Socmas: Stop Celebrating Jesus, Start Celebrating Socrates.

25 December 2020 [link youtube]

Check out the "Replace Christmas" playlist… if you're actually an atheist… who actually wants to live in a secular society… and actually wants to stop raising children with fables from the Christian Bible…

#Socmas #ReplaceChristmas #Atheism

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i'm writing a little sophmore story says
ods he might post it somewhere when he's finished may writes in we've replaced christmas with a different celebration based upon socrates contribution to society and any other important contributions that make much more sense to take lessons from than religious stories yeah what is sagmas this this is socrates it's an illustration made by odis's sister apparently another viewer of the channel writes in and says that he did sacmus a week ago for some ideas quote i read the clouds by aristophanes aloud made greek food this is vegan greek food i suppose which is always a creative challenge made sock puppets ah nice play on words there socrates puppets but also sock puppets a theater board and wrote a play my girlfriend i performed at the play for some friends and family we did all this a week ago because my girlfriend had traveled this weekend so i wrote back to these people appreciatively i've had quite a few other people send me private messages just wishing me a happy sock mess and saying that they're taking the idea in one direction or another so what is sock mess well sockamus is a made-up holiday unlike other holidays that nobody ever made up presents are part of it odia says expectations are there for them anyway my sister enjoyed the judimo the play on words socmus and thus we gave each other socks along with other presents so yeah you might have noticed at the bottom of that illustration there's a big pile of novelty socks we tell stories like isil's fables that i'm yet to translate into german yeah the very first sock mess was kicked off with a set of stories that i illustrated myself very rapidly i did all the illustrations in one sitting whereas writing the poems took rather more time and for years now i've been trying to get an illustrator to proceed to publishing that as a proper book but yeah it's a cycle of stories and coincidentally or not i have a series of hand puppets so that i can perform each of these stories the stories are variously called socrates and the fox socrates of the pig sovereignties in the raccoon so on and so forth but yeah the very first sock mess was inaugurated with this set of fables that gave people a sense of the spirit and purpose of inventing the holiday so odis says we tell stories like isil's fables and think about how to live our lives and a friend and i read a socratic dialogue by plato and discuss it yeah definitely a good use of vacation my daughter's too young for that sort of thing but sure actually teaching people about reflecting on both the good and the bad of the uh the history and legacy of socrates i may spend sockmess myself reading this book nemesis which is examining the political legacy of socrates he says i guess we could draw as well that would make it more creative sisyphus replies oh neat presents socks stories and reading the equivalent of like a bible study but with a rich text well the point is ultimately to challenge tradition and replace the role that biblical concepts and stories have in our lives to replace the religious customs that atheists criticize but very rarely make the effort to in a creative way render obsolete may got a question of to what extent the whole family participates in sacmas and the reply is that they're still doing christmas but they're supportive at least for me it has been a long time since i celebrated sock mess just because it has been such a long time since i've seen my daughter this is the end of 2020 i now haven't been in the same room with her for fully two years and yeah if it makes you feel any better i've got a team of lawyers on the case right now there is some plausible hope that my divorce and child custody situation will rapidly improve in the next few months hope is a difficult thing to have in moderation you should have neither too much nor too little in this case