Why Did You Start a Youtube Channel? (The Dumb Vegan Experience)

13 November 2016 [link youtube]


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that's my word oh yeah no I mean let's I
think it's time to move on to to to what what isil's do on YouTube you know to add you know it all in all what dumb vegans doing on YouTube you know well if you if you want to we can both say why we can both do a quick statement why we started our YouTube channels I mean is that what you're asking or no uh well I mean we could start with that sure Go Go okay if you got something else in mind over that but you know I started my youtube channel right after my divorce or right after my split of him I still legally we're not divorced we're still in court getting divorced and before that you know I had this blog that durianrider helped make famous called vegan mind tricks durianrider has consistently said that there's something evil about the name of that blog but you can check it out good blog so my first experience was kind of being a voice in veganism known to people was was that blog which was briefly really really popular within the tumblr demi-monde and tumblr is truly a demi-monde and i got to kind of rehearse a lot of the [ __ ] that i would later deal with on youtube there so it really warmed me up for the level of like hostility and false rumors like even then people were like just when it was a blog with no video with no audio people made up stories that I was sleeping with other people on tumblr and stuff and was like dude at that time I was married and raising a newborn infants and living in France it was ridiculous so all the crap on youtube you can also have on you know a blog or Twitter or tumblr or something you don't mean and then you know after after we after we split up it was very unclear where I was going to be living in what I was going to be doing so one of my main reasons for starting a YouTube channel was like well if I get hit by a bus tomorrow I want my daughter to know what I sound like and what I look like and what was important to me and one of the first if you watch the really early videos one of the reasons why I lot of them talk about Buddhism I did not want my daughter to think that I was a true believer in Buddhism like that I was a superstitious believer in Buddhism because I knew one of when she grows up one of the first things people are going to tell her is oh you know your father used to be a scholar of Buddhism so it's really easy for a kid think oh ok this is you know swear that's influenced a kid pretty deeply that's part of the legacy of the family so one of the first things I wanted to talk about was what does what does it mean to me why was it so important in my life and why did I move on and to make it really clear that I'm not a super I never was a superstitious believer in Buddhism and that in that religious sense and then obviously veganism already was a huge part of my life I mean you know and so a lot of my videos were both veganism I did not assume when I started the channel that veganism would be ninety-nine percent of the content well I know maybe now it's ninety-five percent I do talk about some of the stuff I actually assumed at different points that that politics like politics in Asia and maybe even politics in Canada would be a larger part of what i was doing on youtube but i could not get anyone to cooperate with me you know taiwan is one thing but then I moved to Canada I was living on the west coast of Canada so if they're just been a couple of smart bright eyed people living on the west coast of Canada I wanted to talk about politics or make anything happen related to politics I would have put that on YouTube but there was nobody and there was nothing so veganism was really the one thing on my channel because it was the one thing I could do alone and yell it the first year on YouTube was real lonely so and now it is what it is now you know I'm the most famous vegan who makes videos saying that I hate vegans that's what I am on the number one self eating vegan that's my niche man okay so how about you man why did you decide to get in the YouTube game I guess you know I should obviously preface this with you know saying I'm it there's no question about the dumb vegan youtube channel is is completely irrelevant at this point I mean there's no question about that I'm not making any you know you know any misconceptions about that I I'm not kidding myself uh but i think you know i just had to I mean it's a certain point I mean you you watch enough you know people on YouTube and you know like i say i've been vegan for two and a half years i took you know was watching the videos for a while before that and I mean you know you can only watch so many of these videos until you start to wonder if you've got something to you know something to throw into the into the ring and you know sometimes you just feel like you got to throw a little a little wrench in there as well and do you have do you have a background in theater or in comedy you have a background of their gut um no not really okay it seems to me you came out as a bit of a pro I mean you seem to really know what you're doing in terms of putting together a comedy sketch yeah I have I have some experience doing acting and stuff you know I'd filming video production so I mean it's I felt like you know hey I mean that part of it is kind of ascension then let's just see if I can figure out you know something that i can feel like you know i don't know like that I wouldn't get bogged down doing and I definitely don't want to be I mean what's the point of you know having a taking the your channel in a direction that you know there's hundreds of other people doing I did try that like a couple years ago and I just I mean it wasn't sustainable is like well I mean this just isn't doing it for me I can there's people that can do the you know more straightforward stuff much better than I can you know whatever you remember like you know vegan games vegan gains came at this as a guy his background was in professional photography just like and its really when you think about it for vegan gains he had to