Durianrider: Last of the True Believers.

21 December 2017 [link youtube]

Liam Anthony is a piece of shit. And, yeah, he just did a collab with ModVegan, and you can see that on his channel, here:


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durianrider is getting sued by as Lazard
in a Thai Court system the bike festival is off this year something that's been going on for the past three or four years it's complete [ __ ] I think it's from pettiness ego and spiked I don't know exactly why this is [ __ ] going down again this is not a drama channel but I wanted to comment on this because this is impacting vegans and the vegan community right not the entire community but definitely a subsection of it right and I don't know why this shit's happening this should happen over a [ __ ] year ago everybody's pretty much moved on and forgot about it the only person who hasn't is iyslah's art he has built his YouTube platform and his following on trashing durianrider and freely and my question is this eyes'll guy what what if you could have anything right any resolution that you want what is it what is it that he wants what what could he possibly want okay so if he says defamation where he's like it's preventing me from excelling in my career my love life etc that's code for I wants money right you want money right is that what it is or do you want to take down durianrider right do you want him to go into prison do you want to have his hand chopped off or what it what what is it that this person wants what kind of possible resolution that he can have now if he can provide supporting documentation that his reputation was ruined and that he lost careers or potential job opportunities because of this right he may have a case you know what I'm saying he might have a lawsuit on his hands who knows you know what I'm saying but if that's something that you are worried about right your reputation in real life then you wouldn't be on [ __ ] YouTube you know what I'm saying you want to be on YouTube and you definitely would not be parading around the fact that somebody called you a sexual predator or whatever you wouldn't make dozens and dozens of videos and get into arguments with thousands of people and have them and put a magnifying glass on it if it's something that was important to you so my only question this is what is it that you want right what is it what is that what is the resolution here right you know what is the [ __ ] resolution is this just some petty [ __ ] spite [ __ ] is there some sort of infatuation is there some fanaticism among this from ISIL to Harley I don't [ __ ] know kind of looks like that again this is just my comments critiques and criticisms don't throw the baby out with the [ __ ] bathwater because during Ryder and freely over the past six seven years has played a gigantic role in veganism and spreading the vegan message and getting people to go vegan they have given [ __ ] good advice they've done a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton and last year a select few people within the vegan community it was able to turn over half of the people over against durianrider and it's kind of sad because he's a pioneer you know what I'm saying he is somebody who has had a super positive impact on a lot of a lot of people's lives right and it's kind of [ __ ] it's just it's [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so there you go - change comes with time - out these jeans I learned to kick down for mine had the food supply the attitude of not giving the [ __ ] ball with no luck refuses thanks duck [Music] do I deal with but wiser the job was no surprises I need it I would make it oh the chance I had to take it fake it no because that [ __ ] were too clever if there ever was the [ __ ] top with crime and had to be meet the be I see a mighty nice play right she come sunup gun up for the movie the wanna run up wishing my Polly came up shot that [ __ ] done what [Music] I had to get rid of my mother so I reported my heart our level opposes I made a connection and world's ready for elbows and falls I just keep back [Music] as many changing I'm living my life finding out the dope like larger millionaire something screaming my hair Michael go but I really show black I got to get my [ __ ] together the right way I know that you coming up short swinging by the chair Lynn thinking of a master plan cos [ __ ] barreling down the road and I promise not to look back and what I was there but I have not with a left me when I was two flexure on ground controllers shit-kicking that never knew like to be so damn everything feeling long time what change it change [Music] away the [ __ ] key that's the way they punished me [ __ ] the socket this prima situate in the penitentiary you won't make a difference Jesus cause ain't nobody missing me Ronnie Ronnie while we got were different they get different face damn I wish to run away I hate this [ __ ] place too many goddamn rules that's why I quit school see the media quickly test I ain't no damn fool can't walk because they're always in my face and yet my stepfather play they wanna give me your case ain't no difference between society in the jail house everybody's locked up they wanna get the hell out just cuz you ain't locked down you think you got a good but you better think they give the police a check that [ __ ] in the neighborhood be in our hands down because society is just like the pen so get ready for the lockdown