Everyone is either a zero or a ten: vegans dating vegans.

11 February 2017 [link youtube]

A slightly R-rated discussion with Tofu Goddess. You can find her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/234leanna/videos

Youtube Automatic Transcription

these two I don't know I've become
recently single so you know you kept that off youtube you congratulations you kept that the start and the end of that relationship we're both kept off social media okay I have to say like YouTube like I've been kind of in my a obviously but even still like I have people following me on instagram Facebook YouTube so like yeah like I don't want to put anything on there just because I just don't I don't know I've always been a private person I don't even like my personal friends why do they have to know my business I don't know so social media you've done videos on this right like how if you want to stay like private on your life that you should maybe YouTube isn't for you okay this is how he views how this is gonna go for me I don't know so I think I'm optimistic though that I'll be able to keep it separate you're now newly single and that was leading to an anecdote that was leaving yeah just like I guess and just on the same day these two these two vegan guys they're hitting me up and it was so strange like we have nothing in common all it is is the video that's and that's what they bring up like they were talking they break the eye so I bring it up Newsome I'm just like funny like this isn't going anywhere you're just soon you gotta decide do you decide that on a case-by-case basis and I think that's exactly the question is we're vegan do we have any other common ground for relationship for sure mmm I have had the experience really only once face to face cuz I don't meet that many vegans face to face most vegans I know are through Skype like this conversation right now but you know um I've had the experience where I met a woman who is vegan and when I first met her she wasn't just plain to me or not just me she was actually ugly to me no I met this woman and she was to me and that said like you know I actually felt a little bit repulsed by her and you know she was an ethical vegan and just after talking to her but she was she was talking about really meaningful stuff like activism so in vegans and I was really looking at her thinking I could make this work it over like so you know there's a sense in which the ethical vegan thing because it wouldn't be like that if it was just someone who was like an athlete who was just vegan for like health reasons or to be a bodybuilder or something or or a model but when giant people were ethical vegans I have actually that experience where I start to feel attracted them despite their being ugly not just plain oh she's not interesting but ugly so you tell me is that just like an ethical belief or are we crossing the line from ethical belief into sexual fetish at this I actually was just talking to some vegans the other day and we all agreed that like oh she's a seven yeah being vegan it just automatically adds like two full points let's go and I think and it's so true like what you just said is so true like I don't think I've ever met anyone that I found to be grotesque but [Laughter] I'll tell you once I once said this to my my wife who is now my ex-wife you haven't heard but you know I remember I was talking to her once and I said you know different people find the ten-point scale offensive like they think it's like you know politically incorrect I have a ten-point scale but I said to her you know what the truth is for me it's not that I think it's offensive but for me everyone is either a 10 or a zero and here's why when you meet someone you like them whether it's online or in real life either you are willing to embarrass yourself to let them know that you're interested or you're not and that's it like that's that's really the only difference if I'm willing to to embarrass myself to tell you hey I want to get to know you then you're a 10 and if you're not even if it's close even if it's like well I'm kind of interested in her but somebody told me she has a boyfriend already you know if it's anything else there's no point having five through nine there is no point either you're willing to embarrass yourself or you're not so yeah and um I mean it's it plays out very differently you know like by email as opposed to you know in-person face-to-face but definitely like now in this last year I've had a lot of practice with that dance I have I've had women writing to me like oh so just last week I had a woman writing to me and in the first email she didn't just tell me that she was basically in love with me from YouTube but she specified like I'm completely prepared to like take on responsibility helping you raise your daughter like I I did not reply I did not reply I think you know no shade was like wow a little fast commitment to help me raise my kid you know right right so no so that's the point I mean can't I hate her for that she so for her you know she's but yeah and it is it's embarrassing it's it's its voice it's making you vulnerable to come out and say hey I like you and maybe you're gonna reject me and you know there are a lot of other there are a lot of other maybes there right but you know but you you you wanna you want to make it happen you want to try you want to take that risk um but yes there are other times also where women send me emails that are not flirtatious in any way that are not admitting why they're right in any way but you still somehow magically pick up on the vibe you know but somehow it seeps