful thinking this is the opposite this is self-sabotaging thinking this is this is like hey you know what and it's happened to me you go to a mexican restaurant and eat undercooked beans or you grew up in a household where nobody ever really taught you how many hours you have to boil beans to make them digestible you have indigestion from eating beans and your mind starts running you start thinking you start putting together this theory that there's something wrong with you that biologically you have some unique problem that excludes you from the vegan movement you're having a problem nobody else has ever had before you're in a special minority of people who biologically need to eat meat because you had a bad taco because you had a bad burrito because you had six hours of indigestion okay i have never made videos reaching out to the stupidest forty percent of the audience okay and i'm not gonna start i'm not here to reach out to you know the most weak-minded weak-willed people who are just not smart enough not strong enough not self-discipline enough to keep up a vegan diet okay conversely i'm not gonna lie to you and say that a vegan diet is easy for most of us if we grew up in this culture it's not easy there's a lot to figure out all right whether it's figuring out how to boil beans how to get enough protein how to get the mix of nutrients you need on your it's not easy it's hard work okay but if you are thinking of veganism as a movement as a political social ethical movement look back at the history of the world and you tell me who has suffered less there were people in ancient greece in ancient rome in ancient sparta who stood up and said slavery is wrong and they fought to the death to liberate the slaves and you know what they liberated some slaves they liberated particular slaves particular families of slaves particular communities of slaves but they utterly failed to challenge or overturn the institution of slavery as such centuries later you can look at the history of slave rebellions in the caribbean in south america long before the abolition of slavery there were revolutions that didn't abolish slavery that didn't end slavery that just liberated some slaves while other people continued to be bought and sold continued to be enslaved the nature of the vegan revolution in this way at this stage in this century is not that we're going to liberate all humanity is not that we're going to liberate all animals it's that we are in small groups going to liberate ourselves [Music] maybe we can we can practice yes