Reg Flowers: À-Bas-Le-Flowers / Reg-Le-Ciel.

01 May 2017 [link youtube]

Youtube Automatic Transcription

ha ha new yen I've been talking to red
flowers hot young up-and-coming vegan youtuber opinion maker leader of left-wing dissonance everywhere red flower shout-out to reg I think at the end of the discussion I've come to the conclusion that reg and I have so much in common that we should merge our channels into one YouTube channel for the future for the future at the moment you don't see much that going on anymore you really do not see many earnest collabs collaborations between YouTube channels hi you know you do see these kind of sniping sarcastic response videos and mutually hostile criticism but real cooperations used to been in decline since 2015 maybe that's because since 2015 everyone lost their faith in the idea that you can eat unlimited carbohydrates locating weight maybe it was the end of freely sad diet that destroyed the spirit of mutual assistance the cooperation I don't know but reg I think that what we can do is merge our channel to the one because we have so much in common and I'm going to have a vote I'm going to have a poll on Twitter if the name of the new channel should be abolish reg locl I don't know somehow we got to come up with a hybrid of the two name I'd like to say that I was the first person to make the suggestion that vegan cheetah and supreme banana merged and they could become supreme cheetah or vegan banana both work anyway yes this mashup proposal I think could go pretty well there are two lessons I want to draw from my discussions with reg over the last few days you know I think there are kind of different positive things for people in the audience that to take away from this what is you know when you get into these types of political discussions with someone someone you maybe don't have a lot in common with or maybe someone you do have a lot in common with but the few things that are differences between you are insuperable obstacles the cooperation the latter maybe the case of Richard I which is a shame because for the good of the movement we should be building bridges across divisions much much deeper than the ones that you know separate me from reg in talking to reg it was reminded of the importance of really treating the other person's argument as earnest now is not a complaint you can accuse someone of dishonesty you can't just ask someone it quickly makes you being honest sometimes somebody says that's so unexpected in my voice yes you do you really need that are you just posturing is there something else you're getting at what you know what's what I do understand that and I've had a lot of political conversations where you do you do have to ask those questions but I think it is important to phrase such a question as a question not as an accusation and not to take a hostile assumption that the other person is being intellectually dishonest or not saying what they really mean and they're not being forthcoming about their real reasons for why they are presenting the argument that they are so made in this case you know when I express real concern about black lives matter their formal written constitution how it really fails to find the objectives of their movement fails to tell you what methods they use and what actually that is a very sincere critique on my part it's very constructive critique in theory they could take that criticism and they could draft a new constitution within 48 hours and they could really recognize hey you know what we can do better and doing better may start with writing a constitution that makes us accountable to our donors count up to the public and outlines what the steps are in the future that we're going to take and that could have a really positive impact on everyone in your movement it can give them meaningful hope and a sense of direction and purpose like the slaying of Tamir rice was shocking and tragic and it was in newspaper headlines but what is the way forward when I look at the constitution of black lives matter I don't see anything that gives me hope for the future or anything that addresses or redresses the underlying problems with why and how Tamir rice got shot and died and there are legal reforms anyone could sit down and come up with a list of new legislation that you want to change police services that would not just benefit you know future people like Tamir rice but would have lasting impacts on how justice is served in the United States from coast to coast obviously for white people as well as black people or Asian people or anyone else if I were an American citizen which I'm not I'm Canadians I'm not involved anyway the American legislation on so-called no-knock raids is horrifying and again it can victimize black people or Hispanic people or white people or anyone else I did actually read a case which was a Southeast Asian family I'm sorry I forget now actually if they were from Cambodia Laos I think they were I think they were Lotion when I read the story you know I saw their name is not where they were they from and their baby an infant was facially marred for life his baby was really really seriously injured for the rest of its life and the apparently facial scarring and ever have to have reconstructive surgery because a no-knock raid was done against their house with absolutely no evidence aside from an anonymous phone call and no an anonymous phone call called in a tip and then they had this SWAT team throw in percussion grenades and kick down the door and and come in and stone the house now and this baby was was you know one of the percussion grenades which is a non-lethal you know weapon but it went in through the window and went off into baby's crib now this is absolutely horrible outcomes but everything about this process this can be