Erin Janus: there is no professional help.

07 February 2022 [link youtube]

#vegan #vegans #veganism @Erin Janus

Youtube Automatic Transcription

hey my friend just texted me and she says hey are you okay i saw your call no i'm not okay because i'm not sure if people love me i'm i'm i'm not quite sure if people are willing to have me locked up or if they're willing to first try to say what can i do for you my friend why would someone lock you up says hackie because they think that's best for me guys don't assume that i need medication i'll tell you right now i need meditation let me try that first just please just let me try for can i buy you a coffee eternal yes you can you can order it on ubereats and have it delivered to the location of my desire and if you don't want to do it i'm going to order you a coffee what can i do for what can i do for you my friends what do you need from me who locked you up who locked me up who locked me up i'll tell you people who were doing the best they could that's who locked me up okay i was forced medicated because somebody believed that was best for me i forgive them but i don't want to do it again this is sounding like a manic episode okay happy let me prove to you that it's not [Music] packy let me prove to you it's not a manic episode okay packy how could meditate hacky how can i prove to you that this is not a manic episode i'm not manic i'm inspired in spirit to be a good friend it's not mania i'm an entertainer this is for entertainment purposes only gotcha guys don't assume i'm mentally ill here's what i need i need to have coffee with my dad that's what i need that's all i need and if i can't have coffee with my dad you seem a little hostile i'm not i'm not going to touch you i'm not going to touch myself actually i just want to play my guitar my friend call your dad i can't call my dad he's at work he cares too much about other people to relax he puts everybody else before himself just like me i get it from my dad i love you guys because i want to put my ass on the line because i just want to sing you a song let me get some clothes on my friends now listen i don't know what kind of situation you're in okay i don't want anybody to be hurt but first before i determine if you're a danger to yourself or others i have to ask you a few questions how is this girl by herself lorna because i called 30 friends last night and i told him i just needed a friend and nobody would come over [Music] because they thought they knew what was best for me now here's what i need at 8 56. i need you to let me go get a nice shirt it's gonna be okay i hope so guys because i don't need the hospital i think somebody else who might be having a heart attack needs the hospital guys i'm good right now i'm good i'm not gonna hurt myself and i'm not gonna hurt anybody else actually unfortunately i i love people so much i would actually risk my life before i guys i'm putting my ass on the line here because i love you more than i love my own privacy why would they not come over i don't know maybe they had an appointment don't judge them don't judge them nobody would come over i called my top 30 friends last night and nobody would come over that's okay guys i love you guys maybe you're busy it's not your fault it's not your fault it's okay i'm not mad again why didn't you call me oh my god oh my god you are my friend cause i lost my phone and i lost your number and i have too many messages i have a friend who just sent me a message who i can call okay so send me a private message if i don't lose my facebook account hey my friend my friend just sent me a message he says what the f am i watching you're watching a girl who loves her dad my name is aaron i love my dad somebody just told me he doesn't know not schizophrenia hey amanda haydard do you have schizophrenia amanda haydar can i check your mental health records talk to all your friends and family amanda haydar schizophrenia here we go baby don't do this don't make me do this don't assume say what can i do no i'm not on drugs actually i'm completely sober but somebody wants me on drugs because they think i have schizophrenia when i don't no one is judging you guess what all my friends and family are judging me right now except for you babe you've got a friend in me you gotta now shut up and let me sing my [ __ ] song i'm gonna go get changed because if i do it naked you're gonna think are you a fan of trudeau exo manzilla are you a fan of your friends and family start there brb guys don't assume what's going on you don't know who the [ __ ] i am i didn't say she didn't [ __ ] say you guys hey listen this is billboard the stand-up comedian okay i'm aaron janice's boyfriend my name is bill [ __ ] burn okay my name is bill [ __ ] burn okay i'm aaron janice's boyfriend okay my name is bill [ __ ] bum stop [ __ ] judging her okay bill thank you thank you see that's my boyfriend yeah i'm the [ __ ] boyfriend my name's bill bug have you ever seen my stand-up comedy [ __ ] like go get a [ __ ] makeup button send you a [ __ ] son jesus [ __ ] pricey guys unbelievable someone wants to know are you okay sweetie um i am okay yes i am someone says for me to get my meds please erin okay g underscore adrienne ss please get your meds okay you want me to get my meds i have my meds is she okay guys relax stop this life have some rest and meditation someone call her family this is not okay okay medge gardener 90. stop this live have someone call medge gardener 90s family this is not okay mitch gardner 90 i'm worried about your mental health and i think all of your friends and family need to call you because you need some rest of meditation guys don't assume what i need don't assume what i need i told you what i need i need to sing a song and play my guitar will you let me do that or do you want to have me locked up do you want to call my friends and family and prevent me from playing a song guys i'm not going to hurt myself quite hella i'm not somebody else might hurt me though because they think they know what's good for me aaron just sing the [ __ ] song okay holy [ __ ] [ __ ] she's got billboard the stand-up comedian as a boyfriend and you still won't [ __ ] let her sing a song holy [ __ ] do you need to see me do you need to see the bell [ __ ] bar is standing beside her holy [ __ ] man my name is built by the stand-up comedian let us sing a [ __ ] song holy [ __ ] this nihilism runs thief and it conveys uh it conveys and betrays a certain contempt for the meaning and importance of our work here that what we do so long as we claim that it is a joke doesn't matter that what we say here doesn't matter that our actions every day as elected leaders in the united states of america doesn't matter that this chamber and what happens in it doesn't matter and i am here to rise to say that it does our work here matters our example matters there is meaning in our service and as leaders in this country when we incite violence with depictions against our colleagues that trickles down into violence in this country and that is where we must draw the line independent of party identity or belief it is about a core recognition of human dignity and value and work so when we talk about as mentioned in the resolution that these depictions are part of a larger trend of misogyny and racial racism this has resulted in dampening participation and so this vote is not as complex as perhaps the republican leader would like to make jokes uh believe it's pretty it's pretty cut do you find does anyone in this chamber find this behavior acceptable would you allow depictions of violence against women against colleagues would you would you allow that in your home do you think this should happen on a school board [Music] in a city council in a church and if it's not acceptable there why should it be accepted here lastly when the republican leader rose to talk about how there are all of these double standards and lists of litanies of all these different things not once did he list an example of a member of congress threatening the life of another this is not about a double standard and what is unprecedented and what's tragic is the descent of transgression in this body i grew up as a little girl with awe about our nation's capital the reverence and the importance and the gravity of our work here additional 30 seconds recognized the gravity of our work here so ma the question that i pose to this body in response is will we live up to the promises that we make our children that this is a place where we will defend one another regardless of belief that our core human dignity matters [Music] now this nihilism runs deep and it conveys uh it conveys and betrays a certain contempt [Music]