What if Lauren Southern is Innocent? (Seriously…)

06 July 2019 [link youtube]

The factoid that Milo Yiannopoulos is over two million dollars in debt was widely reported and discussed in the mainstream press: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/dec/03/milo-yiannopoulos-more-than-2m-in-debt-australian-promoters-documents-show

Youtube Automatic Transcription

it is a terrible thing to be vague the
more vague an allegation is the more inextricable the gossip that ensues from it the more impossible it is for the person who stands accused to ever clear their name I would rather be accused of a specific crime then something less serious but that was more vague it was with pointed vagueness that my low innopolis who began this year over two million US dollars in debt it was with the utmost vagueness that he decided to take Lauren southerners reputation and drag it through the mud I quote we approach four of the men she had been linked to romantically each of them a prominent right-wing media figure in a position to help southern succeed professionally all four begged not to be named in this story period close quote what does it mean to be linked to someone romantically it can mean almost anything candid it could mean that this is someone she fell in love with that she went and met their parents that they proposed marriage that they were formally arranging the wedding day that could be linked romantically it could be that it's someone she went out to coffee with just once or twice in this context could be a co-worker who she sometimes ate lunch with or went out to Cod with and other people at the office perceived them as linked romantically but really there was never were anything there it could be someone she went out on a dinner date with once never kissed them never slept with him to be linked romantically to someone and to be linked romantically by an accuser in this case it's it's painfully vague and what's the span of time here the span of in which she was so scandalously romantically linked to four different men it is in fact five years isn't it the article just chooses not to disclose that so between like 2014 and 2019 she was linked to four different men there are so many legitimate reasons to criticize Lauren solar but this is not one of them we tend to think about new technology in terms of the services the technology offers in terms of the advantages in terms the way it will save you time you might think of new technology in terms of the type of entertainment it brings in your life so on and so forth people tend not to think of technology as something that in crates responsibilities but with new technology in the 21st century we have new responsibilities and we need to have new legislation that will allow people to challenge false allegations about them that will allow people ultimately one way or another to clear their names we don't think about technology in terms of vulnerability or fragility but the Internet has in fact made all of us quite a bit more vulnerable quite a bit more fragile gossip is now an unbelievably powerful force on planet Earth in a way that it never was before when I look back at history and look forward to the future there cut to different paths this can take we could go back to the old pattern from the 18th century which was that any insult any indignity any challenge to a person's honour or reputation could be answered by challenging someone to a duel that was how European society existed for many many centuries and certainly you know insinuations of this kind about a person's sex life that would have been a completely typical reason for two men to fight each other to the death in a duel whether by sword or by spear or in later centuries with you know muskets pistols and so on dueling dueling was culturally and legally the limit imposed on gossip in pre-modern Europe and in fact you can define the beginning of the modern era as the end of the legal right to dueling in France it really lines up perfectly that it's exactly when the French government puts their foot down to end the dueling and when the aristocracy stands up to try to defend that right they say well in what sense are we aristocrats if we can't fight each other to the death with swords that was taken very seriously by the aristocrats the end of dueling was itself the end of the era of aristocracy and began the era that we all live in now the era in which we have the precious illusion that none of us are aristocrats that all men are equal that's one path we the future could look more like the past and go back to people defending their honor with tooth and Fang and so to speak and the other path is gonna be legislating some kind of mechanism so that people all over the world most of them are not famous like Lawrence southern most of them don't have access to lawyers they don't have money they don't have resources they may not even have the level of literacy to challenge this kind of smear campaign so that people really have some way to seek redress and in most cases that's gonna have to start with disambiguating what exactly the allegation are and then proving them to be false what happened to lauren southern can happen to you and you and you it can happen to you and it can happen to your daughter and your sister and your mother it really can this is not something that only happens to famous people it's something that's happened to me and slings happened to me repeatedly and it happened to me even before I started this YouTube channel so I'm still not famous now but I was really nobody back in the day when the first serious defamation campaign against me started on the Internet I was just a guy who had a blog in text format but I got to see how people who are really motivated to try to destroy your name and drag your reputation through the mud just how far they can go behind a keyboard it's easy to laugh at someone like Lauren southern it's easy to see a story of this kind as nothing but you know entertainment for the masses but we the masses have to learn to find entertainment it's something different from and something better than destroying one another something better than dragging each other down