Donations for "Rescue" and "Revolution": Vegan "Charity".

07 May 2018 [link youtube]

Criticizing DxE (Direct Action Everywhere) & Nation Rising. And yeah, there are a whole lot of quotation marks in the title… and throughout this video!


Youtube Automatic Transcription

money power respect sex these are the
things that motivate people in politics in their careers in education and in life in this video we're mostly talking about money although why she power and sex are also involved and we are criticizing not for the first time in this channel DXE direct action everywhere I have a little playlist of videos criticizing DXE although I'm also gonna put in some comments about a Canadian organization many of you will not have heard of before so look guys if you are regular view on this channel you may have noticed that in a couple of my videos talking about DXE I actually mentioned their budget and threw up some screenshots of an alleged budget they posted the Internet and I've mentioned with them several times they do not engage in transparent accounting or publicly accountable I can't think the way most charities do in the United States if a charity's budget is over a certain threshold they are obliged to post form 990 public I believe that's the correct number IRS Form 990 and this breaks down for you to some extent where their money comes from where it goes now so for example a very large vegan shamp charity like People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals petaa or as some of you like to say PETA totally different organizations there are two completely different organizations don't get them confused hey my preferred pronunciation is Petta you know if you go through petaa's form 990 their their public accounting exercise it is quite easy for them to be opaque to obfuscate to conceal from you exactly what that form is supposed to reveal they can pay large amounts of money to a consultant to an outside firm and then have them spend the money where it's really being spent and then all they report to you is how much was sent to that consultancy or and so on with other kinds of firms where they have middlemen handling things so it tells you some things but not others and yes I have been through Etta's finances there publicly stated finances in detail but it has been impossible to do that with the right action everywhere and for years for many years since I started this channel I've been asking to see the finances for DXE for direct action everywhere because I want to learn from them I want to learn from their success or their failure I mean in some ways they're very successful organization and in some ways they're a disaster discover I don't mind a lot go back with nothing suddenly as you see we do not live in a Puff Daddy style mansion where this should be happening and uh you know separate wing nobody in the West no anyway so um direct action everywhere look the main thing they're known for is this screenshot I'll put on screen now is pitching a fit is throwing tantrums in public this is Priya and Priya is the girlfriend I don't know if they're married I think they were just boyfriend/girlfriend of the self-appointed dictator for life Wayans young Wayne Siong has repeatedly let's say he's refused to step down he's refused to comply with a democratic process that he invented for DXE they were supposed to be democratic and transparent they were supposed to be a fully horizontal organization and over time all of those pretenses disappeared and it emerged that Wayne was just gonna remain self-appointed dictator for life and that any way any pretense of being horizontal democratic or accountable was gonna disappear but we stole the question of their finances and as I say I'm not I'm not just interested in finances to criticize them I'm interested look at the most successful vegan organizations whether that's people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals or anybody else like whether or not I agree with them or disagree with them learning from their mistakes and also learning from what is they're doing right but things have changed with the XE over time progressively what they were founded on was this ethic of disruption and this is the meaning of disruption disruption is Priya running into a butcher shop and tearfully yelling that she wants the butcher to kill her instead of the pigs right disruption means them literally running onto a baseball field trying to disrupt the baseball game because people are eating hot dogs or they're watching the baseball game baseball's not vegan or whatever right I've played film close to this they ran onto the podium and interrupted Bernie Sanders during his rally they ran onto the podium and tried to dropped Hillary Clinton they have a lot and guess what they get beaten up by the cops and arrested and hauled off i've played video clips of that before to check out the playlist if you if you want to see those videos but you know with time they have more and more shifted towards the type of activism that gets them donations and this is a profound sense in which money perverts the I don't know political process is what you're doing is it real politicking or are you really just providing a kind of entertainment for your donors a kind of service to solicit support and you can slip from one paradigm to the other without even recognizing that you're slipping all right so what do we got on screen here Gwen jacooz Ben I'm I'm I'm really not attempting to pronounce your name correctly I apologize as someone with a hard to pronounce name because one person the hard pronounce name to the other she says I agree with Kathy and find this to be incredibly disheartening not to mention misleading you're asking for donations to rescue hundreds of animals but less than 25% of the money raised is going towards animal care as someone who runs a large sanctuary I know that even rescuing one life can mean thousands of thousands of dollars in their lifetime especially if they have unique medical needs so with time this is my hypothesis I've never had anyone