[關於康熙部首05] Chinese simplification, ancient and modern.

22 June 2014 [link youtube]

In the Chinese written language, the radicals [部首] can obscure both the meaning and the etymology. Here's a rapid look at how that's happened, leaving us with so many puzzles in how components are assembled into complete characters.

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of the Chinese language they're normally referring
20th century. about simplification with another sense of than a thousand years --basically, throughout in literary figures of speech, but rarely --not the verb, "to swallow", but the noun, you might wonder how this set of radicals given how many other words there are in Chinese bird, facing left, like niǎo [鳥]. stranger it seems. of běi, meaning "north", that we could also as I mentioned in an earlier video, the spoon figure in Chinese). standard abbreviation of the fire radical radical, or, at least, a box of some kind, top, as that figure isn't really a radical niàn, a literary way to write the numeral it looks like complete nonsense; and it is. represented by assembling together the symbols that just directly show you a picture of a to resort to this complex combination to indirectly symbols have become a bit more symmetrical, ended up this way. and then, suddenly, we can see what the symbols of a bird, with the head at the top, two wings the full form of the fire radical, you can the feathered tail of the bird with four lines even this vague resemblance disappears when to reduce the fire radical to a half-size word; in this example we'd be able to "see" of Chinese characters? types of changes that we observe: a unified and those pieces are made to resemble radicals. the result of this historical process is complete so many native speakers of Chinese don't really only get more confused by knowing this stuff. different pictograph of a bird, I can remember just looked like a grid of lines to me. resemblance to the ancient picture of a bird of "simplification", but here the image has being broken into separate radicals. has, again, reduced sense into nonsense. half is an easily-recognized symbol, clearly component, it isn't a character and it can't memorize the shape without knowing what it at an indirect echo of the same image of "two at the top of the character meaning "to study" top doesn't provide any kind of shocking revelation is a meaningful symbol, and it should provide of the word, and, also, a bridge to related completing a task). has been simplified into something that is modern sense; this didn't happen in the 20th historical process of scribal changes that the composition of the characters. presents a few different problems for modern that actually show the meaning of the word broken down into a series of smaller symbols symbols that will tell you the sound or meaning make sense, they've become an indirect way from the oracle bones). looked at, the meaningful links between characters etymology that formerly made the language time, there are false resemblances and false