addressed by new legislation everything once you make a flowchart what went wrong in the Tamir rice shooting these things can be addressed by specific legislation but now you look at the constitution of black lives matter and there is no hope that they're going to do anything to address or improve police conduct United States there is no possibility and if you donate money to black lives matter you are a very very vague sense I mean it's somewhat mystifying what they're going to do with that money they're gonna build the community again you can see my earlier video we actually read the Constitution what they're promising to do how they're going to do it it's much more worrying than it is promising and on the flip side is appointed repeatedly they do not exclude violence which I demand of everyone even within the vegan movement even someone like Gary Yourofsky it's very very problematic with respect I'm a harsh critic of euros Ski and Gary Yourofsky instead from his perspective he's a critic of the a LF the Animal Liberation Front he considers the Evolet the Animal Liberation Front not violent enough he is pro violence and he's not the only person to movement who's taken that position that is I mean it's it's an open source of debate but given that I had this very strong anti violence stance even when we're looking at vegan activists vegan activists who are relatively harmless who are not taking on police services and state power in the same way of course you should expect to see the same level of concern applied when I look at the constitution of black lives matter I do genuinely feel that black lives matter has squandered an opportunity to bring about positive political change an opportunity of a kind that happens much less often than once per generation it's incredibly rare to have the opportunity that they had and they squandered it now you can disagree with me reg can disagree with me and he does but you can't really disagree with me if you're treating my argument as insincere my concern about violence is sincere it's not a smokescreen for some other protective or some other intention my disapproval ethically my disapproval of their constitution is very sincere I'm someone with a background in political science who reads that Constitution and I'm disappointed it's not I'm not posturing I'm not faking there's not a smokescreen it's not something else in my mind I'm telling you sincerely I regard this as an ended an immoral document as a bad Constitution in every sense the word as well as being disappointing and just utterly failing to give a sense of hope direction or purpose in addressing issues that I do also care about though it is not my field right I am a white Canadian I could have in theory made the choice to major in American Studies that was a topic offered at my university I could have directed my research efforts and energy into black communities in Detroit I think I would have been quite unwelcome doing humanitarian work or research in african-american areas Detroit rather than doing what I did do which was to try to get involved in places like Laos and Cambodia and then after that in a very different period of my life getting involved to creating the Aegean you can use my two lessons from this you know conversation with red flowers one if you're going to engage in this kind of political discourse you cannot do so with the assumption that the other person is being insincere when they really are stating what their concerns are what their disagreements are what their ethical position is what it is they're they respond to that way I dress the conversation into a dead end and - you have to approach these conversations with awareness of how your own specialization inevitably entails that other people are not going to have that much in common with you I go into that conversation instead is repeatedly to rage look we're both vegan but beyond that I don't expect you to have that much in common with me I'm not sitting down this conversation saying to you why aren't you outraged about the last Cambodian elections why aren't you right now organizing and militating and making videos about the upcoming Cambodian elections why don't you share my ethical concerns or my outrage about a de la Paz cat a lot of you watch this video will never heard the word at a Wobs gay before why don't you care about the mohawks or the edge of where the Cree it's just not his issue and on the one hand you can be in a situation where someone is just being unreasonable because they're demanding you must care about the same things I care about otherwise you're a terrible person you know whether that's black lives matter as a movement or any other example you want to choose and on the other hand it's just unreasonable to sit down a conversation like that and think that we're going to have a whole lot in common instead of having a kind of accepting and welcoming attitude of look this is who I am this is my background given that my view of the world is shaped by historical examples like Cambodia and Laos and Russia and China you know and indeed you know the Korean the achieve weight their historical experience and a Tawaf escape for those you're kind of kögel it you know sure these are things that matter to me in my life if you want to talk to me about Tamir rice and what happens next okay I care I'm interested but you can't come into this with a sort of false expectation that I must agree with you that I must share your views and your values and that if I don't there's something wrong with me it would be just as absurd if I came into the conversation with the expectation that you must care about Cambodian democracy you must care about the history of the American bombing Cambodia for that matter and that if you don't there's something wrong with you ah ba Liu Shen