say I was wrong I've discussed this with past and present members direct action everywhere their original modus operandi was disruption but disruption does not get donations the way this sanctuary Act does so they rescue animals they put them in sanctuaries and then they have a big red button on the screen saying donate now and it's dramatic it pulls the people's heartstrings now let's face it if people make donations for disruption they don't know where the money's going what are you paying for are you paying for lawyers to get these people out of jail I mean well you know what are the equipment costs that you're paying for if you're paying for Priya to run into a Chipotle and scream it's not meat it's violence if you're paying for it to run into a butcher shop and tell the butcher to kill her instead of the pigs and then you film that and put it on YouTube this kind of an act I believe was not getting donations was not getting positive donor attention in the way that the sanctuary side of the game was so over time they got more and more into both expose footage and the rescuing of animals rescue mammals aka cattle rustling and que stealing animals because I'm a legal perspective that's what it is you're doing breaking and entering and theft and then you face the legal consequences for that and videotaping it then turning to their audience they donate now to help this beautiful little sheep or beautiful pig or whatever it is guess what I've had a couple of different videos on this channel myself talking about just how unbelievably expensive it is to operate a sanctuary for just one horse for just one pot-bellied pig per year I got statistics on this it's unbelievably expensive it'll take all the money you can possibly throw at it and Gwen Koosman apologies because her name is so easy to Google I did find what Farm Sanctuary she's in charge of you also can easily check it out it does look like she has a large legit Farm Sanctuary that I'm sure has a large budget and needs every dollar they can get to support the animals that I see on they're on their Instagram it is much more expensive than you could reasonably imagine and you can click through to those old videos on my channel breaking down the cost the operating cost food costs veterinary costs unbelievable Oh in labor costs sorry at the end of the day it's a hell of a lot of labor basically you have all the costs are operating a farm but none of the revenue because these animals are living in farm conditions just without a slaughterhouse at the end of their stay and because there's no slaughterhouse the interstate they get older and you get into ridiculous questions like hip replacement surgery more and more medical care costs as these animals get older and older because their domesticated animals than a regular farm and never live into old age so this is what it means to run a sanctuary alright I continue with this so especially if they have unique medical needs so DXE rescues an animal reaps all of the exposure and financial gain while the sanctuary likely with a much smaller revenue stream and far greater need for donations takes on the lifetime cost and care both emotional and physical of the animal in exchange for maybe but not always a poultry grant people have off the record complaining me about this as I say present and past participants in DXE they have talked about this cycle of rescuing animals and then dropping them off at sanctuaries and then after that point it becomes the sanctuaries problem and they may not be happy with that as time goes by they may not what they're expecting from an organization with direct action everywhere that now does have a budget how much that budget is we just don't know she continues I really think you should be more honest with your donors and reiterate that the cost of goes towards paying activists the one you know in formal sketch of their operating costs was very evasive on this mmm didn't really tell you about salaries use some very peculiar and evasive my language but yes they are paying activists these are professional activists of their job but what outcomes can we really point to right it's mm-hmm anyway gets interesting I mean how do you measure effective activism once you're paying a salary for someone to do what to run into Chipotle and scream it's not food it's violence to hold these kinds of street protests to hand out leaflets anyway um funds go towards paying activists correct high rent costs to live in Berkeley Berkeley California one of the most expensive cities on the west coast another very interesting question DXE they do a lot of self-promotion a lot of photographs good luck finding any photographs or videotape of the collective houses they live in and yes I've heard scandals from them and no I'm not gonna repeat them on YouTube but it is certainly strange that a group of people who are so into you know posting their own photographs and video tape have managed to keep a kind of media blackout on where it is they live some people might say that those their their collective housing starts to resemble a cult I would never say that of course but some people have made those allegations and you know of course they have stories to tell but yeah the actual housing arrangements for DXE what they're doing with your your donations in terms of I don't know lit living in some kind of block of flats that's exclusively vegan that they've set up for them and they're their closest acolytes their closest circle of followers one can only imagine it's left up to imagination both how much it costs and what it looks like and where your donations are going you know it's it this is not this is remain strangely opaque to outside scrutiny alright or consider following through with your claim that you allocate far more than 25 percent towards animal care as we go on it seems like it is in fact far less in these later messages honesty and transparency go a long way and I'm sure you'd still get donations if you were honest how they were used em I was gonna mention this I might as well mention it right