it seeps through the prose that that's why they're writing to you and that's what's really on their mind even if they're it's a totally kind of professional email about other things and I've I've been able to verify that because then several stages later in the conversation I'm able to ask hey you know from your very first email this is what I was picking up and they're like yeah that's true so yeah yeah but yeah I think that I think that willingness to be embarrassed I think that's I think that's what we all need to focus well you know you're so right about the vibe thing like it's very subtle thank you in my experience I'm impressed to hear you say that because in my experience guys they can't pick up on it you know they're just not picking up what I'm laying down I find that I have to be very whoa I have to straight up you late are you feeling this how young are the guys so they like 19 or they know they're like yeah I don't know they're all older than me so no it's it's a gift and a curse because if you can pick up on the vibe then you also know when it's not there so like you know you know I lived in Asia for years and years and a lot of the times in Asia like it's still true now where I am until home so like I would be living in Vienna and the capital city of Laos and there would be a white woman so a white woman who either is a corporate job like a lawyer or might be a white woman who's a schoolteacher you know but there are very few white women that's you know Southeast Asia and a lot of those white women they would meet me and they would not be attracted they would not have a natural vibe with me but I could see they would do the thinking in their head and they'd be like this is the only good-looking healthy single male under 50 who doesn't sleep with prostitutes who isn't an alcoholic because like again like when it gets into it these are like like you may not think that's what you're looking for in a man but it is you may not be on your list but I do it to you you haven't thought it through that's what you're looking for you know and and they and they came back to me and tried you to initiate a relationship every single time I turn that down because there wasn't the vibe I could see that it was not natural for them I could see they they talked themselves into it or they you know they they did the math and figured out I was the only option they had in town or the best option they had so yeah I think that's that's that's a blessing and a curse because you're really aware when it's when it's not there also and probably your life is is more fun if you if you initiate more relationship I hope in your situation though I mean obviously I think age is playing a part into it like I guess especially like with these wearing what you're describing I don't like I don't know how many guys your age are single to begin with like normal context let alone like in a foreign country it's just just like I find at my age especially I I can't even remember the last time I did it someone even my age like I always date older just because at my age the culture like no one's interested in doing anything remotely serious it's always like and maybe we'll go somewhere maybe it well but I'm certainly not the type of person who could ever get into something knowing but it's not gonna last I don't know it just seems like a lot of unnecessary heartbreak but it seems to me like the older you get like the more like eager people are to settle down to dispossess or people pretend you know where people live a lie the guy I knew who slept with the most women I think of any man I've ever met he slept the largest number of women his practice was simply to lie to women to simply tell them what they wanted to hear and he would tell them the next morning or that night after he'd had sex with them that it would that it was all a lie that he had just told me one here and it was I'm just saying like like anthropologically it was really interesting to meet him and hear his perspective yeah that's totally alien to me I don't lie to anybody about anything you know and as a result I have way fewer partners and I'm cool with that but also like for me that's that's always been true I had someone just joking on on livestream saying like oh like I bet ISIL has like a lot of like casual flings with these other vegans after him and so on it's like no for me always and women pick up on it and a lot of women pursuing for that reason like every relationship is as serious as cancer like every relationship might as well be a marriage anyway from the first day you know what I mean and a lot of the women are after me that's that's what they want they want a guy who is super or high commitment Super Duty duty and honor obsessed like that's that's what they're that's what they're looking for and that's maybe why they pursue me consciously or unconsciously whether whether or not they know it but at the same time that then means I have to do all the scrutinizing before the first date because then on the first date you're already in a high commitment relationship which is probably probably psychologically unhealthy yeah but I mean you know those other factors it's funny because like once you're vegan once vegan becomes your ethnic group look I never cared about a woman being Jewish or not but I mean I don't know um you know do you care if your husband is you crazy what's that worth compared to someone who's already vegan right you know who's not just me but also Ukrainian and also educated also you know like all these like I'm just gonna buy the forty cat or adopt the forty cats now and call it a day