Faith Goldy: "Race Realism" gets SURREAL.

25 May 2018 [link youtube]

She's been "BANNED FROM PATREON", and can you imagine why?

Disclaimer: I was not wearing shoulder pads in the making of this video.

And, yes, there was a much more substantive analysis of Faith Goldy's politics uploaded to this channel less than 24 hours ago, and you should probably check that out if you haven't seen it yet:

Youtube Automatic Transcription

let's see what happens when we actually
replace the word white in the 14 words with oh I don't know say aboriginal and take to the streets of Toronto just a few times in my life have I been presented with this line of reasoning um you know not as a joke not as a satire of what's going on in right-wing politics just a few times in my life people demanded to know why it is that these concepts this approach to politics is uniquely offensive when I first of white people and that it's not offensive when we do as faith golde so boldly does here when we substitute say creative way mohawk DNA indigenous peoples of Canada Aboriginal peoples of Canada etc Torontonians Felix Carey [Music] simple existence well I find this question remarkably easy to answer how would you feel if we took the same justifications for a white ethnos state that you know people like faith Goldie offer and rationalizing their political position Canada how would you feel if we took that that same line of reasoning and applied it to northern Japan what if we just used exactly the same line of race-baiting reasoning and started referring to northern Japan as the natural homeland of white Europeans that always had been and always would be dominated by white people and of course you could let a few Japanese people over the border you could have some degree of tolerance but that this was fundamentally part of a white European homeland out that might seem ridiculous huh that might seem laughable its historical reality right now in 2018 at the end of World War two to simplify history just slightly the Russians concurred and decided to hold on to the northernmost island of Japan go to Google Maps right now type in Japan and scroll up Sakhalin Island it's not surprising at all is looking at the geography was formerly part of Japan so too were four smaller islands on the east side therefore the Kuril Islands which are also bitterly resented and missed by the Japanese they want those smaller islands returned also all of those Islands were formerly inhabited by Japanese people and an indigenous group of people called the I knew who were cast out today from memory I believe the population sacrimoni Islands about half a million people and the number of remaining indigenous people who are not I knew they only allowed the NIV key to remain the NIV key are under 3000 I'll pop up real stats in Wikipedia here so cool guess what there was a big chunk of Japan a major island I mean in as much as Japan as any landmass at all was taken depopulated they kicked out all Japanese people they kicked out all the Ainu people also and it was repopulated he was the indigenous population was replaced by white Europeans and this isn't in the Caribbean this isn't in the middle of the ocean like Easter Island this isn't like Hawaii and each of those history is also worth questioning shangela's man this is an ancient history this is 20th century it's absurd it's defending an absurdity with an absurdity when white nationalist and bright what right when pardon me with white nationalist and right where's demand to know why is it uniquely offensive and awful to use this line of reasoning with white people and not with other ethnicities of people you yourselves on the right you know always point to Japan they always point your point Japan as a positive safe Plaza up an ethnos state well your own line of reasoning has been applied to Japan the northernmost island island of Japan was ethnically cleansed and today more than eighty percent of the people living there are white Europeans so yes it's rather different when you're standing in a place called Ontario it's not New England it's not Old England it's not Greece or the Ukraine right you're standing in a place called Ontario in Canada look up the etymology of any of those words guess who used to live there guess what culture used to live there guess what language used to be spoken there and today when you walk around you're gonna see street signs in the streets of Toronto in so many languages of course Chinese being one of the most prominent you're gonna walk up to a bank machine you're gonna be able to withdraw currency and one of so many languages when you press the buttons in that machine what language is the text written if you go to a hospital you want medical care what language are the doctors gonna speak to you it's shameful to talk about white people peeing on the edge of opinion if this circumstance it's truly shameful it's truly laughable and how does faith Jay Goldie respond to this challenge she goes out in the streets Toronto and lies and claims that she's partly about original ancestry and she tries to collect signatures for a petition for the preservation of Aboriginal identity so much I appreciate it yeah take care thank you so much there faith shame on you if the people within your movement can't see the deep contradictions in what they're preaching the the overt racism they have against the only people from Canada really is their home and if land it's racism of a very different order from whatever fear paranoia sense of discomfort you have with new immigrants arriving from Africa Asia etc what you set up for yourself here is a moral system in ideology that's that's internally incoherent when it's applied to Canada for the same reasons that is totally incoherent what it's used to just about white people living on territory that historically culturally was part of Japan [Music]