now there's Canadian charity called nation rising I guess I have to call it a charity and their slogan is it's not a protest it's a revolution I said before I'll say it again you look at that advertisement you look at the front of the webpage that looks a lot like a protest what they're showing you in that photograph it doesn't look very much at all like revolution and here's their Facebook page they ask you to donate donate now well I've written to these guys trying to get information of them not even financial information but apparently they're taking donations apparently they are a charity I assume they're illegally registered charity where do you think the money goes what are you paying for if you donate to nation rising what are you donating for when you donate for the revolution - here is it for the employees or for the the heads of this state - you don't have an apartment in in this case Ottawa Canada not Berkeley California is it for research and development I mean is it for a weaponry I mean the word revolution has been diluted here beyond its real meaning what kind of revolution is gonna be is gonna be more 1917 it's gonna be more 1949 I mean what are we talking about here people you know it's absurd but this this is a group that to me you know exemplifies kind of the next step into you know abstraction and obfuscation after direct action everywhere I think these groups do see the success that that dxc is having and they imitate it what they get from direct action everywhere is the sense that oh be as radical as possible these extreme as possible be as vague in your promises as possible and watch the money flow in so their promises are pretty vague and if you donate money to them I have absolutely no idea where that money goes I have no idea even what kind of political for a protest event or revolution it is that you're supporting so you know these are questions that any real charity is prepared to deal with and it's kind of saddening that in 2018 the vegan game is still frankly amateur hour but comparison - I think any other type of charity going on there I think if you look into Catholic orphanages they are much better prepared to let you know where your money's going what it's doing if you donate to support a Catholic orphanage yeah maybe it took 150 years of experience for them to get there but we should be able to catch up a lot faster than this and if you've been watching my recent videos it's a great video I edited together from from shark sha RK it's an acronym they're a vegan organization and they complain loudly and often about corruption inefficiency and I write scams within the vegan nonprofit and charity came all right we proceed quote Wayans young unblocked me and explained why less than 5% of DXE funds actually go to the animals you rescue so Wayne Siong again is the self-appointed cater for life of direct action everywhere we demand that your fundraiser goes directly to sanctuaries like you claim it does in the here's a reasonable demand in the future we demand that 50% of DXE fundraising efforts go to sanctuaries and cover animal care costs or be truthful that the funds you raise will not go to animal care so again for me because I've been following DXE for so many years I think they'd ever really thought through the implications of the fact that the sanctuary side of the game was increasingly you know the rationale for people donating to support them when for them their raison d'etre their original constitution you know their founding mandate was to be this horizontal network of you know direct action activists who you know engaged in disruption putting quotation marks putting air quotes or in all these terms because what disruption really means oh what can digress into what horizontal means what a network of activists means but it's changed in reality the way they present themselves now and why people are the justification for donors supporting them has everything to do now with animal sanctuaries animal rescue and they're really not prepared in a transparent way to account for where the money is going whether it's going to support activism in some sense in the broadest sense of the word activism going to support animal sanctuaries a growing sport frankly people's salaries people's cost to live which may not be evil most organizations over a certain size they start paying people's wages but you cannot get any transparent accounting out of direct action everywhere I continue same message Wayne stealing of DXE has blocked me from his page because I brought up the question where does the money go I've asked that question for years good luck sister his organization raises lots of money under the guise of supporting sanctuaries and animal care but it turns out that's a big fat lie approximately 5% of funds raised actually go to the animals most of the money goes to the organization to promote itself ah so this was another issue that came up in the shark video comes in Publix all the time how much of your money is going to really support your mandate whether well your mandate shall we say how much is going to support direct action in Croatian parts and how much is going for self-promotion and self-promotion can include just advertising paying an advertising firm with a large shared like petaa People for the Ethical Treatment of art of their budget is going into self-promotion whether or not that's that's directly called advertising sanctuary friends exclamation point this is your call to action let Wayne know what you think about DXE rescuing animals making money off the story and not following through with funding their care leaving already underfunded and overworked sanctuaries to pick up the pieces I know you're busy boy I do know but please if you know what's happening with the organization let your voice be heard if people want to support animals and rescue efforts etc etc and then she says correction the document shows the first quarter financial statements in 2017 DXE only gave eleven thousand five hundred dollars to animal sanctuaries whereas they raised two hundred