make such a transition he had to buy wigs he started doing sketches but you can tell any of the unscripted interviews with vegan gains he is not naturally that kind of guy he is not the kind of guy you can get on stage and improv or you know MC an event or just be a charming you know actor he's just not that type at all but he managed to really to really do it so just say for you like I'm not gonna flatter you unduly but in terms of looking at your first bunch of videos anyone who looks at your first five videos and then looks it goes way back and looks at vegan gains as for some videos I think they would say oh wow ok this guy dumb vegan you know you you you got a shot now you know obviously the upper limits of stardom with in the digital game mother pretty low but for sure I mean you know I think I think you could put it this way you could easily have as big an audience as Joe vegan ever got or bigger so I say that to encourage you and Joe vegan again there's a guy with zero background in the theater 0 background in the arts and you know for a while there he really built up you know big audience so you know if you want the encouragement that I think that's a very reasonable encouragement for me to give you right uh yeah I mean I'll take encouragement from anyone so um but yeah I mean yeah yeah i agree i mean i think you know the upper limits of start i mean i have to probably get on the i probably have to get on the gear and be making some serious gains if i ever wanted to get into you know this these uh you know higher levels of youtube ashalon because you kind of have to have the whole package to i I really disagree cuz look at the amazing atheist uh he's pretty hideous and he always was and when he started off he was even uglier you know and he really managed to build up a following just based on I guess his sense of humor and his commitment to coming on camera and ridiculing himself so you know that yeah I just say there are real examples of that yeah yeah yeah I mean yeah that my message to you know other people that would be interested in I would say like well you know don't worry about that you just as long as you have the commitment and as long as you as long as you're willing to take criticism and you know be willing to look at yourself objectively and what you're doing and be able to you know sidestep or you know pivot you know when necessary you know to keep things going don't don't go down a road that's not going anywhere you know things like that then then yeah I mean virtually anybody can have a success if that's really what what's driving them and that's really what they want I mean I that's remains to be seen I'm just great you know dabbling my my foot in and even just seeing what the whole things about so sure but the other thing that's great about YouTube is just that you meet people wherever you're living unless you live in kunming china because YouTube is illegal in China in case you hadn't heard can't watch it here but like you know even if your channel has a smaller number I mean for me back on my channel had a smaller number of viewers still like on my university campus in Canada other vegans knew who I was and you know III think that's a really positive thing and again like uh uh yeah and I mean I guess yeah again for anybody that is interested you know in in trying it out i mean it's it's kind of funny because you know like nobody's watching my videos it which is totally cool but um you know your ripples you can I get there's a couple little things that you know like some some ideas that I put out there enough I've seen you know little little aspects of things that have popped up in a couple other people's videos and I'm like um I mean I might just be flattering myself but I have a feeling that they were a little bit influenced by something even and I know that you know some of these content creators are watching my videos because there's been a couple comments and wait you know I can hear them talking madam or whatever so I would you know encourage people say like you know you might not get a bunch of use or anything like that but at least you'll you'll feel you'll feel relevant even if you aren't you know I take it you live somewhere in the United States like it opposite but like what state or what general region do you live in the Pacific Northwest oh no kidding so you're actually quite close to where i was i was in victoria ok victoria bc is basically the the Pacific Northwest ok well well I was just gonna say I think even you know up one of the concepts have talked about a lot on the internet in relation to religion and politics and veganism so not always big is the idea of a crossroads you know you create a crossroads and then you show you see who shows up you know what I mean but I think definitely the Pacific Northwest there are so many vegans there so many people interested that you know it can bring positive people into your life you know um I mean for me I got a question on you now a couple days ago but only a couple days ago someone was asking me you know would you ever date a YouTube viewer in real life and I said man everybody who knows me in real life is a YouTube you were mine like you know if I meet a woman here on the street and what give her my phone number like complete stranger the reality is the first thing she's going to learn about me is my youtube channel you know even if I don't tell her she's gonna google me and find me or whatever so like you know the way YouTube interacts with the rest your life you know what I mean I die it could be negative it could be that someone who meets me or someone is having for job the first thing they see is durianrider saying what a despicable person I am all right but you know I think I think that's a positive thing for the future for most of us is that you put up a YouTube channel it becomes a crossroads and people have something in common with you maybe it's that they have a sense of humor in common with you maybe it's that they have a certain kind of activist macomb with you you know you can meet those people and otherwise I think you never would or you could be a long time waiting I buhdeuce yen