and thirty-eight thousand so that's in allegedly in just one quarter of 2017 I don't know if I believe any of the numbers given my limited experience to our attention everywhere but apparently that was the spreadsheet she was working with so here's a reply from whence young I assume this is from earlier than that message but I don't know um given that she says he blocked her but maybe wrote to her after blocking or whatever Wayne says we're expecting about 50% of the gifts to go to fellowships to activists fellowships not wages not salaries fellowships got it putting money in people's pockets without having them sign a contract without having kind of human resources a relationship with them you're putting money into their pocket without a contract without really the responsibilities of an employer and without them taking on the formal responsibilities of an employee or a job description or formal statement of responsibilities right that's that's what fellowships really means right so it's putting money in people's pockets without even having the formal apparatus of an employer employee relationship etc so they're giving fellowships to activists quote who are doing rescue storytelling and media work these are people like Prius Hani and I saw people like his girlfriend right yes great people like my girlfriend and me now great I'm really glad you're endorsing the fine work of someone you have absolutely you can't possibly have an objective opinion book right let's continue and Paul Darwin pickles mirror who are staying up sleepless nights sleepless nights can you can you get this his girlfriend is staying up sleepless nights he must feel neglected ah expose cruelty and share the stories of animals rescued from hell expose the cruelty of share the stories of animals rescued from hell got it laying I'm glad you didn't do it halfway Wayne I mean you know why don't you tell us how you really feel another 25% goys that goes to funding educational efforts including the Berkeley Animal Rights Center I'm assuming that's just another name for DX EE I think that's a DX II project so another 25% goes to us I'm guessing so rate the Berkeley Animal Rights Center and other infrastructural expenses such as IT and computers our sir they live in Berkeley they're based in Berkeley I can't imagine that dxc is collecting donations to truly give it to a completely separate charity organization ethically that doesn't make sense to teach it so it seems the Berkeley Animal Rights Center I assume is simply an initiative of DXE so again this is not really useful explanation we continue another 25% goes directly to major campaigns again but what does that mean in the past their idea of a major campaign was running on to a baseball pitch during a baseball game trying to disrupt the baseball game it was interrupting Bernie Sanders when Bernie Sanders speak that's their idea of a campaign so what the [ __ ] you giving your money - I don't know bus tickets again lawyers to get them out of jail it's been stupid dead-ended disruptive activism that's that's their mo that's their that's their mandate in their constitution that's your supporting anyway I mean you know so what is the cost of running into a Chipotle and screaming it's not food it's violence major campaigns including providing grants for sanctuaries so they can care for rescued animals and educate the public with the individuals names so you see it's using the number 25 percent here but it's 25 percent which is a category in which support for animal sanctuaries is just one subcategory it's for all major campaigns yeah this is so anyway katia writes back how much of the 25 percent is going towards sanctuary grants etc how much is actually going for animal care good luck getting an answer to that question Wayne writes back approximately 50,000 of approximately 350,000 in total spent in 2016 plus additional expenses incurred by fellows on their own dime which is quite significant but not cramp yeah of course because that's basically your own members are also your donors of course you know you have people or passion but animal rights they join direct action everywhere even if you pay them a salary they're gonna end up spending some their own money donated towards you know project activities okay guys uh money power respect sex Fame as the world turns you know I don't expect these organizations to ever be transparent accountable ever not ever I don't expect direct action ever work to improve in the time that I've followed them they have only gotten worse and worse and worse they had this kind of anarchists pretension of being fully horizontal fully transparent fully democratic fully decentralized as a network of activists and today they're none of those things and they don't even have the aspiration to be in those things today you know hahaha to quote the founder of the FBI the American police organization an organization is the shadow of just one man I think that's completely true in the case of direct action everywhere if you donate money to direct action everywhere you're donating it to one man Wayne Siong period he's the self-deport dictator look for life and because Wayne's Young is not honest is not transparent it's not accountable the whole organization is not honest not transparent not accountable my judgement of Wayne Siong honestly is just based on his writing I've read several of his articles I thought they were garbage of course I've also seen him speaking videos and in podcast type formats and so on of access information other ways but I got to tell you guys something stupidity Israel I've spoken to many people who've interacted with Wayne face-to-face and most of them say they respect them that they like him that they think he has good intentions but I don't care how good your intentions are Wayne you're an idiot and you know you have not just made DXE into a laughingstock and is something vegans should be ashamed of you are bit by bit making veganism itself a laughingstock you're making veganism something that Berkeley California is ashamed of evolution